How to Pray the Rosary for the Dead each Week?
The Holy Rosary for the Dead is a kind of prayer that people or relatives perform when a loved one or a friend leaves this world for the other side, so if you want to know how you should perform this act, we invite you to continue reading this article and discover how to pray the Holy Rosary for the Dead through the Joyful Mysteries.
Rosary for the Dead with All the Mysteries
The Rosary for the Deceased becomes extremely broad, so at this time we are going to present you only the Joyful Mysteries, which are the ideal ones to be part of the Rosary for the Deceased, so it is important that you read them carefully. Something that if they are told is that when they are going to do it, they must do it as it is described in this article since it is described step by step of how it should be done.
In the same way, each of the prayers that must be prayed is found, at what time they have to be done and when to do it. The Our Father must be repeated in each of the prayers of the mysteries as well as the Hail Mary. This Rosary for the Dead can be used in 3 different ways:
First: With the body in front of the person who died, however, it is recommended that the rosary for the deceased be prayed immediately after the body has been buried, for a few more days. The day it is time to recite it, you must pray the mystery that corresponds to that very moment.
Second: For people who have already died before, it doesn’t matter how many years have passed. You can get to dedicate 1 day or 1 week completely. You must remember what has been said before, prayers and also Masses at all times will be useful for all souls, who are already in the Glory of God, in Purgatory and also in Hell, from that place they will never get out but all their sufferings are lessened.
The souls that are in Heaven will progress in graces when the prayers are recited for each one of them. You should not forget the deceased even when several years have passed and you should not forget your family tree on the father’s and mother’s side.
Third: How is the donation to the Heavenly Father so that He can apply them to the souls that most require it.
The Rosary for the Dead comes to consist of the following parts that are:
1.- Joyful Mysteries (Must be done on Mondays and Saturdays)
2.- Sorrowful Mysteries (corresponds to Tuesday and Friday).
3.- Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday).
4.- Luminous Mysteries (takes place on Thursday).
These rosaries are prayed before the body of the deceased during the wake and also in the novena. If it is not possible to be able to attend the mourning, it is convenient to do it with the family or even personally, even if they are at a very distant distance, in order to be able to intercede with the Holy Mother Mary for the soul of the being. dear or friend. The days following the exhumation begin in the novena.
The joy of the Mother consists in getting to look at her children linked in Love and being the consolation and also the intercession for the brothers. The Holy Mother is the one who prays with each of those who are praying these prayers to the Our Father, with his Son and with the Holy Spirit, today and at the hour of his death. When she arrives to invoke her, in the Holy Rosary, she proceeds to intercede for each of the deceased so that they achieve eternal rest and perpetual light in heaven that has come to be promised to the Lord.
At the moment of arriving to pray, one dialogues and rests in eternal Peace and in the Joy of the presence of the Lord, since he is present when 2 or more people gather in his name. To get to offer this type of prayer of the Holy Rosary for the Dead , you have to let forgiveness cleanse you of mistakes, as well as grudges, debts and separation.
Therefore, it is very important that you listen to the holy Mother of Heaven, who made you brothers in Christ and is the one who asks you, as in the Wedding at Cana:
“…do whatever He tells you to do.” (John 2,5).
Offering of the Rosary
The Rosary for the dead – of the days Wednesday and Sunday called the Glorious Mysteries. God the Almighty Father, please support them in their faith that proclaims the life, death, passion and what is the resurrection of your beloved Son Jesus Christ, on this day this Holy Rosary for the Dead is offered to you by the brother (a) (say the name of the person) and you are asked, oh Lord, that just as you have already come to participate in the death of your beloved son Jesus Christ, that you also come to participate in the joy of the glorious resurrection. For our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Brothers, while you are making this great pious gesture of watching over your brother (Say the name of the person who has left this world) we invite you to confidently pray to God, who is the Source of all Life for that at all times fill with the Glory and with the Happiness of the Saints the brother (s) (again say the name of the person who died) who is veiled in the weakness of his mortal body.
Prayer of the Holy Shroud
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, who came to leave us the signs of your Passion on the holy shroud, in which your holy body came to be wrapped when you were lowered from that cross by your follower Joseph. Please I ask you to grant them, merciful Lord, that for your death and also your burial, and each of the pains and anguish of your Holy Mother Mary, the Lady of many.
