The Powerful and Holy Rosary to the Virgin Rosa Mystica
Today we will teach you everything you need to know to make the Prayer to the Virgin of the Mystic Rose , explaining its meaning, what is the correct way to make the rosary, as well as the steps you must follow and much more. If you have never prayed this prayer and want to learn, don’t worry; Here you will find everything you need to know about it.
How to make the Rosary of the Mystic Rose?
If you want to make the rosary of the Mystic Rose, you just have to follow the following steps that we mention below:
- We begin by making the sign of the cross: “ In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, amen ” .
- The Opening Prayer is performed:
« Jesus crucified, prostrate at your feet, we offer you the tears and blood of the one who accompanied you with tender love and compassion on your way of the cross. Grant us the grace, O good Master, to take to heart the teachings contained in the tears and blood of your most holy mother, to fulfill your will in such a way that one day we are worthy to praise and glorify you for all eternity, Amen “ .
- The seven mysteries are prayed, although the following considerations must be taken into account:
- Instead of praying the “Our Father” the following is said: “ O my Jesus, look at the tears and blood of the one who had the greatest love for you on earth and loves you with the most fervent love in heaven “ .
- The “ave Maria” is replaced by this phrase: “ Oh Jesus, hear our prayers for the tears and blood of your most holy mother “ .
- In this rosary the traditional prayer of “Glory” is not prayed. Instead, at the end, the following is repeated three times: “ O my Jesus, look at the tears and blood of the one who had the greatest love for you on earth and loves you with the most fervent love in heaven “ .
- The Closing Prayer is performed:
« O Mary, mother to love, pain and mercy, we beg you to join your prayers with ours so that Jesus, to whom we address ourselves in the name of your maternal tears and blood, hear our prayers granting us with the graces that We ask you for the crown of eternal life, Amen. “Your tears and blood. O sorrowful mother, destroy the kingdom of hell. By your divine meekness oh chained Jesus, keep the world from threatening horrors.
Your Tears and Blood Oh! Sorrowful Mother, destroy the kingdom of hell. By your Divine meekness, O chained Jesus, keep the world from threatening horrors».
Mysteries of the Rosary of the Mystic Rose
Next we proceed to indicate to you which are the mysteries of the rosary corresponding to the joys and sorrows, along with the order in which they should be prayed:
- The seven joys must be prayed on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, and are as follows:
- First Mystery: It is related to the preference that the Holy Trinity grants over creatures.
- Second Mystery: refers to the virginity that he had and raised above the angels and saints.
- Third Mystery: above the splendor by which the heavens shine are his glory.
- Fourth Mystery: related to the cult that everyone offers her, being she the mother of god.
- Fifth Mystery: for the promptness with which God, his son; attends to all our needs.
- Sixth Mystery: related to the graces that all his servants obtain from Jesus in the world, along with the glory that prepares us when we go to heaven.
- Seventh Mystery: to possess the virtues with the greatest possible perfection.
- The seven pains are prayed the remaining days, that is; on Tuesdays and Fridays. Here are each of the mysteries:
- First Mystery: At the moment of showing his son in the temple, he heard a prophecy from old Simeon: a sword of pain will pierce your soul.
- Second Mystery: When she was forced to flee to Egypt, during the persecution of Herod who wanted to kill her beloved son.
- Third Mystery: At the time of looking for his son who was in the temple of Jerusalem for three days, after the visit at Easter time.
- Fourth Mystery: When I observe his divine son with the heavy cross between his shoulders, walking to Calvary to be crucified there to grant us salvation.
- Fifth Mystery: When he saw his son full of blood and dying for more than three hours until the moment he breathed his last.
- Sixth Mystery: At the moment in which his son was pierced with a spear in his chest, to later be lowered from the cross and delivered to his arms.
- Seventh Mystery: At the moment of contemplating the body of his divine son lying in the tomb.
Meaning of the Rosary to the Virgin Rosa Mystica
Before learning how the rosary is made, we must first know that the prayer to the Mystic Rose consists of a Marian representation widely spread and practiced throughout the world. This rosary allows establishing a moment of encounter with the Virgin, where it allows the devotee to go through three moments: one of prayer, another of penance and finally reparation.
The rosary is made up of seven mysteries of joy and seven mysteries of pain that must follow a particular order (which we will explain in more depth later). On the other hand, all the images that represent the Virgin of the Mystic Rose do so in a similar way, showing a beautiful lady wearing a tunic that covers her head with a veil surrounded by roses of three different colors and accompanied by her three swords. . These additions have spiritual significance.
The first sword means the loss of the religious vocation of people, while the second sword refers to the path of sin that different people who were consecrated with baptism have traveled. The last sword is a representation of the traction committed by those who abandon the path of the Lord and the religious vocation, in other words; It refers to all the people who lose faith in our Lord Jesus.
