Know the miraculous prayer of the Holy Spirit, for your needs
How should it be done?
Initially, to ask God with a miraculous prayer of the Holy Spirit for our problems, we must know how to perceive if we are praying according to the Holy Spirit or if we are just saying words that we do not feel and pray from the flesh.
We understand what it is to feel that we are praying from the flesh, that we are not doing it right and that we are not being sincere when in the middle of praying we only paraphrase, we get stuck in fillers and we do not speak sincerely with God for which we do not feel his presence or answer to our problems and consequently we only lose more and more the holy spirit and the darkness has its opportunity to approach us.
And behold, the following question arises: How would we overcome this problem in a plea?
Well, the bible is the guide for everything, the more we read it, the more communion we have with the Lord and we would find examples like Job who went through so much but was only being tested and those examples would give us light to understand what we went through if it is because God has abandoned, which is impossible! or the simple fact that we are going through a test.
When we identify ourselves we will have a lot to talk about how when we talk with a friend to whom we have to tell many things, besides Jesus Christ knows everything and knows what your needs are, your problems and the darkness that surrounds you, however he greatly appreciates the way in that you let him know.
The case of asking for a problem to be solved is not setting goals for ourselves, for example, I am going to pray for an hour on my knees so that God dissipates my darkness and be aware of when that hour ends, no, that is not the case, the matter it is that we must address him with a sincere heart and express everything we have to express, at a time like this one is not aware of how much time has passed or how tired he is.
We need to push the requests while in the Spirit, we are moved by the way he coordinates the supplication, in some cases, when asking in the Spirit you will not feel shaken however later you realize that you were heard when you get your answer. (Also read about the article high-level intercessory prayer to ask for God’s mercy )
Clarified that in this article you will find 2 examples of how to ask the holy spirit in prayer to guide you according to your problem or affliction, however it is only a model since at the time of praying it is the moment of our intimacy with God and we must do it with our own words being totally sincere.
Below are examples of prayers to the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Call the Holy Spirit
Come, Creator Spirit,
Visit the soul of this trustworthy faithful
What’s more, fill hearts with your heavenly love,
that you yourself did
you are our comforter
The great God Most High,
Living spring, fire and love
Also, a deep blessing
Pour your gifts on us;
Use your finger and your hand to give me a shape pleasing to your eyes
You, the life partner of the Father;
You, who put on our lips the fortune of your promise
Light up our faculties with your light;
Receive your adoration from our souls;
Strengthen our weak body
Take the enemy from us and push him away
be our guide
Through you we know the Father,
And also to the Son;
The Son who rose once more,
To save our life from sin
And for that we thank you
And we will continue to thank you for eternity
praising and glorifying you
Ooh lord holy spirit you know what the darkness of my life is
I ask you on your mighty throne to have mercy on me
and remove my torment
In the mighty name of Jesus
Prayer to Know How to Confront the Darkness
Crucified and risen ruler
And powerful holy spirit that instructs us
Help me deal with the problems that arise in my daily life,
In order that you may live in a more remarkable peace
You lived with quiet and persistence, the disappointments of human life as the sufferings on the cross.
Help us to live the anguish and battles that afflict us every day with the same tolerance that you lived yours
Let us face them, brimming with certainty since you stand behind us
You are the sun that shines in my life
Guide me on the right path to get out of this
In the mighty name of Jesus