Do you know how to get God’s forgiveness? Find out here
God’s forgiveness is sublime, unique and special. So much so, that day by day he shows us that the love that God has for his creation surpasses all understanding. Learn in the following post all about God’s forgiveness and how to obtain it.
God’s forgiveness
Jesus came to give life and to give it abundantly, to everyone, without distinction of sins, and he did so by dying on the cross. This word was established towards the beginning of the history of humanity, sealed with a heavenly signature from the time of Abraham, on the feast of Passover and with more subtleties anticipated, in different predictions of the Old Testament.
For what reason was his death so significant for the man who deserved so much importance? That is research worth considering. The Bible proclaims it as law when it says: Since the wages of sin is death… (Romans 6:23) (See: The Bible )
“Death” really means “partition.” When our spirit is isolated from our body, we physically transmit death. In this sense, we are profoundly isolated from God. This is genuine on the basis that God is Holy, meaning without evil, while we have turned out to be adulterated from our unique creation and then sinned.
How could we get it?
There is a guarantee that we cannot ignore in our lives and it is that: “For all those who come close to the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved”. Romans 10:13
Please note that this guarantee is for everyone. Since the Lord rose, Jesus lives now and he is the Lord. Then, should you call on him, he will listen, attend to you, and extend his blessing to you. By trusting in God, he will hear us and react. The Gospel is amazing, but it needs our willingness at the same time.
Dear Lord Jesus
I understand that the bad actions that I have in my life,
they isolate me from you
Despite the fact that I can try,
efforts and losses on my part
for other things they will not fill
the emptiness of being away from you.
In any case,
I understand that your death
It was a penance to wash away each of my transgressions,
even my bad deeds.
you came back to life
after your death
so that I can realize that your penance was enough.
I ask you, can you cleanse me of my transgressions, be the bridge between me and God
and thus have an endless life with you.
I would prefer not to continue with a real existence linked to sin,
so please release me from evil deeds.
very grateful to you,
Lord Jesus, for doing this for me
And now you could still lead me in my life
in case I can follow you as my Lord.
So be it.
Forgiveness of sins is one of the main themes of the Bible. From the story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis and throughout the Scriptures we see numerous people who strayed and made unbelievable mistakes. We also read how God excused them and restored them. They are stories full of battles and, in addition, of triumph over bad actions and malice.
This is the means by which God needs us to live, in fellowship with Him. God is pleased when we set our hearts and ask forgiveness for our wrongdoing, restore us to fellowship. God needs our lives to also reflect the change that comes as a result of his forgiveness and love.
We like to believe that we are cool and reasonable, but inside we realize that we make mistakes and embarrassing acts. We act with lies and cause agony to others as a result of our narrow-mindedness. (See: New Testament )
The Bible calls this crime “malice,” to live apart from God. However, He has provided a focus to accommodate us to reestablish our association with Him. In the Bible we find moving entries that enlighten us about God’s forgiveness and reveal how to obtain it.
Below you can learn some aspects that you can consider to go to the presence of God and ask for forgiveness:
admit your sins
In the case of our bad deeds, God, who is trustworthy and just, will forgive us and cleanse us of all that we have done wrong. (1 John 1:9)
The main thing is to express and perceive the horrible things we have done and thus tell God about them. He knows everything and always will be. In any case, we have to humbly acknowledge before him that what we have done and what we have confessed take us away from the divine purpose every day, but even so we have decided to come to Him.
There is literally nothing we can admit that God cannot excuse. His affection and forgiveness reach and extend every edge of our heart.
The Lord does not take long to satisfy his flock, as some understand his love. Or maybe, He has tolerance with us, since he doesn’t need anyone to die, but he does need everyone to be honest and confess.
It is not enough to admit and realize the horrible things we have done. We have to apologize, when we sin, we express how bad it makes us see, the mistakes we have made and what drives us to make the essential changes to start doing what God truly pleases.
God needs each one of us to apologize, to perceive that we need him in our lives. He needs us to conform to his purpose and confirm him as the only Lord and savior. He does not need any person to spend time eternally without Him. So he silently waits for His request and help.
Trust in Jesus
At that point we must trust Jesus in light of the fact that only in him do we have salvation. We have to accept that Jesus is the son of God, that through his passing away on the cross and his restoration, we are saved and adjusted to God.
It is imperative to express with our mouth the security that is in our heart. We must admit that Jesus is Lord. We choose to pass him a lordship over our lives.
