Do you know what the tithe consists of? Learn all about him, here
The tithe is called as the donation that is made, of the tenth part of the income that is had to the institution of God. This process is considered a commandment dating back to the developmental times of the Old Testament.
What is the tithe?
The tithe is mentioned by the prophet Malachi, who was in charge of teaching the people of God the importance of giving the tithe and also explained the blessings that obeying this law brings. He indicates that this action allows the windows of heaven to open for us and the blessings abound when it is done, that is, those who comply with the commandment are rewarded with great blessings.
In the year 1838, a withdrawal of the commandment is made after the words entrusted to the Prophet Joseph Smith. He indicated that the tithes that the people give are not considered for the Lord. The tithe is considered rather as a manifestation of the faith that you have with God, therefore it should not be mandatory because it must come from the heart.
This tax of 10% of the commercial and productive income that is owned and given. Throughout history it has been introduced in the wills of ancient monarchies, republics and lordships. That is why they are considered considerations that are used to contribute to the structure.
Among the ancient civilizations that maintained this process is Rome, which while it existed developed applications of it and carried out its mathematical concept. With the aim of regulating the occupation of his people, to participate in this way in the merchandise in the Roman ports.
Throughout history there have been two ways to comply with the tithe, one of civil development considered tax, since it is not the will of the people and another religious under its voluntary condition.
When Rome declared a Christian state, the two sides developed together. This caused the development of two praxis, the so-called political and civil tithe, which was managed by the ancient tax system of the Romans. (See article: Prayer to succeed at work )
They also developed after customs of ancient cultures such as those of Egypt and Greece. That is why in Rome it spread through the culture. On the other hand, the ecclesiastical tithe was initially developed as a private Christian practice that was carried out on a voluntary basis.
The tithe in primitive Christianity was developed by fruits that come directly from fields, meadows, vineyards, trees and animals. That is, they delivered products and not money.
The first fruits should be the first fruits or cattle that the Jews were in charge of offering to our Lord. The 10% is believed to be generated as symbology of the Ten Commandments of God.
It is not known exactly when the payment of tithes to the Christian people began. When the persecutions of the church took place, it is not really known if this activity was carried out.
That is why it does not appear when it begins with the introduction of payment of tenths. In addition to this, the declamations of popes are made exhorting the peoples who are related to Christianity. What causes the royalty in currency.
This began as a right at the beginning of the sixth century and began with the obligation to pay the tithe. In Burgundy, the west of the country in the year 585, when Gontrano reigned, where the II Matiscolense Council took place, which took place in canon V.
According to the Bible
Tithing is considered a much discussed topic by Christians. Put in many cases there are churches that give great importance to the tithe. However, there are Christians who do not agree with the biblical exhortations to make offerings to our Lord.
It is important to mention that whoever makes offerings enjoys great blessings. Despite this, it is important to mention that in some cases churches do not tithe correctly.
Tithing has been done on a conceptual level since the Old Testament. In addition, the tithe was considered a requirement that all Israelites should make. That they should be offered in a tabernacle.
It is important to mention that the old testament law called for multiple tithes. It was divided into those used for the temple and festivals and the rest for those who were in poverty on earth.
What if a sum is made would be a tithe of 23.3%. In some cases the tithe that is reflected in the Old Testament imposing taxes, with the intention of supplying what the priests need.
New Testament
The New Testament does not speak of tithing at the required level. However, he recommends Christians to submit to legalistic elements related to tithing. This does not indicate whether any percentage of income should be set aside according to the conditions in which you prosper.
It should be mentioned that the New Testament indicates the importance and benefits that relate to tithing. Everything will depend on the resources that Christians have and the needs that the church requires. (See Article: The power of early morning prayer )
Every Christian has the duty to pray and seek after this activity the wisdom of God that allows us to participate in the tithe correctly and in turn to know exactly what should be offered.
In the same way, all tithes need to be done sincerely, motivated by purity. In order to demonstrate the adoration that exists towards our Lord and offer our body and soul to the service of God and his son Jesus Christ. It is important that there is no sadness, since God loves the giver who has joy.
It should be mentioned that in the Old Testament one cannot really visualize an argument that speaks accurately of the commandment related to giving the tithe. Unlike the New Covenant in which it was added to the New Testament that are taken by those who defend the tithe.
