Christian Prayer to ask for the Children
You are a very devoted father to prayers, so you can continue reading and discover the Christian Prayer to Ask for Children, here we will show it to you.
Prayer of Blessing and Protection for Children
In general, the role that parents have and is usually very influential in their lives is to take care of and keep their children safe while teaching them a life of faith and justice to give them a healthy path and fight against all the currents that exist in life since in general they tend to be ideas contrary to what one as a parent would like their children to see. Every father wants his children to have excellent health and that everything always goes well for them and in a good way, so for many who are devout he feels it as a responsibility to be able to have a prayer to keep the children in God’s work.
In itself, for each religion it has different prayers but they always ask to keep their children healthy from any adversity, thanks to these prayers parents can be closer to their children and get to know them much better to know when they need more support than they usually do. deliver. Next we will teach you a small prayer to ask for the children which you can do every morning before your children leave home and thus be in the care of God, keep in mind that when you pray you must have faith and do it with your heart:
Father at this time I recognize that you are the almighty God that your love is great and your mercy, exalted your name Lord who is above all names. I declare that the heavens and the earth are made one in Christ Jesus; and that you incline your ears to hear this prayer for my children.
Thank you I give you for their lives, for the health you give them, help me be patient to guide them with your wisdom. Strengthen my love to correct and instruct them in all their ways. Teach me to make a good Mother or a good Father, just as you are my God.
Heavenly Father I surrender my heart to you and I make this prayer for my children declaring that the blessings of heaven reach them, that they will be your servants and instruments of your word, I declare that their ways are blessed by you Lord everything that is hindering that blessings come to them falls, and that every snare of satan is bound by the power of your blood.
I declare that my children are blessed with a spirit of creativity, courage, skill and abundance to bring joy to all those around them. I declare that they do the will of God and honestly face the challenges of their way.
I declare that the grace and favor of God are upon me children, I declare that they are blessed with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, I declare that wherever they go they will radiate the light of Christ and that they bring the word of God to those who need it.
I declare the wisdom, intelligence and knowledge of God over your spirits and your minds. I declare in my children a restored and renewed mind in the mighty name of Jesus.
Now, Lord, I unleashed protection on them and activated angels to guard their paths day and night, so that wherever they are, the presence of the Holy Spirit guides their lives, giving them wisdom in every decision they make. I bless their minds so that be filled with good thoughts and insights. I bless your souls so that you may have the peace of Christ at all times.
I bless your bodies so that they have health and sanity for the rest of their lives that your spiritual protection is always over them and no force of the enemy touches them, I unleash a successful life blessed and full of purposes, I ask you to take control of all the people with whom they surround themselves.
I ask that you fill them with fear of your presence that they hunger and thirst for your word, that they maintain a life of prayer and communion with you Father. I thank you for their lives because I know they will be blessed. Thank you Lord because you have heard my prayer on this day, at this hour. Thank you for my children.
Analysis of the Prayer of Protection for Children
With this prayer you can express what you want for your children and for those closest to you who are considered spiritual children since they are not blood, in this prayer you talk about care and strength so that the children can have a great day with good health every day and have great opportunities. Performing such a beautiful prayer can achieve many things since for many from a very young age we have been instilled that we must pray for the beings we love and much more if they are children, usually since childhood we have been given to believe in God and as we grow up we can understand that it is good to pray and talk with the saints since they were also children.
In some cases it is believed that if this prayer is made by lighting a white candle, you can feel the positive energy in the environment and thus be able to pray with more faith than a person can feel to wish all the good to the children.
Shema Israel Prayer
Performing this prayer every morning helps us to allow God to enter our hearts and souls, giving us peace of mind to spend the days whether they are good or bad, this must be done out loud and repeated three times and if possible, do it in Hebrew in front of our children so that they also enter the world of tranquility. That sentence is:
We beseech the blessed God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that Jerusalem be preserved, kept and spared from being handed over to the Palestinians or the Arabs. May all plans to partition Jerusalem and the Temple Mount be aborted and canceled and conspiracies against Israel never prosper. Never again will Israel’s land be expropriated or handed over to anyone.
