Learn all about the main characteristics of the Christian church, here
In the world there are currently many types of religion or beliefs, however the most predominant is Christianity, in this article you will know everything about the main characteristics of the Christian church.
Characteristics of the Christian Church
Christianity is the most conventional religion that we can discover throughout the world with more than 2 billion believers, this makes it one of the three largest religions on the planet, which is considered a monotheistic religion, this means that its base and its solitary establishment are the lessons left by the Lord Jesus Christ. (See Article: The Power of Prayer )
The religion and one of the main characteristics of the Christian church is derived from the life, lessons and death of Jesus of Nazareth in the first century before Christ. Topographically, it is the most widespread religion throughout the planet and has a huge number of faithful and supportive people, some of its largest groups are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox temples and the Protestant churches of worship, but despite this there are also some autonomous places of Christianity where many people make cults and sects .
Christianity, as I mentioned before, is a type of monotheistic religion, its sacred book is the Bible, originated in Jerusalem with the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, it only praises, worships and serves God as the father, Jesus as his son and the Holy Spirit.
It is a religion that arises with the introduction of Jesus of Nazareth in Judea who came to our world to die on the cross for our sins, represented under the heavenly book, the Bible, which is made up of an old testament and a new testament, the lessons found in the new book are characteristic of the Christian church, which are used to give the rules of life to follow in the lives of Christians.
The fundamental characteristics of the Christian church is the meeting in houses of worship or churches to demonstrate the love they have for Jesus for having sacrificed himself for their sins on the cross of Calvary.
Its leading pioneers are known as ministers, pastors or priests and it is a way of thinking and religious life that is established after the disappearance of Jesus.
Christianity has its beginning in the underlying foundations of Judaism, that is, its root is Judaism itself, however in the midst of the disorder that existed in Judea, a characteristic historical affirmation of the Christian church is that Jesus of Nazareth at that time began to give lectures or preach to those who heard him. (See Article: Prayer to Jehovah God Almighty )
For this reason, for Roman experts, the Nazarene was just a progressive who needed to change Jewish expectations by turning individuals against him, consequently, Jesus was executed and his region expanded by the Roman Empire in the year 300 AD. C. through Pablo de Tarso, one of the missionaries of Jesus, and Christianity began as a kind of development within Judaism.
The main ones who spread Christianity were the missionaries who firmly pursued the instructions of Christ to announce the gospel and the fourth century, the religion had just reached the East, Syria, Asia, Armenia, Rome and Africa.
The fundamental characteristics of the Christian church are to accept that Jesus was the guaranteed Messiah in the Old Testament, to accept that Jesus Christ is the main Son of God, to accept that God sent his Son to earth to save humanity from the results of his misdeeds or sin and accept that for Christianity there is only one God, however, this God is separated into three components.
Among the most significant and characteristic images of the Christian church, we can refer to the fish, this image implies Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, the cross of Calvary which is the image that most represents Christianity, the dove which symbolizes the Holy Spirit, the sheep that symbolizes Christ as the Easter sheep and some others are the baptismal cross, the cross of Peter, the cross of Jerusalem and the rose.
The consecrated book and one of the characteristics of the Christian church is the Bible, which is a summary of books in one, it is also called Holy Scripture. This book is animated by the word of God for men to show them the message of God.
The meetings of the Christians is also another of the characteristics of the Christian church, they do it very frequently and organize activities that guide them to achieve sanctification, fellowship, affirmation, blessing the sick and this is achieved through Lent, Week Holy, Epiphany, Easter, among other meetings.
Pentecostal development, also called Pentecostalism, is an enthusiastic development of places of worship and Christian associations sustained and arranged to accentuate the teaching of immersion in the Holy Spirit. The Pentecostal Church works autonomously or in conjunction with a religious association, only as a service or apostolate with a much more notable inclusion.
