The Incarnation: History in Christianity What is it?
If you want to have information about the Incarnation, I invite you to continue reading this article, here we will be talking to you about everything related to this topic and much more, hoping that it will be to your total liking.
What is The Incarnation?
The Incarnation in the great sample of the deepest love of God towards all human beings, its name comes from Latin, for the different Christians this is the moment in which the son of God reincarnated in his son Jesus Christ, under the immense power of the spirit saint, taking as possession his immense human nature, in order to consider all the sinful beings of humanity.
For Christians, according to their doctrine, the only person of Jesus Christ has two true wills, which are intelligence divided into two and nature also divided into two.
The meaning of the Incarnation is that God appears in human beings and then God himself comes to work in the midst of the human being of his creation, under an image of flesh. The Incarnation, derived from the Latin word “ incarnatio” , is the act and consequence of incarnating. But when we talk about the religion of Christianity, it can be said that the Incarnation is the great transformation that the great Divine Word was able to carry out by becoming man, trying to say that God becomes flesh in his very essence and becomes man.
The work of the Incarnation
In the work of the Incarnation we can say that the assumption of the human nature of Christ by the Person of the Word is the work of the three divine Persons. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, but the Incarnation of our heavenly father God was only of the Son, not of the Father, nor of the Holy Spirit, but it is said that this was the work of this most holy trinity.
That is why, in the sacred scripture (speaking of the bible) we can find that on many occasions it refers to the holy trinity, this being The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit the same person who comes in representation of our Creator Father. of heaven and earth “God”.
It is then this reason that leads to point out that the Incarnation is a single act common to the three divine Persons mentioned above, that is why the arrival of our Lord Jesus is considered a totally divine act of the most holy trinity, that everything carries to the great power that our heavenly father God creator of the entire universe has. The Incarnation of the Word does not affect divine freedom, since our God in his time could have decided that the blessed Word (incarnate) could not incarnate, or that he incarnate but another Person who was divine.
All this is about a very mysterious act that tries to suppose that the Divine Word (incarnate), or (as the son of our heavenly father God second person of the Holy Trinity), could take human flesh through the womb of the Virgin Mary thanks to the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. In a bible verse we can find « In the beginning was the Word, the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning…” This is according to John chapter one verse one through two . The Mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus is today the great center of our Christian faith.
It is about believing that our God came to earth in Incarnation through the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live and die for all of us sinners. In another part of the bible we can find that it says « And the Word became flesh, he pitched his tent among us, and we have seen his Glory: the Glory he receives from the Father; full of grace and truth”, where he tries to reveal to us that Jesus is God himself incarnated in the human being but not only in flesh but in his grace and his work . The body of Jesus is not a simple disguise that makes it possible for him to be in the world, but rather it is an essential element of his being, because he is the God-man and the man-God.
The Virgin Mary, Mother of God
The Virgin of the Holy Mary was predestined long before to be the Mother of God from all eternity, hand in hand with the Incarnation of the Word, it is said according to Catholicism that the Virgin Mary already existed before the creation of the world, since it was she who was chosen by the heavenly father to be like the Mother of his Son Jesus in the Incarnation, and in turn, along with the Father, his Son also chose her, this being Jesus, entrusting her eternally to the Spirit of the most holy trinity.
For the Virgin Mary to be the Mother of the Lord Jesus, she had to be very gifted by God, giving her great gifts tailored so that she could carry out this great mission, which was and was very important. The Virgin Mary of the Incarnation, is the largest invocation of Catholicism, whose purpose is to take care of the representation of the Virgin Mary at the moment of the aforementioned Incarnation, under the name of the Holy Spirit.
On the other hand, we can appreciate that the Archangel Saint Gabriel, at the precise moment of the pronunciation, greets the Virgin Mary as “full of grace” in the Bible, in Luke chapter one verse twenty-eight. Before the blessed Word became incarnate, the Holy Virgin Mary was already, through her correspondence blessed by divine gifts, full of grace. This grace that the Virgin Mary received makes her even more pleasing in the eyes of God and prepares her to be the virginal Mother of hers, her Son, her Jesus.
