Prayer For Soccer And Certain Victories With Your Team
You may not be a fan of this sport, but when it comes to a world cup there is not a person in the world who does not know about this event, or what happens in it. If you are a fan of this sport, you are in the right place, since as a good follower you know that the prayer for soccer or the rituals are essential every time a match is approaching.
prayer for football
These sentences serve for all the necessary aspects, they cover any need corresponding to soccer. Whether you are praying for the health of a footballer or his performance, which may be your favorite or the person you most admire for his abilities on the pitch. From the team you follow for a long time or maybe it’s a new one that earned a place in your heart. These prayers are used by people who have faith and who believe they can contribute in some way to the evolution of football.
It is common knowledge that the followers of this sport are very passionate, in such a way that they carry out ceremonies, amulets to promote luck, they put on the clothes that favor that day with respect to what they think they need. The love that no one feels can be taken away from them and the truth is something to admire. So if you are here to contribute a prayer for soccer , go ahead and let no one stop, your love for the sport.
footballer’s prayer
I thank you heavenly father. For giving me the ability to be back on this field, where I play soccer. You don’t know how grateful I am my God, to have my teammates in my life and to be able to create memories of the games together. Celestial father. Grant us in different ways the opportunities to appreciate each game, to enjoy when we are on the court, regardless of its results. Since that is what it is about, playing in such a way as if it were the last one that is granted to us in this life.
Protect us, father, from any harm, injury, trauma or loss so that when we get to our homes we have the best energies without paying attention to whether we win or not. The important thing is health in order to be able to have well-being and play more games.
I thank you heavenly father. For granting the necessary judgment to whom we ranted so much in the games, the referee. Please father, also allow those who play against us to enjoy the match. And we implore you not to let anyone get out of this mess.
Father, may you be our defense in the upcoming games and may you allow us to score many goals, if that is clearly your wish and if we deserve them.
Prayer to win a football match
You who are the father of all of us sir, from these circumstances I command you, body and soul, moments before starting the game. To be able to beg you to be with me on the soccer field in all aspects, for as long as it lasts. I also ask you to give us your divine hand so that we can win the game that we have been waiting for so long.
So for that reason father I ask you to take out of my mind everything that can distract me from my goal. And may my energy not be disturbed in any way, may it always be intact. The value necessary to be able to employ some strategy. The proper skill in my movements and the agility of these. Just knowledge and beyond this, to let me know what to do. May the discipline and strength of my years of practice be present when playing this important game, imploring victory. Only this can be achieved if we have you as the driver, teacher and guide throughout this process. Amen.
Prayer before starting a football game
Lord, that today the only thing we should get at the end of the game is victory. And that the indispensable thing that we should bring is the happiness of having played so well and as a team. You who are the creator of heaven and earth, the only one who guides our actions here below sir. I ask you to always take the ball to our team, so that we are worthy of victory. And that at that moment we feel the immense joy of making the earth tremble with our feet. Please sir, don’t let us win and be disadvantaged by the other opposing team. Amen.
Prayer to Saint John Bosco the Saint of Sport
Oh Saint John Bosco, you and all of us know that you are the one in charge of spreading the merit of sports. As well as the excellent matches in all areas of this. Fellowship, dignity, instruction or doctrines are those attributes that are characteristic of you and the ways in which you share them, to everyone who is interested and shows signs of love towards him.
Allow us the necessary courage and strength every time we enter the court stepping and feeling the grass under our feet. I implore you to intervene on our behalf in the days to come so that we can achieve our goals or win if you believe. Please, I ask you in the most honest way possible not to abandon us at any time, save us from any wound, sprain or fracture that may arise.
Grant us the necessary skills to be able to beat the team we are playing with on the field. That time does not become eternal but that it does not pass quickly either since that way we do not realize what we can do to save the game. And that in this period of time nothing happens that could intervene in our triumph. As well as the bad feelings of envy, anger and discomfort, do not let them be with us so that they do not blind us and do not allow us to enjoy the game.
We ask that through this prayer for football , dear and blessed saint of sports, you help us and grant us what we ask of you. Since in you we trust our insecurities. Amen.
Prayer for a soccer team to beat St. John Bosco
Beloved and honored Saint John Bosco. You who help someone who practices a sport. Because you know how he feels being on the pitch, playing like never before and feeling the ball practically dance between our legs, the excitement and the joy of that. As you are so blessed you transmit in the fans who love football in happiness. From this moment and those who come, you know how much we love what football gives us, that constancy that no other sport has.
Please, beloved saint, I beg you to help the group whom I follow and whom I admire the most. And that they get the opportunity of many victories as they deserve. So that in this way they never reach failure in any way. You know they are very talented.
I implore you to heed my call that I make on your behalf. Do not leave us adrift since we trust you. Waiting for you to bless us.