Burning Father Healing Rosary Prayer
In today’s article we will teach you how to properly carry out the Rosary of Healing elaborated by Father Inocencio Llamas and Héctor Di María, better known as the Rosary of Healing and Liberation of the Father in Flames. Ideal to ask for the health and well-being of sick, injured or similar. You will learn how it is divided and what you should say in each of its parts.
How to do the Rosary of Healing?
Below we will explain step by step everything you must do to properly carry out the Healing Rosary created by Father Inocencio Llamas and Héctor Di María. Including how the rosary is divided and the different prayers you must make:
Step 1: Opening Prayer
Before beginning the rosary you can make a request, saying something like: «We offer this rosary to… We place in the hands of Mary… (here we indicate our intentions). Once this is done, we continue with the first prayer:
« Dear brother who suffers because of your illness, or because of the illness of a loved one, or perhaps you are afflicted and worried about some wound in your heart, or who pray to join Jesus and Mary and intercede for the whole world.
I invite you to join us in asking God, through the mediation of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother, so that you receive in your life the action of the Holy Spirit, who with his love for you and his power, wants to heal all your ailments
You are worthy of eternal adoration and glory, praises to the heavenly father for this means of prayer that you have given us to address you, of which I now bear witness, we humbly beg you that our purpose is not only to do it solely for you to relieve us in the needs we suffer, but also to ask you to grant us the grace to do your will and observe a life in accordance with the teachings of your well-beloved son Jesus, our Lord; who lives and reigns with you in union with the Holy Spirit. Amen « .
Step 2: Make the Sign of the Cross
We make the sign of the cross:
« In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. Amen.
Lord open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praise.
I confess before almighty god, and before you brothers, that I have sinned a lot of thought, word, deed and omission. Because of me, because of me, because of my great fault. That is why I pray to Holy Mary, ever virgin, to the angels, to the saints, and to you brothers to intercede for me before God, Our Lord « .
Step 3: We Apologize and We Forgive
Now we must say the following sentence:
« Today, Lord, I ask your forgiveness again, not only for my sins, but also for those of all humanity. I also want to renew my forgiveness and ask you for the necessary grace. I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made and will make. I forgive all those who in any way offended or hurt me, I forgive the circumstances of life, in which I blamed or held you responsible.
Deliver us Lord from all resentment and give us your forgiveness. Give me your peace and your grace to reach me. So be it. Come Holy Spirit, come and fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Lord send your Spirit. May it renew the face of the earth.
Oh God! that you have illuminated the hearts of your children, with the light of the holy spirit; make us docile to his aspirations to always taste good and enjoy his consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Haman « .
Step 4: Do the Jaculatory
Now we must say:
« Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious blood, hide me in your holy wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your Holy Angels and Archangels to accompany me along the way. Amen.
By the power of your holy wounds, free me and heal me, Lord.
Holy Mary, health of the sick. He prays for us and for all who suffer .
Step 5: We proceed with the Mysteries of Sorrow
Keep in mind that we must go through each of the mysteries, but first we must say the following prayer:
« Divine Spirit, Holy Spirit that you are the one who prays in us, Spirit of Jesus, we ask you to illuminate and guide the meditation of these mysteries, anoint the words and give power to prayer so that our lives may be healed.
Jesus, may we especially be spiritually healed from all that is sin, which leads us to spiritual ruin. Jesus, give us sincere repentance for our sins so that we can contemplate your mysteries of pain united with the painful virgin.
But to a pain that is redemptive, to one that brings the glory of the resurrection. For this reason, remove at this time every obstacle, weariness, temptation and take charge of my dream, of any concern so that we can dedicate at this moment, Jesus, this prayer of contemplation to honor and give glory to the Father and for our sanctification « .
First Mystery of Sorrow
This first mystery deals with: Jesus praying in Getzemaní to the point of sweating drops of blood .
You can read the following
« Jesus begins to pray and says: -Father, if it is possible, take this cup away from me, but not my will but yours be done.
Then you sent an angel to give him strength and there Jesus said to his sleeping disciples: -Watch and pray so as not to fall into temptation.