The most holy virgin Mary managed to become the Mother of our Lord Jesus and, she was able to wholeheartedly accept the divine will of salvation, without letting any sinful human being be able to prevent her, Mary gave herself under her purpose to the person and the work of the Son, in order to be able to serve, in his dependence and with him, under the grace of our heavenly father God, the Mystery of the great Redemption. Mary has been redeemed from her conception, proclaimed in 1854 by Pope Pius IX.
It is for all this that on March 25 the great Virgin Mary is remembered in the great Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God in the most pure womb of this appreciated virgin. Mary was always a Virgin, and for this reason she is always remembered today, especially on this date, this being the greatest and most exalting day for the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, because God managed to break into her life with his presence and with his mighty grace.
About 2000 years ago, the Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to Nazareth, considered the “white city” where a very young maiden, perhaps 15 years old, called Mary, the angel Gabriel told him: «Rejoice, full of superabundant Grace, the Lord is with you and blessed are you among so many women». The arrival of Jesus was about a New Creation, the New Adam, the one who will save all humanity. Only God will be his great Father and Mary, his great Mother. That is why all those who have God as their Father will have Mary as their Mother, according to Catholicism.
The profound kingship of the Virgin Mary was founded on her precious divine motherhood, full of grace, and her association with the work of Redemption. On November 1, 1954, Father Pius XII instituted the feast of Saint Mary Queen, I feel that it consecrates and frees it from all stain of sin, according to the Catholic religion, although in reality it should continue to be a mystery, since scientifically it is not something proven, and for this reason today this foundation is questioned for certain people.
The great and Holy Mary is the most beautiful of women, being the Mother of God, in fact, the one she conceived as a man, by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit, and who truly managed to make Jesus her Son according to the flesh, this being the eternal Son of the Heavenly Father, creator of the heavens and the earth, and the second person of the Holy Trinity. The Catholic Church came to confess that the Virgin Mary is the true Mother of our heavenly father God.
Mary was assumed into Heaven, where she was forgiven for all her sins and became pure, and for this reason she became the Immaculate Virgin Mary, mother of God and mother of all human beings on earth, once she finished her purpose on earth was taken to heaven, and by the name of God was placed on the heavenly throne, as the great Queen of the Universe. The Virgin Mary of the Incarnation is founded on her precious divine motherhood and her association with the work of the great Redemption.
But based on the region of Catholic Christianity, it would have a lot of meaning for these believers, and it is for this reason that a prayer was created especially for her, where she is clearly expressed as the mother of God, and in such a way that the different believers could ask for any request or offer an offering towards it, becoming today one of the most recognized prayers and said by different people, this being of great importance for the Christian faith, then we leave these prayers.
Prayers to remember the Mother of the Incarnation Mary
«God save you Mary, you are full of grace; the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen .” Prayer that is made to the Virgin Mary to remember the reason for her existence on earth.
Prayer to remember your purity
«Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To you, heavenly princess, sacred Virgin, Mary, I offer you on this day soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion! Don’t leave me, my mother!»
I saved her
«God save you, Queen and Mother of mercy, life, sweetness and our hope. God saves you. We cry out to You, the exiled children of Eve, to You we sigh, moaning and crying, in this valley of tears. Ea, then, Lady, our lawyer, return to us those your merciful eyes, and after this exile show us Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb. Oh merciful, oh pious, oh sweet Virgin Mary! She pray for us Holy Mother of God. So that we are worthy of achieving the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen”
The Virgin Mary is the mother of our Lord Jesus, and for this reason she is the mother of all of us, that is why in the month of the Incarnation it is very important to remember her name, so that she always covers us with her divine power, and may be an intercessor before the eyes of our God. For this reason, the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation should be remembered in such a way in a beautiful prayer.
« Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name, but you who desire and want my salvation, you must grant me, although my tongue is not pure, that I may call your holy and powerful name to my aid, which is help in life and salvation. when dying Sweet Mother, Mary! make your name, from now on, be the breath of my life. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call you. For in every temptation that fights me, and in any need that I experience, I want to call you without ceasing; Maria! This is how I hope to do it in life, and this is how, above all, in the last hour, to praise, always in heaven, your beloved name»
« Oh most merciful, oh pious, oh sweet Virgin Mary! What encouragement, sweetness and trust, what tenderness I feel
just by naming you and thinking of you! I give thanks to our Lord and God, who has given us for our good,
this name so sweet, so kind and powerful. Lady, I am not satisfied with just pronouncing your name, I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment, and that I can exclaim with Saint Anselm, Oh name of the you are my love!»
Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in everyone’s. Let my mind forget any other name, to remember only and always, to invoke your adored names. Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the time comes to leave this life, then grant me the grace to tell you. I love you, Jesus and Mary. Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and soul. Mother of God, Amen»
Figures of the Incarnation
The simple motif of the Person of the Holy Trinity, without ceasing to be God, better assumed human nature as ineffable, that is, this is not adequately expressed and there is absolutely no other reality like it. It is then that from there any comparison is possible and any figure is totally inadequate, although, we can say that in their own way, in what they resemble they illuminate this reality in the ineffable.
God did not abandon man but promised them a main Savior. The great and main figures of the impressive Redeemer expressed in the Old Testament are the innocent Abel, the sacrifice of Isaac, Joseph sold by his brothers, the Passover lamb, the high priest Melchizedek, the bronze serpent raised by Moses in the desert and the prophet Jonah.
Cross of the Incarnation
The Cross of Incarnation is the Role, whose purpose of this character in this life. Where it makes us understand that you are the greatest Consciousness that manifests itself in this beautiful life through this vehicle, which would be the body and mind that this is already the one that managed to be programmed since your birth. On the other hand we can find the cross of the Incarnation in the human design , where the Human design is the main inherent dual, which helps you to reveal the great programming of this appreciated vehicle with which you have managed to identify yourself and for that reason you manage to believe that you are him.
All human beings are on crossroads, all this is about the cosmic environment within which we currently live. The universe where we find ourselves is a binary, which we must manage to understand, to know what the outside of our lives is.
The creation
In the great creation God is about revealing, and it is manifested «Because the invisible of God, from the creation of the world, is allowed to be seen to the intelligence through his works, his eternal power and his divinity » this according to the bible in Romans one to twenty. This is why he goes on to do one of the most appreciated works of God. Remembering that everything created happens to be under the divine power of God.
the artistic work
In one way or another, the human being “incarnates” his great spirit in the work of art, be it expressed in words, matter, color, figure, sound, in technique and in the party. Despite the close relationship between the author and his work in which he somehow manages to be present, this union is at a distance from the one that occurs in Jesus Christ between the divinity and the profound humanity united in the different Persons.
the names of christ
Currently we can find many different names when we refer to Christ, which are attributed by different people, especially theologians and spiritual authors in what would be the long centuries. We may find that some are taken from the Old Testament, and on different occasions, from the New. Some are widely used or because of their difference accepted by our Jesus himself, but others have been placed by the Church throughout the ages. Below we will present some of its most used and recognized names today.
Jesus has how meaning in the Hebrew “God Saves” this has along with “Emmanuel” salvific attributes. In the investigations carried out, we were able to find that the different Christians have managed to attach a theological meaning to what would be the name of Jesus since the early days of its development (Christianity). On the other hand, we can find that at the time of the annunciation, the angel Gabriel gave him a proper name, the aforementioned name of Jesus, which expresses both his identity and his great mission.
