Jesus in the Garden of Olives, and his Prayer
In this article we want to talk about the moment when Jesus prays to his Father a few hours after being arrested. In it we will illustrate to the reader everything about Jesus in the garden of olive trees, and his prayer.
The prayer of Jesus in the garden reaches deep into the soul of the Christian
Jesus lives hours of true bitterness in Gethsemane, since, as is known, he has to fulfill the will of the Father. These hours and experiences of Jesus in the garden of olive trees touch the soul of Christians in the deepest.
Jesus at that moment prays with men and for them in the last hours that precede his redemptive surrender for all of humanity.
In this passage we are shown the strength and love of Jesus to all humanity as well as the extreme of how he assumed the weakness and weakness of men. Every detail of that moment makes us reflect since we must see ourselves in that situation and thank God’s goodness and mercy.
According to Saint Luke, the trance that Jesus lived has a force which makes us wonder and reflect on:
“Jesus suffers, for the fulfillment of the Will of his Father… I also want to fulfill the Most Holy Will of God, following in the footsteps of the Master Jesus, will I have the right to complain if I find the pains of suffering as a companion on the road?”
It constitutes a sign of my relationship, because I am treated as he treated his Divine Son. And, will it be that like Him, I will be able to cry, to be sad being alone, but on my knees, acknowledging my nothingness, the cry coming from the most intimate of my soul will rise up to the Lord: Pater mi, Abba, Pater… fiat?
At that moment in Jesus, sadness, tedium and mortal anguish are mixed. He seeks the support of his closest friends, however he finds them sleeping, except for one who did not sleep but worked to later betray him.
This is why the image of Jesus in the orchard of olives should serve as a teaching , and we should not put obstacles or any conditions even if our tests or situations become hard and difficult.
“Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation…” This will make us strong to be able to bear the difficulties and burdens as well as the temptations of our daily life. By neglecting ourselves we lose joy and we will not have the necessary strength to fight and bear witness to the Truth.
Saint Thomas More himself was strengthened in contemplating the scenes while awaiting martyrdom for being faithful to the faith. He likewise can teach us to be strong every day in our difficulties and trials throughout our lives.
Prayer of Jesus in the garden
We observe Jesus sweating drops of blood, finding himself alone, in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Petition. Know, my Jesus, the greatness of your love and your pain.
Wake up and come, my soul, to observe the moment when the joy of heaven becomes sad and there is fear of the strength of God, and the one who forms the delight of the Angels feels tedium and mortal sorrow… Come and accompany them in their hours of loneliness and agony to the one who is the source of life and joy… Under gloomy olive trees… in the majesty of an orchard… you will see through the pale reflections of the moon how your Divine Redeemer Jesus prays, sweats blood and perishes… and this for you love…
He walks away from the company of his Apostles, and on his knees on the ground he prays with great reverence three times to the Heavenly Father saying: “Father, if it is possible, transfer this chalice from Me; but he does not do as I want, but as You… “Let us learn from Jesus to pray with humility. are we doing it like this?
For three hours Jesus prays, and complains to his Apostles that they were asleep, because they had not been awake with him for at least an hour.
How many times Jesus rebukes us and tells us: “My daughter, for an hour or a quarter of an hour when you have not been able to accompany me in my loneliness with your prayer?…” Let us adore Jesus in his loneliness and agony, to that he is happy and never makes a complaint to us.
The third time that Jesus prayed, He suffered so much agony that He began to sweat drops of blood, which ran throughout His Sacred Body, thread by thread, until it fell to the ground… Why, my Jesus?… The executioners do not whip You now… the soldiers crown… I neither discover nails nor thorns that make your blood flow… Why, Lord, this sweat of blood, why so much pain?
O my soul! your faults are the thorns that prick him… those executioners that torment him… that obligation so hard that it makes him sweat… Oh Heart of my beloved Jesus! How much has my medicine and health cost you!… If only I took advantage of it, and with your blood my heart would soften for so much hardness!.
Let’s observe the face of Jesus in this position: his serene forehead that illuminates the light of heaven… that face so revered by the Angels, how deteriorated it is!… Dripped and covered by the sweat of blood!!! Those beautiful and pious eyes, how sad!… Look at Jesus, my soul, in this trance, and help me to look… to look at His eyes so beautiful and pious, that when our eyes meet, it will do a lot of good.
Ask him: Father, what do I do to comfort you? You are alone!!! Will you accept my sad company?… Yes, Jesus, he will accept it, if you try to avoid the causes of tribulation and its pain. Your sins and those of the whole world… forgetting him and the lack of gratitude of so many of his children, who were not to recognize this benefit, nor did they know how to take advantage of such an expensive remedy: there are the causes of the agony of Jesus… Can we do who know and love Jesus, save many souls? Yes, with it we will please such a good God.
Oh my God! I really want to remove your sweat, relieve your pain, working with my prayers and example in the conversion and holiness of souls… I don’t want your blood to fall on the ground; fall better in the land of all our hearts, and with it soften their hardness and be converted to you. Amen.
Our Father and the Closing Prayer
We must try every night before going to sleep to think and reflect on each moment in this step of the life of Jesus in the garden of olive trees. We will repeat on the day or very frequently:
Heart of Jesus put to the test, have mercy on those who die on this day. Immaculate Heart of Jesus in agony, have mercy on those who die at this time.