Prayer for Pope Francis, meet her
Prayer for Pope Francis
A prayer is a group of formulations and statements addressed to God or a spiritual being, with some specific intention.
Catholic faithful who often pray for the current Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, or as Pope Francis is known, and his role as leader of the church, can use the following prayer.
Petition by the Holy Father
It is a humble request that we present to God so that he always takes into account his servant, a human being who has an enormous responsibility with his Church:
Let us pray for our Pontiff
May the Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him holy on earth, and not deliver him to the will of his enemies.
You’re Pedro
And on this rock I will build my Church.
let’s pray
There is also another slightly longer prayer where we ask for your Holiness and your success in the mission you have on earth:
Lord Jesus, eternal shepherd of all devotees, who built the Church on the rock of Peter. Help Pope Francis to be, according to your plan, the living and visible sign of your love.
Be the tireless promoter of the unity of your Church and announce your gospel to the whole world with apostolic value.
May he hear the voices of his faithful and of the entire world and may he never tire of promoting peace among nations. May his holiness lead the people of God always having your example before his eyes.
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, who did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life for the sheep, grant him and us great docility to your teachings and a strong will to put them into practice. Amen.