Existence of God, Einstein’s theory on this belief
The existence of God has been for many centuries the subject of debate in various schools of thought and currents of scientific study, in this article you will be able to learn about the latest arguments and research that prove the existence of God.
existence of god
Really establishing a concept about the existence of God leads anyone interested in the subject, to analyze it from two points of view, the religious and the material, scientific studies have tried to demonstrate for centuries, the reasons why an eternal presence and powerful that is in the cosmos was able to create so many things in the world.
The various forms that make up the plant, natural and cosmic human systems have led us to think that there definitely had to be a superior entity that could create so many things, with forms of life and such sophisticated development, we will see how science and religion treat by On the one hand, how to dismantle the existence of God and, on the other, demonstrate his presence.
The religious reach of man
When man began to wonder about the presence of various existing situations on the planet, he began the way of seeing and appreciating everything that surrounded him, he established the criterion on the existence of a superior being that would have been the basis for the creation of everything, then came religious cultural traditions about appearances of various ethereal and spatial figures.
An image of God begins to form, which began to shape how man, the earth and the universe were created, many cultures from different regions maintain stories referring to this type of creation, mostly very similar, where everything that there are in the universe, they were created by beings or by superior beings.
Religion is born with devotions to God who represents the highest figure in the range of human spirituality par excellence, faith, submission and subordination to this figure established the citerior to form what we have today, a great cluster of religions that are based on the belief in one God, although there are other religious currents that maintain the criterion of several deities.
These ways of thinking have been debated for many years by philosophical, theological and materialistic schools of thought, leading to understand the criterion of God, on the one hand as an magnetization and creation of the mind of man and on the other on the presence of a non-palpable cosmic form that regulates the actions of the human being.
The so-called polytheism (Belief in several Gods) has greatly influenced the religious behavior of man, it has been a very influential belief in how monotheism penetrated the various currents of religious thought over the years.
The peoples have demonstrated through various expressions, various topics related to life and death, good and evil and the destiny of all things, through paintings, thoughts, literary works among others, This has led to a search monumental for thousands of years, generating opinions that have tried to establish the presence of God as the most important thing for human survival.
How man finds God
The human being has been the creator of God, and not God who created man, this was raised years ago in some philosophical schools in Europe, however the situations in life that often have no definition, are attributed to that energy and strength of a creator that man today still manages to apply and even demonstrate.
Man seeks God in his particularity and originality to do things, the ability to reflect and think differentiates him from other living beings on the planet, this means that he has been able to obtain a cultural and technological advance progressively through the years. .
The human being represents an important tool to assert the presence and existence of God, reason, thought, character, physical conformation, anatomical structure, allow the development of ideas that can demonstrate the existence of a powerful and divine being.
The lack of a higher energy, a supradimensional entity, would allow man to fall into deviations that could have destroyed life on the planet for many years. For many, God is a spiritual balance that allows human behavior to become an axis that regulates the diverted actions.
Taking into account the human moral conscience, allows us to approve what we are doing, this non-material situation that comes to the mind of man, is what for many allows us to establish the criterion on the existence of God
Some think about the type of thought that develops through the years through the chronological actions of life and that later become part of the human subconscious, the truth is that knowing something without anyone being able to teach it through certain procedures and models, different from how to do good, is something that should only have been established by some superior entity.
Many thinkers have tried to reflect on the ethics of thought and how the human being works, this has allowed to create the image of an omnipresent and protective God.
The virtues of the human being were granted by God to lead him to carry out actions in good faith, within each man and woman there is a kind of chip, where it is established when, how and where to do good to others, the deviations have been formed according to many religions by adverse negative energies, called evil forces directed by satan or the Devil.
That natural desire to do good that the human being maintains for centuries, are internal and own manifestations in order to communicate and see God, for religion if that anxiety to know God is frustrated, the human being would become a contradictory entity.
It is believed that only the presence of man on the planet, clearly show the existence of God, religious scriptures contain various responses to the approaches can lead to answer many questions.
From materialism to God
The way to reach God has been a situation in which it is necessary to go through materialism, the forms of life presented on the planet, as well as the dynamic processes of nature, have been connected with ideas of spiritual thought to shape the existence of a divine and powerful being.