That is why the New Testament is considered by Christians to be the final authority that imparts faith towards the practice of the Christian religion. This put the sacred writings contains the mandate for the Christians. That is why Christians should tithe.
Argument from the example of Jesus
Our Lord Jesus Christ never presented accusations related to not giving the tithe. On the other hand, the Pharisees did not accept those who did not comply with the law of not giving the tithe.
Jesus ate with the Pharisees, indicating that he was not breaking the law. That means that our Lord Jesus Christ if he tithed. That is why Christians also have the obligation and duty to tithe.
On the other hand, Jesus was never accused of being a transgressor of the law of the obligatory tithe. Despite this, it is worth noting that the Mosaic law, the tithe was approximately 20% per year. In addition to this there is a higher level of crops and livestock. (See Article: The power of Prayer )
This is because previously the tithe was 20% per year, unlike today which is 10% of the tithe. If this argument is considered valid, it is necessary that Christians should be obliged to pay 20% and not the 10% that are delivered today.
In addition to this, Jesus had the population to pay tithes through their crops and also cattle. Jesus’ profession was construction. He put work with building stones and wood. Which indicates that he did not work with agriculture and livestock. That is why the income that he made and received was not subject to tithing.
For this reason, like others, it is not up to him to pay the tithe. Since there was a number of professionals who did not have to pay the tithe, these were the fishermen, artisans, priests, merchants and the poor who did not have land or animals.
It is for this reason that since the construction profession was what he characterized as a development activity, the Pharisees did not care if he practiced tithing. Since as a rule he would not have participated in it, and an absence of accusation against him would be irrelevant.
The tithe and the offering differences
The tithe and offering are part of God’s financial organization. This type of system is totally different from the others, since it has the objective of helping you to prosper.
It is important to understand that the tithe is related to the tenth, that is, it is giving 10% of our income to our Lord. For many it is not understood that this action makes you prosper but Malachi in 3:10-12 explains it.
The tithe allows there to be food in the temple of God. It is a proof of belief in God and in exchange for it our Lord gives them abundant blessings. In the same way, it allows the insects that devour everything, not to end up with the products that the earth provides. All nations will envy that you are blessed.
This indicates that the Lord believes that the practice of tithing is an important part of financial success. While the offering is made voluntarily to a person or organization. It is a type of extra gift in relation to the tithe. It should be known that the offering does not replace the tithe.
The offerings have the peculiarity of being delivered through food, money, clothing or any element that God indicates to you when making it. It should be known that God’s system is the one that makes you prosper correctly. An example of this is that if you want to have new clothes, pray and as a seed give away clothes that you have, giving back what God gives you.
It is extremely important that you have patience because God’s time is perfect and it is extremely important that you give back to those who need it most.
blessings of tithing
The tithe is an obligation that believers in Jesus Christ have that has a promise, according to the scriptures of the holy book and the specifications of the apostles. It states that our Lord will bless everyone who tithes on a secular level and on a spiritual level. On the other hand, he will perform the nations that perform it.
According to the words declared by Malachi, later affirmed by our savior Jesus Christ, it is the promise that the tithe leads us to the windows open towards heaven and abundant blessings poured out towards whoever makes the tithe.
These are considered promises for the nations in which man lives. At the time when God’s people withheld their tithes and offerings, Malachi condemned the nation. Which indicates that when there are many citizens faithful to God’s payment in a nation. The blessings will be delivered to the entire nation from the heavens.
We must have those blessings
The scriptures mention that paying tithe is an act of faith. There is a story that took place during World War II, where a widowed mother worked as a teacher, and her salary was quite low.
This made the task of supporting her three children complex. When one of his children realized that the family was missing out on desired assets because they didn’t have enough money, he asks her mother why she still pays tithing. (Be sure to read the interesting article on how many prophets wrote the bible )
The mother responded in the following way: maybe there are people who manage not to pay tithing, but we can’t. Since God had taken her father from her and she needed the blessings of the Lord to raise them without any problem. Since every time the tithe is paid God offers blessings to the believers of him.
The tithe for those believers with an evangelical spirit is to give their hearts to our Lord, giving together with love. With the ultimate goal of collaborating with the church and covering all its needs.
On a conceptual level, the tithe is just the tenth part that believers possess of the fruit of their labors. This has the mission of being delivered to God. With the intention of showing the supreme domain that his children have towards us. The tithe is offered to God but the bridge of it is a minister or pastor.
