Prayer to Jesus Christ to pray every day
You are very devoted to the religion of Catholicism and you love to pray every day, then this article is perfect for you, here we will teach you the Prayer to Jesus Christ to pray every day.
Prayer to Jesus Christ for every day
For decades, Catholicism has been overwhelmed by countless people who believe, so they usually always say a prayer to Christ every day to ask for themselves and their loved ones. In general, the most devout people always perform various prayers of Jesus Christ to have greater peace in their souls, the prayer that is performed is:
«Oh Lord, make my faith pure, without reservations, that it penetrate my thoughts, in my way of judging divine and human things.
O Lord, make my faith free; that is to say, that I have the personal support of my choice, that I accept the sacrifices and the risks that it entails, that I manifest the ultimate essence of my personality: I believe in you, oh Lord.
O Lord, make my faith certain: certain in the external reason of the tests and in the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit, sure of its confirming light, of its pacifying end, of its calming naturalness.
O Lord, make my faith strong, that I do not fear the disappointment of the problems that fill the experience of our life; that the adversity of those who discuss it, fight it, reject it or deny it does not frighten it; May it be fortified in the intimate proof of your truth, be trained in the effort of criticism, be consolidated in permanent affirmation, capable of overcoming the dialectical and spiritual difficulties in which our temporal existence is consummated.
Oh Lord, make my faith joyful, that it pacifies and gladdens my spirit and disposes it to pray with God and to talk with men, in such a way that it transcends in sacred or profane conversation the original happiness of its blessed possession.
O Lord, make my faith active, that it lends to charity the reasons for its moral expansion, so that it may be authentic friendship with you and be yours in the works, in the sufferings, in the wait for the final revelation; May it be a continuous search, a permanent testimony and an unfailing hope.
Oh Lord, make my faith humble, that it does not pretend to be based on the experience of my thought, of my feeling, that it surrender to the testimony of the Holy Spirit and have no other better guarantee than docility to the authority of the magisterium of the holy church. Amen”.
Prayer to Jesus Christ for a Desperate and Very Difficult Request
This prayer is used in very extreme cases where the person no longer knows what to do or thinks that the situation they are in is too difficult for them to overcome, so they simply pray the following prayer to ask the great father for help creator and feel more serene in such a bad situation:
“O Jesus, you are a true word,
You are the life, the light, you are our way,
Jesus, my beloved Lord, who said:
<Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you>
By the intention of Mary Your Most Holy Mother,
I call, I seek, I ask you with all hope
That you grant me what I urgently need.
(ask for what you want)
Oh Jesus, you are a son of the living God,
You are God with us
Jesus, Lord of Lords, what did you say?
<Anything you ask of the father in my name, he will grant>
Humbly and with all my heart I beg with immense faith to Your Father in Your Name
That you grant me this favor that is so difficult for me
Get by my weak means (ask with faith what you want)
Oh Jesus, you are the son of Mary, you are the victor over evil and death,
You are the beginning and the end, Jesus King of Kings, who said:
<heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away>
I feel totally confident that my desperate request will be granted (to ask again what is desired)
Oh Jesus you said: come and follow me accompany us and guide us
On our way to meet God
And teach us to always be close to our brothers Amen.”
Prayer to Jesus Christ to Achieve a Miracle
Within the world of the Catholic religion, making a prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ is taken as an offense towards him, making him see that his disciples fully trust in his mantle that covers them to protect them and with this he also takes advantage of asking for miracles of different kinds from which They know that said father I can manage to do without any problem as long as they pray with great faith towards him. The prayer that is performed is as follows:
“Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, today I come to you, in my most natural way, forgive me for my innumerable sins, I repent of each one of them. Please, I beg your pardon. Forgive all those who have insulted you, I renounce all power and temptation of Satan, all his vile and evil creatures that lie in wait, and each of his cruel and destructive acts; today, I offer myself to you completely, my whole being, from the side it has cost.
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: at all times I will give you an invitation to host in my life, I accept you as you are, my Lord and God Savior, heal me, transform me, shield me physically, mentally and spiritually. Come closer, my good shepherd, bathe me in your majestic blood and fill my being with your holy spirit.
I adore you and praise you Lord Jesus, I beg you with all my being and I thank you from my heart. I will faithfully follow your word in me day by day. Amen”