The proofs about the existence of God are considered the ways for its demonstration, some currents of science such as mathematics and physics have reached the conclusion in their arguments, that in order to achieve the level of perfection in some systems that allow the Life on the planet and in the universe requires a most extraordinary knowledge.
The proofs about the existence of God only lead to demonstrate that something superior has been the creator of things, but for our way of understanding it is extremely complicated to know how that creation was developed, God is not within the empirical and limited situations of our thoughts, for many, God goes further.
The order, the symmetry, the contrast, the beauty and the forms that exist in the various material and non-material presences on the planet, establish in many scientists certain doubts regarding this topic, some investigations remain unanswered, there is no explanation for that some situation in nature behaves in a certain way.
For example, when thousands of birds fly in the air in a harmonic and stable way without colliding with each other, as well as the volume of schools that move under the sea without tripping, they are something that for some biologists is inexplicable.
These natural things, not including some others that occur throughout the universe, are what for many believers in God, allow their presence to be explained, it is something difficult to understand for humans who do not believe in God, The permanence and development of that energy eternal and constant that every human being has inside and that has never been explained.
Religion has established some concepts to try to describe these situations, and they represent the ways to know and get closer to the structure of God, Saint Thomas Aquinas He presented the “5 ways”, where he was able to describe the motivations that lead man to believe in God, through simple ideas and how to put God’s actions into practice with the intention of feeling his presence.
These ideas of Saint Thomas Aquinas establish the following:
- The causes of the force to the action of nature cannot be lasting in infinite time, they are supported by a superior motor.
- The existence of an unconditioned and natural entity that becomes necessary.
- The perfection of each thing on the planet and the universe depends on a main source that generates all the energy for its development.
- The order and organization in which each material and non-material life process is generated on the planet is part of a form of renewing and ordering intelligence.
To understand God, it is mainly necessary to know the knowledge of each thing based on realism, this allows the respective analysis that directly leads to the immaterial form and the reason for its presence and operation, the clearest example, is the form in how the water cycle becomes such an ingenious and necessary process, that they only have to be arranged and created by something totally different from human criteria.
God is a form of understanding that must be understood within common sense, his presence is within each human being, and even the Bible raises the reason for the creation of the human being, when it says “In his image and likeness”, he explains that we probably don’t just physically resemble God.
A similarity is proposed based on thoughts, spirituality and virtues, where the gifts of each human being are established based on these criteria, spirituality seeks in each human being to open the door to know him, some religions state that God It is found within the person himself, and is achieved when human virtues are obtained and applied.
concept of god
The concept of the presence of a “Supreme Being” is simply handled, and where they have no similarity with another entity, is unique and omnipresent, in the West the meaning of God is related to perfection through omnipotence, omnibenevolence and omniscience.
In addition, there are other concepts of a philosophical and scientific type that establish God as an immobile motor and uncaused cause, they also say: he is the infinite creator. There is a concept where he describes it in a broader way: “Superior being on which nothing can be conceived”, for Albert Einstein God is from the philosophical point of view the substance and the essential principle of nature.
With respect to other Eastern spiritual currents, God is represented as a being without human qualities, called Brahman, and for them it represents something that goes beyond human understanding, where the world we inhabit is only a material reality as a consequence of our actions.
Polytheistic religions establish the conformation of various gods, which are beings that maintain different levels of power and conditions, as well as morphologically different, some even with human virtues, these cases occur in Greek, Egyptian and Roman culture.
However, the concept of God in the Western world has remained within spirituality as the center of everything, the supreme being who sees, hears and feels everything, is at a higher level where he observes humans daily, touching their behaviors and actions.
Proofs of the existence of God
There are several tests that allow us to demonstrate the existence of God, one of the main manifestations is through religion, it raises some ways of how to feel his presence and verify his existence.
Participating through faith in the actions carried out by Catholicism throughout the world allows you to connect directly with the presence of God, in other spiritual currents it is manifested through meditation and relaxation, through various exercises that serve to connect with the cosmos and the unique being, which helps them to obtain peace and spiritual fulfillment.