Tithing is considered an ancient practice carried out by ancient civilizations, such as the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and also the Romans, as well as the Hebrews. Currently the tithe system is managed by religions such as the Jewish, Muslim and Christian.
It is reflected in Genesis 14, at the moment in which Abraham offers the tithe to the priest Melchizedek. Also Genesis 28, at the moment in which Jacob offers the tithe and his possessions to our Lord.
In the Mosaic law, the tithe is considered obligatory. The tithe is part of the land and is obtained both in the seeds that are found in the earth and in the fruits that the trees have. Yahweh is the owner of every element, which makes it sacred. On the other hand, a tithe is made to be paid every three years.
The Levite tribe did not inherit the holy land as it was inherited by the Israelite tribe. It was quite the opposite, they received from other tribes for being representatives of our Lord. That is why they had a tenth of what the land produced and also the cattle. In turn they had to give their priests 10% of what they produced.
Malachi is a book that is part of the Old Testament that is found within the sacred writings of the Christian Bible and also in the Tanaj that make up the sacred writings of the Jewish religion.
The author of the book is the prophet Malachi himself, however, it is almost certain that the one who ended up writing it was not really him. It is important to mention that Malaki means “message, my envoy or my angel” in the Hebrew language.
It is part of the collection of the twelve minor cataloged prophets and is also the last book found in the Hebrew Bible. His writings are attributed to the well-known prophet by the name of Malachi.
On many occasions Malachi was considered a proper name, however in Hebrew its meaning is my messenger, therefore it becomes the messenger of God. There are debates related to the identity of the author of these books. Since in the Talmud Malachi is related to Madoqueo, while in the Targum of Jonathan or the targum of Jesus Christ it is related to Ezra.
Saint Jerome conducts a debate on the identity of the author, among them he considered that they related him to Ezra as the Jews saw him, as an intermediary between the prophets and the Synagogue. Despite this, there is no real evidence to support this opinion.
In some cases scholars relate it to the books of Zechariah. Which relate to chapters 9 through 14 of the book of Malachi. This is exactly because Zechariah 9, Zechariah 12 and Malachi 1 begin with the words Oracle. Yahweh’s word.
These scholars indicate that their collection originates from three prophecies that are in anonymous state. Two are found in the book depicting Zechariah and the other is found in the book of Malachi. This was done by Malachi, that is, the messenger.
The oracles of the book of the minor prophets, is related to the twelve sons of Jacob, these were patriarchs of the important twelve tribes of Israel. The biography of the author of the book of Malachi has no elements of knowledge. What is considered is that he was a Levite.
Something that is considered curious because Ezra was a priest of the Jewish religion. The books of Haggai and Zechariah were written in the lifetime of Ezra, chapter 5 verse 1 is the greatest example of similarities in writing styles. Although it is not proven that Ezra was the author of the book of Malachi, it is the dominant theory.
Who does it belong to?
Mainly the tithe is part of obedience to God, that is why it is given to God, and it belongs to Him, but it is also used for the needs that arise in the church, for the needy or to grow the temple.
The New Testament, like the Old Testament, indicates two types of gifts, which were divided into the obligatory tithe and the voluntary tithe.
The obligatory gift is a type of tithe that is divided into two parts, the prominent tithe of the Mosaic system of taxation, which was related to the obligations of the tax system related to the system of the Romans.
The Roman Empire took care of imposing taxes, which were considered by many to be unfair to the entire Jewish people. Jesus indicated that this Roman law had to be complied with in order not to offend authorities.
In addition to this, it is important to mention that the tithe is used to maintain the temple of God and is used as reserves for the needs of the people. The church is committed to doing with it what is necessary for those who require it. (Also read about the article high-level intercessory prayer to ask for God’s mercy )
The support of the churches
In the New Testament, there really isn’t some kind of universal tithe that relates to supporting the church. The tithe is considered the obligation that is related to the laws that function as sustenance for the Levites who collaborate with the widows and the poor of God’s people.
It is important to maintain and support the church and as Christians we must do it through our money. For this reason, the tithe system is carried out, which is considered a divine mandate. This is mainly due to the fact that whoever is in charge of carrying out the activity of tithing will be blessed with multiple divine events and full of love. In addition, it is an activity that is reflected from the beginning of religion because it is related to how Jesus Christ lived, always complying with the laws.
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