The term Pentecostal is derived from Pentecost, which is simply a Jewish convention, also called the Feast of Weeks or Firstfruits, a festival for the primary products of the harvest. Pentecostalism today is made up of four significant streams: historical Pentecostalism, classical Pentecostalism, Oneness Pentecostalism, and neo-Pentecostalism. (See Article: High level intercessory prayer to cover a house )
As the Great Encyclopedia of Rialp indicates, the developments of Pentecost are diverse and are known by various names according to different areas: congregations of God, biblical church, church of God, chapels of diffusion of life, elim and so on.
Leading Pentecostals grew out of their Methodist roots and the development of the Wesleyan blessing, they portray their phases of Christian life as change, purification, and sanctification.
His doctrine is shared for all Christian purposes which are, faith in the Trinity of Divine Persons, the heavenly nature of Jesus Christ, the ultimate Savior, eternal discipline, redemption by the Blood of Christ, and essaying the gospel.
Like Protestant Christians, Pentecostals think of the Bible as the main reliable principle of trust and direction for how to manage their lives and draw closer to God.
They sanctify through water completely immersing humble people who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, in a similar way to baptisms. They simply purify themselves, however, they are only performed on adults who are very clear about the meaning of the procedure and of the change that will take place in your life.
As for salvation by faith, they relate to the Lutherans; As for the absolution of sins through water, they seem Baptists by purification, they are Methodists and activity characteristic of the Christian church; they have a place in the salvation army, as a result of their forcefulness in proselytizing, however, with respect to the immersion of the Holy Spirit, they are Pentecostals. (See Article: Prayer of the blood of Christ )
One of the characteristics of the Christian church is that the immersion of the Holy Spirit by baptism is allowed to the Christian who requests it, either through the meetings or separately. For the Assemblies of God, speaking in tongues is an underlying image of the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, while for different religions, it is significant, for Pentecostals it is the first and generally most significant symbol of sanctification of spirit.
Speaking in tongues is an indication that demonstrates the will of God in us, this is united and reflects the connection we have with God, to the point that we can speak as indicated by what the Holy Spirit indicates, it is an indication for those who do not believers, show them that the gospel is the message of God imparted by the Holy Spirit that originates in paradise.
It is also a blessing given by God for the illumination of his Church, all those who have it demonstrate the truth of this fact. When they praise their Lord and Savior in a record and when they articulate some riddles in the Spirit.
It is an emanation of indiscernible sounds, which sees who has the charm of clarifying those words, as for example The Holy Spirit has been brought in certain sessions, to speak, under the title of M. Douglas Scott, who spoke in tongues and he deciphered himself as the occasion passed.
For Pentecostals, the service of “divine reparation” remains substantial since it becomes very attractive to the public, when they perform healings of terrible diseases and such as those that have no scientific explanation since only by praying with faith the disease is totally cured, it is one of its Christian features that appeals more to non-Christian audiences.
These people from the Pentecost group do not know any association, they only have ministers, who are elected locally, after applying some tests they discover that they can do that work, each congregation is allowed to do their services constantly under the course of a minister, they have monetary and spiritual freedom.
Their ceremonies are aimed at reinforcing fellowship with bread and wine, in which they proselytize with biblical readings, debates, comments, declarations and melodies. (See Article: Prayer to sleep well without nightmares )
Boxes of bread and cups of wine are scattered from one line to another, after the minister has examined some content alluding to the last supper of the Lord, the members of the congregation eat and drink, while all together sing.
Under their uncompromising position that the kingdom of God is not food or drink, only equity, harmony and happiness in the Holy Spirit, in their assemblies or services of God they do not recommend abstention from food, it is the opposite of other Christian churches in which fasting is a very common feature, in the Pentecostal church they only indicate maintaining an attitude according to the gospel in moderation no matter what.
The generalized Church is considered as the Body of Christ, it is the simultaneously perfect and genuine Christian culture, shaped by its faithful, that only God knows.
Houses of worship are expected to prepare genuine faithful, reliable to the sacred writings, evangelists and teachers have the task of increasing the number of services to the Lord to maintain deep solidarity and brotherly love in the faithful, God asks his ministers for conformity , whose doctrinal accommodation is saved for the expression of God directed by the Bible.
