Gospel of Mark and his Biblical Complete History By Chapters
Gospel of Mark, today you will be able to know everything about this beautiful story that leaves us with edifying teaching, join us to discover everything about the Gospel of Mark in this article.
Who was Mark?
Marcos, this is simply how Marcos is known in principle, a humble man who decided that the word of God is carried without the need for the person who evangelizes to be recognized for what he does, a demonstration of humility and dedication like few others. How can we know about someone who did not want to be recognized? He did not talk about his person in any of the notes he wrote, so it is very difficult to know about his life.
The little that is known about Mark the Evangelist is through one of the documents of antiquity, in which some of them provide some type of information about Mark, among which a writing by Eusebius dating from the fourth century stands out, to the time when Constantine was the emperor of Rome, in this writing a quote from the 2nd century can be identified, which takes up a certainty of a lost document in which an Elder refers to Marco.
In this quote it is written verbatim “Mark, who was Peter’s interpreter, wrote down accurately, although without order, everything he remembered of what the Lord said and did.” We can in this writing recognize his presence at the time reviewed and the work he was doing, they describe him with a man who was faithful in his writing, more however, he did not have an order of it, for which he is recognized as a messy scribe .
The note found directly names Marco, which allows him to be identified as a well-known person and the purpose of generating it definitely seeks to praise the work carried out by Marcos, which apparently was not valued, precisely because of the supposed disorder with which he carried it out. .
From the same text we can also rescue the fact that Mark recognizes the reliability of what was written and the way it was said by Jesus, as well as the fact that the transcribed information was received from Peter.
It is presumed that Marcos was a man of firm character, determined and not at all satisfied, he must have been an intelligent and very daring man. From where we deduce these characteristics, since it was Marcos who created a format to write down in a pedagogical way the praxis of Galileo.
The strength of character can be recognized in his writings where he was not afraid to say things as he observed them, for example in Mark chapter 16 verse 8 “And they fled from the tomb, because trembling and fear had seized them; nor did they say anything to anyone, because they were afraid”, as we can see he was not afraid to express in an exact way the even cowardly attitude of his disciples. Mark had a major impact on the early church , but he was always a low profile person.
Marcos developed a Christian life in Alexandria, in Egypt, where he developed the first bishopric, created a Christian school and had a life very attached to the laws, evangelized until his last day, died as a martyr on April 25 between the years 64 and 68, there is doubt about the exact year. Mark brought Christianity to Egypt at the time of Emperor Nero.
His death is referred to in the Acts of San Marcos, a writing that dates back to the fourth century, where they tell how Marcos was tortured, tied with ropes and pulled through the streets of the city of Alexandria, on occasions he fell and they did not stop for what was dragged and after that he was imprisoned and the next day they did the same thing again, but Marcos’ body could not resist so much abuse and he died.
Beginnings of Marcos
As we can identify Mark is the author of the Gospel that is identified with his name, also in his work as a writer of the words and actions of Jesus, he helped the apostles Peter and Paul. It is said that he was the son of a very influential woman named Mary and was apparently born in Jerusalem, before receiving his Christian name, Mark was called John, that was his name of Jewish origin.
His name appears for the first time in the Book of Acts chapter 13 in verses 5 and 13, where they point out that Mark is still called John and was just a helper, in verse 13, they mention John’s return to Jerusalem. We can then highlight that in Acts the beginning of John in Christianity is indicated, later in the book of 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 11, Mark is already mentioned with his Roman name.
When Peter is summoned for speaking with uncircumcised men, an explanation is generated by Peter, which is detailed in the book of Acts chapter 11, where Peter refers again to John, who was baptized in water, but the others They would be baptized by the Holy Spirit.
Evangelization was gaining strength and more and more in the cities more and more families converted to Christianity, a great force began to form that was seen as counterproductive to the rules of the empire, because Christians only worshiped one God and this went against of the rules of bowing to the emperor and believing in the Roman gods.
That is why Christianity begins to be persecuted, by imprisoning Peter on Herod’s orders, the persecution claimed the life of Jacob who was John’s brother and since he was well received by the Jews, they imprisoned Peter. The church prayed for Pedro to God and they were heard. When Pedro was released from prison, he went to the house of Marcos’s mother, where several brothers were praying for him.
In the final verses it is shown when Barnabas cousin of John and Saul take John who is called Mark to Antioch, to serve as a companion in the first of the missionary trips that the apostle Paul would make. As we can see, the beginnings of Mark in the life of Christianity were very marked by events and signs that left him in doubt about the existence of God.
Because the choice of Marcos to accompany John on the first missionary journey is not actually known or expressed in the scriptures, however, we assume that it is due, first, to his parental relationship with Barnabas, who was widely recognized by the apostles and second for the ability of Mark, to serve as a support or assistant, as well as the domain he had over the language of the time, which was Greek.
However, at some point during the trip, Marcos had to return to Jerusalem, abandoning the group with which he had been working. This defection was not well received by the apostle Paul. His return to Jerusalem is reflected in Acts chapter 13 verse 13, however, the reason is not stated. Pablo’s annoyance is reflected at the time of his second missionary trip, which took place three years later, however, when Juan was proposed to accompany him again, Pablo rejected the offer.
Despite Pablo’s rejection, Barnabas took him with him so Marcos did not stop in his work as a missionary and God has his ways of correcting and transforming people’s hearts, of making them more humble.
Despite the rejection received by Paul to be part of his group on his second missionary journey, it was Mark who was with Paul when he was arrested the first time, this moment is found outlined in Colossians chapter 4 verse 10 and more clearly expressly recognizes it as his collaborator in Philemon chapter 1 verse 24. The scriptures do not really allow us to know when Paul’s forgiveness of Mark arose.
In reference to his relationship with Peter, we can find it reflected in 1 Peter chapter 5 verse 13, in which it is indicated that both are in Babylon “The church that is in Babylon, chosen together with you, and Mark my son, salute”.
Gospel of Mark
Now that you know about Juan, who was later called Marcos, and what his beginnings in life were as an evangelist, we are going to learn about the gospel and try to be concrete but deep in the word written by this humble man of God. As we have already seen, Mark is named several times in the Acts of the Apostles, as we have already reviewed, they tell about the meetings between Mark and the apostles and even his participation in the first missionary trips.
There is evidence and it is accepted that Mark was the creator of the first bishopric in Alexandria, in Egypt where he established a church and also founded a school, seven deacons and three priests, a series of miracles are also attributed to him. As we can see, Marcos developed a life in Christ in which he showed dedication, commitment and a lot of passion.
There are documents that affirm that the Second Gospel was written by Mark, this initially young man who accompanied Peter to Rome, where he also made contact with Paul. Mark is renowned for the fidelity of his writing to the teachings. When comparing the Gospel of Mark with that written by Matthew or Luke, there is a great difference, in the Gospel of Mark there is no reference to the life of Jesus before his communion.
It is said that the reason for this is because Mark used to write the gospel the limits used in the teachings of the early church. This being the foundation, in reality the apostles and evangelizers of the early church emphasized the word of Jesus and his works, not what had happened to him.
The Gospel of Mark also has details that Mark himself remembered from the sermons in which he had accompanied Peter. The Gospel of Mark is made up of two blocks, one that takes place in Galilee and the second in Judea and Jerusalem.
In the Gospel of Mark the work of Jesus is clearly shown, what his teachings were, then the part in which the refusal of Jesus to comply with the demands of the people who according to him is shown, so he begins to lose popularity and then his death on the cross, but Marcos does not delve into death, really what he considers important.
Gospel Summary
The Gospel of Mark is organized into seven sections in which the life and work of Jesus Christ are described. In the first chapter a quote is made from Isaiah, who as we know was the prophet of the Old Testament, there is also a quote from John the Baptist, who announces the coming of the Messiah. Another relevant aspect is the baptism and temptation of Jesus.
Section two describes the call of Jesus to Simon, who later called Peter, as well as the call of his brother Andrew, to be his apostles. This call occurs in one of the demonstrations of greatness of Jesus, we invite you to read Boga Mar Inside. It talks about the miracles of Jesus. Section three tells us about the Galilee retreat of Jesus and his disciples and the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, also the miracle of Jesus walking on the water, the transfiguration and others.
In the last part of this third section Jesus predicts his death and resurrection. In section four, he tells us about Jesus going to Capernaum and preaching about him. Also the departure of Jesus to Judea, for his part in section five, we learn about various topics, he tells us about the miracle of restoring the vision of a blind man and again Jesus predicts his death and resurrection.
The entrance to Jerusalem on a donkey. The Gospel of Mark speaks of the lessons, the parables and warnings that Jesus gives to the people. Section six is the Lord’s Supper, his arrest, trial, and crucification on the cross. The last section number seven recounts the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.
