Effective prayer to Jesus Malverde for money
Jesús Malverde is considered by many, especially in his country of birth, as the saint of bad habits and customs. Read on to learn a little more about the protector and the prayers that are made to receive his favors.
Jesus Malverde
He was born in the Sonaloa region of Mexico, in December 1870, his real name was Jesús Juárez Mazo, he is known for having been a bandit, he is revered as a saint especially in his country of origin, his cult has been cataloged as a petition pagan of those who defend bad customs.
His followers venerate him as the Generous Bandit or the Patron Saint of Narcos, he was nicknamed Malverde after he began to carry out robberies in the mountains.
After this character died in 1909, many petitions and miracles began to be attributed to his soul, especially those related to vandalism and drug trafficking. It is said that he can offer protection from traffickers, return lost things to those who ask him, find money and offer favors.
The migrants who cross the North American border illegally also have great faith in him. He is also known as the protector of the poor when they are tried in the criminal setting.
It is important to keep in mind that Jesús Malverde is not considered a saint, nor a figure of the Catholic Church. This is a belief and myth that is not accepted by Christians
To receive the requests made to Jesús Malverde, his followers make varieties of prayers, let’s see some of them:
Prayer to Jesus Malverde
To you, Malverde, who are an example of mercy and strength for the poor, I beg you today to grant me, through my prayers, through my pleas, my reverence before your altar where you deliver your unconditional love.
I beg you to bless me today, I am a servant of your praise, humble, with problems similar to those you experienced while alive, today I submit to your soul, benevolent, simple, attentive to those who suffer, sensitive to those who suffer. I ask you to give support to my life and that with great nobility you grant and fulfill my requests.
Keep my heart and fill my life with tranquility.
Prayer to Jesus Malverde for money
Oh, Jesús Malverde, Lord who stands before the cross of God, we ask you to intercede for us, your followers, have mercy on us and alleviate our pain.
You who are in the glory of God, attend to the pleas and sufferings of the poor and sinners.
Oh, Holy Miraculous Malverde.
Grant the favors of my soul and help me with my financial needs.
Multiply my work and I can continue to be useful in my activities.
(At this time make the specific request for which the prayer is made)
Oh, Jesús Malverde, fill my life with health, tranquility and economic well-being.
Help me with my daily expenses and multiply my money so that I can afford each one of them.
You who know what it means to be sinners, pray for us who continue to sin in this world.
So that at the time of our departure our faults are forgiven.
Prayer to Jesús Malverde to attract work
Oh, Jesús Malverde, Lord who stands before the cross of God, we ask you to intercede for us, your followers, have mercy on us and alleviate our pain.
You who are in the glory of God, attend to the pleas and sufferings of the poor and sinners.
Oh, Holy Miraculous Malverde.
Today I ask you to grant me the job that I am waiting for, I know that with your merciful love you will do everything to deserve it.
(At this time make the request, name the position and company from which a response is expected)
That is why I trusted in your holiness and charity, in your greatness, I put my faith in your will and I ask you to fill my mind with positive thoughts and attract work.
Remove from my path the stone that does not allow me to advance.
Bless my life with work and teach me to be grateful.
I feel regret of your cross and I kneel before you, so that you take care of me and enlighten my walk.
Make me prosperous and bless my work.
Prayer to Jesús Malverde to ask him for a favor
Oh, Jesús Malverde, Lord who stands before the cross of God, we ask you to intercede for us, your followers, have mercy on us and alleviate our pain.
You who are in the glory of God, attend to the pleas and sufferings of the poor and sinners.
Oh, Holy Miraculous Malverde.
Oh powerful soul, good and merciful, today I kneel before your cross so that you relieve my pain and regrets.
Today I ask you for a certain favor that I require.
Oh Malverde my Lord fulfill this favor for me and fill my spirit with joy.
Fill my life with health, rest, make me a happy being.
(At this time make the specific request for which the prayer is made)
(Next, 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys are prayed)
How to make the sentences?
It is important to be in a place free of noise, where you can concentrate and make the requests of the different prayers without being interrupted.
Pray the following Prayer:
My God heavenly father, almighty I ask your permission to make my pleas to our Jesús Malverde, so that with your will he can help me in my sorrows.
Forgive my sins and make me a just man to act in the best way in this life.
(Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary)
(Perform the prayer to Jesus Malverde)
Perform the prayer according to the type of request
Prayer has an impressive power when it is done with faith and will, be grounded when you make your requests, ask with love and your wishes will be granted, we invite you to also know: