The Powerful Prayer to Saint Benedict Against All Evil
The Prayer to Saint Benedict , becomes a powerful prayer that is performed with great devotion by many faithful who perform it in order to ward off all kinds of envy, witchcraft, sorcery and evil work that may be sent to your person, home, work or families. In the following article you will learn everything about how to perform this kind of prayer, in addition to the Prayer to Saint Benedict for Love, which is very powerful for this saint.
Prayer to Saint Benedict
The Prayer of Saint Benedict in Latin even has a great power to protect from all kinds of evil, it offers all those who perform it, the security of being able to remove all kinds of negative situations from their lives, malicious and even of the many curses that have come to be launched against them.
If on certain occasions you have come to feel that evil is persecuting you, or if you notice that a person is envious of you and wants to harm you or has come to cast a type of spell against you, ask him with great firmness and with conviction by making the Saint Benedict Prayer effective and powerful, with it you will achieve total protection and liberation from any evil that wants to fill your life with darkness.
Prayer to Saint Benedict to Ward Off Enemies and Envy
With the help of Saint Benedict, keep away the people who are bad, the envious people who only wish evil for you with this powerful prayer to Saint Benedict, he will protect you from any kind of danger.
O glorious Saint Benedict, the sublime model of all virtues, the pure vessel of God’s grace. Here are your devotees, humbly prostrate before you. For what they implore your heart full of love so that you come to intercede for them before the divine throne of God.
They come to resort to you in all the dangers that surround them daily. Protect them against their enemies, against the evil enemy in all his ways and also inspire them to imitate you in all things May your blessing be with each one of them at all times, so that they may flee from all that is not pleasant before God and thus also avoid occasions of sin.
Sweetly on this day you are asked to obtain from God the favors and graces of which they find themselves in great need, in trials, in miseries and also in the afflictions of life. Your heart at all times was so full of love, compassion and mercy towards those who were afflicted or in trouble of any kind.
You have never come to dismiss without consolation and assistance to anyone who has come to resort to you. Therefore, on this day you are invoked for your powerful intercession, with great hope and confidence that you will listen to their prayers and obtain for them the special grace and favor that is so earnestly implored of you (At this time you are going to ask the favor that one wishes to receive), if it is for the greater glory of God and for the good of their souls. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Benedict to ask for his Intercession
O most holy confessor of the Lord; the Father and chief of all monks, please intercede for the sanctity of your devotees, for their health of soul, body and mind. Banish from the life of each one, from his house, the snares of the evil one and the evil spirits. Deliver them from the disastrous heresies, from evil tongues and also from witchcraft.
Ask the Lord to come to remedy your spiritual needs, and also the corporal ones. Pray likewise for the progress of the holy Catholic Church; and so that her soul does not die in mortal sin, so that, trusting in Your powerful intercession, she can on a certain day in heaven, sing the eternal praises. Amen.
To culminate, you should pray about 3 Our Fathers, about 3 Hail Marys and also about 3 Glories.
Powerful Prayer to Saint Benedict
On many occasions the environment is full of negative charges and bad energies due to envious people and bad intentions who generally do not want their good, however, through the holy words that can be found in the prayers will be protected and will help you through the Prayer to Saint Benedict to ward off bad people and all those types of evils for the prayers, so they will be very well protected and will help you to ward off all those types of evils, to Have a great day.
Prayer comes to have so much power, that it is the only way to protect you from any kind of thing or person that could harm you, that is why it is of great importance that you do them with faith and with great devotion before leaving home daily.
This saint becomes blessed by the grace of the father, so it can help him feel strong and also blessed in the face of all kinds of evil.
Prayer to San Benito Powerful and Immediate Action
Oh Powerful Saint Benedict, THE protector saint, THE glorious and exemplary, you who take care of all those who are helpless and to whom we have to turn at this time. On this day many are those who humbly come to you to implore you for your divine mercy, so that you do not allow anything bad to happen to them and protect them eternally day and night.
Beloved Saint Benedict, please keep away from each one of your faithful and from each one of the people who want to harm them, all those who have bad thoughts, bad actions, envy and sinful intentions towards each one of them. they.
Oh! Sacred Saint Benedict, you who know everything about each one of your devotees, about their past, their present and also their future, be the light and the guide, strengthen their minds, their body, their soul and in the same way their spirit. Heal them of each of their ailments and their ills, eliminate their bad thoughts, do not allow them to hold a grudge, even if it is against their enemies and fill them with faith, love, hope and do not hold a grudge even against their own enemies. and fill them with much faith, love, hope and abundant fortune.
Importance of Praying to Saint Benedict
This holy protector becomes a very powerful being of light who has been consecrated by the divinity of the heavenly father, in him you can have all the confidence that he will do whatever is necessary to help you in all your needs, without No matter how impossible it is, as long as your request becomes sincere and for the good, it must not be deceitful and you must request it with all the purity of your heart.
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