May the soul of your servant (say the name of the person who died and is on the way to purgatory) and of all who are in that place be transferred to eternal rest, to the glory of your great resurrection. , where you live and also reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
Start the Rosary
On this occasion, the prayer of Ave María Purisima should begin. Who art conceived without sin.
- By the sign of the Holy Cross, Deliver them from enemies, Lord God of all men. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
- Lord, open the lips of your children.
All Presents:
- And his mouth will proclaim your Praise.
- My God, come and help me.
All Presents:
- Hurry oh Lord to come to their aid.
act of contrition
Lord Jesus Christ, God and also True Man, the Creator, the Father and also the Redeemer of many for becoming who you are and because they love you above all things, it weighs many with all their hearts that they have offended you, for what is firmly promised to you with the help of your eternal Grace never to sin again, please keep them away from all occasions of offending you and that they may confess and do penance Amen.
virgin mary
O Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and also our Mother, the Queen of the Holy Rosary! Trusting in your Kindness we approach you, to be able to honor your Name and at the same time to be able to comfort our souls.
Open for us, Lady, the Door of your Heart and reveal to us the Light of your Mysteries, contained in the Holy Rosary for the Dead so that in these we can find Virtue for our Souls, Tranquility for our hearts, Peace for all our families, the Health for the sick and Freedom for the Souls in Purgatory.
We ask that you especially help our brother (s) (say the name of the person) and that you grant us the joy of becoming your children in life and in death. Amen.
Father Clemente, we ask that the Soul of our brother (s) (say the name of the person) supported by the certainty that he will rise on the last day with Christ himself and also with all those who have come to die in Christ.
May your Merciful Heart be moved, for our brother (s) (say the name of the person) we ask you to open the doors of heaven to your child, and also to all of us, who remain in this world Please, my God, console us with the words of Faith, until one day we can all meet Christ and always remain with Him and with our brother (s) (say the name of the person) Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
The Mysteries that are going to be offered for the Eternal Rest of our brother (s) (say the name of the person) are usually the following:
Joyful Mysteries
These are the mysteries that are carried out on Wednesdays and Sundays, when a loved one dies or an acquaintance dies, this is the mystery or the Rosary for the Deceased saint, ideal for these occasions to ask God for comfort and favor over relatives and for the soul that has just left this world. The mysteries corresponding to this are the following:
First Joyful Mystery: The Incarnation of the Son of God
The first Joyful Mystery can be visualized in the book of Luke chapter 1 verse 30 to 31 which says as follows:
“Don’t be afraid, Maria; God has granted you his favor, the angel told him. You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. The Angel announces from God.
Luke 1:30 – 31 (New International Version Bible)
This is the High Mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus.
We proceed to make about 3 Hail Mary…..
Please Lord, grant them the continuous help of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God for the great Announcement of the Angel so that at all times she is the lawyer before your Divine Judgment, especially you are begged for the Soul of the brother (a) (Say the name of the person who died) that is before your Presence oh God.
Our father
Now, for the realization of the Our Father, the people gathered with the priest or father must do it in the following way:
The guide starts with the first part:
- Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
All Presents:
All the people who are present at the wake continue with the following part:
- Give us today our daily Bread and forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Ave Maria
At the end of the Our Father prayer, the Hail Mary is performed about 10 times more or less.
- Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, the Mother of God, please pray for him or her and for each one present who is a sinner now and at the hour of his or her death. Amen.
Once the 10 Hail Mary prayer is over, proceed with the following:
- Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.
All Presents:
- As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen.
For your clean Conception oh! The Sovereign Princess, an enormous purity on this day is asked of you with all your heart, that the Souls do not get lost nor die without any confession. Oh beloved Jesus, please forgive all his sins and deliver him (a) from the fires of hell and take his soul to heaven to your kingdom, especially to all those souls in need of your Divine Mercy. So be it.
The Holy Savannah
Oh Lord God, who never left the Sign of your Passion and neither did your Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Holy Body was wrapped, when you came to be taken down from the Cross by your follower Joseph, at this moment grant O Merciful Lord.
That for your holy Death and for your Burial and also for the Pains and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Virgin Mary may the Soul of our brother or sister be transferred (At this moment he will say the name of the person who departed with the Lord) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is God for ever and ever. Amen.
