Psalm 91 a Prayer of Protection and Mental and Physical Healing
Psalm 91, a prayer for protection and mental and physical healing, written by the intervention of the Holy Spirit, is a messianic psalm of life, because it reveals in its writing a place of protection and security for all of us. Let yourself be protected, healed and blessed by reading it.
Psalm 91 a Prayer of Protection and Mental and Physical Healing
Dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to Jehovah: My hope, and my castle; My God, in whom I will trust. He will deliver you from the hunter’s snare, From the destructive plague. With his feathers he will cover you, And under his wings you will be safe; Shield and shield is the truth of him.
You will not fear night terror, nor arrow that flies by day, nor pestilence that walks in darkness, nor mortality that destroys in the middle of the day. A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it will not come to you. Surely with your eyes you will look And see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have put the Lord, who is my hope, to the Most High for your room, no harm will come to you,
nor plague will touch your dwelling. For he will command his angels near you, to guard you in all your ways. In their hands they will carry you, So that your foot does not stumble on stone. On the lion and the asp you will tread;
You will trample the lion cub and the dragon.
Because he has set his love on me, I also will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress; I will deliver him and glorify him. I will satisfy him with long life, And I will show him my salvation.
Psalm 91 is a prayer for mental and physical protection and healing. It is recognized that Psalm 91 is a psalm of life also because by receiving the protection of God our Lord, we perpetuate our life in the path that corresponds to us to live on the earthly plane and our faith and path in the doctrine of the word and teaching of God through his son Jesus Christ will not allow eternal life.
Every Christian believer who takes refuge in God and makes him his home will be under the protection of the Almighty. Let’s not forget that Psalm 91 is a prayer for protection and mental and physical healing. You just have to ask yourself one question: What can happen to you if God protects you? Nothing and no one can go against who through your faith and your prayer protects you, but there is no one with a greater power than his love, mercy and justice. Psalm 91 allows us to have someone to trust, to feel safe covered by his protection.
Psalm 91 is a psalm full of blessings and protection for everyone who trusts and has faith in God. Life is full of good things and others not so much, however, we should never distrust God’s protection, even in those situations that we consider are not good for us and our family, our faith and prayer will keep God on our way. and will be protecting us.
Perhaps someone with a not so strong faith will doubt that he has the power to take care of everyone so we pray for his protection, but they must never forget that God is an omnipresent being, that is why he can take care of and protect all his sons.
Below we will make an analysis of each of the verses that make up Psalm 21, with the intention of learning its message and meaning.
verse 1
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalms 91:1)
This verse speaks of the son of God, who more than Jesus Christ always lives under the shelter of the Most High. Blessed, perfect, sinless conceived. Why does Jesus Christ dwell permanently under the omnipotent shadow? Because Jesus Christ is an example to follow, his actions are the lessons we must follow. We cannot pretend to be protected by the shadow of the Most High, if we repeatedly leave the shelter of him.
How can we understand what they are says in this verse: If I pray for God’s protection, but my actions take me away from the path of his words and teachings, we will get sobering consequences and it is not that God abandoned us and stopped protecting us, we were we who got out of his shelter.
When people get drunk, take drugs, are unfaithful and so many other things, we find ourselves far from the path and of course far from the shelter of the Most High. That is why we should not blame God when we suffer consequences, like every parent who loves their child will take care of us and protect us, the lessons teach us to correct bad actions and thus we are trained so that we do not make the same mistakes again. (See also: Baby Protection Prayer )
verse 2
“I will say to the Lord: My hope, and my castle; My God, in whom I trust” (Psalm 91:2)
Psalm 91 is a prayer for mental and physical protection and healing. This verse teaches us the power of the word, our mind proclaims our requests, when you recognize the Lord you are proclaiming his presence, evidencing your trust, declaring his lordship. The word of God has strength and if we pray his word will be presence.
verse 3
“He will deliver you from the hunter’s snare, From the destructive plague” (Psalm 91:3)
Even if he kills me, I will hope in him, said Job. (Job 13:15). We must understand that it is not at the moment of being in the presence of death or destructive disease that we will request the protection of the Most High, already full of fear and fear of imminent punishment, it is not honorable to ask for God’s protection, if we were never worthy of the. Those who have stood firm in their faith will know and feel that they are protected and will not be afraid, even knowing that it is time to leave, because nothing will make them fear, nor feel horror because they know they will be rewarded.
Jesus Christ was never afraid, because he never sinned, he always trusted his Father, his journey among men was carried out in profound obedience, so he could never fall prey to evil or disease, he was under the shelter of the Most High, finding refuge.
Psalm 91 is God’s promise to free us from repetitive sins, from temptations. When he speaks of freeing us from the hunter’s snare, he is precisely protecting us from everyone who lies in wait to harm us, to tempt us and sin.
verse 4
“With his feathers he will cover you, And under his wings you will be safe; Shield and buckler is the truth of him” (Psalms 91:4)
Let us remember that Psalm 91 is a prayer for protection and mental and physical healing, a demonstration of immense love, just by reading how its protection is represented we feel shelter, warmth, love and protection. When we are most distressed, if we find ourselves in a difficult situation that we cannot solve, we just have to remember that we are under his wings and he protects and protects us.
But he also lets us know of his protective force, it is our castle, our protective shield, therefore, even when we feel the attacks of the enemy and feel the stalking of evil, he will be close to us, we will be calm and protected by our lord.
verse 5
“You shall not fear the terror of the night, Nor the arrow that flies by day” (Psalms 91:5)
The promise of God is evidenced again in this verse, we should never doubt his protection and shelter, even though it is evident to us that we are facing death. Our spiritual force will take us to his lap and we will be free.
verse 6
“Nor mortality that destroys at noonday” (Psalms 91:6)
It is reinforced in this verse that we must have a lot of strength in our faith, it repeats that we must have hope and trust that he will fulfill his promise, nothing that happens in our environment can touch us.
verse 7
“A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it will not come to you” (Psalm 91:7).
If you have followed his path and for other reasons you find yourself between fires and swords, you must become strong in the trust you have in God the Father Almighty, understand that he is our refuge and will take us safe and sound. Our experience may be difficult as thousands fall around us, but we will stand tall and come out on top.
verse 8
“Surely with your eyes you will look And see the reward of the wicked” (Psalm 91:8)
All who stay on God’s path will receive their reward, invites us to have faith that we will be rewarded and we will be among those who will know Salvation. He is a being of light, love and justice. (See also: Job Protection Prayer )
verse 9
Because you have put the Lord, who is my hope, to the Most High for your habitation” (Psalms 91:9).
We cannot believe that God is not merciful when conditioning the obtaining of his benefits, do not claim to be benefited from the promises of the Most High, if they have not walked their path hand in hand with his word and teaching. But repentance gives you the opportunity and the promise of it will always be within your reach, for those who start on the path of the Lord and also for those who lost it and want to recover it.
verse 10
“No evil will come to you, nor plague will touch your dwelling” (Psalms 91:10)
His immense love does not forget ours and understands that if ours are touched it will become our suffering, that’s why he makes it known that he will take care of our home. The Holy Spirit makes it very clear that by staying on the path of the divine word, ours will be protected.
Verses 11 and 12
“For he will command his angels over you, to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you in their hands so that your foot does not stumble on a stone. (Psalms 11 and 12).
Evil will always lie in wait for us, earthly temptations, but he has sent his angels to protect us in all our ways, what if we cannot forget is that they must be the correct paths, the paths of obedience, the paths of the Lord .
Psalm 91 is a beautiful promise, it is the love of God, it is the protection for everyone who trusts in the Lord. When we pray from our hearts with honesty God always answers, if we stay on the path of the word God always takes care of us, God is our shield of protection against all evil.
It is important to understand that if you think that by placing the Bible open to Psalm 91 on a table in your home, you and your loved ones will be protected, all you are doing is moving away from God, because you think that a magical act will occur and not it is so
What will truly change your life is to dwell in God, that God be your abode as Jesus Christ taught us. Feel the shelter of him being under his wings, feel the presence of the angels that take care of you while you walk your paths. Be strong in your faith, trust in his protection and he will keep you out of the reach of the wicked.
verse 13
“On the lion and the asp you will tread; You will tread down the lion cub and the dragon” (Psalm 91:13)
There is no enemy present or lying in wait from which we are not protected, God makes us the promise not to allow anyone to harm us, even before becoming our enemy is defeated. Our faith and trust is the necessary strength to receive the promise of God the Father.
verse 14
“Because he has set his love on me, I also will deliver him; I will set him high, because he has known my name” (Psalms 91:14)
When we understand the word of God from our hearts, we are able to internalize that staying on his path and being obedient allows us to stay high, away from temptations, from the stalking of hunters, from plague and darkness.
Verse 15 and 16
He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress; I will deliver him and glorify him. I will satisfy him with long life, and show him my salvation” (Psalm 91:15-16)
In these last two verses of Psalm 91, it is the word of God that assures us that our love will be returned to all those who have given their trust, their faith, recognized their sins and therefore, gives us love, guidance and care multiplied to all. and each of their children.