Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar
In today’s article we will show you some prayers that you can use to pray to the Blessed Sacrament that you will find in any church. We include some moderately fast and short prayers as well as a set of prayers that you can do for a much more complete prayer. In addition, we will explain what the Blessed Sacrament is and many more things?
What is the Blessed Sacrament?
First of all, it is important to know and understand what the Blessed Sacrament is, to have an idea of what we are praying to and what is the ideal time to do it.
When we speak of the Blessed Sacrament, we refer to the host that is consecrated in the church and that is placed in an observable point by the faithful for their adoration (although we can find the Blessed Sacrament in other places such as temples or any place that a father priest sees fit, but is usually in church). This Sacrament represents the body and flesh of Christ.
This tradition dates back to the Ambrosian rites, where the custom was to place the Blessed Sacrament on display on the third Sunday of each month. Although, if we continue digging into history, we will discover that this custom comes from the times of San Carlos Borromeo, who was an archbishop of Milan, and celebrated the “Coupus Domini” festivity, better known as “Corpus Christi”.
Corpus Christi was established as a holiday on September 8, 1264 AD by Pope Urban IV using the bull “Transiturus de Hoc Mundo” after the miracle of Bolsena was known. Even so, there are records dating back to 1245 that indicate that by that date these festivities were already being celebrated in the diocese of Liège.
Regardless of the origin of the tradition, what matters and where emphasis must be placed is on its meaning. Since the purpose of all these customs and prayers is to celebrate the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. By the way, it is important to stop for a moment on the aspect of “real”, because the fact of having the location of the Sacrament in front of us does not necessarily mean that the Blessed Sacrament is there. For this to happen, the father must first perform the consecration.
Many churches today use candles and lights as an indication to communicate to the faithful that the Blessed Sacrament is on the altar of the Sacrament. In any case, this is not an impediment if you wish to perform a Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament .
Prayer to the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament
There are multiple prayers and prayers that can be made to the Blessed Sacrament, so that it is impossible to collect them all in this article, even so; here we will leave you some of the most used along with a series of prayers that are performed together for a slightly more formal ceremony.
Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, Blessed be God
Here we leave you a prayer that you can perform in front of the Blessed Sacrament at all times:
« I thank you Lord holy father, almighty and eternal god, because although I am a sinful servant and without any merit, you have mercifully wanted to feed me with the body and blood
of your son our Lord Jesus Christ.
May this holy communion not be for my occasion of punishment, but cause of forgiveness and salvation.
Let it be for my armor of faith, shield of good will; that free me from all my vices and help me overcome my disordered passions; May my charity, my patience, my obedience, my humility and my ability to do good increase.
Let it be impregnable defense against all my enemies, visible and invisible; and guide of all my impulses and desires.
May I be more intimately united to you, the only and true god; and lead me safely to the banquet of heaven, where you with your son and the Holy Spirit, are true light, fulfilled satisfaction, enduring joy and perfect happiness.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen .
Prayer to the Blessed Exposed
As we indicated in previous sections, we can pray with or without the Blessed Sacrament exposed, but ideally we do it when it is consecrated. Since in that case our prayers will be made in front of the body and soul of our Lord Jesus. Here is a perfect prayer for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
« Eternal father, I thank you because your infinite love has saved me, even against my own will. Thank you my father, for your immense patience that has waited for me. Thank you my God, for your immeasurable compassion that had mercy on me. The only reward I can give you in return for everything you have given me is my weakness, my pain and my misery.
I am before your spirit of love, that you are inextinguishable fire and I want to remain in your adorable presence, I want to repair my sins, renew myself in the fervor of my consecration and give you my tribute of praise and adoration.
Blessed Jesus, I am before you and I want to tear from your divine heart innumerable graces for myself and for all souls, for the holy church, for your priests and religious. Allow, O Jesus, that these hours are truly hours of intimacy, hours of love in which it is given to me to receive all the graces that your divine heart has reserved for me.
Virgin Mary, mother of God and my mother, I join you and I beg you to make me part of the sentiments of your immaculate heart.
OMG! I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you. I ask your forgiveness for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love you.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I deeply adore you and I offer you the most precious body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for all outrages, sacrileges and indifference. with which he himself is offended. Through the infinite merits of his Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask you for the conversion of poor sinners .
Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament for Children
Although this prayer is not exclusive to be recited by children, it is ideal if you want to include them so that they can also participate when visiting Jesus and being in front of his body (the Holy Consecrated One):
« Only when I am in front of you, I feel complete. My heart is filled with peace and happiness. Your presence makes me feel armed and complete. How pleasant is your company! My faith increases when I feel your embrace.
You are my security, my relief and my blessing. In your hands I place my trust, because inexplicable is your beauty and infinite is your love.
Your mercy is greater than my mistakes and your protection fills me with calm. How privileged I am to be in front of you!
I come to worship you even if I feel thirsty. For your love is the source that quenches the dryness of my heart; and when I look at your holiness my soul is filled with joy. You reign my will, Lord Jesus.
I close my eyes and I feel understood, since your presence is the joy of my sadness. Your mercy heals my wounds and renews my life. When I’m by your side my loneliness vanishes.
Your grace removes my weakness and harmonizes my life. You seduce my soul and transform my heart. Extraordinary and unconditional is your love and nothing compares to your majesty and your glorious presence.
On your knees you relieve me and choose me. In the silence of your presence you answer me. Your word accompanies me and encourages me. Fear no longer commands. Lord of my life, always keep my soul .
Make the Act of Faith and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
It consists of the reading that is carried out with all those present who participate in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, where then everyone must respond in response to the affirmations indicated in the reading. So the first thing to do is read the following:
Reading :
« I believe, O Jesus, with my most vivid faith, that you are truly present, here, before me, under the Eucharistic spices; you, the eternal word of the father, begotten from all centuries and later incarnated in the womb of the Virgin mother, Jesus Christ redeemer and king. I really believe that you are present in the ineffable truth of your divinity and your humanity.
Jesus, you are the same as in Bethlehem, the divine child who accepted annihilation, poverty and persecution for me. You are the Jesus of Nazareth, who for my love embraced concealment, fatigue and obedience. You are the divine teacher, the one who came to teach me the sweet truths of faith, to bring the great commandment of love: your commandment. You are the merciful savior, the one who leans over all my miseries with infinite understanding and moving kindness, always ready to forgive, heal and renew. You are the holy victim, immolated for the glory of the father and the good of all souls. You are the Jesus who sweated blood for me in the Garden of Gethsemane; who for me suffered the condemnation of human courts, the most painful flogging, the cruel and humiliating crowning with thorns, the cruel martyrdom of the crucifixion. You are the one who wanted to agonize and die for me. You are the risen Jesus, the victor over death, sin and hell. Who is willing to communicate to me the treasures of the divine life that he possesses in all its fullness.
My Jesus, you are here, present in the consecrated and holy host, with a heart overflowing with tenderness, a heart that loves infinitely. In your heart I find infinite love, divine charity: God, principle of life, existing and life-giving. How sweet it is for me, oh my God, most holy trinity, to adore you in this tabernacle in which you are now!
That is why I join the angels and saints, who, invisible but present, watch over your tabernacle and adore you incessantly. Above all, I unite myself to your most holy mother and to the feelings of profound adoration and intense love that flowed from her soul from the first moment of your incarnation, when she carried you in her immaculate womb. And just as I adore you in this tabernacle, I do it in all of the world. Especially in those in which you are most abandoned and forgotten. I adore you in every consecrated host that exists between heaven and earth.
I adore you, God the Father, because through Christ you have descended to my humanity and because through his adorable heart, you have united yourself so closely to man, to me, a poor ungrateful creature. I adore you in this temple, sanctified by the ever present presence of your divine being; I bow down to nothing, in adoration before your sovereign majesty. But at the same time, love lifts me up to you.
I adore you and I love you God father. Love and adoration are totally confused and mixed in my soul, so much so that I would not know if I adore more than I love or if I love more than I adore… I adore you because I find in you all power and all holiness, justice and wisdom; because you are my creator and my god. I love you because I find in you all beauty, all goodness, all tenderness and all mercy; I love you because you have given me the gift of an invaluable treasure.
Jesus is my treasure, he is mine and every moment I can draw from him thanks to hands full, because I find him always abundant. From him I take when I need to pay my debts, to remedy my needs, find delight, earn a crown. What an ineffable gift is this Jesus with his heart overflowing with tenderness! A treasure that never runs out; since the more I take out, the more he increases.
Oh father god, you have loved your creatures so much that you gave them your only son so that the majesty of your word would not instill fear in us, and our souls could turn to him with confidence, you clothed him with a flesh similar to ours. You have embellished it with the most attractive graces and above all, you have given it an infinitely perfect heart; so much so that it should be the abode of your delights, because your divine plenitude lives in it and the humblest of creatures has its place of privilege there.
That adored heart, immense like you, my God, because it has you, is also my abode, because it loves me. In it I meet your divinity and seeing me in this sacred asylum, your righteous anger is crushed and your justice is disarmed.
I adore you, God the Father, through Jesus and in Jesus. I adore Jesus who is your son, who by his humanity is my brother and by his divinity is my god. I love you through Jesus and with Jesus, whom love made mine. I love you in Jesus and through him my love reaches you, through him I can reach you and embrace you .
Note: Once the reading is finished, all those present should respond: «My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me». Then you should continue reading the following affirmations and reciting this response aloud at the end of each affirmation.
- In the sublime mystery of the unity of your nature and the Trinity of your persons. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the harmony of your innumerable perfections. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the inexhaustible wealth with which you make beings out of nothing. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the peaceful possession of your eternal bliss. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the infinite wisdom with which you govern all things. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the ineffable goodness with which you raise man to the dignity of your son. Answer : “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me. “
- In the infinite mercy with which you tolerate and preserve the sinner. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the mysterious decree that established redemption. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the infinite abasement of your incarnation. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the humiliations, in the concealments, in the work of your earthly life. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the opprobrium of your passion and death. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the glory of your resurrection, your ascension and your triumph in heaven. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In your divine heart, opened by the lance on Calvary. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In your divine heart revealed to your saints over the centuries. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In your divine heart that beats with love for us in your adorable chest and present in our tabernacles. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In your divine heart, overflowing with mercy for poor sinners, especially in the sacrament of penance. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In your priesthood, which through the centuries continues your work of mercy and salvation. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In your vicar, who visibly represents you on earth. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the church, which preserves and dispenses to souls the treasures of your divine grace. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In his infallible magisterium, it is his wise government, in his ineffable power of sanctification. Answer : “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me. “
- In Mary Most Holy, your mother, enriched with so many privileges and also constituted our mother, co-redemptrix and advocate. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the exuberant fertility with which you produce saints. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the touching generosity with which you dispense your gifts. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the mysterious work of grace in the intimacy of souls. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the purifying gift of your cross. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In the wonderful providence with which you follow each creature in the course of his life. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
- In your infinite glory, which you communicate to your chosen ones making them eternally happy in heaven. Response: “My God, I recognize that you are infinite goodness and I believe in your love for me.”
To finish, the following reading should be done:
« Lord, the church in the recitation of the glory of the holy mass, invites me to thank you for your great glory, invites me to thank you, glorify you and praise you for what you are my God. For this reason, I am pleased to repeat: I thank you, because you are infinite love.
After having prostrated myself to adore you in the heart of Jesus, I want to thank you. I thank you my God, because you are love and I thank you for the gifts of your love. Since you gave us the most precious gifts, those of the supernatural life, through Jesus, it is also through him, with him and in him that I want to raise to you the hymn of recognition.
In union with Jesus, I thank you, God the Father, for all the personal graces you have granted me. You gave me life, taking me out of nothing and preserved it day by day until this moment. But you have also given me another more valuable life, that of grace. That makes me participate in your own divine life, for after the first grace with which you sanctified me on the day of baptism. How many graces have been granted to me, which preserved, increased and perhaps reconquered supernatural life! «
Psalm 51 of Miserere
« You can so well use the 51st psalm of Miserere for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
«Have mercy on me oh god, according to your love, by your immense tenderness erase my crime, wash me thoroughly of my guilt and my sin purify me.
For my crime I acknowledge, my sin ceaselessly is before me; against you, against you only I have sinned, the evil in your eyes I committed.
For my crime I acknowledge, my sin ceaselessly is before me; against you, against you only I have sinned, the evil in your eyes I committed.
Because your justice appears when you speak and your victory when you judge. See that in guilt I was already born, a sinner my mother conceived me.
But you love the truth in the depths of being and in the secret you teach me wisdom.
Sprinkle me with the hyssop and I will be clean, wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Give me back the sound of joy and happiness, exult the bones that you crushed.
Remove your face from my sins, erase all my faults. Create in me, O God, a pure heart, a spirit within me that is renewed; do not reject me far from your face, do not withdraw from me your holy spirit.
Give me the joy of your salvation and strengthen me in a generous spirit; I will teach the rebels your ways and sinners will return to you.
Deliver me from blood, God, God of my salvation, and my tongue will acclaim your justice; Lord, open my lips and my mouth will publish your praise.
Well, you don’t like the sacrifice, if I offer a holocaust you don’t accept it. Sacrifice to god is a contrite spirit; a contrite and humbled heart, oh god do not despise it.
Favor Zion in your benevolence, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem! Then the just sacrifices (holocaust and whole oblation) will please you, then bulls will be offered on your altar.
Glory to the father, to the son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen.
With the confidence of having obtained forgiveness from your infinite mercy for my innumerable faults, offenses and negligence, I allow myself, O Jesus, to ask your forgiveness for my brothers and sisters as well. I think of the innumerable sins that are committed in the world day by day: sins of individuals and nations, sins of subjects and rulers, sins of pride, sensuality and greed; sins of thought, word, deed and omission.
For all these sins and for the poor unfortunates who commit them, I dare to ask, O Jesus, for the outpouring of your infinite mercy. It is the sins that made you agonize in the garden of olive trees and submerged your most holy soul in a sea of sadness.
Do not forget, oh Jesus, that you freely wanted to carry them; that you wanted to make yourself sin to erase ours; do not forget, oh Jesus, that you offered yourself to the wrath of the father, to rescue your guilty brothers.
Oh Jesus, I beg you to renew your offering to the father, presenting your wounds again; show him the thorns, the scourges and the nails that pierced your flesh; but specially; make him see your wounded heart and overflowing with love for him and for us, and then ask for his forgiveness.
Remember oh Jesus, that greater than all our faults is your mercy. Pour it out, oh Jesus, on the guilty world. Look for the sheep that strayed from your fold and show them how great is the power of your savior’s love.
Since your heart is wounded by the faults of those closest to you, for those who renew the kiss of Judas or the denial of Peter, for them too, O Jesus, I invoke your forgiveness. May none of them carry out the desperate gesture of Judas, but may your graces induce them, like Peter, to a reparation of love « .
Litany to Make the Blessed Sacrament
If you wish, you can also carry out the litany that we will mention below, which is ideal to carry out in front of the Blessed Sacrament when making a request, request or any favor that you wish to the Lord Jesus Christ. It consists of a series of affirmations where we must respond to each one in a specific way as we advance in the prayer, this means that we can do it individually or in a group:
“Lord have mercy on us. We answer: Lord have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us. We answer: Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. We answer: Christ, hear us.
Christ hear us. We answer: Christ, hear us.
God, heavenly father. We answer: Have mercy on us.
God son redeemer of the world. We answer: Have mercy on us.
God holy spirit. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, son of the eternal father. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the word of God. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the most high. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, full of kindness and love. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, burning bonfire of charity. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, haven of justice and love. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, full of kindness and love. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, worthy of all praise. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and science. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells all the fullness of divinity. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom the father found his pleasure. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whose fullness we have all received. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, desire of the eternal hills. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, patient and very merciful. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, rich for all who invoke you. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, source of life and holiness. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, torn apart for our crimes. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, made obedient unto death. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, pierced by a spear. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, peace and our reconciliation. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, victim of sinners. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in you. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die and hope in you. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints. We answer: Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. We answer: Forgive us sir.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. We answer: Hear us, sir.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. We answer: Have pity and mercy on us.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart. We answer: Make our hearts like yours.
Sacred Heart of Jesus. We answer: I trust you.
Sacred Heart of Mary. We answer: Save my soul.
Jesus and Mary I love you with all my soul. We answer: Save souls and save my soul».
Prayer of Supplication to the Blessed Sacrament
Below we mention an ideal prayer to make a plea when you are in front of the altar of the Blessed Sacrament, focused mainly on asking for those who decide to follow the path of God and spread his word throughout the world:
« Before leaving this holy tabernacle, I want, O my Jesus, to resort to the infinite riches of your divine heart.
Consecrated to your love, I believe that I cannot ask for anything better than the satisfaction of your own desires. It is these, your divine desires, that I want to present to the father before finishing this time of graces and in your name beg him to listen to them.
The first desire of Jesus is the salvation of souls; redeem the world through love, establish the kingdom of infinite love throughout the earth. Allow me, O Jesus, to express my ardent wish that the kingdom of your love be established throughout the world. Oh infinite love, living in the divine heart of Jesus, make yourself known by men so that they love you as you want to be loved.
The second desire of Jesus is to serve himself, for this great work of the priests; make them active workers and intermediaries to work for the souls of the world. O Jesus, eternal priest and savior of the world, to fulfill this ardent desire of your heart, multiply vocations. He sends many holy workers to your harvest. Oh Jesus, make every priest a true sower of your love. I pray for the Holy Father, for the bishops, for all the priests who have done me good… For all the priests.
I ask you, oh Jesus, to sustain them in battles, comfort them in loneliness, encourage them in failures, make their fatigue fruitful and pour out the love of your divine heart in their hearts. Lord, to guard your honor and your glory. We must respond: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to increase our faith. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to sustain your church. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to preach your doctrine. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Sir, to plead your cause. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Sir, to counteract the error. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to annihilate the sects. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to uphold the truth. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to direct our souls. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Sir, to improve customs. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to banish vices. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to enlighten the world. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to teach the riches of your heart. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, to make us love the holy spirit. We answer: Give us holy priests.
Lord, so that all your ministers may be a source of light for the world and salt of the earth. We respond: Oh Jesus, holy priest, we ask you with the greatest humility of soul, to increase priestly vocations and to form them according to the designs of your loving heart. Only in this way will we obtain holy priests and soon there will be only one flock and one shepherd in the world. Amen”.
Canticle of The Magnificat
Chanting is another means of prayer that we can use at all times. So you can replace prayer or plenary with a song. Here we leave you one addressed to the Blessed Virgin known as The Magnificat, which is usually sung to the Blessed Sacrament:
«My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God, my savior, because he has seen the humiliation of his slave.
From now on all generations will congratulate me because the mighty one has done great things for me; His name is holy and his mercy reaches his faithful from generation to generation.
He does mighty deeds with his arm, he scatters the proud in heart, he casts down the mighty from their thrones and exalts the lowly, he fills the hungry with good things, and the rich he sends away empty.
Help Israel his servant, remembering his mercy, as he had promised our fathers, in favor of Abraham and his descendants forever.
Glory to the father, to the son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen « .
Closing Prayer
If you are making several prayers to the Blessed Sacrament, we recommend you conclude with this one that we will indicate below:
«Oh Jesus, eternal priest, divine sacrifice, you who in an impulse of incomparable love for men, your brothers; you made the Christian priesthood spring from your sacred heart, deign to continue pouring on your ministers, the life-giving torrents of infinite love.
Live in your priests, transform them into you; do it by your grace, instruments of your mercy; work in them and for them so that after having clothed themselves totally in you, by the faithful imitation of your adorable virtues, they can accomplish in your name and by the power of your spirit, the works that you yourself did for the salvation of the world.
Divine redeemer of souls, see how great is the multitude of those who still sleep in the darkness of error, count the number of lost sheep that walk between the precipices; he considers the mob of poor, hungry, ignorant and weak who groan in abandonment.
Come back Lord, to us through your priests, truly revive in them, work through them and pass through the world again, teaching, forgiving, consoling, sacrificing and renewing the sacred bonds of love, between the heart of God and the heart of the man. Amen.
Oh Jesus, make the work of your love always respond fully to the ends for which you wanted it; make it spread, consolidate and conquer all souls to the sweet kingdom of your love.
O Jesus, I have asked for your kingdom. You don’t need to ask for anything else for me, I’ll have all the rest for good measure. You know what I need; look and do what your heart suggests. I entrust myself to your heart, I abandon myself in your sweet providence and while I thank you for the gift of these hours of intimacy with you. I thank you in advance, united to Mary for all the benefits that your love reserves for me even in time and in eternity.
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