At present, it is very common for people devoted to the Virgin of Guadalupe to wish to pray a novena or the forty-six rosaries to the brown virgin, in general, the ejaculatory prayers to the Virgin of Guadalupe are carried out before begin with the feast of this virgin.
Which is celebrated on December 12 of each year. That is why, in this article, we are going to explain the proper way in which the forty-six rosaries should be prayed to the brunette virgin.
Shooting from the Virgin of Guadalupe
This is a very beautiful and memorable tradition that, in turn, is related to the month of October, which is totally dedicated to the holy rosary. This is celebrated from the twenty-eighth to the twelfth of December, the day during which the feast of Santa María de Guadalupe is celebrated.
This beautiful and permanent devotion had its beginnings more than a hundred years ago, and was carried out as an initiative of Monsignor Antonio Plancarte y Labastida, Abbot of the Tepeyac Temple during the 19th century.
Which had an enormous devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe and is credited with the beginning of devotion to the dark virgin, and it was thanks to this Monsignor’s initiative that the Virgin of Guadalupe was able to receive the pontifical coronation in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Date during which the construction and expansion of the old basilica of Guadalupe took place.
The origin of this beautiful devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe was carried out with the usual daily prayer of the holy rosary, specifically in the gardens of the sanctuary that represents the basilica today.
This rosary must be prayed until the day in which Santa María Guadalupe is commemorated, that is, December 12, in addition to the establishment that this prayer will be carried out through forty-five years. six rosaries, which refer to the forty-six stars that can be easily seen on the cloak that the Virgin of Guadalupe wears.
How should the forty-six rosaries be prayed?
Now that we know a little about this commemoration of the Virgin of Guadalupe, we are going to indicate the proper way in which the forty-six rosaries should be prayed, and the way in which they should be prayed on a daily basis.
opening sentences
To start with the ejaculatory prayers to the Virgin of Guadalupe, certain initial prayers must be prayed, among which we will see below:
- Guide person : Ave María Purisima from the shelter.
- All answer : Without conceived sin.
- All proclaim the sign of the cross : By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Once these three initial prayers have been completed, proceed with the act of contrition, which we will see below:
My God and Lord who for my love wanted to be born in a manger and die on the cross, how great my ingratitude has been every time I have allowed myself to offend you, how great my daring every time I have broken your law. Your Lord showing your Mercy towards me you have shown yourself God because only in an infinite being can infinite goodness fit, to me every time I have given proof of my smallness, my ingratitude and my nothingness, you have given me proof of your infinite mercy .
That is why now I come repentant to implore your forgiveness, all the more necessary, when I consider myself the most criminal, Forgive me God! Excuse me loving Father! I offended you and when I consider it I feel great fear, but seeing you on the cross my confidence is reborn and I can hope to be forgiven.I certainly hope so and that’s why I tell you, like David, from the bottom of my soul, have mercy on me Oh my God! according to your great mercy. Amen.
O Virgin of Guadalupe! You who have discovered us in your Holy Rosary, with which to defeat our enemies, the shield to defend us from their assaults and the ladder that will lead us to paradise, help us when we turn to you with this prayer and make us deserve for it all the necessary graces, not only for ourselves but also for those we love, for poor sinners, for the dying and for the souls in purgatory and the entire Christian world. Amen.
- Guide person : Open my lips sir.
- All respond : To praise your name and that of your holy mother, Mary of Guadalupe.
- Perona guide : Lord I ask you to come to my aid.
- They all reply : Hurry up, sir, come to our aid.
- Guide person : (Recites the initial of the glory) Glory to the father, glory to the children and glory to the Holy Spirit.
- All respond : (People recite the rest of the prayer) As it was in the beginning, now and forever and ever, Amen.
- All respond again : Lord Jesus Christ, God and true Man, it weighs me with all my heart that I have sinned, because I have deserved hell and lost my stay in heaven, and above all, because with my actions I offended you, who are kind and infinite mercy, whom I love above all things. I firmly propose, with your grace, to amend myself and move away from the actions that tempt me to sin, confess and fulfill the penance that is applied to me. I trust you will forgive me for your infinite mercy. Amen.
- Guide person: (Recites the initial of the glory) Glory to the father, glory to the children and glory to the Holy Spirit.
- All respond: (People recite the rest of the prayer) As it was in the beginning, now and forever and ever, Amen.