Gospel of Mark by Chapters
We will start reading the Gospel of Mark from chapter 1 to chapter 16 with each of its verses, it is time to get comfortable and enjoy this beautiful teaching that comes to us from the hand of Mark. The Gospel of Mark begins by pointing out that it is the Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, without taking credit from the authors, it indicates as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: Here I send my messenger before your face and he prepares your way He will hear the voice of one crying in the wilderness. He prepares the way of the Lord, he makes straight his paths.
Juan was baptizing in the desert, at the same time that he did it in his preaching, he invited repentance, to obtain the forgiveness of sins. People came from all over Judea, including all of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by John in the Jordan river, they confessed their sins. John the Baptist was dressed in camel hair, he had a leather belt around his loins, he ate locusts and wild honey.
In Juan’s sermon he said, someone much more powerful than me is coming after me, someone of whom I am not worthy, nor inclined at his feet to untie the strap of his shoes. I have baptized you with water, but he who comes after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan River and at the moment of submerging him when he was rising from the waters, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on him. This beautiful passage is referred to in the Gospel of Mark chapter 1 verses 1 to 10.
As the Holy Spirit descended upon him, a voice emerged from heaven that declared: “You are my beloved Son; in you I am well pleased». After that, the Spirit impelled him to the desert and he was in the desert for forty days, they were difficult days full of temptations, Satan tried to convince him, there were also the beasts; and the angels served him.
But at that moment they put John in prison and Jesus came to Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, he repeated the time that should have passed has passed and the kingdom of God is closer, please repent and grow in the gospel. Then one day walking along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew, who were casting their nets into the sea, they were both fishermen. Jesus called them and said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
One of the most beautiful miracles occurs and after not having caught anything during the night, the boats almost sank from so many fish. Simon fell on his knees at his feet and saying that he was a sinner and then leaving his net, he followed him.
On his way further on, he saw James and John who were the sons of Zebedee, he also saw them in the boat, who were repairing the nets and he also called them and leaving his father Zebedee in the boat with the other workers of the week , they followed. Mark chapter 1 verses 11 to 20.
Jesus and his disciples who followed him everywhere entered Capernaum and entered the synagogue, where he always evangelized them. Those who attended to listen were amazed at his doctrine, because Jesus taught as someone who has authority and did not do it like the scribes.
But among the attendees was a man who possessed an unclean spirit, who cried out saying: “Ah! What do you have with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God”, but Jesus knew that he was possessed and rebuked him, telling him to shut up, and get out of him! And the unclean spirit, shaking him violently, and crying with a loud voice, came out of him.
All those who were in his presence were amazed, his impact was such that they wondered what doctrine it was that even the unclean spirits obeyed it. Immediately the name of Jesus spread throughout the province around Galilee, they left the synagogue and went to the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Simon’s wife’s mother was lying down with a fever; and immediately they spoke to him about her, then he approached her and took her by the hand and lifted her up, her fever ceased and immediately she attended them.
When night came, they began to bring all the sick and possessed, the whole city was crowded at the door. Of course he healed many and cast out the demons, he did not let the demons speak because they knew him. Mark chapter 2 verses 21 to 34. Mark lets us know about the miracles of Jesus and his growing popularity.
To end chapter 1 we present below verses 35 to 45, after resting very little, Jesus got up very early and even when it was dark, he left and went to a lonely place and began to pray, but Simon and others who accompanied him They went looking for him and told him everyone is looking for you.
But Jesus told them let’s go to other neighboring places, to preach in them too, because for this I have come. He preached in the synagogues throughout Galilee, and cast out demons. One of the reported miracles is the cleansing of the leper, who approached Jesus and kneeling at his feet said “if you want you can cleanse me”. Jesus had mercy on him, touched him, and said: “I want, be clean.”
Instantly the leprosy left the man, after cleaning him he told the man not to say anything, only to go and show himself before the priest and offer for his purification, what Moses commanded for their testimony. But the man did not keep quiet and began to tell everyone what Jesus had done for him, so Jesus could not freely enter the city and stayed on the outskirts of the city, in the deserted places, but the people went just like him everywhere.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Mark begins with the return of Jesus to the city of Capernaum, they had already spent a few days outside the city and he came back to the house, the news spread throughout the city, Jesus was back in the city. Immediately people began to crowd the outskirts, there was no room for more but Jesus preached the word of God to them.
Then several men arrived carrying a man who could not walk on a stretcher, but there was such a crowd in front of them that they could not pass. They then decided to raise part of the roof and lower the man with everything and stretcher to Jesus, this made Jesus recognize his faith in them and said to the paralytic, all your sins are forgiven.
Around Jesus and inside the crowd were some scribes, who reflected in their hearts with the messages of Jesus, however, they dared to judge him because the way in which Jesus spoke they considered it as blasphemy: Who can forgive sins, but only God?, but Jesus recognized their doubt and asked why they doubted that way in their hearts and then asked what is easier, to say to the paralytic: Your sins are forgiven you, or to tell him: Get up, take your bed and walk ?
And then to show them that the Son of God did have the power on earth to forgive mistakes and sins, he said to the paralyzed man: “Get up, take your bed, and go home. Then the paralytic got up immediately and obediently took his stretcher and walked out in front of everyone. The people were amazed and glorified God, they all said that they had never seen anything like it. This is the story that the Gospel of Mark tells us in chapter 2 verses 1 to 12.
Jesus was walking by the sea and the people were coming and he was teaching them. When he was walking he saw Levi who was the son of Alphaeus, who was working in the bank of public taxes, and said to him: Follow me and without saying anything he got up and followed him.
Then Jesus was sitting at the table in the house of Levi and many people among whom were the so-called publicans as tax collectors were known, as well as sinners, were sharing the table with Jesus, his disciples were also there; because there were many who had followed him.
The scribes and the Pharisees who were also among the people who had followed him, when they saw that Jesus ate with the tax collectors and with the sinners, turned to the disciples asking them, What is this, that he eats and drinks with the tax collectors and sinners? Jesus heard the concern of the Pharisees and told them “People who are healthy do not need a doctor to attend to them, it is only the sick who need him, I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners”.
There is no doubt about the accuracy of this wonderful message, before which the Pharisees did nothing but keep silent. On one of the days that Jesus stayed in the city, the disciples of John and also of the Pharisees were fasting, the people approached Jesus and asked them why his disciples did not fast, if those of John and the Pharisees were fasting?
Jesus had a wise answer for everything and said to them: “Can those who are at a wedding fast while the bridegroom is with them?” as long as the husband is with the bride, they cannot fast, but the days will come when the husband is not there and then on those days they will fast.
He also answered them using the following parables: No one can mend an old dress by putting a piece of new cloth on it, because the new cloth will shrink and pull on the old cloth, opening a bigger hole in the old cloth. Neither does anyone put new wine in old leather saddlebags, if they do so the new wine will break the skins and the old wine will be lost and the skins will also be lost, therefore the new wine must be placed in new skins.
One day walking through the fields, the disciples of Jesus began to harvest ears of corn. And the Pharisees who were always watching told him why did they do what was not allowed on the Sabbath?
To which Jesus responded by asking the Pharisees a question, Did you ever read what David did when he was hungry? David and those who were with him entered the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and they ate the showbread, yes, David took the offering bread.
These breads are not lawful to eat, only the priests can eat them and even though it was unlawful, he fed those who walked with him. We must understand that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath, therefore, the Son of Man is Lord, even on the Sabbath.
Chapter 3
In chapter 3 of the Gospel of Mark we are told about the return of Jesus to the synagogue where he met a man who had one of his hands paralyzed. In the synagogue there were other people who just wanted to see if Jesus healed him, but it was a day of rest, for this reason they would use that evidence of breaking the law to accuse him.
But Jesus approached the man and told him to stand up and stand in the middle of everyone. When the man was in the middle, he asked everyone present, “What does the Law allow us to do on the Sabbath? Do good or do bad? Save a life or kill?, however, no one present answered.
This attitude bothered Jesus a lot, who with a look ran through the eyes of each one and felt sorry for how blind they were, so he told the man to extend his hand and the man did so, then Jesus healed the sick hand .
The Pharisees did not even wait and went to meet with the supporters of Herod, to find a way to eliminate Jesus. Jesus went with his disciples to the shores of the lake and as was the custom the crowd followed him, there were already people from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, from the other side of the Jordan and from the lands of Tire and Sidon. Many people came to hear what Jesus had to say.