Give him or her Eternal Rest Oh good Lord and may the Perpetual Light shine for him or her, where he or she can rest in Peace. So be it. If by your Precious Blood, oh beloved Lord, you have come to redeem him or her. Please forgive him or her, Lord, you are asked for your painful Passion. And may his soul be delivered from the gates of hell, oh father.
Mary the Sorrowful Mother, please remember that it was on the cross that your beloved son Jesus called you Mother of sinners. May good deeds be done for this soul without ceasing, may God remove him from any kind of sorrow and transfer him to the place of rest. May the blessed souls of Purgatory dwell in Glory. Amen
You are all beautiful, you are pure, holy and also Immaculate, Oh Mary… Please pray that this soul known by all those present in this place be saved.
May the Soul of the brother (at this time say the name of the person who died) and the others who are in Purgatory by the eternal Mercy of Almighty God may they rest in Peace. So be it.
Song: The Lord Is My Light
This is a song that all people must perform at the end of the complete First Rosary for the Dead . The song is as follows:
The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, The Lord is the Defense of my Life;
If the Lord is my Light, who will I fear?
Who will make me tremble?
One thing I ask of the Lord:
Dwell forever in your house, enjoy the sweetness of the Lord
Contemplating his Holy Face.
Do not hide Your Face from me, Lord I will seek Your Face all day long;
If my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will pick me up.
Oh Lord! Show me the Way, Guide me on the True Path, I will enjoy the Bliss of the Lord,
in the Land of Life.
Second Joyful Mystery: The Visit of the Virgin Mary to Saint Elizabeth
The Second Mystery can be read in the same book of Luke in chapter 1 verse 40 to 43, which says:
“As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child jumped in her womb. Then Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, exclaimed: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will give birth to! But how is this, that the mother of my Lord comes to see me?
Luke 1:40 to 43 (New International Version Bible)
This is when the Virgin Mary visits Saint Elizabeth and in that place Magnifies the God of Israel.
Lord, you who care for all those who come to trust in you, please grant them the Grace of being visited by the Virgin Mary in each of their needs, especially if they ask you for their brother (you must say the name of the person who died) so that you can be cleansed from all sin.
Our father
Now, for the realization of the Our Father, the people gathered with the priest or father must do it in the following way:
The guide starts with the first part:
- Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
All Presents:
All the people who are present at the wake continue with the following part:
- Give us today our daily Bread and forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Ave Maria
At the end of the Our Father prayer, the Hail Mary is performed about 10 times more or less.
- Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, the Mother of God, please pray for him or her and for each one present who is a sinner now and at the hour of his or her death. Amen.
Once the 10 Hail Mary prayer is over, proceed with the following:
- Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.
All Presents:
- As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen.
For your clean Conception oh! The Sovereign Princess, an enormous purity on this day is asked of you with all your heart, that the Souls do not get lost nor die without any confession. Oh beloved Jesus, please forgive all his sins and deliver him (a) from the fires of hell and take his soul to heaven to your kingdom, especially to all those souls in need of your Divine Mercy. So be it.
The Holy Savannah
Oh Lord God, who never left the Sign of your Passion and neither did your Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Holy Body was wrapped, when you came to be taken down from the Cross by your follower Joseph, at this moment grant O Merciful Lord.
That for your holy Death and for your Burial and also for the Pains and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Virgin Mary may the Soul of our brother or sister be transferred (At this moment he will say the name of the person who departed with the Lord) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is God for ever and ever. Amen.
Give him or her Eternal Rest Oh good Lord and may the Perpetual Light shine for him or her, where he or she can rest in Peace. So be it. If by your Precious Blood, oh beloved Lord, you have come to redeem him or her. Please forgive him or her, Lord, you are asked for your painful Passion. And may his soul be delivered from the gates of hell, oh father.
Mary the Sorrowful Mother, please remember that it was on the cross that your beloved son Jesus called you Mother of sinners. May good deeds be done for this soul without ceasing, may God remove him from any kind of sorrow and transfer him to the place of rest. May the blessed souls of Purgatory dwell in Glory. Amen
You are all beautiful, you are pure, holy and also Immaculate, Oh Mary… Please pray that this soul known by all those present in this place be saved.
May the Soul of the brother (at this time say the name of the person who died) and the others who are in Purgatory by the eternal Mercy of Almighty God may they rest in Peace. So be it.
