I received my folder with the first notebook, pencil case, eraser, sharpener, ruler, glue tongs, a box of coloured pencils, and also some markers. It was April Fools’ Day, coincidentally April Fools’ Day, but what I’m going to report here happened and it’s true. We left the house, my mother and I from grey Brasília on a sunny afternoon, pleasant autumn weather, the sun was shining, it wasn’t hot.
We arrived at the school, there in the middle of the field on the side of the road with a single room and a pantry, where cleaning material and what was used to make the afternoon snack were kept. We were greeted by the teacher who was at the entrance to the school, near the stairs; I still remember her welcoming me with a friendly smile and a hug; she captivated me and with time I started to call her “aunt”, because I saw in her image and way as a second mother. My mother and she talked about some recommendations on how it worked for the school, I enrolled, because everything was very straight forward and without much bureaucracy, everything was simple and simple.
I entered and sat in the light brown wooden class, everything was new, different for me, I was very shy at that time, a little embarrassed, because there everyone was strangers to me, colleagues, environment, teacher, everything. But that day something incredible happened and woke me up to a dream. During the class, I followed the guidelines different for me, at that time I was timid, a little embarrassed, because there everyone was stranger to me, colleagues, the environment, the teacher, everything.
But that day something incredible happened and woke me up to a dream. During the class, I followed the guidelines different for me, at that time I was very shy, and a little embarrassed, because there everyone was a strangers to me, my colleagues, the environment, the teacher, everything. But that day something incredible happened and woke me up to a dream. During the class, I followed the guidelines teacher, paid attention, started to write the vowels with her left hand and made drawings.
My colleagues whispered, others talked among themselves, as they were already familiar and besides being classmates, they were friends. And I gradually got in, letting myself go, always in my quiet way, in my own way, I was getting along. I left that school day in the afternoon just after five o’clock when my mother came back to pick me up. When she came back, she was thinking about everything I saw, witnessed and felt on that first day of school. There arose a different, unique and special feeling, because my eyes shone and my heart beat differently.
And so the days went by making the first writings, collages in the notebook, drawings with the initials of the vowels, paintings, dates, recess, games, the smell of the tongs and the teacher’s (aunt) handwriting. The mare “mullita” also accompanied me daily as a means of transport to go to school, she was my “school van”. My soul was filled with motivation and encouragement, because I felt and realized that I wanted to be “someone in life”, one day, in the future, I wanted to graduate, study, seek knowledge daily.
It was simply passion and love at first sight for notebooks, books and knowledge. The reason I bring this personal story of mine here today was to make you who are reading the text seek to awaken that dream or project that may be stored there in some corner inside your heart and try to rescue, start today, now. Suddenly you have something cool, an idea, that is dormant inside you and that just needs a step to start, an attitude to make it come true.