Jesus had already asked his disciples to have a boat placed in a place to prevent people from running over him, because the fervor of those who followed him was so great that at times they could harm him, because everyone wanted to be healed, everyone wanted to listen to him, everyone They needed his presence. Those people who were possessed by impure spirits, when they saw him fell on their feet and shouted: “You are the Son of God”.
But Jesus did not want them to say who he was and he silenced them and rebuked them, those spirits knew who he was, but he did not want them to make him known. Also in the Gospel of Mark we are told when Jesus went up the mountain and called only those he wanted to meet him, it was in that place where he instituted the Twelve Apostles, to stay with him and to send them out to preach, to whom he also gave power to cast out demons.
He gave each of them a name, Simon was called Pedro, Santiago and Juan, he called them Boanerges and this group was made up of Bartolomé, Andrés, Felipe, Mateo, Tomás, Santiago, Tadeo, Simón el Cananeo and Judas Iscariot. who later betrayed him.
In the Gospel of Mark in this chapter three he also tells us about the sin against the Holy Spirit, when he returns home, so many people came again that they could not even eat. When his relatives found out about all of the above, they went looking for him to take him away, because they had been told that Jesus had gone crazy.
There was already a conspiracy against Jesus and some scribes who had come from Jerusalem said that he was possessed by Satan, that he was the chief of the demons and through them, with their help, he was able to expel the demons from people.
But Jesus told them to come closer and began to explain to them through simple examples, How can Satan cast out Satan? If a nation encounters internal strife, it is not possible for that nation to remain standing, the same happens with a family in which internal divisions occur, that family will not be able to remain united either. It is the same with Satan, if he fights against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, so he will meet his end very soon.
Nobody can actually enter the Fort’s house and take his things, they have to tie him up first, that’s the way they could loot his house. Men will be forgiven for all lies and sins against God, no matter how many they may be, but whoever slanders the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, because that sin will remain in him.
He is possessed by an evil spirit, that is his sin. Chapter 3 of the Gospel of Mark tells us about the true family of Jesus, when he says then his mother and his brothers arrived, who stayed outside and sent for him.
But as was the custom Jesus was surrounded by many people, so he sent his message, “Your mother, your brothers and your sisters are outside and asking for you” and he replied that who were his mother and his brothers? And with that look that he looked at all those who listened to them, he said: “These are my mother and my brothers” because everyone who does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.
Chapter 4
The Gospel of Mark continues letting us know about the wonderful teachings of Jesus and his miracles, in chapter 4 Mark tells us about another of the preachings carried out by Jesus on the shores of the lake, but there were so many people that in order to address all of them, he had to get into a boat and sit in it at a little distance from the shore, while the people stayed on the shore. Jesus taught them using parables and examples: “Listen to this: The sower went out to sow and while he was sowing some of the seed fell on the road and some birds that were nearby fed on it.
Another part of the seeds fell between stones, and even though there was little soil, the seeds germinated quickly, because the soil where they fell was not very deep. But when the sun touched them, the shoots withered, they had no deep roots. Other seeds fell among the thorns and these grew and suffocated them, so they could not bear fruit.
But other of those seeds fell on fertile ground and sprouted, developed and produced many more of them, Jesus added “He who has ears to hear, let him listen.” The people withdrew and those who remained approached Jesus together with the twelve apostles and asked about the meaning of the parables. Jesus with the serenity of always answered them: “The mystery of the Kingdom of God was delivered to you, to the people who are outside they only listen to parables and as much as they look, they do not see, as much as they hear, they do not understand; lest they convert and forgive their sins.
If they do not understand this parable, how will the others understand? What the sower sows is the Word of God, therefore, those who are along the way are those people who listen to the word. From those who receive it, the devil comes and takes away the word sown in them, others receive it like a field full of stones, that is, as soon as they receive it they accept it with joy, but it stays in them and does not last long. , in what God puts them a test they fall.
Others receive it as among thorns; they listen to it but the worries, the love for the material, the false promises drown the Word. For others it has been sown on good soil, these people receive it and bear fruit, some thirty percent, others sixty and others one hundred percent.
One of the beauty of the Gospel of Mark is the clarity and fidelity with which it is written and that is why we can receive its beautiful message. In this fourth chapter he also tells us about the parable of the lamp and the measure, read carefully: When the light arrives, do we place it under the bed or rather place it on the lampstand? There is nothing hidden, there is no secret thing that is not discovered, if something has been hidden, it will be brought to light, whoever has ears let him hear.
Jesus also told them, pay attention to what you hear. With the same rod that you measure, you will be measured and you will be given much more. They should know that he who produces will be given more, but he who does not produce even what he has will be taken away.
Another of the parables that the Gospel of Mark makes known to us is that of the seed that grows by itself, Jesus said: A man drops and spreads the seed on the ground and regardless of whether the man sleeps or is awake, without Regardless of whether it is night or day, the seed will sprout, it will grow, without man knowing how. The earth will bear its fruit by itself, it will begin as the grass, then the ear, that ear will be filled with grains. When the grain is ripe, the sickle will be used because harvest time has come.
One of the best-known passages in the Gospel of Mark is that of the mustard seed, Jesus also said: “What does the Kingdom of God look like? With what could we compare it? It is similar to a mustard seed; when we see it it is the smallest of all the seeds, but once sown, it grows and becomes the largest plant in the garden and its branches become so large and strong that the birds of the sky seek shelter under its shade. Jesus used many parables to announce the Word, he adapted them to the capacity of the people, he did not tell them anything without using parables, however, he explained everything to his disciples in private.
This chapter of the Gospel of Mark concludes with the miracle of Jesus calming the storm, after everything taught already in the afternoon of that same day, Jesus tells his disciples to cross the lake to the other shore. They said goodbye to the people and took him in the boat he was in, they were not alone, other boats accompanied him, out of nowhere a great storm began and the waves hit the boats hard and they were taking on water.
While this was happening, Jesus was sleeping and the men woke him up and said to him Master, do you not care if we sink? Then Jesus woke up and faced the wind and said to the sea: “Shut up, calm down”. Immediately there was calm and he told the men, why are you afraid? Do they still not have faith? But the men were still very scared and wondered “Who is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
Chapter 5
In this chapter of the Gospel of Mark tells us about the miracles and work of Jesus on the other side of the shore of the lake in the region of the Gerasenes, Jesus descended from the boat and immediately a man came to him, who had out of the tombs, for he was possessed by an evil spirit. This man lived among the tombs because no one could hold him down, not even with chains. Whenever they managed to hold him down with shackles and chains, the man broke them.
The spirit was so harmful that day and night it screamed and hurt itself with stones. But when he saw Jesus he fell on his knees at his feet and shouted, “Don’t mess with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God! I beg you not to torment me.” Jesus asked the evil spirit to come out of that man and when I asked him for his name he said that his name was Multitude, because there were many. A large herd of pigs was eating at the foot of the hill and the spirits begged him to let them enter the pigs. And Jesus allowed it.
All the impure spirits came out of the man and entered the pigs, but the herd of pigs threw themselves off the cliff and they all drowned in the lake. The pig keepers ran out of the place and went to tell what had happened in the city, also in the countryside, so all the people went to see what had happened. When they approached Jesus, they could see the possessed man who was in his right mind, so they all got scared.
The witnesses told them what had happened to the man and the pigs, and the people asked Jesus to leave their land. Jesus gets back into the boat and the man whom he freed from the demons asked permission to accompany him, but Jesus told him no, he told him that he would return with his own and tell what the Lord had done for him. This is how he did it to everyone in the region of the Decapolis, he told them what Jesus did and everyone was amazed.
Another of the passages that are outlined in this chapter of the Gospel of Mark is the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus. Jesus returned to the other shore of the lake and the people were waiting for him. When the people began to surround him, Jairus arrived, who was an official of the Synagogue, who prostrated himself at the feet of Jesus and begged him to place his hands on his daughter who was dying.
Jesus left with Jairus but the number of people oppressed him and did not allow him to advance as fast as he wanted. On the way there was a woman who had suffered from bloodshed for twelve years, the poor woman had suffered a lot as a result of this illness, as she had heard what was said about Jesus, she came up behind the crowd and touched his mantle.
She was convinced that if she could even touch Jesus’ clothing, she would be cured. This is how it happened at the moment of touching her clothes, her bleeding stopped. But Jesus felt that a power had come out of him, he stopped and turned around and asked: “Who has touched my clothes?”, the disciples told him, how he asked who had touched his clothes, among all those people who oppressed him, but Jesus continued to search among the people who had touched him.
Then the woman, who knew very well what had happened to her, full of fear prostrated herself before him and assumed to be her, but Jesus told her: “your faith has saved you, go in peace and be healed of your illness”. While Jesus was talking with the woman, some men came to inform Jairus that his daughter had died. Why bother the Master?, but Jesus pretended not to listen and told Jairus “Don’t be afraid, just have faith.” ”.
