Woman Housewife: Concept, Importance and more
The Housewife is the person with the main occupation, this occupation is considered nowadays a demanding and unpaid job, it is to dedicate herself to the care of the children to not have time for herself, the cleaning of the house, the purchases of groceries and other articles, the preparation of food, carrying out work and tasks in the home.
A housewife is an owner or owner of the home, woman or man, whose main occupation is the home. Housewives at the beginning of history were selfless, and their roles were especially the protection of children and their husbands, this The position was occupied by the woman (the spouse, in a conventional marriage made up of the man, the woman and the sons and daughters).
The figure of the housewife refers to the woman who is expressly applied to housework, when her husband went out to work and earn money and in this way allows her to support the family financially.
Today it is natural for women to assume jobs equivalent to those of men: that is, to work for pay, whether or not they do housework.
In the same way, it is increasingly common for men to carry out tasks in the home that in the past they did not assume, since the housewife was in charge of them.
Why is a housewife so important?
A housewife is that person who is given that title, for being responsible for the home being in perfect condition, although all people could carry out this work, not all have those skills to carry the organization of a home.
Being aware of each of the details, so that nothing is missing in that home, is knowing that throughout the day you cannot have any type of rest, because if you rested a little you feel that the whole day was wasted.
It becomes so essential because everyone depends on it for everything, that is, the little ones in the house need their maximum care and also when they are older.
The children do not find anything if the mother is not present to look for them, she is dedicated to keeping the house clean, cooking, ironing, helping the children with their homework, and being aware of the needs of her partner
Reason why the couple counts on her if he has to be the only one who goes out to work to cover the needs of that home, and in general he is the one who bears all the responsibility, it is the heaviest burden and it is the only hard job that is not recognized or financially remunerated.
Skills that you must develop if you decide to be a housewife
If you decided for some reason or circumstance to dedicate yourself completely to being a housewife, here we suggest some tips so that the functions to be developed are more bearable.
Being experts managing budgets
The housewife is the guardian of good management, and responsibility for savings and the economy of a home, to achieve this she must act with understanding and dedication and implement the priorities of the home.
Become competent
The activities that you must put into operation are many to support the home and in this way achieve good management for it, you must organize yourself and become an apprentice to face the challenges of day to day.
be good instructors
The people who decide to stay at home have the mission of teaching children values and principles of conduct, being aware of school work and even guiding and educating the couple. Unlike someone who leaves home to work daily
Putting these qualities into practice will allow you to achieve the stability that you long for in your home. Being a good housewife requires effort and commitment.
It is required to have these skills to have a firmness and security that in your home, those values of commitments and efforts of this hard work such as being a housewife are not lacking.
see your children grow up
It is sharing the day to day with them and watching them grow, not missing out on that beautiful thing that is the first steps of children and in this way carry out activities together
At the same time, contributing values and teachings, especially when they begin to be adolescents, which is the part where both have to be more committed to education.
However, this does not happen in all cases, today many women, who used to be housewives by tradition, go out to work and are exempt from spending time with their children. When you are a housewife you will have all the time in the world to dedicate to your training.
Disadvantages of being a housewife
In some cases not everything is as we want it to happen, there can also be various situations that go against the work you do on a daily basis.
being marginalized
In some companies, they despise the work of a housewife , and they confirm that it is an easy activity for anyone to do, thereby lowering their level of self-esteem, affecting their emotional part
You do not have good financial autonomy
It is no secret to anyone that daily tasks do not have any type of remuneration, in addition to this it can lead to a housewife being emotionally affected.
Because he is shy of many things among them; buy things for her and the children and perhaps help the economy of the house, although in this case the role of the partner should not be lacking, even so sometimes it brings a lot of impotence and low self-esteem in them
Lack of understanding in what you do
If as a housewife some things bother you, you should give more weight to positive things than to negative ones, a clear example of this is if you do not have a remuneration, if people underestimate your work, do not pay attention, you must take care of yourself emotionally and trusting God have faith against the bad comments of those who do not value the effort you make, and in this way take advantage of your time freedom to make your dreams of a home business come true and obtain economic independence.
Physical exhaustion
The human body has to have its respective rest, being a housewife implies that you do daily tasks that do not allow you that rest and that is when you can have health problems if you do not balance the daily tasks, and in turn the deterioration of the body by those who house trades
What are housewives like today?
Today we observe that most of us have to understand that we are first and only human beings, before women and men that we are not born with a sexuality linked to our physical appearance, added to this we should not establish a pre-established path in our lives and not neglecting the part of the belief in God to get ahead.
But to continue and more, however, despite having this clear, we continue to be rooted in machismo, it is filtered through communication and vitalizes those obtuse ideas that generate a little discomfort in us; now well today as many men as women are aware that this work has to be shared
Because the housewife also performs other functions that generally do not neglect the home part, it is essential that the couple also help with those who take care of the house because both have to work and in this way continue to maintain in a way optimal functioning of the home and not just being the housewife
Woman housewife and nuns
A housewife is always hand in hand with God to have strength and take with great intelligence this important role that is to be a housewife, even knowing that they are not valued, they do not lose faith in God, since without him none of the gifts they have would be possible, they are capable of transforming a prayer into teachings for their children.
Creating the values and education that today are being lost because of a society like this, these housewives and religious women do not lose heart in their purpose that the creative whole gives us every day, women in general have always defended themselves in all the challenges to which we are subjected
It is all the places where we have to stand out, we are always trying to give the best of each one of us in any part of the region where we are, that is why the value that is given to these housewives, fighters and at the same time that they have a double function to work many times outside the home
And also when I arrive to play the role of housewife alone to these women, my greatest admiration because they do not neglect their work or the obligation they have with their children, they are the strongest and do everything possible to fulfill the obligations that deserve to be carried out. home.
And thus fulfill all the duties that are presented to them daily, not leaving aside their work, growing professionally and positioning themselves as people with skills and thus gain positions within the organization where they work and be better each time in all the fields where they work. have to fulfill their duties.