Singing: Between Your Hands
This is a song that all people must perform at the end of the Second Rosary for the Dead. The song is as follows:
My life is in your hands, Lord, in your hands I put my existence, I must die,
To live in your hands I trust my being.
If the grain of wheat does not die, if it does not die, it will only remain, but if it dies in abundance, it will give
an Eternal Fruit that will not die.
My longing is my growing longing, in the furrow with you to die, and the seed will be fruitful, Lord
covered with Eternal Living.
And if we live, we live for him; and if we die, we die for him; whether we live or die,
we are of the Lord, we are of the Lord. When a spike bears fruit,
to the rays of burning heat, your Reign will have a new life of Love,
in a Host of Eternal Splendor.
Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of the Child God
This third joyful mystery can be found in the following Bible verse:
“And, while they were there, the time was fulfilled. So she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
Luke 2:6-7 (New International Version Bible).
The land of Bethlehem sees the Good Redeemer being born, the Angel sings to him, the shepherd also adores him.
The star of the Lord, is the one that revealed your only-begotten son to Men, also make it possible for us one day to contemplate the Splendor of your eternal Majesty, in this way, Lord, we pray for the brother (say the name of the person who departed from this world) so that he can contemplate your Face for ever and ever. Amen.
Our father
Now, for the realization of the Our Father, the people gathered with the priest or father must do it in the following way:
The guide starts with the first part:
- Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
All Presents:
All the people who are present at the wake continue with the following part:
- Give us today our daily Bread and forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Ave Maria
At the end of the Our Father prayer, the Hail Mary is performed about 10 times more or less.
- Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, the Mother of God, please pray for him or her and for each one present who is a sinner now and at the hour of his or her death. Amen.
Once the 10 Hail Mary prayer is over, proceed with the following:
- Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.
All Presents:
- As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen.
For your clean Conception oh! The Sovereign Princess, an enormous purity on this day is asked of you with all your heart, that the Souls do not get lost nor die without any confession. Oh beloved Jesus, please forgive all his sins and deliver him (a) from the fires of hell and take his soul to heaven to your kingdom, especially to all those souls in need of your Divine Mercy. So be it.
The Holy Savannah
Oh Lord God, who never left the Sign of your Passion and neither did your Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Holy Body was wrapped, when you came to be taken down from the Cross by your follower Joseph, at this moment grant O Merciful Lord.
That for your holy Death and for your Burial and also for the Pains and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Virgin Mary may the Soul of our brother or sister be transferred (At this moment he will say the name of the person who departed with the Lord) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is God for ever and ever. Amen.
Give him or her Eternal Rest Oh good Lord and may the Perpetual Light shine for him or her, where he or she can rest in Peace. So be it. If by your Precious Blood, oh beloved Lord, you have come to redeem him or her. Please forgive him or her, Lord, you are asked for your painful Passion. And may his soul be delivered from the gates of hell, oh father.
Mary the Sorrowful Mother, please remember that it was on the cross that your beloved son Jesus called you Mother of sinners. May good deeds be done for this soul without ceasing, may God remove him from any kind of sorrow and transfer him to the place of rest. May the blessed souls of Purgatory dwell in Glory. Amen
You are all beautiful, you are pure, holy and also Immaculate, Oh Mary… Please pray that this soul known by all those present in this place be saved.
May the Soul of the brother (at this time say the name of the person who died) and the others who are in Purgatory by the eternal Mercy of Almighty God may they rest in Peace. So be it.
Singing: There were a hundred sheep
This is a song that all people must perform at the end of the Third Rosary for the Dead. The song is as follows:
There were a hundred sheep in the flock, there were a hundred sheep that the lover took care of; but one afternoon when counting them all, she was missing about 2 and sad cried.
He left the ninety-nine in the fold and went looking for her through the mountain; He found her moaning, shivering with cold, anointed her wounds (2) and to the fold she returned.
This same story repeats itself: there are many sheep that are still wandering, wandering in the world without God, without consolation (3) and without His forgiveness
Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple
The fourth mystery can be visualized in the following Bible verse:
Likewise, when the time was fulfilled in which, according to the law of Moses, they had to purify themselves, Joseph and Mary took the child to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. Thus they fulfilled what is written in the law of the Lord: Every firstborn male shall be consecrated to the Lord. They also offered a sacrifice according to what the law of the Lord says: a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons”.
Luke. 2:22-24 (New International Version Bible).