Jesus did not let him be accompanied by more than Pedro, Santiago and Juan, Santiago’s brother, when he arrived at Jairo’s house, he found a scene of pain, some were crying and others were screaming. Jesus entered and told them that the girl was only asleep, that there was no reason for all this situation, but they made fun of him.
Jesus made them all leave, he asked only his three disciples, the father and the mother to enter where the girl was. He took the girl by the hand and said “Talitá kumi”, which means Girl, I tell you, get up! The girl who was 12 years old got up instantly and started walking». Everyone was shocked, but Jesus asked them not to tell anyone and just give the girl something to eat.
Chapter 6
The Gospel of Mark continues by letting us know about the journey of Jesus and the miracles he performed on his way through the cities. Jesus returned to his land and his disciples accompanied him. On Saturday, Jesus began to teach in the synagogue and many people listened to him, but he was astonished, because they did not know where so much wisdom came from, how it was possible that he could perform those miracles, if he was only a carpenter, the son of Mary; he is a brother of Santiago, of Joset, of Judas and Simon.
When they saw around him how they didn’t see his sisters, people were shocked and didn’t recognize him. Jesus told them: “If there is a place where a prophet is despised, it is in his land, among his relatives and in his own family”, from there comes the saying that no one is a prophet in the land of the. Jesus could not perform any miracles, he only healed a few sick people on whom he laid his hands. The people of his own land refused to believe.
In this chapter of the Gospel of Mark we find the sending of the apostles to evangelize. Jesus walked all the surrounding towns and taught tirelessly. One day he called the twelve apostles and began to send them in a group of two to evangelize, for them he gave them power over impure spirits. He gave them the guidelines of how those missionary trips should be, he ordered them not to take anything for the road, he could only carry a cane.
They had to wear ordinary shoes and a single cloak. He told them to stay in the first house where they gave him lodging, until they left the place. He told them that if they arrived at a place where they were not well received and were not listened to, they could not get away from there, without having shaken the dust from their feet: with this they will bear witness against them. So they went out to preach, to invite conversion, on their way they expelled many evil spirits and healed the sick, whom they anointed with oil.
Mark’s gospel lets us know about the death of John the Baptist because of King Herod, who heard about Jesus, since his name had become famous. Some people said that John the Baptist had risen from the dead and therefore had miraculous powers. Others said: “It is Elijah” and others “He is a prophet like the ancient prophets”. Herod, he thought it must be John, whose head I had him cut off, that he has risen.
It is true that Herod had given the order to arrest John and sent him to jail, due to the situation that was presented by Herodias, who was the wife of his brother Philip, with whom Herod had married. Juan told him that he was not allowed to have your brother’s wife. For this reason Herodias hated John and she wanted to see him dead, but she couldn’t. The reason was that Herod recognized that John was a righteous and holy man and respected him.
However, Herodias had an opportunity when Herod, on her birthday, gave a banquet to which she invited people from Galilee, nobles and officials. That night the daughter of Herodias performed a beautiful dance that the guests and King Herod liked very much, so the king told the girl to ask for whatever she wanted and he would give it to her, swearing an oath to her.
The girl asked her mother and she told her to ask for the head of John the Baptist, she immediately went to the king and told him that she wanted the head of John the Baptist on a platter. The king did not like the request, but he had sworn in front of everyone and could not refuse to comply, so he ordered an executioner to bring him John’s head. Then, bringing it on a tray, he handed it to the girl, who in turn handed it to her mother. The news reached her disciples who went to look for the body of Juan to bury it.
After this unfortunate moment, the Gospel of Mark lets us know of the return of the apostles, who returned to where Jesus was, when they met with him they told him about their experiences and everything they had done and taught. Jesus invited them to a secluded place and told them to rest a little, because there were so many people who came and went, the attention to people was so much that there was not even time to eat.
Thus, they went alone in a boat to an uninhabited place, but the people realized that they were leaving and many of them walked to where they were going, there were even people who arrived before them. When Jesus and his apostles arrived at the place they found all those people and Jesus felt compassion for them, they were sheep without a shepherd, so without any rest he began to evangelize.
Faced with these conditions, the Gospel of Mark lets us know about the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, verse 35, it was already late and the apostles approached Jesus and told him that it was already late that he had to fire Jesus. people, in the place where they were there was nothing, so people had to go to nearby towns to buy something to eat.
Jesus answered them: “You give them something to eat” and the apostles answered Master, do you want us to go buy two hundred denarii of bread to give it to them? Jesus asked about their food supply and the apostles told him that they only had five loaves and two fish.
He told them to make people sit in groups on the green grass, they managed to gather groups of one hundred and fifty people, then Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish and looked at the sky, pronounced the blessing, broke the loaves and went giving to the disciples to serve them to the people. He in the same way he distributed the two fish among all.
The miracle is told in the Gospel of Mark in verse 42 when it says everyone was fed until they were satisfied, twelve baskets were filled with the pieces of bread, not counting what was left over from the fish. There were no less than five thousand men whom Jesus fed.
After this marvelous miracle, Jesus told his disciples to get into the boat and wait for him in Bethsaida, which was on the other shore, while he said goodbye to the people. After saying goodbye to all the people, he went up the hill to pray. Night began to fall and the boat was in the middle of the lake, while Jesus was alone on land.
Jesus could see that his disciples were already very tired from fighting so much with the wind being against them, so the effort was greater, so Jesus went to them walking on the sea, as if he wanted to pass by. The men, seeing him walk on the sea, believed that he was a ghost and began to scream because they were all scared.
Then Jesus told them “Do not be afraid it’s me” and got into the boat with them, when Jesus was in the boat the winds calmed down. They finished the journey and arrived at Gennesaret and left the boat there. As soon as they got off the boat, people recognized him and spread the news throughout the region.
Then they began to take the sick to the place where Jesus was, there was no place where Jesus was that people did not take the sick to be healed, they put them in the squares, in the streets of all the towns and they begged him to let them touch at least the fringe of his mantle and everyone who touched them would be healed. Mark chapter 6 verses 1 to 56.
Chapter 7
This chapter of the Gospel of Mark begins by letting us know how the Pharisees gathered around Jesus, but not only them, there were also some teachers of the Law who had come from Jerusalem. The Pharisees noticed that some of the disciples of Jesus ate without washing their hands, which was known as impure hands, among the Jews it was a tradition of the elders that they should wash their hands before eating and also when returning from the market.
Also one of the traditions of the elders is the purification of glasses, trays and jars, for this reason, the Pharisees summon Jesus and ask him why they eat with impure hands and Jesus spoke to them about appearances. How right was Isaiah when he wrote: “ This people honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, the worship they pay me is useless; the doctrines they teach are but the commandments of men.”
Jesus also told them how much they care about appearances and neglect the commandments of God to cling to the traditions of men. They leave without any problem the mandate of God, to impose traditions, he reminded them that Moses had said that you had to fulfill your duties, with your mother and with your father and whoever cursed his parents would be a captive of death.
On the other hand, according to your traditions, any child that you have only to consecrate to the temple, stops helping your parents because you demand and accept it, leaving the word of God annulled, with a custom that belongs to you and that you transmit to others. . Jesus called the people and said to them: Nothing that enters a person from without can make him impure; what makes them impure is what comes out of it.
He who has ears, let him hear. It had already happened before, when Jesus entered the house the disciples asked him about what he had said and Jesus answered them: Are you also closed? They are not able to understand that what enters the person goes to the stomach and then to the garbage, because it does not reach the heart.
In this way, the Gospel of Mark shows us that no human tradition can be above the word of God, it also allows us to recognize that Jesus declared the purity of food. It emphasizes that what makes a person impure is what comes out of their heart, their bad thoughts come from the heart, that is where immorality, murders, infidelity, vices, envy arise, making people impure .
After this teaching, in verse 21 of the Gospel of Mark, chapter seven, we are shown other miracles of Jesus when he heals the daughter of a foreigner. After the encounter with the Pharisees, Jesus decided to go to Tyre. When he arrived in these lands, he entered a house and although his intention was that no one would know, he never managed to go unnoticed.
So a woman who saw him and who had a daughter who was under the power of an evil spirit, went and knelt at his feet and asked Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter. Jesus told her “Wait for the children to be satisfied first, because it is not right to take the children’s bread to throw it to the puppies” and she replied: “Lord, the puppies under the table eat the crumbs that the children drop” .