Regarding roses, it is tradition to venerate her by offering roses at the time of making the rosary, where each color has a different meaning. White roses have a symbolic meaning about the strength and power of prayer. The red roses refer to the spirit of sacrifice while the yellow roses (representing golden roses) allude to penance. If you notice, these roses symbolize the three moments we must go through: prayer, penance and reparation.
San Rafael Oil
San Rafael oil is commonly used when praying the Rosa Mystica prayer due to its meaning and symbolism. Archangel Raphael is known to be the protector of health and of all travelers. In fact; His name means “Medicine of God”, since it was to him who was consecrated the holy oil that serves as an instrument to merge our earthly plane with the spiritual.
This means that by using San Rafael oil we are getting the blessing of heaven. Although its use also allows to reduce pain and relieve suffering; allowing us to improve our health. But before it can be used, it is necessary to consecrate the oil to the Rosa Mystica. This oil is made with rose petals and olive oil. Then it is placed under the patronage of the Mystic Rose to confer heavenly blessings and powers. In addition, it is important that its use is only for the purpose of doing good.
How to make use of San Rafael Oil?
- We must be in front of an image of the Mystic Rose (it can be a photo or a statuette), then we have to place the petals in front of it and make the oil. Then we must recite the message of Saint Raphael:
« Herald, the archangel Saint Raphael speaks to you. Take olive oil as a substitute for my previous indication. Carry this oil to make a balm that will relieve any illness or suffering .
- To prepare the oil, you only have to boil a quarter of a liter of water with about 30 rose petals. After obtaining the oil, at the moment of using it, the first thing we have to do is spread or anoint and then we say the following prayer:
« Oh beloved Mother Rosa Mystica, placed at your feet and accompanied by Saint Raphael, we thank you for granting help and healing. Amen « .
- After applying this balm, pray the following prayers:
« I believe in almighty god, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, the only son of him, our Lord, who was conceived by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. He was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under the power of Pontius Pilate, was crucified dead and buried, descended into hell, and on the third day rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal life. Amen « .
- Now you have to repeat three times:
« Oh mother of God, María Rosa Mystica, grant me together with the Archangel Saint Raphael, the angel of God’s healing, the grace to feel deep sorrow for my sins and implore before God three times your holy name, so that he Grant, divine help in my current illness. Amen « .
- Similarly, you must repeat the following three times:
« Glory to the father, glory to the son and glory to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and always will be for ever and ever. Amen. Blessed and praised be the name of the Lord now and for all eternity. Amen « .
Using the consecrated oil of San Rafael when making the rosary of the Mystic Rose, allows us to achieve physical, mental and spiritual healing thanks to the company of our mother of divine grace that gives us her virtues and blessings.
Prayer to the Virgin Mary as an Offering for the Blood of Jesus
The prayer that we mention below is to accompany the Rosa Mystica rosary:
« Mystical Rosa, mother of the church, holy and immaculate virgin, mother of God and our mother, I beg you to offer your divine son disfigured by wounds and blood. His most precious blood to the eternal father for greater honor and adoration of the divine majesty, as thanks for all the graces and benefits received, for the expiation of my sins and those of the whole world, for the conversion of sinners, for my conversion. and amendment, to drive away all serious sins on this day, for the preservation of faith in our countries, for the return and preservation of youth in faith and morals, to save the dying, for the holy father, bishops and priests, for the needs of the church, for those persecuted for the faith, for myself.
To increase faith, hope and charity, to increase grace and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, to increase humility, patience, resignation to the will of God, to achieve a holy death, to help and comfort the afflicted, sick and innocently tormented on earth, for the consolation and liberation of those oppressed by the devil and for the liberation of the souls in purgatory, for the greater joy of the angels and saints. Blessed be the most precious blood of Jesus now and forever and ever. Amen.
Mystical Rosa Queen of the world, queen of the universe, our mother, in you and for you we bless the admirable mystery of the blood of Jesus, the greatest potential for reconciliation. Haloed by the mystery of the immaculate conception, you have collaborated with the brilliant victory of the blood of Jesus in our redemption; and being at the side of Jesus, the redeemer, has made you co-redeemer and mother of all men. For the triumph of your immaculate heart, God has chosen you as mediator of all graces.
O most holy virgin Mary, mother, exalted to such a high position, we salute you as lady and queen of the beautiful blood of Jesus: sprinkle our souls with the most precious blood of Jesus Christ, which gives drink to souls, to overcome the snares of the demon and always walk with holy zeal the path of virtue. Write our names with the blood of the lamb in the book of life, so that one day after having been devoted to the most precious blood of Jesus Christ we can glorify it in eternal glory. Amen « .