Offering of the forty-six Rosaries
At the end of the initial prayers to begin with the ejaculatory prayers to the Virgin of Guadalupe, it must begin with the offering of the forty-six rosaries that will be carried out in honor and respect for the brunette virgin.
Oh Most Pure Virgin of Guadalupe! Whom I tenderly love as my true and most sweet Mother, deign to admit me in your sacred presence; Here I come to offer you in union with the Angels and the Saints one of the forty-six Rosaries with which I wish to honor you. This number must be very pleasant for you, since you have chosen it, to be one of the stars that adorn your region and matchless mantle. I also come, oh Sovereign Lady, to ask you for one of my public and private needs that afflict me.
(Here you must recite the petitions that you wish to request from the dark-haired virgin) Who do I have to turn to, if not you, who are my Mother? Show me the gentle compassion, the same you showed Juan Diego.It is true that I do not deserve it because I do not have the virtues of that pious Indian; However, I hope from your infinite mercy that you will grant me a pure and loving heart like yours. Then I will be able to hear in the depths of my soul that you alleviate each and every one of my pains, with those same very sweet words that you said to him “My son, do not grieve.
By chance am I not here, I who am your Mother? By any chance you are not here sheltered under my protection? Is anything else offered to you? Yes, my sweet Mother, if something else is offered to me, in addition to the thanks that I am asking you for everything you have granted me, I beg you to bless your entire Mexican nation, in a special way protect all those who are closest to you. devotees, so that forming your intimate family in this life, have the joy of forming your favorite court there in heaven.
- Guide person : once the offering of the forty-six rosaries has been completed, the guide person should begin with the ministries that correspond to that day of the week.
Guide to praying the jaculators of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Now, to carry out the ejaculatory prayers to the Virgin of Guadalupe, a certain order must be respected with the scriptures and prayers to be proclaimed. That is why, below we are going to indicate the proper way in which you should pray day by day.
- Guide person: First mystery (It begins with the reading of the same) and at the end, it should continue with an Our Father, followed by ten Hail Marys and a Glory Be, just as it happens with a normal rosary.
Sunday and Wednesday correspond to the glorious mysteries, which are made up of:
- The resurrection of the almighty lord.
- The ascension of the Lord to the kingdom of heaven.
- Arrival of the Holy Spirit on earth.
- The assumption of the Virgin Mary body and soul into the kingdom of heaven.
- And the coronation of the virgin as the queen and protector of heaven and earth.
On Monday and Saturday correspond the joyful mysteries, which are made up of:
- The incarnation of the Son of God.
- The visitation of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Saint Elizabeth.
- The birth of the Son of God in Bethlehem.
- The presentation of the child Jesus in the temple.
- The baby Jesus lost and found in the temple.
Tuesday and Friday correspond to the painful mysteries, which are made up of:
- Jesus prays in the garden of olive trees
- Jesus is scourged
- Then Jesus is crowned with the crown of thorns
- Jesus carrying the cross on his way to Calvary
- And finally Jesus dies on the cross
And on Thursday the luminous mysteries correspond, which are made up of:
- The Baptism of Jesus
- The Miracle at the Wedding at Cana
- The Announcement of the Kingdom of God
- The Transfiguration
- And finally the Institution of the Eucharist
Once each of these mysteries has been completed, a glory and an aspiration to the Virgin of Guadalupe must be recited, this will be done as follows:
- Guide person: Virgin of Guadalupe for your 4 apparitions.
- Everyone responds : Before starting the forty-six rosaries remedy my afflictions.
- Guide person: Our happiness hangs from your divine eyes.
- They all respond: Look at us, lady, and don’t forsake us.
- Guide person: Mary, Mother of Grace, Mother of Mercy.
- All respond: In life and in death, protect us, great Lady
- Guide person: For your clean conception, sovereign princess.
- All respond: A very great purity I ask you from the heart.
- Guide person: My heart in loving you eternally takes care.
- Everyone responds: And my tongue praises you, my mother from Guadalupe.
Once the rosary has been completed in its entirety, the following ejaculatory prayers must be prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe, responding to the guide person.
- Guide Person: Oh sovereign Sanctuary, Tabernacle of the Eternal Word!
- Everyone responds: Libra, Virgin, from hell and from all evil, to those who pray your Rosary.
- Leading Person: Powerful Empress, consolation of mortals.
- All respond: Open to us, Virgin, heaven, with a happy death and give us purity of soul since you are so powerful.