Following her answer, Jesus told the woman that she could go, because her answer had made the demon come out of her son’s body. When the woman arrived at her house, the girl was lying in her bed and the demon was no longer in her. He also tells us about the healing of a deaf-mute: Jesus was already leaving the lands of Tire and on his way he passed through Sidon, went around the lake of Galilee and arrived at Decapolis.
While in that city they presented him with a deaf man and asked him to lay his hand on him. Jesus separated him from the crowd and touched his ears and touched his tongue, he looked up to heaven and said: “Effetá”, which means Open up and the deaf was healed. Again Jesus asked that they not tell anyone, but this request was always in vain, they immediately went out and told everyone.
Chapter 8
It was not just once that Jesus fed the people through the multiplication of the loaves. In the Gospel of Mark they report that this beautiful miracle was performed again in a place where he had been meeting with the people for three days and felt compassion for them, because he could not send them home without eating, since they would faint on the way, because many They came from remote lands.
Jesus called his disciples and told them his concern and the disciples asked where they would get bread in the desert. Again Jesus asked them how many loaves they have and they answered seven, Jesus asked the people to sit on the ground and took the loaves in his hands, gave thanks to God and began to break the loaves and give them to the disciples to distribute it among the people. He also multiplied some fish, blessed them and gave them to share.
Again everyone fed to their satisfaction and filled seven baskets with the leftover pieces, feeding four thousand people with seven loaves. After feeding them he sent them away, he got into the boat with his disciples and went to the region of Dalmanuta.
Again besieged by the Pharisees, who always tried to put Jesus in trouble, telling him that they were waiting for a sign from heaven, Jesus sighed and asked why these people ask for a sign? I must tell you that these people are not He will give them a sign, so he left them and got into the boat with the disciples.
On the trip they realized that they had not brought bread and only had one loaf in the boat and Jesus, who did not miss any opportunity to teach, warned them: “Open your eyes and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees as well as that of Herod”, but the disciples without understanding spoke among themselves that in reality they did not have bread.
Jesus notices and with a firm voice summons them “Why these whispers? Why don’t they have bread? They still don’t realize, is it true that they still don’t understand? Are you so closed that having eyes you don’t see and having ears you don’t hear? Don’t you remember when I distributed five loaves among five thousand people? How many baskets full of pieces were left with what was not eaten? and the disciples answered: twelve. And when I divided the seven loaves among four thousand, how many baskets were filled with what was left over? and seven responded. And Jesus said to them, “And you still don’t understand?”
The journey continued and when they reached Bethsaida, they brought him a blind man and asked him to touch him. Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of town, he touched his eyes with his hands and asked him if he saw something, the blind man saw very blurry and was confused, he told Jesus I see trees, but since they were moving he assumed they were deals with people. Jesus again put his hands on his eyes and the man was able to see clearly. Jesus sent him to his house and said, “Don’t go into town.
From there Jesus went with his disciples to Caesarea Philippi and on the way I ask them: Who do people say that I am? And they answered that some said that it was John the Baptist, others say that you are Elijah or one of the prophets. And you, who do you say I am? And Peter told him You are the Messiah and Jesus told them firmly not to talk about him.
In this chapter of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus confesses his death and resurrection, explaining to his disciples that the Son of Man was going to have a very difficult time and had to suffer a lot and would be rejected by the notables, also by the chief priests and teachers. of the law.
Jesus said it very confidently and Peter took him to a separate place and complained to him, but the disciples were close to them, so Jesus rebuked Peter and said “Stand behind me, Satan! your ambitions are not those of God, but of men”. He turned to the others and told them whoever wants to follow me, take the cross from him, renounce himself and follow me.
This is one of the culminating moments of the Gospel of Mark, because he clearly writes the words of Jesus in which he tells us, whoever wants to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever sacrifices it for me will save it for the gospel.
Jesus really asks us what is the use of having gained the whole world, but having destroyed oneself? What can he give to rescue himself? If anyone becomes ashamed of me in the midst of this corrupt and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed when he returns with the Glory of his Father surrounded by his holy angels.
Chapter 9
Mark begins this chapter by reviewing Jesus’ statement in which he says that some of those who are present will not know death until they have already seen the Kingdom of God coming with power. Jesus already knew about his destiny, after six days, he took Peter, John and James with him to a high mountain and in front of them he was transfigured.
His appearance was different, his clothes were resplendent and Elijah and Moses appeared to them, who were conversing with Jesus. Peter took the floor and said to Jesus: Master, it is good that we are here, we can make three huts, one for each one of you, but in reality Peter did not know what he was saying, because they were terrified.
A great cloud was formed that covered them with its shadow and from the cloud a voice was heard that said “This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to him” and after that they no longer saw Elijah or Moses, only Jesus was with them. After what happened, Jesus asked them not to tell anyone about what they had seen, they only had permission to do so after the Son of Man rose from the dead. They kept the secret, even though they did not understand what it meant to “risen from the dead.”
When they returned they asked him: Don’t the teachers of the Law say that Elijah has to come first? And Jesus confirms that Elijah comes first and leaves everything rearranged, however, the answer does not satisfy the concern and they ask: why do the Scriptures say that the Son of Man will suffer a lot and will be despised?
Elijah has already come and they did everything to him, just as it was written about him. With this answer he only said that what was written would happen, that is, everything is written and will happen, you just have to accept what is written.
When they returned to where the other disciples were, a group of people were with them and some teachers of the Law were arguing with them. When Jesus arrived, the people ran to greet him and Jesus asked what they were arguing about and one of the crowd replied “Master, I have brought you my son, who has an unclean spirit and describes that the spirit seizes the child and throws him to the ground, he foams at the mouth, his teeth chatter and he goes rigid.
I already asked your disciples to take him out but they couldn’t. Jesus, already a little exhausted, told him What a generation that believes little! How long will I have to be with you? look for the boy. The boy barely saw Jesus, he suffered a seizure, so Jesus, addressing the father, asked him since when had this been happening and the father told him that since he was a child.
He told him that many times the spirit tried to kill him, throwing him into fire or water, and he asked for compassion and again asked for his help “if you can”. Jesus asked him why he said he if he could? And he told him for the one who believes everything is possible. The people began to gather and Jesus ordered the spirit to leave the child, the spirit shook the child hard, gave a loud shriek and left.
The child lay as if dead, the people said he was dead, but Jesus took his hand and helped him to his feet. When they entered the house, the disciples asked why they had not been able to remove the spirit themselves, and Jesus explained that this type of demon could only be cast out with prayer. They continued on their way and so that no one knew they were moving through Galilee, Jesus wanted to continue teaching his disciples.
In this verse from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus speaks of the passion and tells them that the Son of Man will be handed over and will be put to death, but three days after his death he will rise again. The disciples did not understand, but they were afraid to ask.
They arrived at Capernaum and when they were at home, Jesus asked them: Why did they come with a diatribe on the way? They remained silent, because they had been discussing which of them was the most loved and important in their eyes. But Jesus sat them down and said to them: “If anyone wants to be first, he must be last and servant of all. He took a child, put him in the middle of everyone and hugged him, turning to his disciples he said: Whoever receives a child like this in my name receives me, whoever receives me does not receive me but receives someone else. who sent me
John tells Jesus that he has seen a man who does not walk with us, expel demons in his name and that they have tried to stop them from doing it and Jesus told him not to do it because no one can do a miracle in his name and then blaspheme him, so whoever is not against us is with us. Anyone who gives a glass of water because they belong to Christ will not go unrewarded.
In this chapter Mark gives us one of the most direct messages of Jesus in reference to sins, verse 43 “If your hand is causing you to fall, cut it off; for it is better to enter life with only one hand than to go with both to the fire that does not go out.”
With this same parable, he does it with his eyes, with his feet, reaffirming that it is better to take away what makes us sin than to go to hell. He ends the chapter indicating that salt is good, but if it loses its flavor, what is it for, how will we restore its taste? He calls us to have salt in us and live in peace with one another.
Chapter 10
This part of Mark’s Gospel tells us at the beginning of Jesus’ departure for Judea, on the other side of the Jordan, like the other places visited, people gathered around him and he taught them as usual.
The Pharisees arrived who wanted to put him to the test and asked him: Can a husband fire his wife? This question is used by Jesus to declare that what God has united, man will not separate, therefore, united marriages by the church, they will only be dissolved by God. Jesus made use of what Moses ordered and they replied that Moses said that they could sign a separation certificate and then get divorced.
Then he explained to them that at the beginning of creation God made them male and female; and therefore the man will leave his father and his mother to unite with his wife and the two will be one flesh. This is the foundation by which they are no longer two, but only one and that is why what God has united, man does not separate. Upon arriving at the house the disciples asked him about the same thing and Jesus told them that he who separates from his wife and marries another woman commits adultery and so does the wife if she marries another man.