The same is still happening today in the world. Whenever something needs to be done, we leave the prayer for a second moment and then we don’t do it. Jesus, we want to ask you for that grace to know the loving will of the Father and even if it costs us sacrifice, even if it were death, give us the grace to do it with love.
We also want to ask you to overcome the temptations of each one of us by this mystery that we contemplate with Mary Most Holy, since she was mystically united to you. Well, she always has been, especially at the moment of the cross. Now Jesus looks at the fundamental temptations of us. Virgin winner of all the battles of God, she looks at the battles we are losing. The battles where the evil one is winning, especially these temptations that make us always fall into the same sins. That temptation to abandon prayer. That temptation not to embrace the mystery of the cross, sometimes we seek God for the pleasure it causes us or for not having problems. We want to seek him out of love and follow him with that mystery of the Cross.
People very easily or out of ignorance, convenience or malice reject those who suffer from an illness. We even come to think that as we push them away from us or move away from them, we are better. The Gospel of Saint Mark presents us with the healing of a leprosy patient to imply that Jesus did not despise the sick but relieved them.
The patient, regardless of the disease they suffer from and the causes of having contracted it, needs the love, understanding and mercy of those who live with them. Furthermore, the gospel teaches us that when a sick person feels welcomed and relieved even if he is not cured, he can become an enthusiastic messenger of good news for his brothers.
In the first Sorrowful Mystery, we contemplate the agony that Jesus experienced in the Garden of Olives. We ask you, Jesus, that just as you used prayer to defeat Satan, who wanted to make you fall into discouragement, anguish and hopelessness, you also give me the power to pray with perseverance and thus be victorious. In this mystery we ask you for health for cancer patients « .
Then, read the following passage from the Bible of Santiago (5:15): “ The prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up “ .
We perform the Corresponding Prayer
« Most Holy Virgin, you are seeing the fundamental temptations that exist in my life. Temptations that lead me to ignore the truth and turn my back on the Lord’s will. Temptations that lead me to choose the easy path, the comfortable path, but that separate me from the loving will of the Father.
I ask the Virgin Mary for her intercession, for those drops of blood that Jesus sweat in Gethsemane, when he was close to his passion. For that prayer that our father taught us where he told us to ask the father not to let us fall into temptation and not to offend God who is in heaven. Grant us this grace, O Virgin Mary, for this first mystery of pain that we have just meditated on and it is necessary to sweat blood, fast, watch, pray constantly. It is worth doing as Jesus did, who did it for us, so that we remain firm in the ways of God « .
We continue with an Our Father
« Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen « .
Follow with 10 Ave Maria
« God save you Mary, you are full of graces; the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen « .
Then a Glory
« All glory to the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always, for ever and ever. Amen « .
We end the First Sorrowful Mystery with the Ejaculation
« Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious blood, hide me in your holy wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your holy angels and archangels to accompany me along the way. Amen.
By the power of your holy wounds, free me and heal me, Lord. Amen.
Holy Mary, health of the sick. He prays for us and for all who suffer .
Second Mystery of Sorrow
It’s about when Jesus is Scourged :
Read the Story:
« We contemplate how Jesus is tied to the column. They tied him to him who is the truth, who makes us free. They physically tied the one who brings the full freedom of hearts and who came to break the chains while he let himself be tied to overcome your ties, to break your chains. His holy body was whipped endlessly, there was not a part of Jesus’ body that was not marked by the tip of the whip. His whole body was a wound, bits of flesh sprouted from that body conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary and jets of blood spattered the same Roman soldiers who were whipping him.
You, Jesus, suffered all this so that we, who are bound by any situation of vice, may be freed today. So that our bodies are submitted to the order of the spirit. Lord, Paul said that he submitted his body and his words so that you might be glorified.
Lord, we want to ask you at this time for the ties that the mystical body may have, for the wounds that may exist today in the church, in our prayer groups and in our communities. That blood of Jesus that was shed for me has infinite value. Lord, by your wounds we have been healed says the prophet. That’s why Jesus, I want your Blood to purify me and for that tie on that column, that scourging to break my chains today. Lord, let there be no one or nothing that prevents me from doing the loving will of the father.