These doctrines establish that the connection and the presence of God are made through reason, logic and thoughts, they are considered as the daily observations and testimonies that are presented in the world or through the situations of each person.
General revelations are considered as ideas that seek to prove the existence of God through reason. Catholicism admits the validity of the proofs of the existence of God, these revelations (which even today are presented at every moment) are described in the “5 ways” proposed by Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Catholics maintain the argument that everything can be known, from the point of view of ideological principle, and even without any divine revelation, that is, the invisibility of God (His eternal power and majesty) is perceived every day in every animated thing. and inanimate that is found on the planet.
special point of view
This point of view is established as revelations that basically arise from faith and hope, which is a way of considering the presence of God, for Catholics faith is God and vice versa. This revelation cannot be verified for the reason that it is considered very limited with respect to the supremacy of God.
Reason does not have established special criteria with respect to God, it does not consider the doctrine of the Trinity and the Incarnation as bases for a real presence of God, where it surpasses the knowledge and capacity of thought of some men, faith goes more beyond the criteria used to prove the existence of God, he is found in each one of us when we receive him through faith.
There are also private revelations, which are manifestations that for reason have no explanation, and they are the Marian presences, visions of people who do not have any kind of spiritual relationship with anyone. The appearances of saints, miracles and other types of inexplicable phenomena, confirm that the reality of the presence of God on the planet is confirmed.
For Catholics it is not necessary to demonstrate the existence of God, it is evident for them that through the spiritual tradition described in the holy word, they try to maintain the criterion without dispersing or doubting its existence, the Bible establishes the presence of God as something real and natural of the human being.
When a man knows God through faith, he confirms his presence, devotion allows him to reach God and have his grace, through the actions and situations that begin to appear after allowing his entrance.
Worldwide there are thousands of testimonies where people have had the opportunity to receive and witness miracles, which science today has not been able to verify or provide an explanation that convinces humans.
How to prove the existence of God?
For the Church and other religions, it is not necessary to demonstrate the existence of God, the facts according to them are in sight, it is not an issue that worries the Church, for their part the detractors and atheists, consequently seek a way to demonstrate that it does not exist, in matters of logic and as a theological philosopher explained it years ago, if something does not exist, why demonstrate that it exists?
The existence of God is demonstrated through the truth, the verification and the materialization of the testimonies that appear every day all over the world, the spirituality of man and the current forms of communication have allowed to corroborate that God really has a presence important on the planet.
In philosophy it has been a quite important current, which has allowed us to verify or not, its existence, in practice it can be demonstrated as long as there is a hypothesis to prove it, however situations appear where it is difficult to verify that it does not exist, since the actions presented have no explanation.
Proving the existence of God requires explaining situations outside of time, space and having an important spiritual level, verifying facts through the scientific and mathematical formulas of man, it is quite complicated, God is above any hypothesis and theory created by man , when you seek answers through these means, it is inevitable that you will get them.
Chance does not exist, although the laws of man try to identify the phenomena in some way with chance or the relationship of numbers and theorems, giving an explanation to these situations and supernatural phenomena always results in obtaining the adverse results that were expected.
demo test
Bertrand Russell, famous British philosopher, mathematician and writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950. He wrote an article called Is there a God?’, in which he describes, through a simple imaginary test, how it was possible for God to exist, let’s see:
If I were to suggest that between Earth and Mars there is a porcelain teapot revolving around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, no one could refute my assertion, provided I was careful to add that the teapot is too small to be seen even by the naked eye. more powerful telescopes.
“But if I were to say that, since my assertion cannot be refuted, doubting it is intolerable presumptuousness on the part of human reason, it would be rightly thought that I am talking nonsense.”
“However, if the existence of such a kettle were asserted in ancient books, if it were taught every Sunday as sacred truth, if it were installed in the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would be a sign of eccentricity. , and whoever doubted would deserve the attention of a psychiatrist in an enlightened time, or that of the inquisitor in earlier times.”
This way in which Russell describes how the existence of God is possible, establishes that basically principles of orthodox ideas and spiritualities are raised, which serve as support to believe or not, in a superior divine form and with more power than men.