Healing Prayer
In case you wish and if you want to dedicate this prayer space to ask for the health, illness and recovery of a family member, friend or any other person, you can accompany the rosary of the Rosa Mystica with these readings from the bible along with this prayer for healing that we mention below:
- The first reading corresponds to the book of Ecclesiasticus (38;9): “ Son, do not be negligent in your illness, but go to the Lord and he will heal you “ .
- The second reading belongs to Peter (2:24): “ Let us turn our gaze to God, both the sick and those who pray, let us bow humbly before the Lord and acknowledge him as Lord. Let us invoke the power of the wounds and the blood of Jesus. For the merits that he won us with the pain of his wounds. Let us remember as the Word says: By his stripes we have been healed « .
- It is important to remember that we are giving thanks to the Lord Jesus for all the graces and blessings that he has made available to us, as well as all the help that he has given us. Now we continue with the sentence:
« Holy Father, in the name of Jesus Christ and with the intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, of the holy angels, of the saints, of Mother Mary of Saint Joseph, we present to you the sick in soul, in mind, in the body and in the spirit and we ask you for all of them and also for us to heal us. We ask everything according to your divine will Holy Father, in the name of Jesus: for the merits of his divine childhood, for his precious blood, for his holy wounds, for his resurrection may everything be for your glory. We believe in your power and we ask you, oh good Jesus, that the force of the holy spirit be released now and that we all be healed.
In the name of Jesus and with the intercession of Mary, Rosa Mystica of the holy angels, of the holy and blessed souls in purgatory. We ask you Holy Father to heal us from all deep wounds in our hearts, from all resentment and rejection; from all lack of love, depression and loneliness, cure us of all affective lack. Heal us from all frustration, failure, complex and trauma, hatred, divisions, envy, hypocrisy, anger, especially rage. Lord, fill in us any emptiness that might exist with your holy presence and give us your fullness. Give us your freedom and your love. Give us your peace.
In the name of Jesus and with the intercession of our heavenly mother Mary, mother of the church, of the holy angels and saints in heaven, we ask you, Holy Father, to heal us of any vice that we could have, heal us of all fear, fear, nervousness, anguish, anxiety, and insecurity, of pride and all arrogance. Heal us from depression, psychosis, obsessions, from all emotional and mental instability, deception, disappointment, bitterness, from rebellion, from all idolatry and superstition, from all mental illness and from any lack of forgiveness.
In the name of Jesus and with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the holy angels, of the holy and blessed souls in purgatory, Holy Father, we ask you to free us from all harmful genetic ties from our ancestors. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask you to cut off, Holy Father, at this time, any ties of sin transmitted by our ancestors, as well as any inherited curse.
In the name of Jesus and with the intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, of the holy angels, of the holy and blessed souls in purgatory, we ask you, holy father, to heal us physically from all known or unknown diseases, from all curable or incurable diseases. . Heal us especially from cancer, from all glandular diseases, obesity, anorexia, asthma, arthritis, osteoarthritis, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, vessel, circulatory diseases, blood, blood pressure, skin diseases, allergies , respiratory diseases, stomach diseases, nerves, anxiety, stress, anemia, AIDS, and any other condition that damages our body, mind and soul.
Thank you holy father for listening to our prayers, we know that you are acting with your power and that you can do everything sir. We trust in you and we hope in you. We thank you for everything you have done, for what you are doing and for what you will continue to do in our lives. Amen « .
Prayer for Maria Rosa Mystica
Here is a prayer dedicated to María Rosa Mística that can be used to complement her rosary after finishing it, or used independently in any timely prayer space:
« Oh Maria Rosa Mystica, mother of Jesus and also our mother. You are our hope, our strength and our comfort. Give us from heaven your maternal blessing in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, Amen.
Rosa Mystica, immaculate virgin, mother of grace, in honor of your divine son, we prostrate ourselves before you, to implore God’s mercy. Not because of our merits, but because of the goodness of your maternal heart, we ask for help and thanks, with the certainty of being heard. Ave Maria.
Rosa Mystica, mother of Jesus, queen of the holy rosary and mother of the church, mystical body of Jesus Christ. We ask you for the world shattered by discord, the gift of union, peace and all the graces that can convert the hearts of so many of your children. Ave Maria.
Rosa Mystica, mother of the apostles, make numerous priestly and religious vocations flourish around the Eucharistic altars, that with the sanctity of their lives and the ardent zeal for souls, may extend the kingdom of your son Jesus throughout the world. Pour out, oh Mother, your heavenly gifts on us.
Hail, oh Rosa Mystica, mother of the church, pray for us « .
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