They accept that the genuine Christian seeks solidarity, the one that originates in the Spirit, not external, obvious or institutional, that Spirit that has allowed those purified through water to discover Christ and now live in communion with Him and these cannot keep in communion with the unconverted.
Pentecostals for the most part engage more with people who are in a low socio-economic status or poor and reach those places where it is difficult to reach which has been a success and a proselytizing development that has evolved effectively among the nomads.
In this global approach, a Biblical institute was created, which is committed to preparing the Zingar contender for missionary service, there are about 10 thousand gypsies who have had Pentecostal immersion, mostly French, these conversions occur through continuous meetings or programs that for the most part are more recent in their work methodology. (See Article: Prayers for spiritual warfare )
Historic Pentecostalism began in the late 19th and mid-20th century, mostly in the United States, and was fueled by a gathering of worshipers in Protestant places of worship, which had been shunned for giving importance to supposedly speaking in tongues. and to faith in the Holy Trinity.
However, classical Pentecostalism dates back to January 1, 1901, conceived in the city of Topeka, Kansas, United States, which are some associations, with various principles, but all lean towards the precept of the Holy Trinity.
Works of art are increasingly devoted to the peculiarity of the Scriptures, although their practices incorporate tolerance of liquor and tobacco, the faithful have experts who consider consuming these things bad and do not endorse homosexuality and separation of marriage.
On the other hand, Unitarian Pentecostalism began in 1913, while in a camp some faithful began to read the Holy Trinity and rather create the precept of Unitarianism and from that moment on, some autonomous temples began to practice the sanctification of water, as Jesus did.
In the late 1950s, neo-Pentecostalism emerged in the United States, from officially existing religious developments, the expression charismatic and participatory development, began to be used by the Lutheran pastor Harald Bredesen in 1962, this development strives to revive and re-establish their ritual, to a more remarkable degree than proselytizing and doing evangelistic works.
The Evangelical Pentecostal Church (IEP) is a zealous church in that capacity, established in Chile in 1909, after its separation from the Methodist Episcopal Church of Chile, it became a beneficiary of the Pentecostal development of Chile in that year 1909.
These houses of worship have rituals, rehearsals and different traditions that depend on the current with which they are recognized, they are normally financed through tithes, first fruits and gifts, despite the result of interests in the stock market and different organizations which include, for example, the communications media business.
The Pentecostal development began in Chile on September 12, 1909, in the city of Valparaíso, this was due to a recovery of the Church promoted by the Methodist minister Willis Hoover Kurt, it is made of houses of worship of various categories, which offer some comparative ceremonies, following the line of Pentecostalism.
The Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church is built on five continents 204 nations of the 229 nations of the world, following the guidance of Jesus Christ to his supporters: Traveling around the world and teaching the gospel, it is seen as an all-inclusive church that has no no desire to be limited to one territory, they have traveled almost all over the world preaching in different languages without any inconvenience, carrying the word of Christianity wherever they are.
Characterized by its recognition of Jesus Christ as the main mediator and savior, the Bible as the main reliable standard of true faith, by its recognition of salvation by faith alone, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is related to those Christian religious groups that were born of the 16th century reform.
At this time, within Christianity, the Adventist Church is exhibited as a coordinating development of biblical faith, with the mission of encouraging the small and quiet souls of men to guarantee those souls to our Lord Jesus Christ and be ready for the coming of the Sir, this is one of your greatest attributes.
In all of his religious exercises, the vast majority is about following Jesus Christ as a model and offers a moderate activity of help and instruction, this triple activity who gave lectures, recovered and instructed about Jesus Christ, reacts to the idea of reaching Jesus Christ and from heaven.
The Adventist Church has been available since the beginning of the twentieth century, it was first established in Barcelona, to spread to almost the entire national domain and in 1968 it was one of the main admissions to demand legitimate recognition under the Religious Freedom Act.
