Find out how you can have a new life in Christ, here
The new life in Christ is reflected through our behavior, our way of thinking and conducting ourselves in this world. Learn more about this topic in the next post.
New life in Christ
When we choose to follow Christ, we decide to have another life. In our new life, we strive to respect God with our words and activities. For example: Christians should not lie. Colossians 3:9 says, “Do not deceive one another, in light of the fact that you have effectively eliminated the old evil nature and all its malicious displays.
Put on the new nature and you will be reset as you discover how to know about your Creator and become more and more like Him.” The old life or the “old nature” is the existence of past events, that one day we lived dead in crimes and sins. (1 Peter 1:23)
What are the works of the old nature?
Colossians 3:5-8 reveals to us that we should “
Put to death, therefore, what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, disordered passions, evil desires and greed, for all this is idolatry; things for which the wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience, in which you also once walked when you lived in them. But now you also leave all these things: wrath, anger, malice, blasphemy, dishonest words from your mouth.
These are all created by the old nature. It can be difficult to stop this bad behavior, however, the Bible reveals to us that the Holy Spirit enables us to live for Christ. “Through his heavenly power, God has given us everything we have to lead an honest existence.
We get this when we become more familiar with the person who called us through his great wonder and greatness” (2 Peter 1:3). Christ has given us all believers to go on with a heavenly life in case we are happy to spend our time getting from Him.
Strive day by day to get rid of everything that feeds the needs of your old nature and depends on the intensity of the Holy Spirit. Get rid of your old nature and make a guarantee to continue with the new life that Jesus has given you.
How would we apply the teachings of Jesus to daily life?
Since God chose you to be his heavenly person and cherished by Him, you should dress with delicate purity, thoughtfulness, calmness, tenderness, and persistence. He understands the shortcomings of others and excuses everyone who irritates them.
Clothe yourselves, then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, with tender mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. We must bear with one another and forgive one another, if anyone has a complaint against another. (See: The Bible )
As Christ forgave you, so do you. Above all, dress in love, which is the perfect bond. And may the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which you were also called in one body. And be thankful. (Colossians 3: 12-15) To continue with a blessed life is to live in harmony, love, tenderness and kindness.
Give everything about your life a chance to show Jesus; your activities, your words, what you visualize and what you think. Let everything be done to respect God. It is not simple, that is the reason why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide and educate us.
Give up your old nature and ask the Holy Spirit to help you continue with the new life that satisfies God. Salvation begins with a difference at the top of the priority list. That is “atonement” which is equal to change of psyche.
The idea of the unsaved is “vain and meaningless. That is, Empty your idea does not cause a considerable reason forever. He cannot understand his general surroundings as he does not know God. He says that the unbeliever: “he is dead in his misdeeds and sins.”
The Christian cannot follow the example of the world since he has found the wonder of living again. His life is not empty or vain, but it is full of heavenly purposes. His psyche is charged with the light of God’s Word and his heart with amazing wholeness.
The devotee has given his body as an instrument of equity and holiness as expressed in Romans 6:13 and not to sin by fulfilling his childish interests.
Paul clarified the work of sanctification as an indication of our condition and our longing to continue with a real existence that satisfies God: “…you were…covered with the Christ in immersion, in which you were also raised with him, through the confidence in the intensity of God who raised him from the dead” (Colossians 2:12).
When a Christian begins another life in Christ, he is still not flawless or totally free from transgressions, but in case he is really afflicted, he will have the option to overcome and conquer it little by little with the help of the Holy Spirit of God.
You can survive and develop deeply if you seek God with everything in you and submit your life to his unimaginable will. (See: The Bible and Marriage )
God is calling you to holiness. In case he has not yet answered his call, we trust that you will do so in less time. God offers you and all of us an existence with a bright future: the life of a forgiven offspring in God!
We constantly have new people joining this incredible group of trustworthy, men, women and youth from all over the world who have an experience with our Lord Jesus Christ and seek guidance or suggestion to live now as another creation made by God.
In fact, the best adventure on the planet is to give our lives to God, that procedure that is carried out through trust in Christ Jesus, admitting our transgressions provokes in us a strange sensation of peace (Acts 3:19).
The most normal thing is to begin a procedure to learn the teaching of the Scriptures and have the option of having the ability to describe to others about the sacred expression with God and our experience with Him. (1 Peter 2: 2).
The expression of God says that in the event that someone is in Christ, he is a new creation, that old things have passed away and all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5: 17-18). By experiencing repentance, sins are eradicated and it is our duty to deal with this amazing salvation, give an incentive due to the penance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Hebrews 2:3).
The messenger Paul kept in touch with us about the wonderful intensity of Jesus’ sacrifice, through which we obtain absolution and another life: “…you were dead in your misdeeds”
Be that as it may, God gave us life in association with Christ, excusing each of us from sin and setting aside the obligation we had pending the prerequisites of the law.
He dissolved that obligation that was unfavorable to us by nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-14, NIV). Through the incomparable penance of his Son, God totally kills our guilt when we atone and commit ourselves to continue with another life defeating sin.
In this new life, God is constantly ready to help you
There is no doubt that the life of the Christian has its difficulties, however, we have the help of God through the Holy Spirit and his blessed word, there are also the brothers and church leaders to work together in this process of knowing Christ .
In case we are Christians, we are called to live everything that is considered, to be a Christian is to be a devotee of Christ, his imitator and walk while he walked, to realize that we are in the hands of the potter, and that the potter who it is God, it will give us the structure that we must be genuine Christians. Just as silver is handled until the silversmith reflects on it, so is the believer until he reflects Christ.
