Holy Rosary or Mystery of the Light on Thursdays
The Holy Rosary of Thursdays, is the one that mentions the miracles, the signs and the proclamation of the kingdom of God on earth through Jesus. In the following article we will know everything related to this topic that is the Holy Rosary on Thursday.
Luminous Mysteries (Thursday)
Today we are going to observe what are the Mysteries of Light or better known as the Mysteries of the Thursday Rosary . Each one of these mysteries comes to reveal what the Kingdom of God is already present in the very person of Jesus. Although the entire ministry of Christ is Light, because he, as he says in his word, is the Light of the World, this kind of dimension regarding the years of the public life of Jesus is about when he announced the Gospel of the Kingdom all over.
Offering of the Rosary
This is the recitation of the offering of the Rosary to all the saints who are in heaven, to all the just who are on earth, to all the faithful souls who are on this earth. The prayer says as follows:
So I join you oh Jesus, to be able to praise your holy mother in a worthy way and praise you and her my Lord. So on this day I renounce all those distractions that come to me during this Thursday rosary, which I truly want to recite with attention, modesty and devotion as if it were the last. Amen
Sign of the Cross
This is a prayer made by the sign of the cross of Calvary which reads as follows:
By the great sign of the Holy Cross, from all our enemies we ask you today to free us, oh our God. I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
This is a prayer of belief in God, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit of God that goes like this:
I believe in the power of the Father who is in heaven, I believe in the power of his beloved son Jesus Christ who gave his life as a ransom for me so that I would not lose my soul in the depths of the abyss but could reach eternal life together him and the father in the paradise that he has prepared for all those who love him and enforce his commandments on this earth. Amen.
act of contrition
This is a prayer that must be performed at all times
My Lord, I ask you to reach me with your great kindness and mercy, to personify all my sins and transgressions. I know that you are a God of love, so I ask for your infinite goodness towards me, I praise and adore you, thank you for having died, oh Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary so that I could achieve eternal life in Christ Jesus. Amen
The First Luminous Mystery: The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River
The biblical quote that refers to this First Luminous Mystery or better known as the Holy Rosary of Thursday are 2 and it is about:
“He made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
2 Corinthians 5:21.
And the second biblical quote is as follows:
“And there was a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 3:17.
Before beginning his public life, Jesus had to be baptized, taking upon himself all our weaknesses, the evils and also the miseries. All the works of holiness should begin in this way: in short, by means of a purification.
For this mystery and also the intercession of the Virgin, we can ask for the grace that, through the Baptism of her great Divine Son, she can grant us a clean heart and in the same way a new spirit, to be able to perfectly carry out our apostolate together with other people.
At this time you can take a break to meditate on the word of God. Later the prayer of the Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit is performed. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
Oh! My beloved Jesus, I ask you to forgive all our sins, to free us from the fires of hell, take all those souls to Heaven, and also help especially those most in need of your infinite Mercy.
The Second Luminous Mystery: The First Miracle of Jesus, transforming Water into Wine at the Wedding at Cana
This is about the conversion of water into life during the wedding at Cana, the biblical verse is as follows:
“On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him:
They no longer have wine. Woman, what does that have to do with me? Jesus replied. It has not come my time yet. His mother said to the servants:
Do what he tells you. There were six stone jars there, the kind used by the Jews in their purification ceremonies. Each one held about a hundred liters. Jesus said to the servants:
Fill the jars with water. And the servants filled them to the brim. Now take some out and take it to the one in charge of the banquet, Jesus told them.
So they did. The man in charge of the banquet tasted the water turned into wine without knowing where it had come from, although the servants who had drawn the water did. So he called the groom aside and said:
Everyone serves the best wine first, and when the guests have had a lot to drink, then they serve the cheapest; but you have kept the best wine so far. This, the first of his signs, was done by Jesus in Cana of Galilee. Thus he revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him. After this Jesus went down to Capernaum with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples, and they stayed there a few days.”
John 2:1-12
Actually, the time had not yet come. However, a simple insinuation of the Mother of Jesus herself, leads him to have to anticipate his portentous miracles on that day. He allowed Providence to happen in this way, in order to teach the wonderful power of a mother’s intercession with her Divine Son.
Through this Thursday mystery or rosary and the intercession of the Holy Virgin, we ask her for the grace to be able to have a confidence that is unshakable, at the same time pure and also growing in the omnipotence of her supplication.
At this time you can pause to meditate on the word of God read. Then begins to perform 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it comes to be the beginning, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Oh! My beloved Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive all our sins, to free us from the fires of hell, and to take all those souls to Heaven, and especially help those most in need of your great and infinite Mercy. Amen.
The Third Luminous Mystery: Preaching Jesus, Announcing the Kingdom of God and Inviting Conversion
The third Thursday Rosary is the one referring to Jesus announcing the Kingdom of God and at the same time inviting all people to turn their hearts to God. The verses say as follows:
“saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe the gospel.”
Mark 1:15
The other verse of the Bible that highlights the actions of Jesus is the one that speaks in the book of Mark itself that says:
“Then some came to him bringing a paralyzed man, who was being brought by four. And as they could not reach him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where he was, and making an opening, they lowered the bed on which the paralyzed man was lying. And Jesus seeing their faith, he says to the paralytic:
Son, your sins are forgiven you. And there sat some of the scribes, who, thinking in their hearts, Said: Why does this man speak thus? Blasphemy says. Who can forgive sins, but only God? And Jesus then knowing in his spirit that they thought thus within themselves, he said to them:
Why do you think these things in your hearts? What is easier, to say to the paralyzed man: Your sins are forgiven you, or to say to him: Get up, pick up your bed and walk? So that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, (says to the paralytic): I say to you:
Get up, take your bed, and go home. Then he got up immediately, and taking his bed, he went out before all, so that all were astonished, and glorified God, saying: Never have we seen such. And he went out into the sea again, and all the people came to him, and he taught them.”
