Valley of Dry Bones in Drought Time
Have you heard before about the Valley of Dry Bones ? In case that was not the case, then in this article we will bring you each of the most interesting details to know about the subject, so that in this way you can know its meaning and more.
The Valley of Dry Bones in Time of Drought
Surely at some point in your life you have been hearing about the Valley of Dry Bones , however, you are unaware of interesting factors regarding the subject. That is why we have given ourselves the task of carrying out an investigation, so that in this way you can get to know the Valley of Dry Bones Explanation .
Next, we will leave you with all the most relevant information about the Valle de Huesos Secos , such as its meaning and many other things of great importance.
The Valley of Dry Bones
Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They go around saying, “Our bones have dried up. We no longer have hope. We are lost!” Ezekiel 37:11 (NIV)
She was walking through the aisles of the church, completely anxious to be able to get to her daughter’s class soon and those energetic laughter that was heard were able to guide her correctly to the preschool classroom. Once she saw inside her, the little girl looked at her saying, “Mom! I am dry bones; look how I revive!”
The music that was heard in the surroundings vibrated, and the children were moving their arms and legs, «Ezequiel declared those bones are dry. Ezekiel declared those bones are dry. Ezekiel declared those bones are dry. O listen to the words of the Lord!” All the parents present joined their little ones to sing and dance.
That night, shortly before lying down and sheltering the little girl in her bed, her mother thanked her for having been invited to the lesson at school, confessing that her mother’s heart was heavy, and that thanks to her invitation to sing or dancing had stirred his spirit.
The little girl, with her eyes almost closed, announced the following: «When life is difficult we can trust in God». Leaving her and going down the stairs, the woman found herself humming the words of the song that morning, where the lyrics led her to remember her youth and remember the biblical story of the prophet Ezekiel within the Valley of Dry Bones in which God declared Let those bones unite and revive.
More to Know
In her youth she had been filled with curiosity about all the supernatural and physical nature of the bones in that story, yet she had not fully grasped the spiritual lesson regarding the character of God. She had not understood the true meaning back then and today, years later, she found herself singing the children’s choir again without understanding the true message, why such a scandal about dry bones?
Once in her favorite spot on the couch, she resisted the urge to turn on the television to watch her favorite show and without much encouragement found herself opening the Bible to the story of Ezekiel.
For a moment, he was paused as his eyes rested on the key verse: Then he said to me: Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They go around saying, “Our bones have dried up. We no longer have hope. We are lost!” (Ezekiel 37:11).
The Israelites had suffered the defeat of each of their enemies, they were exiled slaves, dead in their faith and without any kind of hope in God’s promise of being able to restore their Nation; they had abandoned the Lord and no longer trusted their promises of the covenant with the ancestors who promised to send a Redeemer to be able to free them from the captivity that shortly after would establish it again.
They were spiritually dead and their hearts withered, quite similar to the Valley of Dry Bones , making that woman reflect.
Valley of Dry Bones Reflection
As she found herself reflecting on this, silently criticizing each of the Israelites as she rebuked them in her mind, she felt a sense of conviction in her parched heart as she realized that many times she too felt hope.
The Lord had taken care to place a seed of promise in his heart, however, it did not seem to be growing. Already frustrated, she wrote in her own diary “God, have you forgotten about me?” receiving as an answer, “No, I am not subject to time or space.”
God had shared that vision with Ezekiel, because his children were being captive slaves and, despite being misguided and rebellious, they lacked the assurance that a God would keep his promises.
Countless times this woman had tried to negotiate with a God, usually trusting him and obeying him always, when he did his part without delay, without discomfort and without interruptions. It is no surprise that the focus on God continually drifts and just like the Israelites at that time, I have constant distractions.
Ezekiel’s Message offers us a great warning, as well as a hope; we know that we are so blessed that no matter how many times we sin or how far we stray, Our suffering Lord is still faithful. However, his Holiness requires Obedience, his righteousness requires consequences just as the Israelites were going through.
Just as God instructed the Israelites, we must repent of every sin we commit and seek the Lord, fine-tuning our hearts and minds to listen to the Word of God and thus revive ourselves. If you want to know more about this topic, you can visit.
Heavenly Father, help me to trust in Your sovereignty, to submit daily to Your will. Forgive my sins and revive in me a heart that is clean and full of hope and joy. In the name of Jesus, amen.