The Prayer to Pass or Pass a Difficult Exam
The Prayer to Pass an Exam is a powerful prayer that is made by the faithful students who come to invoke these prayers to obtain their help before taking an exam. In the following article we will know everything about this prayer.
Prayer to Saint Joseph of Cupertino to Help in Exams and Studies
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, the great model of patience and also of humility, please pray for me. Saint Joseph of Cupertino, the treasure of grace, please pray for me. Saint Joseph of Cupertino, who is filled with the bonfire of God’s love, pray for me.
Glorious Saint Joseph of Cupertino, the benefactor of all students, the great protector of examinees, do not disdain the pleas that are addressed to you imploring your help in the exams of my studies.
Obtain me from the Lord who, as a true source of light and wisdom, dissipates the 2 kinds of darkness from my understanding, sin and ignorance, instructing my tongue and spreading on my lips the grace of his blessing.
Give me sharpness to understand, capacity to retain, method and faculty to learn, subtlety to interpret, and at the time of examination, grace and abundance to speak, success to begin with, direction to progress and perfection to finish, if it suits the greatest glory of God and profit of my soul.
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, mirror of faith and hope, pray for me and ask that I be helped in: (At this moment you are going to ask for the wish you want to be fulfilled). Saint Joseph of Cupertino, source of charity, pray for me. Amen.
Prayer for Exams and Studies to Saint Joseph Calasanz
Oh glorious Saint Joseph Calasanz!, you who get to experience in your life what the call of Jesus is, who were captivated by the very gaze of street children and, without even thinking about it, you left everything to go in after the Master.
You who in needy childhood discovered Divine Love, the path to a new and very rewarding kind of mission, and forgetting yourself did not hesitate to serve them, to help them, to also give yourself body and soul to give them what is your formation in the Christian faith and always sowing knowledge in human letters, please listen to my prayer and also attend to my requests.
Memorable and blessed educator, Saint José de Calasanz, you who know what it means to come to study and take an exam, on this day you are asked to give me peace and to accompany me, in a humble way I beg you to intercede before the Lord and request that you become my guide and support, also that you give me the courage and perseverance necessary to get to take advantage of every moment of my studies.
May I be able to calmly reflect on what they teach me, and when the time comes for the test or exam, ask me to strengthen my memory and also my ability, to be careful, creative and efficient in order to manage myself in the face of difficulties. that they come to arise; Likewise, grant peace and patience to those who are going to examine me, that they be fair and just with everyone.
Blessed Saint José de Calasanz, finally, I implore you to assist and protect me in this life, teach me to imitate your gifts of charity and patience, of love, kindness and dedication to my fellow men to get to deserve Eternal rewards. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to the Virgin Mary to Ask to Pass the Exams
Oh Holy Virgin, the Holy and Immaculate, who, for having come to receive in her bosom the Word of God, who is the Throne of Glory and Wisdom, listen at this time to my most sincere prayers: May my plea reach you In these moments of great difficulty, give me your holy consolation and pour out your blessing on me, obtain for me the grace to be able to study with order and perseverance, with great intensity and presence of God, with purity of intention and eagerness to learn and progress.
Make my effort and also my dedication in studies bring me closer to You, oh saint, and to your divine Son, that they become hours of use and responsibility, and when the time comes for the exams, I can demonstrate my knowledge and achieve good results to continue advancing.
Most Holy Virgin, You who come to accompany your faithful and the guides, you who are the joy and consolation of the afflicted and you come to give us strength in the hardest moments of my life, pray and also intercede for me before your Son, our beloved Lord Jesus, so that I can pass this exam without any problem or difficulty, since I need it for work reasons, to be able to continue with my plans and for the good of my family and my future life. .
Free me from all fear and nervousness, give me peace of mind, enlighten me, clarify my ideas and give me ease, make my memory not fail me, so I can remember what I learned with work and make those who are going to examine me be patient, equitable, fair and reasonable.
Kind mother, hold out your hand to me and help me to emerge triumphant from this test that I am going to take soon and it has me worried:
(At this point you will say what you want to achieve or name the exam to be taken).
Virgin Mary, sweet Mother of mercy, Most Holy Lady of great understanding and kindness, I turn to you with all my faith and hope and I ask you to come to my aid, You who always support us with maternal love, do not abandon me in this special circumstance that Now I am so concerned and get me what I humbly request, for the good of the people who love me and mine.
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