Hear Israel, may your God hear you on the day of conflict and never deliver you into the hands or desires of your enemies. May he stop and frustrate the evil plans against Israel and his powerful arm may extend far and wide throughout his blessed people Israel to jealously guard the territory that you gave to our father in Faith Abraham and that you swore would be theirs forever. . May the Shalom of the Almighty be upon Jerusalem and upon all of Israel forever amen.
Take on the full armor of God
In case you want to have a strong prayer to protect your children, you will simply have to face any trick in the dark days to give them strength and show them that in this life you must battle with bad people but that they will never be able to defeat them, as long as they have the honesty up front all problem will be addressed. In general, parents who want their children to do well in everything usually pray every day, and along with this there are ten prayers to perform them and thus wish our children the best wishes and strength, Christian prayers for children are :
Prayer of a Father or Mother
This is the first prayer that should be done before starting with the core of prayers to give blessings to our children, usually this is done out loud first thing in the morning to make us listen for Jesus Christ and thus let him know that we are in your hands to help us guide our children on the right path. The prayer to be said is:
Beloved Eternal Father, I come before your throne of grace as a mom or dad and I present myself to you as I am, with my flaws and virtues. I recognize that being a mom or dad is a task that requires so much responsibility and wisdom and I don’t know if I was up to the circumstances when I started being a father/mother, because perhaps I have failed in many things when raising my children. I understand that being a father like you want me to be, is beyond my possibilities and even my capacity, and that is why I come to you on this day begging for Help, Wisdom, Love, Patience, Tolerance, Forgiveness to deal with my children. sons. I cry out to You Eternal Father for Revelation, Understanding, Guide and Orientation, to be able to guide my children according to your heart. I confess to you the sin of perhaps not having been a good example for them, of not having been a witness.
I confess and ask your forgiveness and I beg that the consequences of my sins do not reach my children, of everything I did walking in corruption, crimes and rebellion against You.
Forgive me Holy Father and now renew your blessing covenant with me, I beg you in the name of Jesus. Help me first, to be emotionally healed; Heal me from the traumas I’ve been carrying, heal me from the old wounds of bitterness and lack of forgiveness. Heal me from all the trauma of my childhood life, from every emotional sequel that the treatment with my parents left me and that the bad thing is not repeated more in my generation forward. Heal my home from all corruption, heal my home from violence, abuse, heal us from REJECTION, sexual immorality, from pagan practices.
Heal me of all rejection that I have experienced throughout my life. Free me and anoint me so that I can be a useful person, first for you and then for my children. I want to experience the FLOW OF YOUR LOVE IN MY LIFE, and from there I want to transmit this to my children, so that they know you and love you and surrender to you. I want to reflect Your Love, Your Light, Your Peace, I want to be an example of holiness in my home. Grant me, I beg you, to be able to communicate with my children, in harmony, in peace. May any crisis or conflict never again spill over into my home.
Give me the ability to handle tensions and frustrations in my home.
And we can solve everything with Your Wisdom. Deliver me from giving IRA to my children; Free me from disrespecting them, insulting them, abandoning them, abusing them, or belittling them.
Help me Eternal Father to raise Happy Children. Grant me the gift of being a good mom, a good dad. May prayer, praise, the study of your word, continually practice in my home. May only Blessing flow from my mouth to them.
Give me the strength to never give up in prayer for my children, teach me to truly pray and intercede, and show me the hidden needs of my children.
Help me to watch over them and provide them with all kinds of help when they need it.
Give me the ability to be an excellent counselor and to have a conduct that inspires honor, respect, love and trust. Father: you say in your Word that everything we ask for in prayer; we will receive it if we believe and I firmly believe in you and in your promise.
I now receive that perfect Faith from heaven, which will make it possible for me to receive all my request. Thank you for granting me all Spiritual Victory, in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ.