We no longer do what we need: we do not live to fulfill our inner being. He is Lord and we obey him as he has changed us and given genuine importance to our lives. One of the important things is to recognize that our sin violated God’s standards. Although we may have hurt other people with our mistake, the ideal is to admit that we have offended God.
It is important that through prayer we can freely confess our sin to God (Psalm 32:5; 1 John 1:9).
Sadness: one of the things that the person who sins experiences is sadness, emptiness, grief and insecurity are enough when the person knows that he has failed the Father. Thanks to the fact that he is capable of feeling sadness, he can come to true repentance that allows him to return to communion with God.
Change our attitude: Once we have confessed, it is normal for the person to want not to repeat the act that brought him multiple consequences at the time, for this reason he is more careful when acting.
We reflect: something important to do after confessing the sin and redemption, is to try by all means to look for those who have committed the fault and apologize, so we must also recover and cover the damage caused.
Communion: According to the book of Matthew, it is explained that we must forgive so that the Father of Heaven can forgive us. If we don’t do it, He won’t be able to even if he wants to forgive us. We must remember that when going through a delicate process it is always advisable not to keep things quiet but to look for someone close to you and with spiritual maturity who is willing to help you.
Will God forgive me?
The book of acts highlights that when we confess our sins and God forgives them, he also erases them and takes them to the depths of the sea, never to remember them again.
The best way to obtain God’s forgiveness is to come to Him sincerely, remembering that He knows all things. In no way does God bring to mind the past when he has already decided to forgive you and all this he does only because of the great love he has for each of his children.
Misconceptions about forgiveness
Below you will find a series of common texts or sayings that are really misconceptions about what God’s forgiveness means.
“I’ve committed many errors; God will never forgive me.”
There are many characters in the Bible where God’s forgiveness is remarkable. For example, the case of David when he committed each act. Not only in him, but in kings who were able to recognize his faults.
In no way will God deny forgiveness to a person who is willing to vindicate himself, to improve and wants to do things differently.
“If I confess to a priest or a pastor, my sins will be forgiven.”
According to the light of the scriptures, no person has the power to free another from their sins. The only one who can truly do it is God through Our Lord Jesus Christ. No one else, only Him. He knows us better than anyone and wants us to be well in full communion.
The only thing that as humans we can achieve is to bring the person who has failed to the Father, not persuading him but rather reminding him of all the love that the Father has for us and that above any mistake, doubt or failure He will always be willing to time and space for dialogue.
It is not a secret that the Holy Spirit is in charge of convincing of sin and error, so He himself leads the person when he has received him to accept Christ, the Father.
In the Bible we find some verses that demonstrate the incredible strength and willingness of God to forgive. Forgiveness is a centerpiece of the gospel, and every once in a while it’s a great idea to get a taste of the truly amazing guarantees God makes about it. Here is a small determination of the sections on acquittal, its conditions and its capacity.
When we take a look at these verses, we can obviously consider that as long as we apologize and dedicate ourselves to forgiving others, at that time God will completely excuse us, and we can truly have a fresh start!
Psalms 103:10-12
He has not dealt with us according to our iniquities, Nor has He repaid us according to our sins. For as the height of the heavens above the earth,
He has magnified his mercy on those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, he has removed our rebellions from us.
Psalms 130:3-4
Lord, if you look at sins,
Who, O Lord, can stand?
But in you there is forgiveness, so that you are loved.
Isaiah 1:18
Come then, saith the Lord, and let us be aware: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; if they are red like crimson, they will be like white wool.
Isaiah 43:25
I am the person who eradicated your sins by myself, and I will not remember your transgressions
Isaiah 55:7
Let the wicked man forsake his way, and the wicked man his thoughts, and turn to the Lord, who will have mercy on him, and to our God, who will be ample to forgive.
What God like you, who forgives with love and overlooks the evil deeds of the rest of his legacy? He didn’t always keep the indignation from him, in light of the fact that he has great benevolence. He will show benevolence towards us once more; He will cover our injustices and cast each of our transgressions deep into the ocean.
Matthew 6: 14-15
Because if you forgive men their offenses, your great Father will also forgive you; But in case he does not forgive men their offenses, neither will his Father excuse his offenses.
My children, I keep these things in contact with you so that you do not sin; and in case someone has transgressed, we have a legal advisor to the Father, Jesus Christ the honorable. Furthermore, he is the satisfaction for our mistakes; and for ours, but in addition to those of the whole world.