On the other hand, what was wanted to be understood is that the name of Jesus managed to express the very Name of God, and that this is totally present in the person under the name of his Son. The beautiful name of our Lord Jesus is also located in the heart of the beautiful Christian prayers, and we can remember him by making a beautiful prayer to him in the following way.
«Lord Jesus, may he know me and may he know You, May he desire nothing else but You. May he hate me and love you. And may everything always be done for you. May I humble myself and exalt You. Think of nothing but you.
Mortify me, to live in You. And accept everything as coming from You. That I renounce what is mine and follow only You. May I always choose to follow You. Let him flee from me and take refuge in You. And that deserves to be protected by You. Fear me and fear offending You.
May he be counted among those chosen by You. May I distrust myself and put all my trust in You. And may he obey others for love of You. Give importance to nothing but only You. Who wants to be poor for love of You. Look at me, so that I only love you.
Call me, so that I only look for You. And grant me the grace to enjoy You forever. thank you Lord Jesus Amen».
The name Christ comes from the Greek translation that means “Messiah”, this spectacular name becomes the proper name of Jesus, since it perfectly manages to fulfill the great divine and heavenly mission that word has as meaning, emphasizing God. The name given as Christ is totally and closely associated with Jesus in a very profound way that makes it clear that for the first Christians there was no need to affirm that Jesus was the same Christ, which managed to be widely considered among them.
Immanuel has how it means “God with us” and comes from Hebrews, this can refer to Isaiah, but it does not appear anywhere in the new testament. The name Emmanuel tries to indicate that our Jesus is always with the most faithful until the end of time.
According to Catholicism, this name comes from the time of the Greek translation of the Old Testament books, the correct name with which our God revealed himself to Moses. We can find that the first Christians could see God as “Lord”, which has the meaning of God, teacher or Lord, this name can be found in the New Testament with more than seven hundred appearances in it.
The walk of the Incarnation
The walk of the Incarnation is an offering that is made to the Blessed Virgin of the Incarnation, where she goes to her in nine months, these being the months that she kept our Jesus, during this time you must pray to our Lady of the Incarnation. Incarnation daily. During this entire period, people usually ask for three graces, which they classify as the most special, below we will show you how to ask for these three special graces:
Prayer to the Virgin of the Incarnation step by step
Many times we come to doubt the great powers of our God, without thinking that any challenge surpasses the power of Christ, we must remember that he is always present in every moment of our lives, but it is necessary to remember him at every moment, and not let aside this being of immense celestial power. That is why it is almost impossible to find people who are not devoted to his great mother, the Virgin Mary. For this reason today we bring you some beautiful pleas to the Virgin of the Incarnation.
Step one : First, begin with a Hail Mary « God save you, Queen and Mother of Mercy, sweet life and our hope, God save you, we cry out to you, the exiled children of Eve, we sigh to you, moaning and crying in this valley of tears . Ea then, our Lady Advocate, she returns to us those your merciful eyes, and after this exile show us Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb. Oh merciful!, oh pious!, oh sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us Holy Mother of God so that we may be worthy of achieving the promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen”.
Step two: Then a prayer is made in the following way: “ O Virgin of the Incarnation, a thousand times we salute you, a thousand congratulations we give you for the joy you had when God incarnated in you, because you are so powerful oh Virgin and Mother of God. , grant me what I ask for the love of God, for the Love of our God» . Then in this part the first special grace is asked, but first you must submit to a deep meditation and if you proceed to ask for the grace, then the prayer is made.
Step three: The second Hail Mary is prayed « God save you, Queen and Mother of Mercy, sweet life and our hope, God save you, we cry out to you, the exiled children of Eve, to you we sigh moaning and crying in this valley of tears. Ea then, our Lady Advocate, she returns to us those your merciful eyes, and after this exile show us Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb. Oh merciful!, oh pious!, oh sweet Virgin Mary! She prays for us Holy Mother of God so that we may be worthy of achieving the promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen”.