Consecration Prayer To My Children To Jesus Christ
With this prayer you can pray for your children, giving permission to Jesus Christ to protect and care for them at all times, this is done on the second day of the prayers that you want to do so that the children continue on the right track and emerge as good people. This sentence begins as follows:
Eternal Father, I confidently approach you before your throne of grace and I present to you the lives of all my children (names of the children). I dedicate them to you and consecrate them to you and pray that you keep them for yourself and set them apart for your service.
I promise to watch over their spiritual life and to pray for them continuously.
May your perfect will be done in their lives, may your eternal and perfect purpose be fulfilled in them. Thank you Holy Father because my children are a gift from heaven to me. Help me raise them and take care of them. I cover you completely now with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. I bless my children. I now bless (names of the children); declaring that they are blessed chosen lineage of the Most High Holy One of Israel. They will have a future and a hope that will not be cut off, because you will be the security of their times.
I bless my children so that they are taught directly by God, so that peace may multiply over them. God have mercy on him or them and his face shine on him or them. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer of Protection Against Evil
This prayer must be performed on the third day and is usually done to protect the mind, body and spirit of the children and even the same father or mother who performs it and thus ward off all those bad presence and bad wishes that the envious usually give. with a hypocritical smile so that the children do not arise but stop and do not continue forward damaging their lives. The prayer to ward off evil and have protection is:
In union with Jesus Christ, I have been exercising authority against every plan of satan, against every design of the evil one for the lives of my children (names of the children). I now demolish and destroy all machinations of the enemy against the lives of my children. I declare that satan’s plan NEVER reaches my children and I declare that the evil one will never touch them. I establish upon your lives that you will be blessed beyond all evil speaking. I establish over their lives that evil work does not reach them, witchcraft is not valid, nor sorcery against them.
Eternal Father Deliver them from all kinds of accidents, injuries, calamities, disabilities or illnesses. Keep them from all violence, from all physical, mental or psychological abuse. Keep their minds from all emotional trouble, madness, depression or psychosis. May the health of the kingdom of God always be with you and be healthy, vigorous, lush and strong. Your encouragement soon for work and to serve you. May all our children be born of God, may they never practice sin. I ask you to send your warrior angels to always keep them in all their ways. I beg you to keep them from all bad company, from all bad friendship. Give them a good or good husband or wife, according to your heart and in your time.
Do not allow them to go from courtship to courtship, with Passing Relationships. Deliver them from all fornication, adultery, sexual uncleanness. Have a sexual orientation according to your sex: deliver them from homosexuality. Give them only the right person, at the right time and let them sleep in their sexuality until the moment of marriage. No weapon formed against my children will prosper and every tongue that rises up against them in judgment will be condemned. Keep my children from all hidden plans, from all hidden danger; never let them fall into a trap. Thank you because I know you have heard me. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer For The Future Of The Children
We all know that all parents want their children to have a great future without setbacks and problems, so they seek to pray for them and give them the best wishes so that they can emerge in their lives on a good path of life. This is why the prayer should be performed on the fourth day of prayers, the following is:
Eternal Father, I place before your throne of grace the future of my children, and I beg you with all my heart that they do not grow up and walk through this life without knowing you and without having a deep relationship with you and an understanding of who you are. I bind my children to everything immovable that is yours: I bind them to your truth, to your will for them, I bind their minds to yours, I bind them to the blood of Jesus Christ and to your purpose for their lives. Transform their hearts into hearts of flesh, be soft, sensitive to you, to your Holy Spirit. May they have the ability to obey you and fear you all the days of their lives. Far be from my children all rebellion and indifference to God and to his Word.
I pray that my children will develop a faith, a faith that pleases you, a faith that makes them see great things about you. Never lack faith in my children. May my children call you my savior and my god, my only god in whom I have great contentment and joy. May there be in their hearts and mouths a recognition of who you really are.
May the decision to follow you for life be an immovable determination in their hearts. May there always be hunger and thirst for you, in the hearts of my children. May your emotions be free from condemnation, guilt, remorse, spiritual prisons, rejection, bitterness, unforgiveness, unbelief, trauma, I pray in Jesus name. Help them to be balanced, mature, responsible people, full of sanity and truth. I plead all the fruits of the Holy Spirit on my children.