“… In “The 9 Things I Wish I Knew Before Getting Married”, one of the approaches that produced the most questions was “A great marriage is the association of two great forgivers”. Numerous people secretly contacted me to ask about this point, as they “have a hard time”, “can’t excuse” or “are trapped by hate”. Martin
Forgiveness is not easy! Asking for forgiveness is not simple since we are happy. Furthermore, sympathizing is also not simple, in light of the fact that we are handicapped. Then it can happen that we do not ask for forgiveness and that the absence of asking for and giving absolution accumulates in hatred.
Also, if it is difficult to manage forgiveness when we are well, at the time of the offense it is more problematic. In any case, we have to apologize. No alternative. Jesus instructs us to be “gracious as our Heavenly Father is forgiving.
In addition, we continually declare it in the Our Father: “Forgive us for our offenses as we apologize to people who annoy us.” If we don’t forgive, God can’t forgive you. In the event that we must be tolerant like the Father, the best we can do is perceive how God forgives us to see how we should forgive others.
God is eager to forgive us
In the story of the Merciful Father, also called that of the extravagant child, there is a delicate component of the Father that we often ignore: «While he was still far away, his father saw him and moved, ran, lay down on his neck and kissed him. profusely. (Lk 15,20). The father was hung up on him! He ran to meet her.
Also, the boy hadn’t apologized yet! In our own connections, we should be eager to run to meet our brothers who wronged us, resolutely and realizing that this is God’s absolution.
We must be on the edge sitting tight to reach a compromise. Also, when our brother who hurt us apologizes, he rushed to meet him and show him the pleasure of meeting.
God forgives immediately
In the story, the Father hardly allows his son to reveal to him all the expressions of contrition that he had created: he sends him to his workers to be dressed and put on rings. Jesus, being on the cross, takes a look at the people who were tormenting him and who were going to be executed and says something inconceivably disconcerting:
“Father, forgive them because they have no idea what they are doing” (Lk 23, 34) Would you be able to forgive someone who harms us, particularly those closest to us? Obviously yes! We need to remember that, as Our Lord says “they didn’t even know what they were doing”.
Perhaps we imagine that the individual harms us because he is terrible, or because he hates us. Be that as it may, in general, the clarification is much less difficult: they do not have the slightest idea. Sin, to be a crime, must be “submitted with full learning and determined consent”
Furthermore, those conditions are not constantly present. We often hurt ourselves without knowing, without need, without having the option to maintain a strategic distance. That is why our disposition to excuse must always be liberal and open.
Regardless of whether or not they apologize, keep in mind that the person who has offended us may not realize that they have offended us. We should stay away from the urge to say, “I can’t forgive that” or “I will never forgive you.” If we do not forgive, we would separate our hands from God so that He does not forgive us.
God’s absolution is a meeting
The father, after restoring his son to his highest pride, requests that the workers prepare a party! Did you miss the crime? Did he overlook everything his son had done to him? No. The proper answer is given to the son who defies the method that the Merciful Father gave to the wayward child:
“This brother of yours was dead and has come back to life; He was lost and has been found. How not to encourage if harmony has returned to our lives? How not to celebrate in case we can abandon our disparities?
God’s forgiveness requires a change
In any case, that does not imply that we will never do it again. After this wonderful exchange with the lady, Jesus lets her know: «from now on, sin no more» (Jn 8:11). Also, that’s the part that occasionally costs us the most when we’re the ones doing the swearing.
In some cases we fall into the daily practice of erring “in light of the fact that God’s clemency is unlimited”, and we do not pave the way to create that change, that internal change that is our obligation to make to thank God’s forgiveness .
The moment our “I’m sorry” to whom we affront ends the time, or when we go to the consecrated admission without changes, the intensity of the apology weakens. We show that we always appreciate the goodness of God and our brothers and we put all the way to that internal change. Imagine a scenario where we fall once again. (See: Old Testament )
We rise once again! We request a sincere acquittal and put back each of the methods to avoid falling once again. How often would it be a good idea for us to forgive people who have hurt us? Multiple times seven.
“The name of God is mercy”:
“There are many humble people who admit their setbacks. The important thing, in the life of every man and every woman, is never to fall further. The important thing is to get up constantly, not to stay on the floor licking your wounds. The merciful Lord constantly forgives me, with the aim of constantly offering me the possibility to start once again.