After that, you should continue with an Our Father and three Hail Marys. At the end, you should continue with the prayer and ejaculatory prayer that we will see below:
God save you, Most Holy Mary of Guadalupe, resplendent lighthouse that leads us to the port of salvation, divine light that illuminates the blessed, precious flower that spreads soft scents. Hail daughter of the eternal Father, most pure and chaste Virgin before childbirth: into your hands I commend my faith, so that you enlighten it. You are full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among all women and blessed be the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
AmenHail to you, Most Holy Mary of Guadalupe, life of the Saints, joy of the Angels, hope of men, luminous cloud in whose bosom under the Son of God, Hail to you, Mother of God Son, most pure and chaste Virgin in childbirth : Into your hands I commend my hope, so that you may encourage it. You are full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed be the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
Amen Hail to you, Most Holy Mary of Guadalupe, most chaste dove, model of love, lily of purity, symbol of chastity, Hail to you, wife of the Holy Spirit, most pure and chaste Virgin after childbirth: into your hands I commend my charity, so that you inflame itYou are full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed be the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. AmenHail to you, Most Holy Mary of Guadalupe, ocean of grace.
Spring of mercy. Sovereign empress of heaven and earth, God Hail Tabernacle of the August Trinity, Virgin conceived without original fault, God Hail Queen and Mother of Mercy, life, sweetness and our hope, God Hail. To you we call the exiled children of Eve, to you we sigh, moaning and crying, in this valley of tears. She was, then, Lady, our Advocate, she returns to us those your Merciful eyes, and after this exile show us Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb. Oh merciful, oh pious, oh sweet Virgin Mary! She prays for us, Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of achieving the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
- Guide person: Our happiness hangs from your divine eyes.
- They all respond: Look at us, lady, and don’t forsake us.
Litanies to the virgin of Guadalupe
At the end of this response, they should continue with the Litanies to the Virgin of Guadalupe, which should be recited by the guide and answered by the rest of the listeners. This is done as follows:
- Lead person: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
- Guide person: Holy Mary of Guadalupe, mother of our nations.
- All respond: Pray for us.
- Guide person: Mother who comes to us to reveal and deliver the only God and Lord.
- All respond : Pray for us.
- Guide person : Mother of Who is always close to everyone.
- All respond : Pray for us.
- Guide person : Mother of Who is always close to everyone.
- All respond : Pray for us.
- Guide person : Mother of incomparable tenderness for each one of the people.
- All respond : Pray for us.
- Guide person: Mother with such affectionate treatment that you captivate people.
- All respond : Pray for us.
- Guide person : Mother who relentlessly answers calls.
- All respond : Pray for us.
- Guide person: Mother who raises the indigenous from his prostration.
- All respond : Pray for us.
- Guide person : Mother who teaches the hierarch to serve the People of God
- All respond : Pray for us
- Guide Person : You, the perfect and ever Virgin, Holy Mary
- All answer : Teach us to love
- Guide person : You, the one who loves each and every one of us
- All answer : Teach us to love
- Guide person : You, who listen to our cries and remedy the sadness
- All answer : Teach us to love
- Guide person : You, who place your trust in us
- All answer : Teach us to love
- Guide person : You, who thank your faithful for what we do for you
- All answer : Teach us to love
- Guide person : You, who ask us to do our part to carry out our mission
- All answer : Teach us to love
Final Sentences
To almost finish with the ejaculatory prayers to the Virgin of Guadalupe, they must begin with the final prayers, which are aimed at ending this process of commemorating the Holy Mary of Guadalupe, these prayers are:
Under your protection we welcome, Holy Mother of God, do not despise the pleas that we address to you in our needs, rather, always deliver us from all dangers, OH glorious and blessed Virgin. Pray for us, Holy Mother of God. So that we are worthy of achieving the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. O God, whose only begotten Son, with his life, death and resurrection, obtained for us the prize of eternal life; Grant us, those of us who remember these mysteries of the Holy Rosary, to imitate what they contain and achieve what they promise.
Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.Oh My Lady Oh My Mother, I offer myself, entirely to you, and in proof of my filial affection, I consecrate to you on this day, my eyes, my ears, my tongue and my heart, in a word my whole being, since I am yours Oh Mother of goodness, keep me and defend me as your thing and possession. Amen.
- Guide person : Saint Mary of Guadalupe, Queen of all Mexico.
- All respond : Save our country and protect our faith.
Finally, these are the aspirations to the Virgin of Guadalupe. We hope that this information has been of great use to you and to your complete satisfaction.