Look at me mother, you who are the free woman, blessed are you Mary, thank you my lord.
Lord, thank you because you are not only breaking heavy chains, but also threads that do not allow us to fly. Because a bird can be tied by a rope or a thread, but tied it is always a slave. Lord, no sin, no temptation however small or great; May everything be broken today.
Trust in Jesus produces healing. The healing of Jesus is not limited to achieving a psychosomatic balance, but in a new capacity to see reality as he sees it, to recognize him as a teacher, a healed man or woman is in a position to follow him on the path. Who has not been cured of anything, who believes that he is healthy, can hardly follow him.
Jesus, for this mystery that we have just contemplated and for the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the pleading omnipotence because that body with which Jesus suffered, was taken from the Most Holy Mary. That’s why there was something of her in you at that moment of her flogging. Lord, if two people who are twins feel one another’s pain, what pain would that mystical world also have felt, the Virgin Mary when your holy and glorious body was scourged.
Blessed be Jesus for those wounds, which at this time bring saving efficacy to break all our chains. I proclaim it like this Jesus Christ, that there is nothing and no one that binds me Lord, that prevents me from knowing and doing your holy will. In the second mystery we contemplate Jesus who, tied to the column, is flogged with whips.
Lord, that without being able to move because of being tied you felt such acute pain, we ask you to comfort and heal those who, due to rheumatism, arthritis, accidents or paralysis, do not have the freedom of movement they would like. Bless the hands, arms, legs, feet, spine, vertebrae, and all joints, muscles, and bones.
Ask him, if it is the case, to cut all the ties that the evil one could create, by resorting to superstition, quackery or magic, and reject all those things in the name of Christ « .
To finish the reading we must conclude with this fragment of Jeremiah (30;17): “ I will bring healing to you, and I will heal your wounds, says the Lord “ .
Now we continue with an Our Father
« Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen « .
Then we made 10 Ave Maria
« God save you Mary, you are full of graces; the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen « .
We continue with a Gloria
« All glory to the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always, for ever and ever. Amen « .
To culminate the Second Sorrowful Mystery, we do the Ejaculation
« Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious blood, hide me in your holy wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your holy angels and Archangels to accompany me along the way. Amen.
By the power of your holy wounds, free me and heal me, Lord. Amen.
Holy Mary, health of the sick. He prays for us and for all who suffer .
Third Mysteries of Sorrow
It consists of the Contemplation of the Crowning with Thorns.
You must read the following:
« How Jesus, being king of kings and lord of lords, let them crown him with a true cap of thorns! That he brutally beat him with a stick! When we prick our fingers with a simple pin, we sometimes cry out.
What great pain you felt Jesus, for love of us Lord! It was for our salvation today sir. You reveal to us that you want to heal us, through that image. Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd who knows your sheep. That you virgin Mary, still continue to present to Jesus as in Cana of Galilee the needs of all your children.
Let us also pray that we may be healed of all complexes of superiority or inferiority by seeing Jesus crowned with thorns. Being king, he wore that crown so that we have a healthy balance in our lives, so that we are given a new mind, so that we have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.
Jesus, for that pain, for the blood you spilled, for that crown, for those jokes made by the soldiers who laughed at you Lord… And you loved them. Give us the grace, Jesus, to also love and forgive our enemies and to have a balanced attitude of not caring what people think. God our Father, thank you; because Jesus is healing. That is why together we meditate and pray this mystery so that the saving efficacy of your crown of thorns becomes a reality.
We want to ask you Lord for people who suffer temptations, especially when they pray the holy rosary. We want to ask you for people who are tempted not to pray the rosary, to be distracted when they do.
The exemplary holiness of the Virgin moves the faithful to raise their eyes to Mary, who shines as a model of virtue before the entire community of the elect. In general, Mary’s humility and simplicity are stressed, but not enough her initiative, sense of responsibility, daring and courage. Especially in the world of suffering, the imitation of these virtues can be a source of dynamism for patients and their families.
The abandonment in the will of God is well combined with a healthy role, which exalts the presence of divine grace. In Mary’s heart beats the experience of the Most High described in the Old Testament: God knows our limits if we allow ourselves to be possessed by the Lord. God is capable of great wonders; The Lord is close to those who suffer. God guards our life and is always faithful to his promises of him « .