It is not essential to steer in an opposite direction from family and peers who might be agnostics, but rather to be closer to them and give a more important word with the model, with the statement that Christ mends and gives life. .
The messenger Paul declared, “It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). It is of utmost importance to submit to the blessed and holy will of our brilliant Father, he realizes that we are in need and, moreover, what is useful or not for his children.
Truly, a part of this new life is to be a descendant of God and all things are considered equally the beneficiaries of the kingdom of paradise, where one day we will be lords and clergymen with Christ in case we remain trustworthy.
So, in the event that you are another devotee, focus on getting acquainted with the expression of God, gather in a congregation where they show a strong precept, pray as often as possible to your eminent father or more, never lose trust in Christ. He loves you and significantly more than you can imagine, he appreciates you so much that he sacrificed for you his most precious gift, his child.
Colossians 3:15-17
By accepting Jesus into our souls we were conceived once again, and this new life is very surprising from our old lifestyle represented by our evil interests.
In these stanzas, Paul continues to show what should be the conduct of a descendant of God, for example, promoting an existence of harmony, no longer claims, speeches or divisions, harmony must reign in our souls; and an existence of thanks and not complaints.
Do harmony and appreciation reign in your life? How much more is there to find out about our new life in Christ? Before being captive of our desires, sin was our guide, however, now the expression of God must be our light and our daily bread chapter 16.
How much time should I devote to the expression of God? she should stay in the wealth in us and not in junk. What changes could you make in your life to dedicate more opportunities to the expression of God?
My new life in Christ is absolutely the reverse of my old lifestyle. At present, my life is a good delight, we have a reason, at present I can live in gratitude, and I can praise and express gratitude to God for everything.
we are forgiven
Since we are in Christ, God has forgiven all sins. The Bible says: in him whom we recover by his blood, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14).
we are legitimized
I am not understanding what it means to be supported, it means to be pronounced reasonable. How are we legitimized before God? We are supported in Christ. The Lord Jesus was extremely honest, and now God sees us as noble in Him. He took our bad deeds in order for us to have holiness. The Bible says:
He who knew no evil (Christ), committed sin for us (God), in order that we might be honored of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21).
We are made in the image of God
As pagans, we were isolated from God and resisted getting close to his essence. In any case, today, in Christ Jesus, we can unhesitatingly approach the quality of God on the grounds that the blood of Jesus Christ has blotted out all transgression. The Bible says:
In any case, today in Christ Jesus, you who once were far away have come near to the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13).
We are recognized by God
Before we were saved, we were adversaries of God. We are currently recognized by Him as His own beloved children. You recognize the Beloved (in Christ). For what reason would we say that God recognizes us?
Since we are in Christ! The Bible says: the applause for the wonder of his elegance, with which he made us recognized in the Beloved (in Christ) (Ephesians 1: 6).
we are holy people
God has another name for devotees. He calls the devotees “holy persons in Christ Jesus,” holy people in Christ. “Holy” means someone blameless and blameless. According to God, every believer is a holy person in Christ. In ourselves we are not holy people, however, God sees us in Christ. When we present ourselves before God, we show ourselves in the blessing of Christ. We are “holy people in Christ.”
we are fixed
We are descendants of God and our predetermination is Heaven. In communion with the Holy Spirit God has put us in Christ and has arranged us with the same Spirit. The Bible says: Furthermore, having deposited in Him, you were fixed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee (Ephesians 1:13).
We have finished in Him. The Bible says: Since in him, in essence, is all the totality of the Godhead, and you have finished in him… (Colossians 2: 9-10).
We have considered just a couple of verses that reveal to us that we are in Christ. As descendants of God, we are no longer in Adam. We are currently in Christ.
Does that mean we will never sin again?
No, that does not imply that. In the epistle that the missionary Paul kept in touch with the professors in Corinth, we discover some things that seem difficult to understand. From one point of view, Paul calls these devotees “holy people” and says that they are “purified” (holy works) in Christ Jesus.
On the other hand, in a similar letter, Paul speaks of some of the horrible sins in their lives. Some of them were accomplished; others fought among themselves, just as other people were guilty of unethical behavior. (See New Testament Article )
What is the clarification of this? How could Paul say that they were “holy persons in Christ” while simultaneously not living as Christians should? To address these queries, we must understand the contrast between our position and our condition:
What is our position?
God has given us an ideal position in Christ. Our position is the way God sees us in Christ. It incorporates all that God has accomplished for us in Christ. God has given us an ideal position in Christ. Is our position constantly immaculate? In fact, it is. Why? Since it depends on what God has accomplished for us in Christ. We are in Christ, and God sees us flawless in Him. The Bible says:
As with one offering He made the purified perfect (individuals who are in Christ) (Hebrews 10:14).
What is our condition?
Our condition is the way we live on earth. The Bible considers our “walk”. Is our condition impeccable? It is not. Why? Since it depends on who we are in ourselves. We are wicked, the Bible says:
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8).
It will help us in our Christian lives to remember that our position is how God sees us in Christ, while our condition is how we live on earth. Seeing God in Christ we are constantly impeccable; in ourselves we are corrupt.
Does that mean we can be happy with our mistakes? No, that does not imply that! God needs our daily life to ascend to our situation in Christ. We are holy people in Christ with a genuine heart willing to follow Christ and look like Him every day, that’s what we are!