Analysis in favor of the existence of God
Analyzing the various theories about the existence of God allows establishing criteria exposed by various thinkers and theologians in favor of the existence of God, leads to understand some things that can clarify the ideas of many unbelievers, in general terms it is established that God is the “First cause of existence”, is the engine of everything that exists.
For many religious life would not make sense, Aristotle said that: “God is the first immobile motor, which must be moved by another motor and this in turn by another motor that is what allows existence”, so that for the Greek thinkers, God had an important relevance as a primary and energetic entity
For them, nothing was by chance, everything depended on something superior that allowed things to move, give them ideas and produce their development, evolution and culmination. For his part, Saint Thomas expressed some arguments based on the criteria of the Greeks, where in his fifth way he coincides with them when he posits the order in the world.
According to him, God is a kind of watchmaker who regulates, controls and elaborates each piece to his measure. The most orthodox theologians express that the order of the universe and its complexity depend on a creator God, very similar to the criteria of dentists, who explain that everything that exists does not depend on them but on external factors.
They also argue that there is a greater being who cannot even be thought of, and maintain a very similar criterion to the existence of God according to Saint Augustine with respect to non-believers in God who says:
“Everyone, even those who deny the existence of God, have in their minds the notion of God; indeed, if they did not have it, they would not understand what they say when they affirm that it does not exist. Now, that notion is that of the being beyond which it is not even possible to conceive of something more perfect.”
“Well, that most perfect being must necessarily exist, because, otherwise, anything that existed would be more perfect than Him and that would be contradictory. Therefore, it is necessary that God exists.
The situation of the image of God reaches levels where it is difficult to establish an agreement on the mind-body duality, it is not as relevant as the situation of consciousness, which subsequently determines matter, which allows us to appreciate God in that way. .
Some arguments in favor of the existence of God suggest that there is a fundamental fact and it is related to the very existence of man, the anthropic argument implies the human similarity with God, but not from the physical way, but from the moral establishment and the virtues that are similar to God.
For some who develop the criterion of transcendence, they establish that logic, science and ethics must be taken seriously, otherwise the true meaning of the existence of God would be lost.
More important than belief is existence, most Catholics believe in God as a form of faith and devotion, knowing that he represents the greatest form in the entire universe, glory, goodness, and peace.
There have been many arguments regarding the verification of the existence of God, a doctrine called “The doctrine of the will to believe”, implemented by William James who was an English thinker and philosopher, who tried to demonstrate for many years the existence of God .
Also called “Pragmatic Theory of Truth”, James proposed that the doctrine consisted of a belief where it must be verified that, that each spiritual ideological action must be verified, in turn function after being adopted in order to establish the reliability of the truth. faith.
Translated into other terms, it seeks to verify the miraculous actions that occur in various places, the vindication of the miracles related to various important characters in the Bible.
The existence for thousands of years of the triumph of evil over good, although many say the opposite, continues to establish itself on the planet as a form of balance, for them “Evil and suffering are nothing more than the “cost” of autonomy , of “making herself”, what God allows in nature”
This is understood as genetic mutations that generate new forms of life with the same chemical processes, causing other cells to become malignant, both cannot survive. This explains that each illness is a consequence of something that the human himself does not control, it gets out of control and God no longer participates.
Genetics has made important advances in many areas, new criteria have been proposed and science is observing scientific evidence of the existence of God in a different way, granting criteria that promote interesting approaches that can verify that each human being is a creation of their own.
Richard Swinburne, a great professor at the University of Oxford, stated the following:
“Recent scientific research on the fine structure of the universe shows that the initial matter and the laws of nature had to have really special qualities for life to evolve in it.”
“It is something extraordinary. I think God must have had a reason for it. That matter behaves in this way is not only beautiful, but also allows finite beings like us to influence the world and our fellow man”.
Each step in the evolution of man’s knowledge is taking him down a path that little by little gives ideas to point solely to the existence of God. Others believe that science is unable to provide an answer regarding the origin of life and as the years go by the Darwinian theory is losing value because it does not support or can establish the way in which certain living forms were formed.
Analysis against the existence of God
We have already seen the analysis of the criteria in favor of the existence of God, let us now see how the situation is against. This analysis can be considered a way to clarify certain doubts regarding those who defend the non-existence of God.