The Virgin brought her offering to the Temple; Her Purity in Don left me.
Our father
Now, for the realization of the Our Father, the people gathered with the priest or father must do it in the following way:
The guide starts with the first part:
- Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
All Presents:
All the people who are present at the wake continue with the following part:
- Give us today our daily Bread and forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Ave Maria
At the end of the Our Father prayer, the Hail Mary is performed about 10 times more or less.
- Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, the Mother of God, please pray for him or her and for each one present who is a sinner now and at the hour of his or her death. Amen.
Once the 10 Hail Mary prayer is over, proceed with the following:
- Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.
All Presents:
- As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen.
For your clean Conception oh! The Sovereign Princess, an enormous purity on this day is asked of you with all your heart, that the Souls do not get lost nor die without any confession. Oh beloved Jesus, please forgive all his sins and deliver him (a) from the fires of hell and take his soul to heaven to your kingdom, especially to all those souls in need of your Divine Mercy. So be it.
The Holy Savannah
Oh Lord God, who never left the Sign of your Passion and neither did your Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Holy Body was wrapped, when you came to be taken down from the Cross by your follower Joseph, at this moment grant O Merciful Lord.
That for your holy Death and for your Burial and also for the Pains and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Virgin Mary may the Soul of our brother or sister be transferred (At this moment he will say the name of the person who departed with the Lord) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is God for ever and ever. Amen.
Give him or her Eternal Rest Oh good Lord and may the Perpetual Light shine for him or her, where he or she can rest in Peace. So be it. If by your Precious Blood, oh beloved Lord, you have come to redeem him or her. Please forgive him or her, Lord, you are asked for your painful Passion. And may his soul be delivered from the gates of hell, oh father.
Mary the Sorrowful Mother, please remember that it was on the cross that your beloved son Jesus called you Mother of sinners. May good deeds be done for this soul without ceasing, may God remove him from any kind of sorrow and transfer him to the place of rest. May the blessed souls of Purgatory dwell in Glory. Amen
You are all beautiful, you are pure, holy and also Immaculate, Oh Mary… Please pray that this soul known by all those present in this place be saved.
May the Soul of the brother (at this time say the name of the person who died) and the others who are in Purgatory by the eternal Mercy of Almighty God may they rest in Peace. So be it.
Song: Risen, Risen
This is a song that all people must perform at the end of the Fourth Rosary for the Dead. The song is as follows:
I rise, I rise,
Risen Hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah,
Hallelujah, I am risen.
Death, where is death?
Where is my death?
Where His Victory?
Thanks Be Given To The Father, Who Happened To Us In His Kingdom, Where One Lives From Love.
Joy, Joy, Brothers, What If We Love Each Other Today, It’s That He Resurrected.
If with him we die, with him we live, with him we sing: Alleluia.
Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Lost Child Found in the Temple
This last Rosary for the Dead or mystery can be located in the book of Luke chapter 2 verse 42 to 43 which says as follows:
“When he was twelve years old, they went there as was the custom. After the party, they started the return journey, but the child Jesus had remained in Jerusalem, without his parents realizing it “.
Luke 2:42-43 (New International Version Bible).
If sin makes me lose God, I am going to the Temple and I will find him.
Our father
Now, for the realization of the Our Father, the people gathered with the priest or father must do it in the following way:
The guide starts with the first part:
- Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
All Presents:
All the people who are present at the wake continue with the following part:
- Give us today our daily Bread and forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Ave Maria
At the end of the Our Father prayer, the Hail Mary is performed about 10 times more or less.
- Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, the Mother of God, please pray for him or her and for each one present who is a sinner now and at the hour of his or her death. Amen.
Once the 10 Hail Mary prayer is over, proceed with the following:
- Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.
All Presents:
- As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen.
For your clean Conception oh! The Sovereign Princess, an enormous purity on this day is asked of you with all your heart, that the Souls do not get lost nor die without any confession. Oh beloved Jesus, please forgive all his sins and deliver him (a) from the fires of hell and take his soul to heaven to your kingdom, especially to all those souls in need of your Divine Mercy. So be it.
The Holy Savannah
Oh Lord God, who never left the Sign of your Passion and neither did your Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Holy Body was wrapped, when you came to be taken down from the Cross by your follower Joseph, at this moment grant O Merciful Lord.