We proceed to pray
« Most Holy Virgin, in a mystical but real way you are here with us, you are the winner of all battles. Your son’s crown of thorns has brought a very great triumph through that humiliation. We obtain the palm and the crown of glory, you are queen, your son is King, may that reign come at this time over our temptations so that they may be overcome by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through your intercession the temptations that go against the prayer of the holy rosary. That subtly urge us not to pray it, to do it distracted, to leave it for later, not to believe in its effectiveness. I believe and confirm that at this moment I receive a very special grace, for your motherly presence, to continue praying the holy rosary every day against all odds. Thank you Jesus, thank you Mary. Amen.
In this mystery we ask Mary to touch our head, as she would have liked to be able to touch her son’s in order to heal him. May she free us from all thoughts of self-destruction, pessimism and all complex for the consequences that the disease can cause in our image. We also deliver to those who suffer from psychic problems or from any ailment in their head, brain, eyes, ears, mouth, throat, respiratory tract and lungs « .
After making the prayer, we culminate with Isaiah (53;5): « He was treated as guilty because of our rebellions and crushed for our sins, he endured the punishment that brings us peace and by his wounds we have been healed « .
We continue with an Our Father
« Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen « .
We make 10 Ave Maria
« God save you Mary, you are full of graces; the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen « .
now a glory
« All glory to the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always, for ever and ever. Amen « .
Let us proceed with la Jaculatoria
« Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious blood, hide me in your holy wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your holy angels and Archangels to accompany me along the way. Amen.
By the power of your holy wounds, free me and heal me, Lord. Amen.
Holy Mary, health of the sick. He prays for us and for all who suffer .
Fourth Mystery of Sorrow
It refers to the contemplation of the ascent of Jesus to Calvary with the cross on his shoulders .
You have to read:
« On the street of bitterness, the Virgin Mary met you and you two could not speak to each other, but hearts spoke. That look has been one of the most impressive looks in history. Your son wanted to take your pain away and he couldn’t. He told you with that look: Mother, for this I came to the world, to bear the sins of humanity. You looked at him and told him: my son, my destiny is linked to yours. Then Jesus said: Being a mother does not only mean being a mother in Cana of Galilee, being a mother is also this mystery of the cross.
You understood, Jesus, that the look of the mother gave you strength because she was inviting you to accept the loving will of the father. In turn, your son also strengthens you because you had heard him say that it was necessary to go through the tribulation, through the test, through the mystery of the cross to reach glory.
Mother, in this mystery of pain we want to ask you for all those who have a very heavy cross, so that today they feel light. Accepting it and offering it so that they can feel that soft and light yoke of your son’s heart, so that they can put their eyes not only on Jesus’ own cross. That’s why give me the grace, sir, not to lock myself in my own sorrows, not to lock myself in my own suffering, but to look at you, sir, and to feel that you help me, because you become just like Simon and you want me to help too. my brothers to carry the Cross.
We ask this for those who suffer the most in the world, those who are oppressed by the devil, those who do not have enough to eat, those who are mentally ill. Those sick with extremely strong pains in their bodies, for those homes that are about to fall apart. For those people who are about to take their own lives, for those people who think they can’t take it anymore, for those who have suffered injustice, for those who are imprisoned and above all, those imprisoned who are innocent. Have mercy Virgin Mary, now look at the sorrows of my own heart that are healed so that I may be an instrument of peace and love of the Lord.
For those who suffer the most, we ask you now, Mother, alleviate their sorrows. For those merits of Jesus Christ ascending to Calvary with the cross on his shoulders and with all our burdens, sins, illnesses and problems.
Here in the fourth mystery we contemplate Jesus carrying the cross and being accompanied by his mother.
Lord, when you fell over and over again, you were hitting the stones on the road, but in spite of everything, you kept going, heal the ailments of those who suffer because of some illness or accident, the deterioration of their internal organs: heart , kidneys, stomach, intestines, pancreas or ganglia, touch with your blessed hands, any organ that needs to be healed « .