The solidarity of Adventists with the victims of the difficult possibilities of this world is definitely not a hypothetical point, it is an integrated program of activities that tries to alleviate torment, offer help and answers for the afflicted, break the chains of bad habit and teach Christianity.
In any case, the social activity of Adventists does not arise as an explosion of structures, but through a successful individual change of each person and that influences a general improvement of society.
The Adventist Church is characterized by being a congregation associated with the world that God needs to redeem and give him salvation, it is a congregation focused on those young people in trouble, it is a worship church that reflects worship for Christ in each of its activities, where each individual puts his tithe in the administration of the mission.
A simple church in which the active ones come together in collaboration to carry out their objectives and activities, concentrated and highlighting what is extremely significant for them which is the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus, the declaration of the gospel and the procedure teaching. Being part of this church tries to impart extraordinary news to the world such as that Christ will soon return.
Christian evangelicals are a great variety of cult churches with several differences between them such as their convictions and methods of acting, however they agree that their birth is due to the Protestant reform, led by the German monk, Martin Luther against the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.
Today Protestants and Catholics maintain some significant contrasts with the evangelical Christian church which is characterized by the desire to be seen and heard when they preach the word of God, their teachings are dependent on the Bible, in their meetings it is very common to sing Christian music and lectures that end with a call to acknowledge Christ to all non-Christians present as their only Lord and Savior.
Many of the faithful in these worship gatherings raise their acclamation, overflowing with the Spirit with their songs, speaking in tongues, preaching, dancing, among other activities that are aimed only at praising the glory of God.
As in Pentecostalism, in the Christian evangelical church it also demands tithe and it is very common to carry out campaigns where many supernatural occurrences occur, such as the healing of serious illnesses instantly just by having faith that Jesus healed him.
They are part of the fervent Hispanic televangelists and vocalists such as Jesús Adrián Romero, Marco Barrientos and Marcos Witt, they are well-known artists in Latin America and outside of it because through their music they have made the evangelical Christian church known to many people.
In addition, despite the fact that they preach about love of neighbor and the love of Christ, they deeply repel Catholics.
They are always in the incessant search for a change in their lives, to be more holy every day with a deep conviction of the sacred scriptures and a search to the limit of the Lord Jesus Christ, which moves them to hate individuals who practice sin, there are an exceptional search for God and his blessing.
And they do it by uncovering every edge of their own character and putting it to the test of God’s Holy Spirit, there is a complete rejection of evil deeds and there is an all-consuming devotion to immaculateness of heart, which surpasses all common needs, they are anxious to give God his notoriety, his companions, his past, present and future, in exchange for the opportunity to be in paradise and save his soul.
Yet even with this evangelism going on among poor networks, we find rich networks, whose pastors wear brand name clothes, drive extravagant vehicles, have private jets and big mansions, and lecture on the so-called “success gospel,” the wealth is an appearance of God’s favor and some have come to certify that indigence is the confirmation of non-attendance to God’s gift.
These ministers are obsessed with the proclamation of the tithe as shown in the Old Testament where it says the unshakeable should give a tenth of their assets to the church, thus ensuring that God favors them with a hundred and one, today this has made an extraordinary rupture within from the jealous networks of the Christian religion, since there are numerous ministers who do not recognize the ministers of the flourishing gospel.
Charismatic development is a Christian restoration movement and is one of the most prominent and fastest developing powers in the Christian world today.
Development began in 1906 at the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles, California, a Methodist-sponsored restoration, it was there that individuals claimed to have been cleared by the Holy Spirit in the same manner recorded in part 2 of the Book of Acts. , during the festival of Pentecost, the people who spoke in tongues freed a world for all, the people who attended these meetings spread their enthusiasm throughout the United States and in this way began the Christian charismatic development that is known in some parts as the free church.
By the early 1970s, the development had spread to Europe and it is not unusual to see its impact on many different groups such as Baptists, Episcopalians, and Lutherans, as well as non-denominational houses of worship.