When Jesus was among the people, they approached the children so that he would touch them and the disciples tried to stop him, but Jesus got upset and told them to let the children come to me, because the Kingdom of God belongs to them, he hugged them and he blessed them. Addressing the crowd he said to them: Whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.
When Jesus was about to leave, a man ran to meet him and knelt before him asking how he was doing to have eternal life? And Jesus reminded him of the fulfillment of the 10 commandments and the man told him that he had done that since he was very young, so Jesus told him that you only need one thing: Go home, sell everything you have and distribute the money among the poor and You will have a treasure in Heaven. After that come and follow me.
But the man was very rich and this discouraged him and he left sad. The attitude of the man was not wasted by Jesus, who again looked at all the people, especially his disciples, and told them: Those who have riches will hardly enter the Kingdom of God, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle The surprised disciples asked who can be saved? to which he replied “For men it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”
Peter emphasizes that they have left everything to follow him and Jesus says that no one who has left everything for my sake will go unrewarded, because even with persecution, he will receive in this life more houses, brothers, sisters, children and fields and in the world to come eternal life.
On the way to Jerusalem, the disciples were afraid and Jesus gathered them together again and told them again about what would happen: The son of man will be handed over to the chief priests and the teachers of the Law and they will condemn him to death. They will hand him over to the foreigners and they will mock him, spit on him, wound him with whips and kill him.
But three days later he will rise again. The sons of Zebedee approached Jesus to ask him to grant them that one of them will sit on each side when he was in Glory and Jesus answered them: You don’t know what you ask, you can drink from my cup and be baptized just like me, but it’s not me who decides who sits on each side, it’s not up to me to grant it.
When the other apostles heard, they got angry and Jesus called them and said, the rulers become dictators and abuse their authority, but it will not be like that among you. He repeated whoever wants to be the most important among you, must become the servant of all, the Son of Man has not come to be served, but to serve and give his life to rescue humanity.
They arrived at Jericho and when Jesus left there with his disciples, many people accompanied him and a blind man who begged for alms on the road, realizing that it was Jesus, began to shout “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! ”.
People tried to silence him but he insistently shouted “Son of David, have mercy on me”. Jesus stopped and said to be called, when he reached his side, Jesus asked him, what do you want from me? And he said Master I want to see, then Jesus told him You can go your faith has saved you. Soon the man regained his sight and followed Jesus down the road.
Chapter 11
When they were approaching the city of Jerusalem, near Bethphage and Bethany, at the foot of the Mount of Olives, Jesus told two of his disciples to go to the town that was opposite and there they would meet a donkey tied up, which no one had ridden, untie it and bring it. If anyone comes to ask you tell them that the Lord needs it and that he will return it soon.
The disciples obeyed and when they entered the town they found the donkey and when they asked them why they were taking them, they answered what Jesus told them “the Lord needs it” and the people allowed them. They came with the donkey to Jesus, they put the cloaks on him and Jesus rode on him. People spread their cloaks along the path, others covered it with branches they had cut from the field.
The people who went ahead and those who followed him shouted: verbatim verses 9 and 10 “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Here comes the blessed kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the high!”. Arriving in Jerusalem he went to the Temple, he carefully observed everything and being late, he left with the Twelve apostles to return to Bethany.
After the rest the next day when they left Betania, he felt hungry and in the distance he saw a fig plant, he approached it but the plant did not have a single fig, it was not the season. Then Jesus said to the fig tree “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” They arrived in Jerusalem and Jesus went to the Temple and found vendors there, so he began to drive out all those who were selling and all those who were buying.
In anger, he overturned the tables of those who changed money and the stalls of the vendors and did not allow anyone to transport things through the Temple. After driving them all out, he began to teach and said to them, “Does not God say in the Scripture that his house will be called a house of prayer for all nations?” But you have turned it into a den of thieves.
The reaction of Jesus in the Temple reached the ears of the teachers of the Law and the priests, who feared him because of the great influence that Jesus had over the townspeople, this is the basis for wanting to get rid of him. Every day they left the city at dusk, one of those days at dawn, the disciples saw the Fig Tree and it was completely dry.
Peter said to Jesus: “Master, look, the fig tree that you cursed has withered and Jesus replied: You must have faith in God, whoever believes from the heart will be granted what he asks for. Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have already received it and it will be so. When you pray, if you recognize that you have something against someone and when you stand up to pray, if you have something against someone, forgive him, so that your faults may be forgiven by the Heavenly Father.
They returned to Jerusalem and while Jesus was walking through the Temple, he was approached by the chief priests, the Jewish authorities and the teachers of the Law who asked him: “With what right have you acted in this way? ; Who has authorized you to do what you do? Jesus told them I will just ask him one question and if I get an answer, so will you.
Tell me about the baptism of John, did it come from God or was it a thing of men? All of them commented among themselves on the pros and cons of answering, they analyzed: if they said it was the work of God, will he tell us why we didn’t believe him? as an answer, so they said they didn’t know. Jesus replied, “Then I will not tell you by what authority I do these things either.”
Chapter 12
The Gospel of Mark begins this chapter with the parables of Jesus: A man planted a vineyard and surrounded it with a fence, dug a winepress in it and also built a house for the caretaker. Then he rented it to some workers and the man had to go abroad. When he deemed the time prudent he sent a servant to the vintners to give him a share of the harvest, but the vintners beat the servant and sent him back empty-handed.
The owner of the vineyard sent another server, the response was worse, this man was injured in the head and insulted. He insisted and sent a third server and they killed him. So time passed and the owner of the vineyard sent many others, but some were wounded and others were killed. He still had one left, that was his beloved son and thinking that because he was his son they would respect him, he sent him.
But the winegrowers agreed: “This is the heir and the vineyard will be for him, we better kill him and that way we will keep the property. So they did. And now what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and kill the vinedressers and give the vineyard to others? Jesus added a passage of scripture that says: The stone that the builders rejected has become the main stone of the building. This is the work of the Lord and it has left us in awe. The chiefs wanted to take Jesus, they understood that the parable was referring to them, but they were afraid of the people and left him there and left.
They were determined to capture Jesus, so they sent some Pharisees along with supporters of Herod, to provoke him, they asked Jesus: Master, we know that you are sincere and that you do not worry about those who listen to you, but that you teach with frankness God’s way. Tell us, is it against the Law to pay the tax to Caesar? Should we pay it or not?
But Jesus recognized their hypocrisy and asked them why they set traps for me? Let me see a coin, let me see it and they showed him a denarius and Jesus asked them: Whose face is this and what is written? And they answered: From Caesar. Then you knew as always their answers. Jesus said to them: “Return to Caesar the things of Caesar, and to God what is God’s”.
Jesus was also approached by some Sadducees, they defend that there is no resurrection and they asked him about the law of Moses, which says that if a man dies before his wife and they have not yet had children, his brother must marry the widow to give him a son, who will be the deceased’s heir.
If it happens that there are seven brothers, in which the eldest married and died without having children, the second married the widow and died without leaving heirs and so the seven brothers were married, none had children and the woman also died . On the day of the resurrection, if they are to be resurrected, which of the brothers will she be the wife of? Jesus let them know that they were totally wrong and they may not understand the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
When they are resurrected, men and women will no longer marry, they will be in heaven like angels. And to know if the dead rise, have you read the book of Moses?, in the chapter of the bush, how God said: I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? God is not a God of the dead, but of the living.
Then a teacher of the Law intervened, who had been surprised by Jesus’ response and asked him, What commandment is the first of all? Jesus answered him: Listen, Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your intelligence and with all your strength. And then comes: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment more important than these.
The Master of the Law replied: «You have spoken very well, Master; you are right the Lord is unique and you have to love him from the heart, with all your intelligence and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself, it is worth more than all the victims and sacrifices». Jesus saw that this was a wise response and told him: You are not far from the Kingdom of God. And after this, no one else asked.
Jesus continued teaching in the Temple and asked those present: “Why do the teachers of the Law say that the Messiah will be the son of David? As if David himself when he spoke with the Holy Spirit: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet».
If David calls him Lord, how can he be his son? The people came and listened with attention and satisfaction to what Jesus had to say, he warned them that they had to beware of the teachers of the Law, those who like to walk around in their flowing garments, those who like to be greeted in squares and occupy reserved seats in the synagogues, those who are even capable of taking the property of widows, while sheltering behind long prayers.
They will be judged severely. This chapter of the Gospel of Mark ends with the offering of the widow, this wonderful narrator tells us that Jesus was sitting in front of the Temple’s piggy banks and watched as people put money for the treasure; They passed rich and gave a lot, but a very poor widow approached and threw two coins of very little value. Jesus called his disciples and told them I’m sure this poor widow has given more than all the others. Because everyone has given what they had left, but she has given everything she had left.
