The virgin Regina Coeli, and how her prayer is said
The virgin Regina Coeli
The prayer to the Virgin is prayed at Easter time, as I have already mentioned, it is done in substitution for the Angelus, which is another prayer of Catholic devotion that refers to the memory of the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary and the incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth. .
The Regina Coeli or the queen of heaven, is the prayer that the devotees implore the Virgin Mary, this prayer is performed from the eve of Easter until Saturday after the 50 days after Easter is the way we use to celebrate together with our little virgin Mary for the resurrection of her beloved son Jesus Christ.
This rite, song or choir dates back to the twelfth century and was popularized by the French and Roman community at the end of the thirteenth century and thus spread throughout all Christians to this day. The Marian verse is part of the four songs of the Easter season that are included in the Ceremony of the Hours, and that are prayed from Holy Saturday, the eve of the Lord’s Resurrection, until the Sunday after Pentecost.
It is part of the nocturnal liturgical prayer called Compline. Its brevity and simplicity, in addition to its beautiful theological sense, which makes this prayer one of the most beautiful expressions of Easter joy.
The origin and author of this prayer to Regina Coeli is totally unknown, but there are those who say that the translation was made by Saint Gregory the Great, who was a pontiff and doctor of the Catholic Church, the story goes that he had heard from the very angels this ovation but only remembered the first 3 verses, San Gregorio was barefoot in the procession that took place in Rome.
It is very important that the Holy Pope decides to add the phrase to the prayer: “Pray for us to God”. Throughout history it has been adapted to be more like a kind of prayer, remaining as follows:
V. Rejoice, Queen of Heaven. Hallelujah.
R. Because the one you deserved to carry in your bosom. Hallelujah.
V. He is risen, as predicted. Hallelujah.
R. Pray for us to God. Hallelujah.
V. Rejoice and be glad, Virgin Mary. Hallelujah.
A. Because God has truly risen. Hallelujah.
V. Let us pray: O God, who by the Resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, has deigned to give joy to the world, grant us through his Mother, the Virgin Mary, to attain the joy of eternal life. Through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord.Amen.