We approach it by analyzing each of the arguments, which aims to show the characteristics that define God, in certain cases it may be that they do not correspond to reality or lack meaning.
Some argue that there are not enough reasons to believe in God, however the reasoning is not intended to eliminate or convince believers that God does not exist but to try to show their ideas as bases to establish their own criteria.
It establishes criteria where such a complex and orderly structure and having God as the person in charge of everything, would have a situation as complicated inversely in the same way as he himself formed it, this is nothing other than trying to define the complexities within the human framework.
According to this deductive argument, God must choose a designer, so for those who handle these deductive criteria, God does not represent any creation, nor is he the owner of complexity, only that the root of creation and the universe and things are unknown. they have always been there.
The second point raised by the deductive is omnipotence, they suggest that it is impossible for them to raise such an argument, due to the real inconsistencies, they establish as an example the case of a rock so immense that no one is able to move it, which is the principle of this creation , can God create a being more powerful than him.
In that order they suggest that it is impossible to obtain a supratemporal being that has such an exceptional type of memory that it has been directing the destinies of the universe for more than 14,000 million years. The existence of hell is a premise that establishes the place for damnation, which contradicts the benevolence and omnipresence of God, likewise considers free will as a form of mockery towards humans.
If God knows the future, then humanity is destined to allow that knowledge, thus it would be exempt from the will of the creator, contradicting the form of an omniscient entity. In the same way, God would be condemned to follow his own hyenas of destiny by knowing the future, remaining enslaved to his own ideas.
The cosmological type situation, where it is stated that there is an earlier and a later cause, things can exist without having been formed by their creators, which contradicts the time of God’s creation.
With respect to human creation, the deductive ones argue that it makes no sense to create an imperfect being when the origin of man is considered in the image and likeness of God, considered the most perfect entity in the universe.
These arguments are raised based on the data that can be demonstrated or exemplified in their final goals, in this case the empiricists argue that the only verification that can exist to verify the existence of God is the word found in the Bible.
For them this book does not represent a real verification of the existence of God, the Bible does not generate reliability to say that God exists, it is described in the words stamped in the book, but how do they say it was written by God? it is argued that it was written by man through the revelations of God.
It differs from the Koran when it says that it is the direct word of God, and that Muhammad represents a more reliable channel of revelation than the descriptions of events established by many people, which leads one to think that they are good at proving the existence of God.
Another situation raised empirically is the way of observing good over evil, where the latter contradicts the guidelines of God, if this is the creator, he should not allow the existence of evil in the universe.
The other argument refers to the way in which life was created, where there are various forms and not really a proper model that allows knowing a specific pattern in a real way. In the same way, they believe that the existence of human beings who do not believe in God represents a divine incapacity, since man should establish his belief based on his creator.
The analysis called Parsimony, where it is argued that natural theories describe the development of religion and belief in gods, so the existence of supernatural beings does not allow compatibility with religious beliefs.
The moments where the divine entities stopped appearing, in which many people will be able to appreciate them, were lost from one time to the present date, so that those beings no longer appear as in other times, angels, archangels and other entities, they stopped appearing. come to earth to leave his testimony.
Some argue that until God appears, his existence will be denied, as if he appeared in other times but for a few thousand years he does not really know about his presence.
These criteria are based specifically on the testimonies and experiences of people, they also take into account the proposals of various religions that truly establish revelation as an elementary concept in the existence of God.
The testimonies show the existence of something that cannot be explained, the witnesses allow you to attest to the existence of God or simply deny it, for the simple fact of never having seen it, for the subjective all monotheistic religions are wrong, they are They fundamentally contradict.
For them, the request to demonstrate the existence of God is meaningless when the concept of God is simply decomposed, so that when seeking an explanation for his presence, the subjectivists are based on the tangible and the elemental.
They are criteria exposed as part of a way of stating how the issue of existence has been happening throughout history and how it has been gradually inducing, atheism seizes on this criterion to be able to demonstrate that God does not exists, it also states that it has also been placed in the mind of man through the centuries.
For them it is false that there is a being, perfect and sensitive to the benefits of man, they take existentialism as a basis, where existence is established as an event that happens first to the essence.