Chapter 13
Jesus left the Temple and one of the disciples called his attention and showed him the great stones and the constructions and Jesus told him of those great buildings nothing will remain, everything will be destroyed. They continued walking and Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, in front of the Temple, and then Peter, Andrew, John and James asked him when that will happen and what signs will there be before all those things happen.
Then Jesus began to tell them: You must always be on your guard and not be deceived, because many will come in my name claiming what is mine and will deceive many. But they should not fear, when they hear of wars, they should not be alarmed, they are things that have to happen, but it will not be the end. Of course there will be conflicts, nations against nations and kingdom against kingdom, the earth will tremble and famines will come in many places.
These will be the first pains of childbirth. You must worry about yourself, because you will be persecuted, you will be arrested and handed over to the Jewish courts, you will be flogged in the synagogues and you will have to appear before governors and kings for my sake, you are the ones called to be my witnesses before them.
Because the gospel must first be proclaimed in all nations. You should not worry about what you are going to say when you are arrested and interrogated, just say what your heart inspires you at that moment, it will not be you who will speak, it will be the Holy Spirit. Brother will hand over brother to death, and father his son; children will rebel against their parents and put them to death. They will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever stands firm to the end will be saved.
When they see the idol of the oppressor set up where it shouldn’t be, those in Judea must flee to the hills. If you are in the upper part of the house, do not go down to look for your things, if you are in the field, do not go back to look for your clothes. Poor women who are pregnant or nursing in those days, they should pray that this does not happen in winter.
The anguish in those days will never have had the same, not even at the beginning of creation, nor in the present, nor will it be in the future. It is so much that if the Lord did not reduce those days, there would be no one left, but he has decided that they be fewer days, considering his elect. When someone tells you “Look, the Christ is here or there” do not believe him, false prophets will appear, who will show signs that can even deceive the elect. Be very alert, I have warned you everything.
“After that great anguish, other days will come, the sun will stop shining, the moon will lose its shine, the stars will fall from the sky and the entire universe will be shaken. And they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” He will send the angels to gather his chosen ones who are scattered to the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the sky.
I will give you the example of the fig tree, when the branches are tender and the leaves are sprouting, you know that summer is near. Well, when you begin to see these things happen, you should know that the time is coming. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. As for that day, only he knows, not the angels, not the son, only the Father.
Be prepared and watchful, because you don’t know when that time will come. When the man goes on a trip, he leaves responsibilities to his servants, each one has his task and the doorman demands that he be vigilant, just like you, be vigilant, because you do not know when the owner of the house will return, lest he arrive suddenly and find them asleep. What I say to you I say to all: Stay awake.
Chapter 14
The dates for the celebration of the Easter Party and the Unleavened Bread were approaching, there were only two days left. The chief priests and also the teachers of the Law continued to look for a way to put Jesus in prison and kill him, they were convinced that it could not be close to the festivities because then the people would rise up.
Jesus was in Bethany, at the house of Simon the Leper, while they were eating a woman entered with a precious bottle containing a very expensive perfume, pure nard, the woman broke the neck of the bottle and spilled the perfume on the head of Jesus. Some were indignant and said among themselves: How could he waste that perfume? It could have been sold for more than three hundred silver coins and with that help the poor.
But Jesus intervened and said Leave her alone, why are you bothering her? What she has done with me is a good deed. You always have the poor with you and you can help them at any time, you will not always have me. This woman has done what she had to do, for she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. Wherever the Gospel is proclaimed, throughout the world, the beautiful gesture of this woman will be counted and it will be her glory. So Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve Apostles, went to the chief priests to deliver Jesus to them. The chiefs congratulated each other and promised to give Judas money.
Judas began to look for the opportune moment to hand him over. The first day of the feast arrived, on that day the unleavened bread was eaten and the Paschal Lamb was sacrificed. His disciples said to him: Where do you want us to go to prepare the Passover Supper for you? Then Jesus addressed two of his disciples and told them, go to the city and you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water, they will follow him and in the house where he enters they will say to the owner: The teacher says, Where is my room, in which I can eat the Passover with my disciples?, that man will guide them to the upper floor, where there will be a large room, furnished and ready.
As always, the obedient disciples went to the city and everything that Jesus had told them happened and they prepared the Passover. At sunset Jesus arrived with the Twelve apostles and while they were at the table eating, he told them One of you is going to betray me, one who today shares my bread. The apostles were saddened and each one asked him, Could it be me?, he only said he is one of the Twelve, one who dips his bread in the plate with me, The Son of Man is leaving, as it is said in the Scriptures, but poor man! he who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better if he had not been born.
At that dinner Jesus took bread and after blessing, he broke it and gave it to him saying “Take, this is my body”. Then he took a cup and after giving thanks, he handed it to her and said: “This is my blood, the blood of the covenant that will be shed” and they all drank from it. I will not taste the fruit of the vine again until the day I drink it new in the Kingdom of God, after singing the hymns they went to the Mount of Olives and Jesus told them: All of you will fall tonight, because the Scriptures They say: I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered . But when I am raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.
Peter told Jesus, although everyone stumbles and falls, I don’t and Jesus replied: “This very night, before the rooster crows a second time, you will have denied me three times”, Peter insisted that he would be with him even until death. And I wouldn’t deny it. All the apostles said the same thing.
They arrived at a place called Gethsemane and Jesus told his disciples to wait for me here while I go to pray and he was only accompanied by Peter, John and James. But Jesus began to be filled with fear and anguish and he confessed to feeling deathly sadness, asking them to wait for him and stay awake. Jesus walked a little more and fell to the ground and begged if it was possible that he would not have to go through that hour, he addressed his Father calling him “Abba” and told him I know that everything is possible for you, I ask that you take away from me that cup, but your will be done.
He returned to where he had left the three disciples and found them asleep. And Peter said, are you sleeping? Couldn’t you stay awake for an hour? Pray not to fall into temptation, the spirit is courageous and the flesh is weak, and he withdrew again to pray. He repeated the same words asking his Father, it will be possible not to go through that hour. He returned to his disciples and found them asleep again. When he came back the third time, he told them, you can sleep and rest now.
It’s done, the time has come. The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of sinners, get up and let’s go, the one who is going to deliver me is coming. He was still speaking when Judas arrived, one of the Twelve accompanied by a group of people with swords and clubs, they were the envoys of the chief priests, the teachers of the Law and the Jewish chiefs.
The traitor had already given them this sign: “Whoever I give a kiss to, he is; arrest him and take him well guarded.” As soon as Judas arrived, he approached Jesus and said: “Master, Master!” And he kissed him, so they took him and took him away under arrest. In the confusion and trying to defend Jesus, one of those who walked with Jesus drew his sword and cut off the ear of a servant of the High Priest.
Jesus said to the people: “Perhaps you are looking for a thief, that is why you came out to stop me with swords and clubs, why didn’t you stop me when day after day I was among you teaching in the Temple?”, but the Scriptures must be met. All those who were with Jesus abandoned him and fled, only a young man covered with a sheet followed Jesus, in which they took him, releasing the sheet and fled naked.
They moved Jesus in front of the High Priest, the chief priests, the Jewish authorities and the teachers of the Law were all there. Peter had followed him at a distance to the inner courtyard of the High Priest, and sat down with the Temple policemen , warming up to the fire. The chief priests and the entire Supreme Council were looking for some testimony that would allow Jesus to be condemned to death, but they could not find it.
Several made false accusations against him, but they did not agree with what they said. One of the lies they told was that Jesus had told them that he would destroy the temple that had been built by the hand of man and then build another one in three days, but made without the hand of man. None of these testimonies served to accuse Jesus.
The High Priest passed by and asked Jesus: “Have you nothing to answer? What is this matter of which they accuse you?” But Jesus was silent. The High Priest asked him: “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed God?” and Jesus replied: “I am, and one day you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of mighty God and coming in the midst of the clouds of heaven.”
The High Priest tore his clothes and said: “What do we want witnesses for anymore? You have just heard his blasphemous words. What do you think? And they all agreed that he deserved the death penalty. After that, they beat him and spit on him, play the prophet they yelled at him and the Temple policemen slapped him.
Pedro stayed down in the patio and one of the servants of the High Priest passed by and when he saw him and said that he was with Jesus of Nazareth and Pedro denied it and went out to the portal. But the maid saw him again and told those present, he is one of them and Pedro denied it again, the rooster crowed. Then those present told Pedro again that he was one of them because he was a Galilean and Pedro began to curse and swear that he did not know that man they were talking about and at that moment the second cockcrow was heard, then Pedro remembered what what Jesus had told him and he began to cry.