Mark 2:3-13
After the disciple John was imprisoned, Jesus went to Galilee to preach to all the people of that place about the gospel of God, that the times and the kingdom of God were very close, and for this reason it was necessary that they repent and believe in God.
Take a moment to reflect on this important teaching. It is vitally important to pray the Our Father, followed by 10 Hail Marys.
Oh, great and powerful Jesus, on this day we approach your beautiful presence to ask your forgiveness for each of our sins, only you can save us from the fires of hell, and offer us salvation, we pray that the light of your gospel illuminates our being and may your mercy reach us at all times.
The Fourth Luminous Mystery: The Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor
“And a voice came from the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son; hear him.”
Luke 9:35
At the moment of transfiguring himself in the presence of the 3 apostles, Jesus comes to strengthen the hope of eternal life, encouraging people to endure the suffering and trials that are endured in this earthly life. When people know the true glory that awaits them, one must have patience in the midst of all tribulations.
With this same brilliance will be the resurrection of all the saints on the day of judgment. For this Thursday rosary, you get to ask for the intercession of the Holy Virgin in order to obtain the grace of never losing the conviction of the glory that is reserved for all those who persevere, so that they never lose heart. in all the vastness of earthly existence.
At this time it is recommended to pause to begin to meditate on what has been read. Later, 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit begin to be performed. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Oh, great and powerful Jesus, on this day we approach your beautiful presence to ask your forgiveness for each of our sins, only you can save us from the fires of hell, and offer us salvation, we pray that the light of your gospel illuminates our being and may your mercy reach us at all times.
The Fifth Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper
The last of the Luminous mysteries or Thursday Rosary is the Holy Supper found in the book of John, which reads as follows:
“Before the Passover feast, Jesus knowing that his time had come for him to pass from this world to the Father, as he had loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.”
John 13:1.
What more could our beloved Lord Jesus have given us? Food and drink were made so that we can eternally come to partake of his own life. He himself descended from the highest of heaven, renouncing all his glory, assuming the substance of bread and wine so that we can all rise to the fellowship of God.
When we get to communion, we resemble Mary due to certain circumstances, possessing the Body, the Blood, the Soul and also the Divinity of Jesus in our entrails.
At this moment a short pause is made to begin to meditate on the word. Then, as on previous occasions, 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit begin. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Now proceed to Pray the Thursday Rosary .
Oh, great and powerful Jesus, on this day we approach your beautiful presence to ask your forgiveness for each of our sins, only you can save us from the fires of hell, and offer us salvation, we pray that the light of your gospel illuminates our being and may your mercy reach us at all times.
Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
In the course of performing the prayers of the Holy Rosary, they come to meditate on the mysteries of faith. In each of the rosaries, 5 mysteries are meditated on, which are followed by the performance of 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys and 1 Glory Be. The mysteries are grouped into 4 types that are:
- The Joyful Mysteries: Mondays and Saturdays.
- The Luminous Mysteries:
- The Sorrowful Mysteries: Tuesday and Friday.
- The Glorious Mysteries: Wednesdays and Sundays.
The Joyful Mysteries (Mondays and Saturdays)
The Joyful Mysteries refer to the birth of Jesus and part of his childhood life. It is described in about 5 phases that are:
- First – The Annunciation: Luke 1:30-32 and 38.
- Second – The Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth: Luke 1:39-43.
- Third – The Birth of Jesus: Luke 2:6-11.
- Fourth – The Presentation of Jesus to the Temple: Luke 2:22-25 and 34-35.
- Fifth – The Lost and Found Child in the Temple: Luke 2:41-47.
The Luminous Mysteries (Thursday)
The Mysteries of the Luminous Rosary are those that refer to the teachings of Jesus and some of the things he did during his stay in this world. This is also classified into about 5 Luminous Mysteries that are:
- First – His Baptism in the Jordan: Matthew 3:13 and 16-17.
- Second – His Self-revelation at the Wedding at Cana: John 2:1 – 5.
- Third – His Announcement of the Kingdom of God, Inviting to Conversion: Mark 1:15, 21; 2:3-11 and Luke 7:47-48.
- Fourth – His Transfiguration: Matthew 17:1 – 3 and 5.
- Fifth – Institution of the Eucharist, Sacramental Expression of the Paschal Mystery: John 13:1 and Matthew 26:26 – 29.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)
The Sorrowful Mysteries are known for the moments in the life of Jesus who suffered and suffered for the world at the time of being crucified on the cross of Calvary. It is related to 5 Painful mysteries that are:
- First – The Agony in the Garden: Luke 22:39 – 46.
- Second – The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ: John 18:33 and 19:1.
- Third – The Crowning with Thorns: Matthew 27:29 – 30.
- Fourth – Jesus Christ, the Cross on His Back and the Road to Calvary: Matthew 27:31; John 19:17 and Mark 15:21.
- Fifth – The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord: Luke 23:33 – 34, 44-46 and John 19:33 – 35.
The Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday)
The Glorious Mysteries mention the resurrection of Jesus and all the things he did after it. This mystery is described by about 5 Glorious Mysteries that are:
- First – The Resurrection of the Lord: Matthew 28:5 – 6.
- Second – The Ascension: Luke 24:50 – 51 and Mark 16:20.
- Third – The Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost: Acts 1:14 and 2:1-4.
- Fourth – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin: Songs 2:10 – 11 and 14.
- Fifth – The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin as Queen of Heaven and Earth: Psalms 45:14 – 15 and Revelation 11:19; 12:1.