Your promise says that you will pour out your spirit on my descendants; it also says that in later days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh. I beg at this time the fulfillment of these promises. I invoke you now Holy Spirit, over the lives of my children, I invoke you to work on them and convince them of justice, sin and judgment. I pray that my children never walk without you, Holy Spirit, and I cry for this. I entrust all this to you now, I trust you and you will do it. Thank you because you are conducive to my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for the Self-Esteem of Children
For this prayer, it is recommended to perform it in the morning before starting daily work, it is usually done on the fifth day of prayers for the care of children. In general, this prayer is very useful for those boys who do not have self-esteem due to problems at work or in the house of studies, either due to fights or mistreatment. If this is the case, the following should be prayed:
Beloved Eternal Father: I come to you crying out for the emotional state of my children. I beg at this time that my children be people with total balance in their emotions; Rid them of any mood disorders and grant them to always be in a good mood. I also ask for a lot of maturity and good sense in them.
Give me as a mom or dad the wisdom to raise them without feelings of rejection, or low self-esteem. That my children always feel accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, or by the people who live with them. I beg your forgiveness if my children have low self-esteem because of me and I call on your wisdom to help my children have a healthy esteem according to a son or daughter of yours. May they never feel superior to others, nor unworthy. Father, give them a healthy esteem, a security and confidence in themselves that reflect their total security and firmness in you.
May my children find your love and may remain in it and may they learn to love you with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their strength. May they have limitless trust towards you, and understand the perfect purpose you have with them, so that envy never enters their hearts. They will know who they are in Christ Jesus. Teach me to love my children unconditionally, teach me not to give them anger, teach me to set an example in everything and help me to form in them a Christian character that will lead them successfully through this life and even in eternity.
I pray now that unity and harmony with the power of your Holy Spirit be poured out in my home. May all my children love and respect each other, and there will never be abuse, violence, enmities, or lawsuits between my children. Train my children to give and receive LOVE, and be channels of blessing wherever they go. Captivate my children God, separate them for you and for your service. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for the Removal of Bad Friendships and Vices
On the sixth day the prayer should be performed and it is recommended to do it at night so that the next day your children go out with the protection of Jesus Christ and keep everything bad away from them. The prayer to be prayed is:
Beloved Most High Elohim of Israel: I cry put in my children (names of the children) a heart that wishes to obey you and follow you. May my children (names of children) love prayer, love your word and seek you in all their decisions throughout their lives. I now come against any bond of bad friendship that my son (names of children) may have with (name of bad friendship or influence) and I break and destroy that unity, that bond and determine that that bad friendship ends and is destroyed. I keep all my children away from bad friendships and vices.
I establish the future of my children free from the vices of drugs, alcohol, pornography, sexual filth, tobacco, games of chance, compulsive buying, waste of money, clothes, jewelry, idolatry; false doctrines (say the name of the vice that you want to eliminate). In the name of Yeshúa, I break all captivity of vices, and I declare free the minds of my children from all vice. I establish the future of my children free from the influence of gangs, drug trafficking, immoral or dishonest jobs.
I distance my children from all false doctrine, from all idolatry, from everything that rises up against the knowledge of God and I establish that they will always walk in sound doctrine and I order that their thoughts be captive to the presence of Jesus Christ. I come against all pride, self-sufficiency, against all anger, against all selfishness in their character, against all disrespect, arrogance against dad or mom. I come against all laziness and spiritual laziness, indifference towards God and I cast them out of the lives of my children.
I come against all apathy, disobedience, indifference to God, lethargy and stupor and I declare that you leave your lives now. They will no longer have power or influence in their lives.