Chapter 15
In this chapter of the Gospel of Mark the trial of Jesus is recounted, it is one of the saddest passages of the Gospel of Mark, in which it details the suffering and injustice. Very early in the morning, the chief priests, the elders, and the teachers of the Law met for a council. After binding Jesus, they took him to where Pilate was. When Pilate saw him, he asked him if he was the king of the Jews and Jesus answered him, just as you say.
The chief priests accused Jesus of many faults, so Pilate tells him, look how many things they accuse you of and Jesus did not answer, he remained silent and Pilate did not know what to do, or what to think. Every year, on the occasion of Easter, Pilate had the tradition of setting a prisoner free, but that decision rested with the people. There was a man named Barrabás, who was in prison for having murdered a person in a riot.
The people, as was the custom, went up and began to request grace and Pilate asked them: Do you want me to release the king of the Jews? It is because Pilate realized that the chief priests had handed over Jesus out of rivalry, however, the high priests incited the people to ask for Barabbas’ freedom. Pilate insisted. What am I going to do with the one you call the King of the Jews? And the people shouted Crucify him!
Pilate asked them what wrong he had done and the people shouted louder Crucify him. Then Pilate had to satisfy the people and gave Barabbas his freedom, sentencing Jesus to death. He had him flogged, and then handed him over to be crucified.
He had been handed over by the people and the soldiers took him to the praetorium, which is the inner courtyard, and they called all his companions. They dressed him in a red cloak and placed a crown of thorns on his head. They made fun of him and began to greet him saying Long live the King of the Jews. They flogged him, hit him on the head with a cane, spat on him and knelt before him to pay homage. After they mocked and tortured him, they took off his red cape and put his clothes back on him.
The Gospel of Mark shows in detail the mistreatment and suffering of Jesus. The soldiers took Jesus outside to crucify him and at that moment, a certain Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was returning from the field, and the soldiers forced him to carry the cross of Jesus. They took him to Golgotha, after offering him wine mixed with myrrh, which he did not want to drink.
They crucified him and shared his clothes, raffling them off among them, the Gospel of Mark says that it was about nine in the morning when they crucified him. They placed an inscription on him with the reason for his condemnation, which read: “The King of the Jews.” They also crucified two thieves with him, one to his right and one to his left, thus fulfilling what was said in the scriptures ” And he was numbered among the criminals.”
Those who passed by insulted him and said shaking their heads: “You who destroy the Temple and raise it up again in three days, save yourself and come down from the cross.” Also the chief priests and the teachers of the Law mocked him, and said among themselves: He saved others, for he will save himself. Let that Messiah, that king of Israel, come down now from the cross: when we see him, we will believe. Even those who were crucified with him insulted him.
At noon, darkness covered the whole country until three in the afternoon, and at that time Jesus shouted with a powerful voice: ” Eloí, Eloí, lammá sabactani” , which means: My God, my God, why do I have you abandoned? Hearing it, some of those who were there said: he is calling Elijah. One of them dipped a sponge in vinegar, put it on the end of a reed and offered him a drink, saying: Let’s see if Elijah comes to lower him.
But Jesus expired and immediately the curtain that closed the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom and the centurion who was in front of him, seeing that after crying he had expired said: Truly this man was the Son of God. There were some women who looked from afar, one of them was Mary Magdalene, another Mary the mother of James the Less and of Joseph and there was also Salome, they followed him and served him when Jesus was in Galilee.
Afternoon had fallen, as it was the day of Preparation, that is, the eve of Saturday, Joseph of Arimathea intervened, a respectable member of the Supreme Council, one of those who awaited the Kingdom of God, and he went directly to Pilate to ask for the body of Christ. Jesus.
Pilate was a little surprised that Jesus had died so soon and called the centurion to find out if it really was so, who confirmed the death of Jesus, then Pilate gave Joseph the body of Jesus. Joseph took him down from the cross and wrapped him in a sheet he had bought, placed him in a rock-cut tomb, and rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb. The witnesses of the burial were María Magdalena and María, the mother of José, who were there observing where they deposited him.
Chapter 16
After the death of Jesus, it seems that the Gospel of Mark came to an end, however, it is not so, the Gospel of Mark tells us about the life of Jesus until his resurrection. After Saturday, María Magdalena, María, the mother of Santiago and Salomé, bought aromas to embalm the body.
Very early, on the first day of the week, they arrived at the tomb, the sun had barely risen, and they asked each other who would do them the favor of moving the stone from the tomb. But their surprise is that when they got to the tomb the stone had been moved aside.
Upon entering the tomb, they found a young man sitting on the right side, who was dressed all in white and the women were scared. But the young man told them not to be afraid, that if they were looking for Jesus the Nazarene, the crucified, he is no longer there because he had risen; but this is where they put it. Now go and tell the disciples, especially Peter, since he is ahead of them on his way to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.
The women ran out of the tomb, they were very scared and amazed, and they did not say anything to anyone because of the fear they had. The Gospel of Mark concludes by saying that Jesus, resurrected at dawn on the first day of the week, first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast seven demons.
She went to announce it to those who had been companions of Jesus and who were sad and wept for him, but when they heard him say that he was alive and that they had seen him, they did not believe him. Then Jesus appeared to him with another aspect, to two of them who were going to a town, they went and told the others, but they did not believe them either.
Finally, Jesus presented himself to the eleven disciples while they were eating, and rebuked them for their lack of faith and for their hardness in believing those who had seen him risen. And he said to them “Go into all the world and announce the Good News to all creation”.
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever refuses to believe will be condemned. These signs will accompany those who believe: in my Name they will cast out demons and speak new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands and if they drink any poison, it will not harm them; They will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed. After speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. They, for their part, went out to preach everywhere. The Lord acted with them and confirmed the message with the miracles that accompanied them.
In this beautiful way the Gospel of Mark concludes, teaching us in a very beautiful way a good part of the life of Jesus, his miracles and above all his messages and teachings, from which we learn every time we read them. We invite you to incorporate them into your life, to make this earthly life a good life and obtain with your actions the promise of eternal life.
What is the Importance of this gospel?
The Gospel of Mark gives us important facts and significant lessons, whose story is perfectly written and clearly establishes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah who had been prophesied throughout the Old Testament.
Also in the Gospel of Mark we can verify that Jesus was really the Son of God, in each of the chapters and verses written in the Gospel of Mark, a sinless and perfect life is recounted. Another of the revelations that the Gospel of Mark allows us is to know about the miracles performed by Jesus in nature, when he calmed the storm, when he walked on the waters and when he withered the fig tree. The detail of the miracles of healing people, in the Gospel of Mark, highlights the greatness, humility and love of Jesus for his neighbor.
He lets us know a Jesus with great powers over death and evil spirits. It shows Jesus tireless in taking the word of God everywhere and also on many occasions shows us the ability to see beyond the present.
It is recognized as the most relevant fact of the Gospel of Mark, the resurrection of Jesus, a demonstration of his power, of his authority to forgive people’s sins. To conclude the Gospel of Mark, it allows us to receive instructions on how we should live, how we should act and respond to difficulties and how to make decisions that allow us an eternal future. In this article we did our best to tell you the Gospel of Mark, but we invite you to read it directly from the Bible.
Interesting details
The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of all, as well as the oldest of the four canonical Gospels. Most scholars agree that the Gospel of Mark dates to the late 1960s after Christ. Why is it said that it is of an unknown author? Because Marcos never attributes his authorship throughout the development and there are no documents that indicate it, however, the late Christian tradition attributes it to Marcos, who is cited in some New Testament passages.
In the Gospel of Mark, the life of Jesus of Nazareth is narrated, from the moment of his baptism until his resurrection. Of the verses that are part of the Gospel of Mark, there are 406 verses in common, between the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, only 51 verses of the Gospel of Mark do not have a reflection in the pre-named Gospels. Due to the similarity of the information in the Gospel of Mark with that of Matthew and Luke, it was thought that the Gospel of Mark was a compilation of both.
However, studies conducted by researchers indicate that the Gospel of Mark predates that of Matthew and Luke. What was written in the Gospel of Mark was not lived by him personally, because Mark did not hear or listen to Jesus, but everything he heard from Peter or Paul wrote faithfully.
It is said that this gospel was written in Rome, the foundation lies in the use of Latinisms that appear in the text, however, there are still questions regarding the origin, since there are no clear indications of where it was written and based only on Latinisms, is not a robust foundation, since they were words commonly used in military garrisons, so it can be assumed that they were known throughout the Roman Empire.