After reading we must end with Mark (16;17): « and these signs will follow those who believe: they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover « .
We make an Our Father
« Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen « .
Then 10 Ave Maria
« God save you Mary, you are full of graces; the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen « .
a Glory
« All glory to the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always, for ever and ever. Amen « .
Ahora la Jaculatoria
« Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious blood, hide me in your holy wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your holy angels and Archangels to accompany me along the way. Amen.
By the power of your holy wounds, free me and heal me, Lord. Amen.
Holy Mary, health of the sick. He prays for us and for all who suffer .
Fifth Mystery of Sorrow
Finally, we look at the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ .
« On the Cross Jesus defeated all evil and opened the way to all problems. There, next to the cross; the virgin She the one who had been told that for God nothing is impossible. Her son was suffering and she offered herself precisely for our salvation.
We ask that each one of us know how to receive the light at the moment of the mystery of the cross: to be like Mary most holy at the foot of the cross. Times of the cross are going to come for the world and the Virgin had the strength. Jesus died for you and me, and since then the gates of heaven have been opened. Satan was defeated and sin destroyed because Christ’s death is perfect obedience to his father. If a tree used by the devil defeated Adam and Eve in the earthly paradise, in another tree it is now defeated. Through the tree of the cross, where the new Adam is Jesus and the new Eve is Mary.
We are going to offer this mystery so that Jesus Christ does not continue to be crucified, so that so many abortions do not continue to be committed, so that this culture of death stops, so that Satanism and the wave of violence that exists can be defeated, so that all can speak of the river of life that flows from that open wound of Christ in this mystery of the cross. Now Lord, rain down on me the river of life. I want to open my heart and let the water and blood that flowed from your side flood it, Lord, to make one heart with that of Jesus and Mary. In this mystery we also ask for that total transformation of our lives, that conversion, that fundamental option for the Lord. Blessed be Jesus, blessed be Virgin Mary.
We ask Jesus that, with the power of your holy wounds, you free us from all diseases in the blood, heal those suffering from AIDS, renew our veins and arteries, touch the brothers who need dialysis. Cover us with your most precious blood and we will be saved, help us to be on our feet, as Mary was on the cross being your comfort « .
After the reading, Peter should be read (2:24): « God himself, ascending to the cross bearing our sins, let us begin a holy life. By his stripes you were healed . “
An Our Father
« Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen « .
10 Hail Mary
« God save you Mary, you are full of graces; the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen « .
a Glory
« All glory to the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always, for ever and ever. Amen « .
« Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious blood, hide me in your holy wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your holy angels and Archangels to accompany me along the way. Amen.
By the power of your holy wounds, free me and heal me, Lord. Amen.
Holy Mary, health of the sick. He prays for us and for all who suffer .
Step 6: Pray 3 Hail Marys
Once the mysteries of pain are finished, you should continue with three Hail Marys in the following way:
« God save you Most Holy Mary, daughter of God the Father. Virgin most pure before childbirth, in your hands I commend my faith so that you enlighten it. You are full of thanks, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen « .
« God save you Holy Mary, mother of God son. Virgin most pure before childbirth, in your hands I commend my hope so that you encourage it, you are full of graces, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen «
« God save you Most Holy Mary, wife of God the Holy Spirit, most pure virgin after childbirth, into your hands I commend my charity so that you inflame it. You are full of thanks, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen «
“ God save you, Most Holy Mary, temple and tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, virgin conceived without stain of original sin . “
Step 7: We finish with a Salve
« God save you, queen and mother of mercy, life, sweetness and our hope, God save you. To you we call the exiled children of Eve, to you we beg moaning and crying, in this valley of tears. Our lady lawyer, she turns to us your merciful eyes and after this exile show us Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb.
Oh merciful, oh pious, oh sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us Holy Mother of God that we may be worthy of achieving the promises and graces of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen « .
If you wish, you can make some prayers at the end of the rosary.
On the other hand, it should be noted that this rosary can also be performed with the joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday if you wish to ask for emotional healing. While Wednesdays and Sundays correspond to the glorious mysteries, which focus on asking the Virgin Mary for the healing of memory, the wound of sin and the liberation of unfavorable genetic inheritance.