That for your holy Death and for your Burial and also for the Pains and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Virgin Mary may the Soul of our brother or sister be transferred (At this moment he will say the name of the person who departed with the Lord) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is God for ever and ever. Amen.
Give him or her Eternal Rest Oh good Lord and may the Perpetual Light shine for him or her, where he or she can rest in Peace. So be it. If by your Precious Blood, oh beloved Lord, you have come to redeem him or her. Please forgive him or her, Lord, you are asked for your painful Passion. And may his soul be delivered from the gates of hell, oh father.
Mary the Sorrowful Mother, please remember that it was on the cross that your beloved son Jesus called you Mother of sinners. May good deeds be done for this soul without ceasing, may God remove him from any kind of sorrow and transfer him to the place of rest. May the blessed souls of Purgatory dwell in Glory. Amen
You are all beautiful, you are pure, holy and also Immaculate, Oh Mary… Please pray that this soul known by all those present in this place be saved.
May the Soul of the brother (at this time say the name of the person who died) and the others who are in Purgatory by the eternal Mercy of Almighty God may they rest in Peace. So be it.
I sing: I lift up my eyes to you
This is a song that all people must perform at the end of this last Fifth Rosary for the Dead. The song is as follows:
I lift my eyes to you
To you who dwell in heaven
I lift my eyes to you
Because I await Your Mercy.
As are the eyes of slaves Fixed on the hands of their masters,
So are our eyes on the Lord. Waiting for Mercy from him.
Mercy, Lord, Mercy. That we are satiated with mockery;
Mercy, Lord, Mercy.
That we are satiated with contempt.
Our Soul is sated, Of the sarcasm of the satisfied;
Our Soul is sated, Of the contempt of the proud.
Final Prayers of the Holy Rosary
Oh! Sovereign Sanctuary, the Mother of the Divine Word, Libra Virgin from hell to those who pray your Rosary. Mighty Empress of Mortals Consuelo; Open Heaven to the Virgin with a happy death and Give them the Purity of Soul, you who are so Powerful.
Our father
Now, to finish these prayers for the deceased, we proceed to perform the Our Father again:
The guide starts with the first part:
- Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
All Presents:
All the people who are present at the wake continue with the following part:
- Give us today our daily Bread and forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
The three Hail Marys
Mother Mary you who love men, who find you in heaven at all times praying for each of your children; On this day I ask you and pray that the day some of them depart from this world, your pious arms will be the ones that move them to you. In the morning when your children get up, the first Sigh is for you at all times and at that very moment you are prayed about 3 Hail Marys so that on the day of departure you remember them.
- God save you oh holy mary the daughter of God the father, you who are the purest and most chaste virgin before giving birth, in your hands is entrusted the faith of many so that you enlighten it and that the soul of the brother (a) ( At this moment the name of the person is going to be said) so that you save her, you are full of all grace, the Lord be with you, you who are blessed among all the women of this world and blessed be the fruit of your womb which is our beloved Lord Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for each of us who are sinners now and also at the hour of someone’s death. Amen.
At night before going to sleep with some sweet prayers for what they address to you and they can rest easy dreaming that your beautiful eyes watch over each one of them.
- God save you oh holy mary the daughter of God the father, you who are the most pure and chaste virgin before giving birth, in childbirth in your hands many commend their hope so that you come to encourage it, and the soul of the brother ( a) (You must say the name of the person at this moment) so that you save her, full of grace, may the Lord be with you, blessed are you among all the women of this world and blessed may the fruit of your womb become who is your beloved son Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for each of us who are sinners now and also at the hour of someone’s death. Amen.
Mother of all that you are in heaven, please send your comfort to the hearts of your children, when crying sad they meet and call you, your hand be the one that spills a happy blessing on them.
- God save you oh holy mary the daughter of God the father, you who are the most pure and chaste virgin before giving birth, in childbirth in your hands many commend their hope so that you come to encourage it, and the soul of the brother ( a) (You must say the name of the person at this moment) so that you save her, full of grace, may the Lord be with you, blessed are you among all the women of this world and blessed may the fruit of your womb become who is your beloved son Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for each of us who are sinners now and also at the hour of someone’s death. Amen.
Your Holy Rosary for the Dead, oh dear mother, each of your children offer you their lives and that in each of them they commit to pray and when their last hour arrives, they wait, oh lady, that you have called them.
