Learn how to make a prayer of thanks for health, to the Eternal Father
A prayer of thanks for health must be built from the most sincere of our being, with words of love. Giving thanks to God should not be only for what has been received, but also based on the hope of what we are going to receive.
How to make the Prayer of Thanks for Health?
A prayer of thanks for health can be based on the fact that we are healthy, or for having overcome an illness. In a prayer of thanks for health, we must give thanks, but we must also recognize mistakes if we have made them and perhaps they led to an illness.
To make a prayer of thanks for Health, we must open our hearts and strip our soul of all vain and insincere feelings, first we must have a sincere and frank attitude so that the words flow with honesty.
Close your eyes and in a position that does not interrupt your concentration, tilt your face, join your hands and start giving thanks to the Lord, tell him that you are grateful for your health, but you should also be thankful for the health of your relatives and those who are healthy. and that you do not know, because we are sure that their health is also due to the work and thanks of our Lord.
Already channeling the Spirit of Jesus we raise our voice in gratitude to God, when it comes to raising our voice, this can be out loud or in our thoughts, whichever makes you feel closer to him. A prayer of thanks for health should be heartfelt, sincere.
You must include in your prayer of thanks for health the words of recognition to the Father as a being who gives his love, his goodness, a Father of mercy, of justice. You must emphasize the means he uses to bring mercy to him through the light.
It is also important to let him know how distressed you were and how the situation made you feel at the time your health or that of your family member and/or friend was damaged, letting him know that you never doubted his protection and shelter.
You should be thankful even for the illness you received and now overcome, because you have to be grateful for everything, since we learn from everything. Regaining Health allows us to recognize how important it is and teaches us to take care of ourselves and stay away from what can disturb it.
Include in your prayer testimonies of the strength of your faith and trust and never stop giving thanks for all those you do not know and who have also received health. Be grateful for having made you overcome the moment, for giving you strength, peace and confidence that you would overcome the disease. At the end, thank Him, his son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Thank you, Lord, Thank you for the peace that I feel today, Thank you for the joy of feeling healthy, Thank you for the unity you have generated around me in these difficult times I have been through, Thank you for all the help you sent me to receive the necessary care to regain health.
Thank you for the eyes that saw me with compassion, I knew and understood that they were yours, Thank you for the people you sent who understood the origin of my illness, I know they were guided by you, you gave them wisdom and through their care your hand came that allowed me to get up.
Thank you, Lord, for bringing to me the people who encouraged me and did not allow me to lose hope and helped me keep my faith strong, Thank you for the ears that heard my cries and the lips that reminded me of Jesus on the cross . I remembered his suffering and I knew that mine was little.
Thank you Lord for the disease, it is difficult and I am sincere when I tell you, it is difficult to accept it and I was desperate at times, I was afraid, but now I realize that all this brought me closer to You. I am closer because my faith is robust, my confidence is strengthened and I ask forgiveness because in moments of human weakness I weaken. (See also: Prayer for my alcoholic husband )
Thank you, Lord, for forgiving me, Thank you, Lord, for forgiving my carelessness, Thank you for your generosity. Thank you Lord for not abandoning in your care all those who were in a situation like mine, once again you show me your omnipresence and mercy. Amen
Sometimes we believe that Health is only physical, that illness is expressed in bodily pain, sores and wounds visible to man. It is good to recognize that we are wrong, the disease also occurs in the spiritual and in the mind.
Here we leave you a prayer that will allow you to thank for recovering emotional health, when we are emotionally upset, the damage in opportunities is more important than physical illness. When we are emotionally ill, unintentionally and even without realizing it, we harm the people we love the most and those we don’t even know.
When we get emotionally ill we are moving away from the path and the word of God and it is for this reason that it is so important to seek the help of our brothers and sisters, never to be alone, to recover the path of faith, hope and trust. Before praying this prayer of thanks for emotional health, remember to place yourself in the presence of God, acknowledge his sins, and request the assistance of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord for making me strong in your presence, thank you for not making me feel doubt about your healing power, I put in your hands the health of my body, my mind, my soul, my heart. I thank you Lord that your mercy fills me, that your light invades me and accompany me on the path of my healing.
Today already recovered from the pain I thank you Lord for healing every wound in my heart that at the time broke my feelings and my emotional stability, it made me see pain where they only showed me joy, I bend my will to live and for that I ask forgiveness to you Lord.
Thank you for giving me freedom and getting away from that bondage, from the chains that kept slave to a pagan feeling and in vain I lost my days broken in my spirit. I thank you for making me free Eternal Father, so that now I can serve you and help my brothers who go through a similar experience.
Today with my renewed faith I give myself to you Lord Jesus so that with my actions make worthy the Glory of the Eternal Father, I am yours whole in body, soul, heart and spirit, full in my faculties thanks to your mercy. I belong to you fully in my faculties Lord, just let me know which is the path that I must follow from now on.
I ask forgiveness for all my sins, for having bowed down and at times ceased to be worthy of the promised glory and of your Salvation. Today aware of the sacrifice made by your only son Jesus on the Cross, who with his holy blood rescued us and today lives in each one of us, make me worthy of Eternal Glory.
Thank you God for your Mercy and Kindness, for your love Eternal Father that helped me recover the sanity of my mind, my emotional health. Thank you for getting rid of all evil, for freeing my subconscious, for forgiving me if I hurt someone unintentionally and unconsciously.
You who never stopped believing in me, you who were always in my faith and trust, I thank you Lord for having freed me and healed my mind, freed me and healed my spirit, freed me and healed me emotionally.
Thank you for erasing bad memories from my memory, taking from me everything that afflicted me, that imprisoned me. I thank you Lord for the liberation and healing of all those who are going through something similar, filled with your love and mercy and show them as you did with me, the path of your word. (See also: Prayer of Protection for Babies )
Today more believer, stronger, more sure of your promises, I understand that I had to go through that path to be closer to you Lord. I exalt and praise you. Amen.
Another prayer of thanks for health can begin by acknowledging that you are truly Holy Lord, let him know how merciful he is every time he does one of his works, do not forget to let him know that you put your faith in him and that is why you are cured and today you health regained its place in you and I drive away the disease.
Thank you I give you Eternal Father for returning health and relieving me of my pains and sorrows. When my health returned, I was able to feel joy again and today I have a renewed desire to live. When I was sick I never left you, I always stayed true to the trust I have in you.
I thank you my Father for putting within my reach everything I need to alleviate my pain, I thank you for strengthening my family who accompanied me on this journey. Thank you, Father, because in times of so many difficulties, being the breadwinner of the home, there was never a lack of food to recover my strength and that of the people who took care of me.
Thank you for strengthening my patience, and helping me overcome difficult moments because precisely in those moments I felt your presence very close to me. Thank you for never abandoning me. I only ask you, Lord, that the Grace poured out on me is also poured out on all those people who are suffering at this time. Do not leave them alone and make them feel your presence, heal their diseases and ailments. They will recognize you and praise your name my Lord my Father. Amen
What is health?
Health refers to the integral well-being of the person, to consider that a person is healthy, we can not only consider the physical and biological parameters on which their health depends, mental health, social health and also health must be incorporated into the concept. spiritual health.
It is very important to point out that not only the absence of a disease should be considered as health, that is an already obsolete way of understanding health. If we coincide with having a good physical, mental and social state of health but we find ourselves with a damaged spiritual state of health, we cannot really talk about that individual being healthy.
Health is necessary to be able to consolidate ourselves as independent, productive, economically stable individuals, but also to be healthy to serve God is important. Health is an indispensable resource for us to feel whole and to be able to achieve the objectives we have set, but when these objectives respond to the doctrine of our Father, health will always accompany us, because he protects and cares for us.
When we have had episodes in which we have lost our health, we learn to value it when we recover it. Currently in modern societies, they are getting used to leaving all health in the hands of man.
Health is so important that it is treated as a social right and although we must use the help of medicines and correct diagnoses to recover it, we must never forget God, His Grace and Mercy will lead us along the way and will put within our reach everything that we need to recover health in case of illness. If we maintain our spiritual health, physical, mental and social health will also be restored.
We must not forget a prayer of thanks for the health of our environment and the health of the very planet we inhabit, which is seriously compromised. We are the inhabitants of a planet that is getting sick, we must recognize that we have been the ones who have brought it to this deplorable state of health.
We are out of the right path to make our planet sick in this way, bad habits, selfishness, enrichment, industrialization and more, have made our planet sick. We must live in a healthy way, to the extent that we achieve individual health, we will also recover the health of the planet.
We must be aware that living healthy allows us to live better, there is only one path that keeps us healthy and it is the word of God, because it leads us to take care of ourselves and our brothers, because it teaches us to take care of the excesses that can break our health and are nothing more than a deviation from good.