The development took its name from the Greek words charis, which is a transliteration of the Greek word for grace and mata which means gifts in Greek, Charismatic at that point meaning grace of gifts.
For this reason, this movement emphasizes that the endowments of the Holy Spirit are like an indication of closeness with the Holy Spirit, these blessings are also called biblical charisms, or deep endowments that, as far as is known, grant individual impact on a huge number of individuals, The notable blessings among these charismatics are speaking in tongues and forecasting or administration as they call it, where the charismatics transmit the promptings of the Holy Spirit to an individual or church in general.
Most gatherings are for petition and deep melodies, movement, and hands and arms raised in supplication, likewise the blessing of the sick with oil is often part of the administration of love.
Orthodox Christian Church
The Orthodox Church or Church of the East or Greek Orthodox Church is one of the congregational parts of the followers of Christianity.
The Orthodox Catholic Church was brought into the world from the authorized partition of the Christian Church in the division of the year 1054, before the division, all the Christian holy places were under the rule of Rome, which was totally isolated from Rome in the year 1054 .
And because of that, it was divided into the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Catholic Church, or the Orthodox Church, or the Church of the East.
The Orthodox Church, as its name says, is standard, which means a directly significant conviction, in this way it maintains the first ideology without the changes that the Roman Catholic Church presented.
Some of these changes are the Holy Spirit its starting point is only from the father in the first form purgatory the Orthodox Church says that the spirits after death go to the final judgment instead of the limbo of the Roman Catholic Church that recently refused.
Original sin is an idea of the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church proceeds with ancestral sin which alludes to the power that initiates us to incline towards sin, the perfect origin of the Virgin Mary the Orthodox Church affirms that the Virgin Mary was conceived as a result of intercourse and that only Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary, is conceived without intercourse and he is considered to have an immaculate conception.
Due to the Christian religious philosophy, which concentrates the expression of God, the Christian Church began to have misunderstandings, for example, the ideas of the trinity and the translation of the life and disappearance of Jesus, in addition to other things, separating thus Christianity in 3, The Orthodox Catholic Church or the Eastern Church or the Greek Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church whose followers are called Catholics and the Protestant Church.
Methodism is a development of the deep resettlement of the congregation that arose in England within the Anglican Church due to the contamination and decline that it gained in public opinion at the time, Methodism was the result of a cooperation where ministers who compromised their lives to visit and lecture in the different social orders, thus the Methodists engaged a remarkable place in religious society.
Methodism was fueled by a gathering of young people, these gatherings began at the university for long periods of their stay at Oxford, the reason for the gathering was to advance the other places in the world and deal with the less fortunate and needy.
This meeting incorporates the Wesley brothers, Juan and Carlos and George Whitefield, among others, despite the fact that Juan Wesley was the true herald of Methodist development, each of the three had a notable job in its improvement: Juan was the coordinator, Carlos was the artist who formed the psalms that spread the development and George was the evangelist who only with his essence came together in groups to be heard.
The transformation experience of the Wesley brothers, George Whitefield together with that of different people from the “Blessed Club” led them to lead one of the developments of reestablishing the characteristics of the Christian church that still continues today in the core of Christianity and Although at the beginning and for obvious reasons, Methodism spread through the main nations of the world at the time, Methodism is currently available in more than 120 nations, the World Methodist Council brings together more than 325 houses of worship.
The Catholic Church is the group of faithful who work in Christianity that is administered by the Pope, it is the largest Church on the planet, uniting more than 1,200 million people around the planet.
The principle, was established by Jesus Christ and coordinated by the missionaries in its initial days, consequently, it is announced as the main true Christian Church, its main mission, in addition to explaining, giving and begetting the lessons of Christ and safeguarding the solidarity of the trustworthy, is to help people venture into God’s way.
The word church originates from the Greek ἐκκλησία (ekklesía), which means ‘gathering’, which was the term used in the Old Testament to assign the meeting of God’s chosen individuals, particularly what established the Sinai meeting, which was the place where the individuals of Israel obtained the law.
Catholic, it also originates from the Greek καθολικός (katholikós), which means ‘all inclusive’. This descriptor is used to recognize him in different places of worship, similarly Christian, for example Anglican, Orthodox or Protestant, which vary from Catholicism as they are not exposed to the pope.
From time to time we speak of the Catholic Church as a biblical and Roman Church, be that as it may, there are different Churches similarly in communion with the Bishop of Rome whose formal customs are not the same as the Roman ones, in this way, the Church Roman Catholic would be, so to speak, only a part of the whole Catholic Church.
The central command and one of the characteristics of the Catholic Christian church is in Rome, in the Vatican City State, an enclave within the Italian capital, the doctrinal establishment of the Catholic Church as a religion depends on the key points of view that accompany it:
In the Apostles’ Creed, clarified and commented on in the Catechism of the Catholic Church endorsed by John Paul II in 1992; they believe in revelation, that is, in the religious facts transmitted by the Holy Scriptures.
Among the characteristics of the Catholic Christian Church stands out its belief in the authoritative opinion of the Immaculate Conception, according to which Jesus was brought by Mary without being covered by original sin, the Catholic Church faithfully believes that Jesus came to earth and died on the cross for absolution of our sins, however they believe that if you sin and confess your sins will be forgiven through penance.
They believe in the genuine closeness of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, because of the sharing of bread and wine which represents for them the body and blood of Christ.
The Catholic Church was organized and ordered by the faithful of Christ during the main hundreds of years of our period, the Catholic Church is a foundation created, from one perspective composed of religious administrators, presbyters and elders, and on the other, by the communion of the devotees.
It is an exceptionally varied level organization, its head is the Pope, elected by the cardinals, who also have the ability to assist the Pope in the peaceful activity of the Church and in the organization of the Vatican and the Roman Curia.
The broader importance of the Protestant expression is related to the individual who shows an objection or a censure towards something, in the religious sense it is about all those who challenge are Protestant, Protestant is the qualifier obtained by the Christian developments that emerged after a change that occurred in the 16th century in different European nations.
Protestantism, therefore, emerged as an important aspect of the so-called Protestant Reformation that was conceived in Germany and that prompted various religious gatherings and places of worship. Protestant developments owe their name to the goal of changing the structure and certain standards of the Catholic Church, however, without supplanting or nullifying it.
It must be stated that it was explicitly in the year 1517 when Luther began to take the steps of the outstanding change, in addition, it was considered that it was fundamental due to the specific conditions that occurred within the Church, for example, they made the power of the Pope decrease a little. , they protest against the constant mistreatment that was being done by the entire church meeting and the individuals of the Roman curia and they protest the decline of Christian philosophy.
Scholars Martin Luther and John Calvin are assigned as guardians of Protestantism, the Protestant Church is therefore isolated into three huge gatherings, for example, the Calvinist Church, from which the Presbyterians work, the Anglican Church, which has two branches, one closer to Catholicism and one to Calvinism, the High Church and the Low Church separately, and the Lutheran Church, which later shaped the Protestant Christian church.
One of the incredible contrasts between the Protestant convention and the usual Catholic precept is that Protestantism simply perceives Christ as the pioneer of the Church, the Pope, in this sense, is a questionable individual like any other.
Similarly, these are two other significant contrasts between Protestants and Catholics, among the characteristics of the Christian church it is highlighted that Protestants think that the Bible is the highest specialist to direct what must be achieved for salvation from sins, Catholics, on the other hand, accept that it is the Bible with the sacred tradition of their church.
One of the characteristics of the catholic christian church is that they think that you must be reasonable and sacred to achieve salvation while the individuals who pretend to be protestant defend two different angles, support because we are all sinners, forgiveness, revival and purification, this leads to another discrepancy between them on the subject of what happens after death and the qualities of limbo are other philosophical contrasts that exist between Protestants and Catholics.