How a pastor should be according to the Bible to take care of his testimony
It is important to always take into account how a pastor should be according to the bible, since this work is extremely important within any religious temple, since pastors have the job of guiding believers, which is why you should seek to reject any act that dishonors the word of God.
How should a pastor be according to the Bible?
The position of pastor is not achieved in a simple way, it goes much further than a desire or whim. Despite the fact that currently there have been multiple pastors who do not meet the requirements of our Lord, which brings dire results for believers because they are not governed by the commandments of the scriptures.
It is important to understand that God is the one who chooses people to be a pastor, it is not just a matter of vocation. Since this has a high spiritual value since it is a responsibility that the Lord places on the chosen one so that he has the task of guiding a people to the path of good.
God is the one who calls, trains and provides the pastor. After that, he gives the power to the church to choose and send the pastor that is needed. The bible determines how a pastor should be, his character and abilities that allow him to carry out important works in order to help man on behalf of the Lord.
According to Luke 4:1, 24:29 and Acts 1:8, 6:3, the works performed by the shepherds are elements related to spirituality. This relates directly to the spirituality of man. All the actions that a pastor requires to carry out are motivated solely by the power of the Holy Spirit.
If it were possible for a person to meet all the biblical requirements without being filled with the Holy Spirit, they cannot be a pastor, because only someone chosen by God and filled by the Holy Spirit can be a pastor. Otherwise he cannot succeed in his works.
Pastors have elements that must be complied with. They have the task of giving the faithful word of God and in turn doing good works in the name of the Lord.
They seek to encourage their believers so that they do good deeds over and over again. However, it is important to mention that grazing is more than just helping. A person is required to have a family to which he answers as a man, with his wife and children.
He must know how to teach, since his direct commitment is to teach believers. He cannot be a wine lover, greedy or dishonest person, on the contrary, he must stand out for his kindness and honor. (See also: Prayer of serenity and tranquility )
It is necessary that you govern your house correctly and have honest children who believe in the Lord. If a person does not rule his house, how can he rule a church? Pastors must love and respond to the word of God. These guides sent by God have the mission of bringing the word of God to the world and leading believers on the right path.
Who can be a pastor?
Not just anyone can be a pastor. People who want to be pastors or even deacons have to go through a filter. It is necessary that you comply with certain elements that allow you to fulfill your role correctly.
In addition to this, despite having high levels of humility and love for God, he is a human being and has errors that if they are able to accept and correct them with humility, they are people who truly meet the necessary traits, since they should not be haughty men.
They are totally irreprehensible people, that is to say that they do not have any type of repression. They are moderate and discreet people with reference to their life, in the way of behaving and living. On the other hand, they need to be prudent, thinking carefully about everything they do. You must not be foolish in handling yourself in life.
Although all its characteristics sound complex, for those who have the call of our Lord it is not, since they are prepared. Since God is the one who enables them.
Responsibility to God
Those who are chosen to be pastors carry a task that has a great responsibility with God. Since they must lead believers towards the path that God desires for them. Since the pastor is a servant who is responsible for working for and for God.
The work of pastors is directly related to caring for, restoring, feeding, monitoring and guiding believers, which is why pastors must be outstanding people for possessing specific traits, which is why they are chosen by God and not by man. .
Among the outstanding qualities for you to be a true shepherd is sobriety, prudence, decorum and being a person who is born to help. In the same way, they must be able to teach, they must not be people who are manipulable to violent acts. You must not have vices, much less greed.
Let his kindness stand out, the ability to lead his home, children and wife. It is the best way to demonstrate that you can properly lead a church. Pastors should not be haughty people, much less bitter. (See also: Prayer of Faith ).
problems to face
It is necessary to keep in mind that people who fulfill the role of pastors have to face many problems in relation to their believers. Sometimes these problems can become sinful and it is in these moments that you must guide the victims of the situation, through acts full of wisdom.
You must understand that among what is required to be a pastor is discretion, that is, you must not comment on the problems of people who have been motivated to comment on them with confidence. It is extremely important that they do not take the work of pastor as a good job to generate profits. Put in those moments is that the problems and punishments begin.
It should be clear that being a pastor is not an easy task and therefore not everyone is chosen. Since he must run a whole church. Greed is an error that brings serious consequences that directly affect the people of God.
Confirmation from God
People who sincerely want to be a pastor need to ask our Lord for confirmation before practicing. It is necessary that you open your heart before God and beg if you can be accepted and have the conditions as God requires.
This process is due because guiding a people is complex work, since we must always seek to impress our Lord, a good example of this is Moses. This humble servant had the mission of getting his people out of Egypt.
Moisés was willing to bear that responsibility, since he was the indicated guide for the task. However, God is so merciful that he will give a payment to anyone who sincerely wants to help humanity.
Prophecy against the shepherds of Israel
“Thus says Yahweh, the Lord, the shepherds from Israel feed themselves led by their needs.”
Of this the doubt remains, since the shepherds must graze the flock. The shepherds take care of drinking their milk and wearing their wool.
In addition to this, it should be asked to strengthen each weakness that the sick have. Go against violence. When believers do not have a shepherd, they wander more easily to fall prey to evil. (Know the short Christian prayer )
The believers have scattered and are now all over the world. Without any real guide. It is for this reason that pastors must hear the call of God. And begin to shepherd the believers who are scattered around the world, thanks to the mistakes made by my people. Pastors who have not been chosen and are destroying the legacy of the Lord will no longer be allowed to exist.
In today’s evangelical Christian religious culture, pastors are currently tempted to measure the success of their ministries at a level related to numbers. In relation to the economic capacities of the pastors, the structures and the sales of their books, posts consider that the more movement of these the better, since there is greater Sunday attendance.
However, the scripture indicates just the opposite. For the true success of the ministry is related to the calculation of the abilities that men possess which is related to finding new followers and keeping those so-called multitudes. Put this is fear in reality in reference to how many are faithful to the word of God.
This is when people wonder what God is looking for in pastors and how men’s fidelity to the ministry is measured.
For this reason, there are some leaders who have better characteristics and skills that are related to different areas. The characteristics that describe the faithfulness of the pastors to bring about a divine standard movement commanded by the Lord.
Consistent example of holiness
It is important that faithful pastors have the ability to be above reproach in reference to their character. It is necessary that he be considered a model of holiness for those believers who are shepherded by him.
When the believers under your guidance do not look up to you as an example of spiritual maturity, you do not properly understand your work. Well, they are people who do not have the ability to lead people. Since he can’t guide them because he can’t even guide his own life.
Men must preach and live what they preach if they are not inconsistent people. They are not trustworthy pastors and they should not have believers who follow him because they have no conviction in saying what he learned and what he received to achieve the benefit of the God of peace in us. (Read the article on how many archangels are there in the bible )
Absolute perfection is not required, it should only have worthy men who echo the word of God. They must be faithful as husbands and fathers, through the spiritual fruit of life. It relates to never damaging reputation or character as grass. For he is a servant of God, with the goal of taking care of the believers of him.
student of the scriptures
Pastors have authority in reference to imparting the word of God, which is why pastors are not considered free people to live their lives. Well, they have to take care of their doctrine, preach sermons and be vigilant of the believers.
The grasses have to be faithful to the scriptures and must recognize that they are simply bridges between God and man. They must present themselves before God, as a worker who works to impart the word of God before men.
They focus on developing a process of working with the scriptures. Impart the original meaning of God’s word and what it can mean for their lives. They are people who are governed by their doctrines as men of God.