Step four: Meditate again and ask for the other grace, and continue with the prayer «Oh Virgin of the Incarnation, a thousand times we salute you, a thousand congratulations we give you for the pleasure you had when God incarnated in you, because you are so powerful oh Virgin and Mother of God, grant me what I ask of you for the love of God, for the love of God»
Step five: The third Hail Mary is prayed» God save you, Queen and Mother of Mercy, sweet life and our hope, God save you, the exiled children of Eve cry out to you, we sigh to you moaning and crying in this valley of tears. Ea then, our Lady Advocate, she returns to us those your merciful eyes, and after this exile show us Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb. Oh merciful!, oh pious!, oh sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us Holy Mother of God so that we may be worthy of achieving the promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen”.
Step six: Meditate and ask for the third grace, repeat the prayer «Oh Virgin of the Incarnation, a thousand times we salute you, a thousand congratulations we give you for the pleasure you had when God incarnated in you, because you are so powerful oh Virgin and Mother of God, grant me what I ask of you for the love of God, for the love of God»
Step seven: The last prayer is said to conclude « Remember, O pious Virgin Mary, that it has never been heard that none of those who have come to your protection, imploring your help, have been abandoned. Encouraged by this trust, I come to you, O Virgin of the Incarnation. Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and groaning under the weight of my sins, I dare to appear before you, O Mother of God, do not reject my pleas, rather listen to them and accept them mercifully, O my Mother, through the Mystery of your Most Holy Incarnation and for the love of God”.
« Merciful God the Father, who with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, prepared the body and soul of the glorious Virgin and Mother Mary so that it would be worthy of being a worthy abode of your Son; grant us that, since we joyfully celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation, through her pious intercession we may be freed from present evils and from eternal death. By the same Christ our Lord. Amen”.
Step Eight: A Hail Mary is prayed on behalf of the person promoting the walk «God save you, Mary; full of grace; the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen .”
Step nine: The Sacrament is made to Jesus» Thank you Lord for all the good that I receive from You every day, Thank you because you pour into my soul the infinite sweetness of your mercy. Thank you for letting me feel your forgiveness for my many faults. Thank you for showing me that you never abandon me. Thank you for the joys you offer me. Thank you for the pains you send me. Thank you also Lord because you keep hope and faith for my soul».
Step ten: To finish the whole process, you must say « Blessed and praised be the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar in heaven, on earth and everywhere Amen» , for three consecutive times, and thus you will end your beautiful walk to the Virgin of the Incarnation.
Jesus Christ True Mediator between God and men
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the great and true God, becoming the true man in the only unity of his Person known as the divine, for this reason Jesus is the only and great mediator between God and human beings, according to Catholicism. In the beliefs it is believed that there is only one existing God, who is the same Jesus who incarnated in the womb of the Virgin Mary, to come to earth and then die on the cross, to forgive all the sins of human beings in the earth.
When Jesus Christ arrived on earth, he became a new prophet who would be in charge of guiding the existing people at that time. But our Lord Christ is more than a prophet, He is the Teacher, who commissioned God to teach his own doctrine, with an authority totally unknown until then, which surprised all those people who listened to him at that moment of his existence in the flesh in the earth.
Christ is a great priest and a king not only as God, but also as man. The mediation towards our Lord Jesus Christ is a priestly mediation according to Catholic belief, where he presents him as the High Priest of the New Alliance, through a single sacrifice that he was giving for himself on the cross. The kingdom of God is a spiritual and eternal place, being full of great holiness and justice, peace and above all love. It is very important to understand that Christ, King and Lord of the universe, became the servant of all, not having to serve anyone, but came to be served and give his life for the forgiveness of all of us.
All the great and faithful followers of this great Christianity, emphasizing these three functions of Christ the Redeemer, are participants in this entire process and have the great responsibilities of mission and service that derive from it.