I cry out now for every secret that you are carrying in the hidden, come to light and be confronted and healed with Jesus Christ. Help me as a mom or dad to know how to handle that situation at the time, beloved Adonay. May they always be willing to confess the whole truth about themselves, or about any situation. That my children feel a commitment to always tell the truth, in everything. Develop in them Eternal Father, a humble, determined character, and with passion for you and your Kingdom. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for Good Friendships
With this prayer you should pray on the seventh day in order to find good friends and keep away those who are not invited to the lives of children, the prayer is as follows:
«Holy Father, I present to you the lives of my children (names of the children) and I beg for them very good friendships, throughout their lives. I ask for pure friendships, for people who are an example to follow. May your friends always be recognized for their kindness and for their integrity and righteousness. I cry out for these types of friendships for my children. Keep my children away from the scammer, the treacherous, the deceiver, the violent, the gossipy, the vicious, from every negative, bitter or pessimistic person, keep them away and don’t let them hang around with them.
Keep away from my children any influence that is not healthy and give me the ability to discern the good friendship of my son’s bad friendship so that by my advice my son may be freed. Instruct my children about the true value of a friendship, and that they can establish with people and with their environment along with lasting, stable, peaceful and loyal friendships. Help my children to have the quality to last with good friendships, and take out of them all sinful traits that make them gossip, fight, divide, get angry with people and stay away from them.
I beg you to spill the virtue of meekness, prudence and consideration on my children, so that they have strong, close, lasting and stable relationships. I bless my children with all good friendship, and I declare upon them the ability to live in harmony and peace with people all the days of their lives.”
Prayer for Studies and Work
Every parent wants their children to have the best studies and jobs, so this prayer must be made on the eighth day, said prayer is as follows:
«God I present before you the lives of my children (names of the children) and I cry out for their studies or jobs. I ask that you always have encouragement, motivation to study and/or work. They must have the character to finish what they have started, never leave anything halfway, everything they start they finish with excellence and determination. I establish in the lives of my children that there will be no school desertion.
There will be no job desertion. I bless my children so that they develop to the maximum the potential that God has placed in them. Discover your talent and develop it to its maximum degree. I bless my children so that they all complete their university studies and their careers provide them with the economic benefits to sustain themselves comfortably throughout their lives.
I bless my children so that they always have a good relationship with work, are stable, responsible, content and have good relationships with their co-workers and with their bosses. Never fall into rebellion, disloyalty, betrayal, gossip, fraud or lawsuits in your workplace. Always be honest and upright in any working relationship. All my children are very helpful; I don’t have lazy children, I don’t have irresponsible children.
I bless my children so that they have a decent job, free from abuse, free from ridiculous wages, free from mistreatment.
I declare your talents, skills will be fully developed and you will have peace in your workplace and everything that touches your hands will prosper. I declare my children prosperous in their finances; I keep you from all debt, loss, theft, defeat, failure, or bankruptcy. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.”
Prayer for Children to Learn to Love and Serve God
For this prayer, parents must perform it on the ninth of the day first thing in the morning, the prayer is:
Eternal Father Today I cry out to you that my children (names of the children) fall in love with you. I ask you to captivate them and draw them to you. I ask for them the experience of first love with you, I beg you to manifest yourself and rebel against them as Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. I declare over my children hunger and thirst for God. I establish upon their hearts a deep brokenness to turn from sin, and all that separates them from you, and turn to you in repentance. I thank you because you are hearing the cry of a desperate mother or father for her children.
Father my children are the greatest anxiety I have, and as such I place all my anxiety on you, because you take care of me. I give you my children: I give you their getting up and going to bed, each and every one of their days and activities, and I beg you to shelter and protect my children.
I ask you to let yourself be known by them and that they seek you with all their hearts. Help me with them, I beg you. I ask that they wish to serve you, I ask for them that they get involved in some way in your service and when they serve you they do it with a perfect heart, joy and availability for you. I ask for them to go to your temple, always looking for you with expectations and always persevere in your house. Have words of thanks to you always on their lips.
May my children honor you and sanctify your name, all the days of their lives. In the mighty name and through the merits of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for the Health of My Children
Said prayer must be made for the tenth day so that it is heard, being the last one, the first prayers must be repeated after these for the other days. The prayer is as follows:
Beloved Father, your Word and your promise say that by your stripes we have been healed. At this moment I claim that promise of healing over the lives of my children and I ask for all the health benefits of the Kingdom for them. I come against every spirit of sickness now, and evict it from my son or daughter. I cast out from (names of children) all disease of (name of disease) and declare him a free, clean and healthy person from that disease.