Inductive criteria are full of deep philosophical content, which for many years has tried to dismantle the theory of the existence of God. They argue that belief in God is a form of absence of reason, when religion establishes that God represents omnipotent and omnipresent.
Many European philosophers and thinkers hold different opinions regarding the truth and reason of God, various schools face criteria to dismantle the Divine truth, Jean Paul Sartre, Scott Adams, Stephen Roberts and many other philosophers, are constantly in search of answers logical and reasonable to guide the truth about the existence of God.
They are based on the so-called “historical induction”, which is nothing more than proposing through the centuries the existence of a supreme being as the creator of all existing things. The various stories of Gods that have generated a religious culture of man have come to establish how complicated and difficult it is to believe in the existence of these supernatural and astral beings.
Stephen Roberts, a great philosopher who shared this inductive argument, stated the following:
“I maintain that both you and I are atheists. I only believe in one god less than you. When you understand why you reject all other possible gods, you will understand why I reject yours.”
The biological tests established by Charles Darwin established that the chimpanzee and man have a great similarity in their genetic components, which leads us to think that the reality and principle of man is not in the universe or in any supradimensional entity, but in the same earth, Darwin referred to this in the following way:
“I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent God would have deliberately created ichneumonids (endoparasitic wasps) with the express intention of eating live caterpillars from the inside, or that cats will play to the death with mice.”
That is to say, the evolution of man is a situation that does not need induction to obtain its growth and development, the ideas in man as well as his physical conformation have evolved and the belief in God has been injected with the aim of making believe the truth. eternal of a supreme being.
Hindus represent an ancient culture that establishes an enormous influence on the spiritual behavior of many parts of the world, just as India is considered a region full of great spirituality, there are also currents of thought contrary to belief in God.
Called Hindu atheism, it is based on important established ideas that flatly deny the presence and existence of a creator God, such is the case of God as Ishwara. Whom the Hindus do not favor in their criteria. As in the West, Hinduism maintains two positions regarding the existence of God.
The first belief current in a God called Krishna and the impersonal and own one that does not believe in any God, both reject the Krishnas that God is a personal being while the others state that “there is no God”. The practitioners of Buddhism, who seek inner peace and the integrity of the being, enter this current.
Atheism is a stream of materialistic thought that flatly denies the existence of God, its denial is considered a positive argument within philosophical positions, where actions are directed to behave based on not having the presence of a supreme being.
For atheists, believing in God means feeling anchored to irrational and enslaving ideas, where their own criteria about spirituality are repressed. For many, denying God means facing the reality of the origin of man and his dignity.
Some think that the problem about the existence of God is the church and religion, which has laid stronger foundations through the years to make men believe through their doctrines and beliefs, a supreme being that exists above of all things.
Atheism is considered a very old idea, its way of trying to deny the existence of God has always been known, with descriptions and concepts deeply rooted for some time and taken by science, the arts and some philosophical currents, with the Over the years it has been losing followers due to its radicalism.
Let’s see some atheistic currents that have developed in certain parts of the world.
Sankhia Atheism
It consists of a text corresponding to Hinduism based on the Samkhia-sutra beliefs, this doctrine affirms that there is no philosophical place for God, so the existence of the Hindu God Ishwara cannot be proven, so it cannot be admitted in any Hindu religious position.
This ideological current presents solid arguments regarding the denial of the existence of God, in one of its statements it says: An immutable god cannot be the source of the world, the Sankhya texts show that the idea of God is inconceivable and contradictory.
They also establish that such a perfect God has no need to create a world, since for the creation and existence of human beings who later are going to be in suffering throughout their lives to make sense, if God is a practitioner of goodness, for this should have created beings who share and live in happiness.
Atheism Mimansa
This current affirms that no probative evidence is capable of proving the existence of God, for them nobody can convince them regarding the belief in God, they consider that it is not necessary to have a creator of the world, nor to consider the existence of a creator who was able to compose the Rig veda, (One of the oldest texts of spirituality in India).
They establish that it is not necessary to have a supreme being to guide the rituals, so that the gods named in the Vedas have no existence, much less in the mantras that name them.