God totally excuses
Jesus tells the great criminal: “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk 23, 43). How do we apologize? Forgiveness does not imply that you should forget the offense you have. Forgiveness has nothing to do with your memory.
Forgiveness also has nothing to do with feelings. Jesus apologized for his torturers on the Cross! Perhaps, if the crime was intense, we will remember the crime committed against us until the last snapshot of our lives.
Excusing means “continuing to give.” Forgiveness means “give one more time”. Christ gives his forgiveness to someone who clearly does not deserve it. Such a decent hoax was that, at last, “paradise was taken.” When we excuse, we cannot proceed with the “essence of forgiven people”, much less with the “disposition of others who are unfortunate”. (See: The Bible and Marriage )
If the apology is genuine and complete, we will not discuss the matter again, not with the guilty party, or with anyone other than our interlocutor. That implies forgiving: abandoning a crime and doing it for the last time.
It is God who forgives
Forgiveness can’t just come close to getting acquittal, even though that’s a decent start. In any case, after forgiving each other quickly and fully, we must realize that the individual we are dealing with is a son or daughter of God!
What’s more, one of your best choices. The next thing we must do is proceed to admit it to a minister, so that through confession, retribution and the correct exhortation we can really have peace of mind, in our marriage, in our family or in our networks.
Genuine harmony is established in otherworldly forgiveness. Our Lord guided us to leave us harmony “I leave you my peace of mind, I give you my peace of mind: I do not give it as the world gives it” (Jn 14:27).
But what is commitment? The genuine commitment is that God, in Christ, has taken our bad deeds and moved to become sin for us. (See Article: The Bible and Divorce )
Also, when we go to admission, for example, it is not that we declare the sin and that God forgives us. No, it’s not this. We discover Jesus Christ and declare: This is yours and here I am once again. Moreover, He prefers that, since it has been his central goal: to progress to become sin for us, to free us.
Something that we must always remember is if by forgiving someone their mistakes we feel free and at peace, how much more will our joy be when we feel that we are forgiven and justified by God. God’s love becomes noticeable in small actions and in notable actions, only it is God who decides when to show himself.
There is nothing in this world serious enough not to come to the father to confess. Likewise, the love of God is inexhaustible that covers a multitude of sins without distinction. God does not single you out for what you have done, on the contrary, it pleases Him and causes Him joy to know that you choose His love over failures and mistakes.
Consider at all times to be a participant in the grace and goodness of God, do not allow your gaze to blur, on the contrary, if we keep our eyes on the things above we will be much more careful when executing any action of which in future times will not be profitable.
Forgive and you will be forgiven. The Lord Jesus Christ emphasizes it again and again in his word.
Love holds no resentment. In the event that you need to appreciate a joyful life full of satisfaction, at that moment you must forgive. Forgiveness is the basis of affection. Someone once said that refusing to forgive someone and anticipating that things should be okay is akin to taking intoxicants and hanging on for someone else to pass on. It doesn’t work that way.
God is not unjust to forget the things that for love of Him we do, leave or change. God will never take his eyes off him or his love from what he created with his own hands. His love is inexhaustible, distinguishable and something that we must value above failures and mistakes.
The scripture expresses in the book of Romans that no created thing could separate us from the love of God, neither hunger, nor difficulty, nor anything that resembles it. Neither what happened before, much less what is about to happen. Not even what the spirit world is raising against you. Not only for this but for many other reasons is that God’s forgiveness is and will be valid for anyone who wishes to take it.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a delicate subject that must be analyzed with great caution. Since it is what God himself cannot forgive on our part. We are not talking about a light, or about a force, or about someone unreal, on the contrary, we are talking about someone who exists and is very real.
By accepting Christ in each heart is to accept and receive a complete combo that contains: the undeserved love of God, his grace that is a true gift that we should not have and that thanks to her and to the mercy that God allows us every day is that we can freely come to Him and be forgiven.
It is not that God deserves or needs our forgiveness, it is we who totally need the presence of God and the Holy Spirit in our hearts. We must be a watchman so that others recognize the love of God and without limitations can recognize that God is and always will be the only and true God, the sublime, the great, the beloved. (See Article: Prayer to Jesus )
Let’s not waste God’s love and forgiveness for passing things or for believing that our mistakes are too serious to minimize God’s forgiveness. !No way!