 Thank you Jesus Christ, who gave us all authority over all illness and disease. I close the doors of my home to all disease, pestilence, plague, epidemic, pandemic, mortality and I declare that these do not enter my home. In the name of Yeshúa, I thank you Father because you are working on all my children bringing your healing. I now bless my children and declare them strong, robust, vigorous and lush all the days of their lives. Sickness will never overtake them. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Children’s Protection Prayer at Night
In case of having a small child or who works or studies at night, parents always worry and get nervous in case something happens to them or if they cannot sleep due to nightmares, the following prayer is usually prayed:
Lord, my God, I ask you tonight to cover my children with your protection,
to be freed from spiritual forces of evil, You are the God of all power,
deliver them from danger and disease. Thank you for giving me the blessing of having my children.
 You have been a shield around them, thank you for raising our heads,
that my children are never afraid to do good
but are afraid to do bad, put willpower in them,
and that with your power they can overcome any temptation that wants to make them sin.
Lord, we ask you tonight to break chains of oppression
that do not want to leave my family in spiritual freedom, we pray for your coverage
over each member of this family, that your power manifests giving liberation,
untying those who feel tied by some situation or circumstance.
We ask you, Lord, that your light shine in each heart of my children,
that all works of darkness and evil be thrown out of this home and its surroundings.
In the name of Jesus, protect my children Father, in your mercy we trust and hope. Amen.
Prayer for Children Treated by a Doctor
In moments of concern and fear that the children are sick, about to have a bad diagnosis or at the time of entering an operation, a prayer is always sought to pray for the doctor who treats the son or daughter and so on. take for granted that Jesus Christ will give you the tools so that he can heal the boy or girl and that everything goes well, for this reason the following should be prayed:
I now bless every doctor who is treating my daughter or son and I ask for wisdom from on high for the proper treatment, to be one hundred percent effective. Father help me to always have very good doctors, do not allow irresponsible, negligent, unprepared, or unauthorized people to touch my children, or me. I beg your protection from above, so that whenever we need it we go with the best professionals. Thank you for your care. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Hindrance of Prayers
It must be taken into account that before being able to begin a prayer of this type, the whole family must agree not to give any type of insult, criticism, complaint, much less have annoyance towards another member of the family or claims, since if If there is this type of environment, the opposite will be done, leading to bad blessings for all. In case of doing it in peace among all the small fights or discussions that exist between the members should disappear since the blessings of Jesus Christ will be among them, if in a few days the changes are not seen, it will not do any good to continue the prayers.
Many times what negative and pessimistic thoughts are, they usually bring many more problems than the family can imagine, leading them to a routine of discussions so that happiness will not exist and prayers will not be heard.
How Should You Pray for Children?
In many cases, parents usually make a Christian prayer for their children in a very simple way, but what they do not know is that there is a procedure for this and thus comply with the true rules to pray. The correct steps are as follows:
- First you should thank God for every child you have, whether by blood or not.
- Second, you must apologize for them
- Third, the Holy Spirit is asked to guide the prayer for the children as it should be and thus be able to pray correctly and reveal what is really in the hearts showing what one feels for the children while God falls into thought of each parent and gives the spiritual light they need to guide them in good steps.
- Finally and fourth step, pray for the future that you want your children to have, whether in a prosperous life with good health, a good partner and an excellent career and job.
Statements to Say in Prayers
In itself, in every prayer you should ask for your children and all your loved ones, but above all, if you pray for your children, you should ask for them, declaring the following:
- It is declared so that they are under the wisdom of Jesus Christ at all times in order to be able to face all kinds of situations that they experience, whether bad or not.
- We can declare that you are blessed for everything you do to have promotions, raises and all success within studies and jobs.
- It must be declared that they know good people to achieve a stable marriage within Christianity
- We declare that good friends arrive and keep away all those bad and vindictive people
- In the majority they declare that everything they do is given to them with prosperity to always be the first and not the last.
- Declaration so that the children stand out and are always rewarded in each goal that they set for themselves.
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