It consists of an idea that raises criteria on human reason, and says that it cannot have any type of conclusion towards God and especially towards its existence, the practitioners of agnosticism lead a life arranged in a way where the end of time does not expected.
They live humanism without God, they establish a current of practical Atheism, it is considered a very serious and respected position of ideas, among its followers they help each other not to waver and maintain their position regarding the position on the non-existence of God. However, they may on occasion consider accepting God’s power to believe.
religious indifference
It is an established current as a religious type, manifests itself through disbelief, and is being observed by the Church due to its disturbing positions. The most relevant criteria consist of taking God seriously, the followers of this current are clearly materialistic.
His religious indifference consists in establishing behaviors that do not allow human beings to be distracted by issues that cannot be palpated, the immaterial is unnecessary. It establishes the coexistence with some situations of a sacred type, without being directly linked.
For them, the human being needs continuous distractions in order not to stop in existential situations that consume time, these postures are not very well seen by almost any spiritual current, they do not reflect a feeling that can help human beings to evolve. regarding wisdom and reason.
religious pluralism
Around the world devotions that honor and various types of Deities are achieved, all over the world we find angels, saints and virgins who represent for the people some type of energy and superior power, who are also requested favors based on improve diseases and solve different problems
In this aspect, superstition and sorcery also come into play, related to spiritual ignorance and the gaps that a person does not get through religions, these actions allow us to establish that even if they are negative, they make up a type of belief.
Accepting these behaviors has allowed many people to divert attention towards other currents that at the end of the road do not generate the desired objectives, religious pluralism is then composed of the observation, breadth and tolerance of ideas towards these movements but not, the acceptance and internalize them as basic religious approaches.
Some have tried to establish a connection and dialogue between these currents and those that are established to contribute history, we see how the connections have tried to establish spiritual dialogues through syncretism where traditional religions have been mixed with irrelevant spiritual currents.
Although some in the Church consider that they have the right to receive the revelations, since God does not segregate or isolate any human being, nor does He deny salvation even if they ignore its existence, they are considered to live under the natural law of morality, because they always there is the hope of acknowledging the presence of God at some point.
There is a so-called interreligious dialogue which allows to really show the communication that exists between all the world’s religions, these dialogues have promoted the union and approach of criteria, where the figure of Jesus Christ comes into play as the mediator between God and man.
Every human root is the same, their behaviors and actions are reflected in a way that Christianity tries to make it general, it is what Jesus raised through a single commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself”, he also said “Everyone who It is from the truth listen to my voice.”
Catholics and even non-practicing Christians can speak of God without the risk of being isolated or segregated, since God himself generates those values that allow us to recognize the nature and conscience of each human being. Because he is the creator of everything, he becomes the same time as the God of salvation.
John Paul II in one of his appearances at the UN specifically on May 10, 1995, said the following:
“Beyond all the differences that characterize individuals and peoples, there is a fundamental common dimension, since the various cultures are really nothing more than different ways of facing the question of the meaning of personal existence.”
“Precisely here we can identify a source of respect that is due to each culture and each nation: every culture is an effort to reflect on the mystery of the world and, in particular, of man: it is a way of expressing the transcendent dimension of life human.”
“The heart of each culture is constituted by its approach to the greatest of mysteries: the mystery of God.”
On the other hand, Albert Einstein considered on several occasions that God consisted of a supra cosmic entity that had no logical explanation if physical and mathematical laws are applied, in various writings this famous scientist made his opinion very clear regarding what he considered God to be. represented God.
Despite not being a religious believer and having been raised in a very orthodox family in matters of spirituality, Einstein raised some things about God that close the gap between atheism and the existence of God, for example:
“The word of God is the product and expression of human weaknesses”
As we can see, he recognizes God as creator, but he also criticizes him and establishes that God himself is imperfect, he establishes criteria such as the following: “The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses and the Bible is a collection of venerable but rather primitive legends.”
“I believe that the unadulterated Jewish religion is, like all other religions, an embodiment of primitive superstition. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong, and in whose mentality I feel deeply rooted, do not have for me a different kind of dignity than the rest of the people.”
This description is one of the last made by the scientist since a few months after writing this story he passed away, leaving a great legacy to humanity.
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