Baby Baptism Signs: Concept and History
Baptism is the first sacrament of the Holy Catholic Church, it is not that the others are unimportant, but this is the essential one to give way to the rest of the sacraments and have a wonderful Christian life in the company of the guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this article you will be able to know the Signs of Baptism.
Signs of Baptism or
Baptism is the first sacrament of the Catholic Church, which consists of pouring holy water on the head, generally of the baby or also a child or adult who is about to receive faith and acceptance in the Christian Church, the Bible tells us about the baptism of the following way:
“You are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for as many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” Galatians 3:26-27
“Which symbolizes the baptism that now saves you too. Baptism does not consist in the cleansing of the body, but in the commitment to have a good conscience before God. This salvation is made possible by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 3:21
history of baptism
The term Baptism has its origin in the word Baptismun, which means to immerse, and is considered the ceremonial of Christian initiation, being the first sacrament of the Catholic Church. These were made in different places around the world such as; Babylon, Egypt and other mystery areas. It is said that when a person receives baptism he is freed from any impurity.
The Romans of the time of Christ took a keen interest in the religions and practices of Egypt and Babylon. In the initiation rite of the cult of Isis, the aspirant carried out a confession of his sins to other faithful so that he could then be baptized in the tradition of the purification bath.
The baptism proclaimed by John the Baptist constitutes the moral conversion to be part of the kingdom of God. Jesus was baptized by him in the Jordan River where he left the legacy to his disciples who would preach and baptize “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The Catholic Church has practiced infusion since the fifteenth century where the water is poured on the person’s head and this act is accompanied by the invocation of the three divine persons. Since ancient times and to date it is a ceremony of great importance for Catholics.
Baptism Ceremony
Anyone of any age can receive the sacrament to be baptized, generally babies are born in their first months of life, in ancient times it was more notable because the infant mortality rate was higher, and the same was baptized with a time no older than three months, so that, if their death occurred, they would be baptized. This has been changing over time and now parents wait a little longer.
It is important that parents consider in their choice of godparents that these; They must be baptized by the Catholic Church and preferably they can share and guide their child in the faith of Christ throughout his life, since after this sacrament six others await, which are:
- Confirmation
- Eucharist
- Confession
- Anointing of the Sick
- Priestly order
- Marriage
When the baptismal ceremony takes place, the priest welcomes the family; parents, godparents, relatives present and especially the person to be baptized. He then utters a few words and asks the parents the name they have assigned to their son and how they will forge their faith, and how the godparents will help the parents to nurture that Christian faith.
Then the priest makes the sign of the holy cross over the baby or the person to receive the baptism and welcomes him to the Christian community, just as the father receives him, the parents and godparents must do it.
The ceremony continues when the priest proclaims the word of God and those present listen seated and give way to the following stages that are contemplated by words and questions from the priest to the parents and godparents. Likewise, in the celebration of the sacrament, the following prayers are performed:
- Litany of the Saints
- exorcism prayer
- Prebaptismal Anointing
- Blessing and invocation to God over the water
- Imposition of the white garment
- Candle Delivery
Then the parents, godparents and assistants recite an Our Father and receive the blessing of the priest. Let’s watch the following video where Pope Francis explains the rite of baptism. Likewise, we invite you to know The Powerful Prayer for Pope Francis
What are the Signs of Baptism?
This wonderful rite of baptism is performed in the presence of some instruments or signs representing a divine meaning, let’s see then what they are:
The main sign of baptism is water, this is considered as a source of life, due to its properties, water purifies, regenerates and fertilizes. In baptism it represents the life of God. When a person is baptized, whether it is a baby, a child or an adult, it means that he has been immersed in Jesus Christ and is prepared to live with his company in his life.
In the act of baptism, the celebrant pours water three times on the head of the person to receive the sacrament; saying: «I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit», words that Jesus expressed after being Baptized.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I assure you that I will be with you always, until the end of the world” Matthew 28:19-20
The oil of Chrism
The celebrant marks the forehead of the baptized with the Chrism oil. This is made up of a mixture with balm that is blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday through which the members of the bishopric are baptized. In this way the baptized person is consecrated as a child of God. The oil represents the softness, strength and beauty of the divine Spirit that awaits the new Christian.
In ancient times the prophets, kings and priests were anointed in oil, the meaning for these denominations was:
- Prophet: It means to be a witness of God among the Christian people
- King : means to love and serve
- Priest: It means that he represents God all his life
The light
Adults carry a lit candle in their hands, this represents the experience of the Easter night and encompasses the entire mystery of Jesus Christ, who by his great unique death and resurrection is vital light for our lives. The baptized are accompanied by two godparents who will guide them in their Christian life in order to keep this light of Jesus alive.
These must be guided so that at the appropriate age they receive Christian communion, and then the rest of the sacraments so that the baptized person renews his reunion with Jesus Christ and keeps his light and presence alive.
white garment
Through baptism the person is reborn spiritually and is freed from original sin through the purification of the water that has been poured on him. All this sounds like love, purity and liberation from all evil, which is why babies, children and adults receive baptism dressed in white to represent that purity they have just received in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Let’s see the following video related to the elements of baptism for children