Life on Christ the Redeemer
With regard to the great life of our Lord Jesus Christ, the spectacular symbol of faith, manages to talk about the most important thing, which is the Incarnation of this being in the womb of Mary. That is why all of Christ’s life is very redeeming and in any human act, which is his, has a transcendent value of salvation of people. In Bethlehem the great redeemer of the world was born, who came to rid us of all the sins that we were after Adam and Eve, he suffered countless tortures just to achieve his main objective, which was to achieve the great salvation of people.
Which did not bring any magic formula, because it knows that the said salvation it offers should be passed through the hearts of people, for this reason God made the moment of its existence on earth to be like that of any human being, that is to say by That allowed him to incarnate in the womb of Mary, to live like any other person, and thus achieves that his followers maintain their deep faith in him. The many years of the hidden life of our Lord Jesus Christ are not, without a doubt, a simple preparation to achieve his public ministry, but are authentic redemptive acts, which are oriented towards the consummation of the great Paschal Mystery.
Our Lord Jesus Christ also carries out his redemption during the many years of work of his great hidden life, thus giving all his divine meaning in history, speaking about it in salvation to the daily work of the different Christian people and devotees to him, and of thousands and millions of men of good will. God throughout the process of life and after the moment of his arrival on earth, makes us understand that human existence is a great act of divine action, which he himself gave us.
Prayer of Jesus before dying on the cross
Today we are in the beautiful month, in which we must remember our heavenly father with great devotion, we must always keep in mind the sacrifice he made for dying for us on the cross, simply to free us from sins, then we We will show some beautiful prayers that Jesus made to heaven before he died, which we can find in the Gospel of John.
«Father, you gave me the followers I have, and I want them to be where I am going to be, so that they can see all the power you have given me, because you have loved me since before the world existed. “Father, you are just, but those of this world do not know your justice. I do know you, and those you gave me know that you sent me. I have told them who you are, and I will not stop doing so, so that they remain united to me, and so that they love others as you and I love each other. In this beautiful plea, we can appreciate the beautiful heart that Jesus had when he died for us on the cross.
Prayer to the blood of Jesus in the Incarnation
« Lord Jesus, in your name and with the Power of your Precious Blood we seal every person, deed or event through which the enemy wants to harm us. With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal all destructive power in the air, on earth, in water, in fire, under the earth, in the satanic forces of nature, in the abysses of hell, and in the world in which we live today.
«With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we break all interference and action of the evil one. We ask Jesus to send the Blessed Virgin to our homes and workplaces accompanied by Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and her entire court of Holy Angels. With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal our house, all those who inhabit it (name each of them), the people that the Lord will send to it, as well as the food and goods that He generously sends us for our sustenance . . With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal the earth, doors, windows, objects, walls, floors and the air we breathe,and in faith we place a circle of His Blood around our entire family».
«With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal the places where we are going to be this day, and the people, companies or institutions with whom we are going to deal (name each of them). With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal our material and spiritual work, the businesses of our entire family, and the vehicles, highways, air, roads and any means of transportation that we will use.
«With your precious Blood we seal the acts, the minds and the hearts of all the inhabitants and leaders of our Country so that Your Peace and Your Heart finally reign in it. We thank you Lord for Your Blood and for Your Life, since thanks to Them we have been saved and are preserved from all evil. Amen.”
Healing Prayer to Jesus
« Father God Almighty, source of health and consolation, you have said «I am the one who gives you health». We come to you at this time when, due to illness, we experience the fragility of our bodies. Lord, have mercy on those who are without strength, restore health and they will remain healthy. You have effective medical treatments.
“Deliver us from the side effects of medicine and do what medicine cannot do. Perform a miracle of your love and grant them the health of the body, peace in the soul, so that free from all illness and regained strength, they can better serve you and our brothers. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, with the Virgin Mary our mother, praying in the strength of the Holy Spirit, to you who live and queen forever and ever. Amen”.
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