History of the Virgin of Itatí and her miracles

History of the Virgin of Itatí and her miracles

As faithful believers and practicing Catholics, we believe in the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, and in her different invocations. Thanks to this article you will be able to know everything related to the Virgin of Itatí, prayer, image, and much more, do not stop reading it. History of the Virgin of Itatí This Marian dedication…

Liturgical Year

Liturgical Year: What is it? Meaning and Origin

The Liturgical Year is the year in which the Church celebrates the feasts of the Lord, the Virgin and the Saints. It begins with Advent Sunday, that is, the last Sunday of November or the first of December and ends with the feast of Christ at the end of November. What is the Liturgical Year? The Liturgical Year  , liturgical cycle,…

The Sacraments of Religious Initiation, know them

The Sacraments of Religious Initiation, know them

Are the sacraments of initiation an invention of the Church? Definitely not, Jesus left them as a task for his apostles so that they would be guarantors of its fulfillment and fulfill the function of delivering God’s grace to us. If you need reliable information about the sacraments of Christian initiation, what they are, for children, we…

What language did Jesus speak

What language did Jesus speak? and how many spoke

Knowing what language Jesus spoke allows us to learn more about this impressive spiritual figure, considered the most important of our era, learn more about this topic by reading the following article. What language did Jesus speak? In the first years of the first century of our era, the most used languages ​​in the regions where Jesus…

What are the Causes of Femicide? and what is?

What are the Causes of Femicide? and what is?

The article that we are going to develop deals with that depressing and worrying phenomenon that some women are victims of by generally macho men, we will talk about the causes of femicide among other aspects. Introductory definition As we said before, this article aims to provide the reader with information related to femicide, types,…

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