High Level Intercessory Prayer for Healing of the Sick
The high-level intercession prayer for the healing of the sick is one of the most beautiful prayers that can be made because it is directed with love and fervor to all the people who are in poor health, from here we will ask for them.
High level intercessory prayer for healing of the sick
When we go to perform a high-level intercession prayer for the healing of the sick, if we are with them, let us ask them to place their hands in the place where they have the ailment, let us make them feel comfortable and calm, and let us pray for them, with an open heart and full of goodness and mercy asking the Almighty for them to recover their health.
Dear Father, we come to you in the name of your Son, Jesus our Savior.
Today we are here to worship and praise your name my God, we are here to thank you for your love and mercy.
We are in front of your beloved presence in the name of Jesus Christ to make this prayer of intercession for the healing of all the brothers who are sick.
You are the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, yours is the power to restore the health of my brothers, who today find themselves with ailments and despite the intervention of the hand of man we know that their health is in your hands my Lord .
Be fair my Lord and allow those brothers who are in the hands of addictions, substance dependencies, who are lost from your path, fill them with mercy my Lord and they can rediscover your path and their health.
You who saw your son suffer on the Cross, the one who was mistreated and humiliated to redeem our sins in his name my Lord we ask you to disappear all disease, all ailment, all addiction, all dependency.
We ask you, Lord, to remove from their lives all despair, all discouragement, all despair, that may have arisen from this situation for which they suffer today, my God.
We ask for your mercy, Thank you Father for listening to our pleas. Amen.
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We can perform a High Level intercession prayer for the Healing of the sick by addressing only our Lord Jesus Christ, may he be the one to intercede directly on our behalf before his Father, without us addressing God the Creator at any time, but rather his son our Savior .
Oh Lord Jesus, you who are alive and risen, you who are in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar and therefore you are in each one of us.
Today we come to you Lord to praise and adore you, because you live in us and provide us with you every day, oh Lord Jesus.
You who are life, resurrection and health of the sick, your miracle worker, you who made the blind see, the disabled walk, stop the bleeding, eliminate leprosy and resurrect from among us.
We come to you oh Lord our Savior to put in your care all the sick, all my beloved Lord, that there is not one left without your blessing, that there is not one my Lord without being touched by your miraculous hand my Lord.
May our desire for healing prevail in our brothers, you know them, you know who they are, may justice prevail my Lord Jesus Christ and there be no distinction so that the miracle is performed in all of them
We ask you, oh beloved Lord, to have compassion on all of them, those who suffer in body, mind, soul, spirit. We ask you sir.
You who suffered on Calvary, suffered on the Cross, you who know what pain is, for the holiness of your wounds my Lord, for your holy blood my Lord, we ask you to have mercy on them.
Bring them back to life my Lord, we ask you through intercession before your Father the Creator. You who carry on you all the ailments and by your pain and your spilled blood we have been healed.
Return health to everyone who is sick who reads this prayer and that our request before you, my Lord, be heard every time a healthy person reads this prayer of intercession for the healing of the sick, my Lord.
We trust in your love, in your compassion, in the healing of the sick by the soft touch of your hand and by the touch of your mantle, by the spilled blood, we are your children Lord.
We thank you because we are already receiving your blessings of healing, we love you, we adore you, we praise you Lord. Amen.
Why do we get sick?
Many times we ask ourselves, why do we get sick? If we want to get an answer to that question, we must be honest with ourselves and ask ourselves if, in fact, have we made an alliance with health? If the answer is negative, this may be the point. of origin of the disease.
As human beings, it is very likely that we do not understand very well how to establish an alliance with health, beyond eating healthy and exercising, but from a spiritual point of view, the issue of health and disease is much more complex.
As spiritual beings, we must make an alliance with health and connect with it beyond healthy food and exercise, these are an additional complement. When we are spiritually healthy, disease magically moves away from us, because iniquity does not exist in our lives.
The person gets sick when they make an alliance with the sick part or the negative part of a situation, therefore, if we take a defeatist or victim attitude, it is most likely that we will end up getting sick. When we place ourselves in a victim role, we strengthen with our attitude the condition that we may be suffering from. (See also: Short Christian Prayer )
Instead of saying “poor me”, you have to say “I’ll get out of this disease and I’ll get well soon”, instead of lamenting the terrible situation, you should ask for wisdom to get out of it, therefore, you should always face the disease with a good attitude.
It is also not good to resign oneself to an illness since he faces it defeated, when a person gets sick he should keep doing what he normally did as much as possible, if he has to do it slower, with less effort or in a different way, it is the best, in this way way connects with the healthy side and when you least expect it you will begin to notice your improvement.
It is important to know that no disease is a punishment from God for having done something wrong, this thought makes us sick more because we disconnect with our spiritual part, we begin to see God not as a merciful and loving being but as a being that punishes us and That is not true.
When we get sick we must always find the positive side, the healthy side to connect to it and thus take the strength out of the disease. When we get sick we must strengthen our faith and high-level intercessory prayer for the healing of the sick is a powerful tool.
Spiritual people have a better functioning of the immune system, this is scientifically proven. People who attend church have a lower presence of interleukin-6, which is a protein that is associated with a large number of age-related diseases, while people who do not attend have very high values. This is how praying, staying in peace and away from iniquity is healthy.
Iniquity is the absence of integrity, righteousness and justice, it is a way of acting that is associated with sinful actions, therefore, being sin is associated with evil. Iniquity is associated with the spiritual, it is said that it is the spiritual genetic code of people. Iniquity is said to be responsible for the physical illnesses that are suffered from generation to generation.
But let’s not be scared, this has a solution, we just have to create a true relationship with God, we must create a pure, genuine relationship, not repeat the sins and mistakes of our parents and grandparents, leave vices, lies, double standards, no discuss, leisure.
The sins that our parents and grandparents may have committed must be confessed and in this way we will begin to cleanse our ancestral trace of iniquity, our children will not be witnesses of iniquity in the family, therefore, there will be no example or spiritual trace and of this way to erase all iniquity and all sickness from our blood line. Know the healing prayer for cancer patients
Knowing then that as human beings we have a greater probability of getting sick than being and strengthening ourselves as spiritual beings we will be healthier, it is advisable then to keep us in prayer and within the path of the Lord.
Performing a high-level intercessory prayer for the healing of the sick is a beautiful way to stay on that spiritual path that will help the sick and help us stay healthy.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, we ask you to please remove all authority of evil spirits disguised as addiction, dependency, rebuke my Lord all symptoms of any disease that is attacking this person.
Through the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the Cross, free these people from that disease that today keeps them in bed. In the name of Jesus we ask you to restore health to each of our brothers
You, who are a loving and merciful father, listen to our request, allow us to intercede for the health of each one of the sick that we name before you today (say the name of the sick people)
We deliver directly to you to our beloved brothers so that you can erase all traces of possible iniquity disease and they can return to have a healthy life my Lord.
Send your angels and archangels to expel all disease, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.