Prayer to Saint Mark of León
The prayer to San Marcos de León to tame and dominate a woman, allows and attract any man who seeks his sentimental happiness, know how to make this prayer by reading the following article.
Prayer to Saint Mark of León
The prayer to San Marcos to tame a woman is considered a prayer of love in order to stabilize a man’s sentimental situation, it is not a spiritual work or witchcraft, it consists of using the testimonial tools of San Marcos de León with the purpose to achieve the goal.
These request prayers to San Marcos are found all over the world, thousands of faithful and followers, make prayers to request favors, but one of the most important is the one that men do to be able to tie a woman, this prayer goes like this:
“San Marcos de León, you who carried the word of Christ throughout the world, listen to my prayer. May your strength and determination get me to do justice and my enemies fall defeated before the good San Marcos, with the strength of a Lion and his power of domination make people who intend to harm me kneel before God and change their minds.
“Intercede for me, you who left your life to make known the word of the Most High Lord and attend to my request. The request is made followed by an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.”
This prayer can also be used to fall in love or to conquer impossible love, recover a love that has gone or simply to invoke spiritual peace of one’s own or of other people.
Who was?
San Marcos de León was a saint who is established in the Bible through the gospel that bears his name, he is considered one of the most important within the scriptures, since he was the motivation for other evangelists to develop their gospels.
When Jesus was sentenced to death Saint Mark was just a child, his father was a close friend of Jesus, in the Bible there is a story of a young man who follows Jesus with a half-naked cloak on the Mount of Olives.
After the death of Jesus, Mark continued by Peter’s side where he learned by listening to the stories of Jesus that he told, this allowed him to preach the word of Jesus until the age of 68 where he died at the hands of the enemies of the Christian religion.
Prayer to San Marcos de León to tie up the loved one
When you feel that your partner is moving away and there is some possibility of ending the relationship, do not lose your calm, we suggest you turn to San Marcos de León, through a prayer dedicated specifically to tie and tame that person, then you will be able to appreciate like never before. will go out of your life.
“I, here and always, beg the lofty influence of Saint Mark of León, Apostle of Jesus Christ, with the intention that he calm, tame, bend and dominate the scoundrel, the daring, and tell him, before you were born, creation had seemed of the world, who was hungry and gave me to consume”
“I ask the evangelist and noble San Marcos de León, to tame the feet, hands, heart and mind of (The name of the person who is trying to threaten is given), just as you dominate the Lion and the rest of the beasts of nature, I beg you to submit it to me (The name is repeated again).
I implore you to submit him to place him alone by my side, to remain in a dream provided by you, so that later when he wakes up, only I appear in his thoughts, so that he can love me forever, also tame my opponents, so that they do not get in the way of my relationship.
Unite us body and soul so that together we can live forever together and not be able to love another person, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”
How to pray
You should choose a quiet and lonely place where there are no noises and you can spend at least 10 minutes, if you do not have considerable time we recommend a very short prayer that can be executed in a period of 5 minutes.
This prayer of San Marcos de León can be very beneficial if it is performed for seven consecutive days at the same time, it goes like this:
“ San Marcos de León, you who tame dragons and lions, tame the living Spirit of…and the person is named) to be meek and docile with me, I…(and our name is given), San Marcos, I I ask you to change the bad thoughts and bad feelings of (The person is named again), make him walk behind me, like the living behind the cross and the dead behind the light, that the Lord grant us the grace that For your meditation Saint Mark I ask for your blessing. Amen.