- God save you, Holy Mary the temple and throne of the Holy Trinity of heaven, The virgin conceived without original fault, please grant your grace so that with her all your faithful are saved and can speak to you with purity.
Under Your Protection
It is under your protection that many welcome Holy Mother of God, please do not despise the pleas that many make to you on this day, they make you in their needs, rather, please free them from all the dangers that lie in wait for them, oh! Glorious Virgin and also Blessed, please pray for him or her and for each one of your children, Holy Mother of God, so that they may become worthy of being able to attain the Divine Graces and also the Promises of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
let’s pray
Oh! God whose Only Begotten Son with his own Life, Death and also Resurrection reached the prize of Eternal Life, please on this day grant those who remember these Mysteries of the Holy Rosary for the deceased to imitate what they contain and be able to reach what they promise for the same beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
This Our Father and the Hail Mary are offered in order to give them the Eternal Rest of the Holy Souls in Purgatory and also for the brothers who are dying, especially for all those who in this hour who do not faint in the Faith, that they always say they are full of confidence: please, Lord, be done in each one of the people, O Lord, your Holy Will.
Blessed is the Virgin Mary, that her arms can pick up her children and that the caress of her hands dries the sweat of each one of her agonies. At your feet your children are surrendered adoring the father of heaven to be able to finish what is the Rosary for the deceased to the Eternal Father.
Our father
In this offering, the Our Father must be performed again, led by a guide and followed by the people who are in the place of the wake.
The guide starts with the first part:
- Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
All Presents:
All the people who are present at the wake continue with the following part:
- Give us today our daily Bread and forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Ave Maria
At the end of the Our Father prayer, the Hail Mary is performed about 10 times more or less.
- Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.
All Presents:
- Holy Mary, the Mother of God, please pray for him or her and for each one present who is a sinner now and at the hour of his or her death. Amen.
Once the 10 Hail Mary prayer is over, proceed with the following:
- Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.
All Presents:
- As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen.
Give him or her Eternal Rest Oh good Lord and may the Perpetual Light shine for him or her, where he or she can rest in Peace. So be it. If by your Precious Blood, oh beloved Lord, you have come to redeem him or her. Please forgive him or her, Lord, you are asked for your painful Passion. And may his soul be delivered from the gates of hell, oh father.
Mary the Sorrowful Mother, please remember that it was on the cross that your beloved son Jesus called you Mother of sinners. May good deeds be done for this soul without ceasing, may God remove him from any kind of sorrow and transfer him to the place of rest. May the blessed souls of Purgatory dwell in Glory. Amen
You are all beautiful, you are pure, holy and also Immaculate, Oh Mary… Please pray that this soul known by all those present in this place be saved.
May the Soul of the brother (at this time say the name of the person who died) and the others who are in Purgatory by the eternal Mercy of Almighty God may they rest in Peace. So be it.
Blessed be your purity
Blessed may your Purity become and for eternity be so, for a whole God comes to recreate himself in such beauty, to you Celestial Princess the Sacred Virgin Mary many on this day offer you Soul, Life and their Heart, please look at them with great compassion do not leave them Oh holy mothers neither at night nor by day to fall into temptation.
Sweet mother
Sweet Mother, never take your eyes off each one of your children, please go with each one of them to every place they go in their daily lives, so that they do not remain helpless or unprotected from your power and your grace, since you who you always protect them as much as a True Mother make them blessed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rosary Offering
The complete Holy Rosary for the Dead that has just been offered to Jesus our Lord and also to his mother of light. Therefore, it is good that each of the songs that are performed at the end of each mystery of the Rosary for the Dead is sung with joy announcing the new day. This type of Rosary for the Dead is offered for what I ask you to save it oh virgin mary.
Father Jesús Nazareno, on this day you are offered the heart of each of your children, for whom many present you with flowers and also a kind of crown of love. Oh beloved princess of heaven Empire the Holy Virgin Mary, that at the time of the death of one of your followers you find yourself accompanying him at all times.
May all the angels and saints who are in your kingdom praise you on this day for what you are asked to: (say the name of the person who died) be entrusted to you oh Holy Virgin Mary. Lord of the blessed column may your Passion be raised your Blessed Hands and may you be giving your blessing to all.
If this article regarding the Prayer of the Holy Rosary for the Deceased was useful and beneficial to you, we invite you to visit the following links which may be of great spiritual help to you: