Does the hell exist? What does the Holy Bible say?
Since we were little we have certain knowledge about the matters of the Bible and its teachings, in this sacred book knowledge is contained, among them are the existence of Heaven or Paradise and Hell, in this article we will talk about if hell exists . We invite you to learn more about it.
Does the hell exist?
The existence of hell is presented to us in the Holy Book of the Bible, from the beginning of creation after Satan, a representative figure of darkness, revealed himself against God himself, from that moment on the existence of a place of fire, of suffering, called Hell. Some people share the thought that Hell is lived on the earth itself.
exists according to the bible
Before we begin to develop this title we must have a clear understanding of who God is and his character. The Holy Book tells us that God is all love (John 4:16). God’s own spirit is the owner of love and of the attitudes that move love itself. In the Bible itself, the following is defined in Jeremiah 31:3: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have stretched out my mercy upon you.”
In the same Bible it is clearly observed that God does not rejoice at the death of any sinner; in Ezekiel it is determined: “As I live, who did not accept the death of the wicked, but on the contrary the wicked must turn away from his way and live… Because you will die, oh house of Israel.” In this way we can see that hell exists .
Likewise, in Second Peter 3:9, it says that God is patient with all his children, since he does not want any of them to be lost, on the contrary, he seeks that all repent from the heart. If God’s love over humanity is eternal, he might wonder how he can torture humans forever and love them at the same time; It wouldn’t make the slightest bit of sense. We might wonder where the doctrine of eternal fire comes from.
Who was it created for?
In the apocalypse, the drastic words of God himself are pointed out: “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Also in a part of Matthew 25:33-34 it is observed and determined that those who decide for Jesus Christ and cling to him: “Come and inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for you from the creation of the world.”
From this we can determine that the origin purpose and the fire seek the absolute destruction of Satan and his angels. Only after God’s purifying fire will the tears of saved people be wiped away.
Is hell burning now in the center of the earth?
Some wonder: “Are there people suffering in hell today?”. In the Book of Job 21:30-32, we can see a clear vision of hell and the time when the fire will burn. Job points out: “for evil people the very day of calamity is reserved, likewise they will be consumed on the day of God’s wrath.”
This verse, as well as in Peter 3:7, clearly points out to us that at this moment hell is not burning, however in the future the wicked are separated and will come out of the tombs on the day of God’s wrath.
In the same way, in John 5:28-29 we are told the same fact: “Do not be amazed at this, for the day will come when all those who are in the graves will hear his voice and rise up, those who did good for the resurrection of life, however those who did evil and against the resurrection of condemnation.”
In the same way we see that in the future the exact time will come, it is not yet, but the condemnation and total destruction will pass.
Are there people currently suffering in hell?
Some people might wonder how it is possible that having a futuristic date on hell shows a loving God? If we see an example of a man who commits adultery thousands of years ago, more precisely, in David’s time; and he did not repent and let himself go the wrong way.
We can just as well think of another man who committed the same sin of adultery but did it yesterday. Is it fair that the first be punished thousands of years after he was caught in the same sin yesterday? We may think that this is not fair at all.
The answer to all this is found in the situation that for both men the moment on the day of judgment is set aside. (Job 21:30-31 and 2 Peter 3:7. Each of the men is to be punished at the same time.
Where is it located?
In order for us to understand this question, it is necessary to see where the situation occurs and the details. In John 5:29 it is pointed out: that the resurrection of the righteous will be to eternal life, and that of the wicked will be to the condemnation and wrath of God. This same thought is determined in Revelation 20:5 and points out that when the wicked rise from their graves.
At that very instant fire will descend from heaven and destroy Satan’s evil ones; this is determined in Revelation 20-7-9. Therefore, the fire of hell will burn the entire face of the earth with no way for the wicked to escape. In 2 Peter 3:10 the place where hell is found and the event of fire are added. “…Then the heavens will pass away with a great noise; the elements, burning, will be destroyed and the earth and works that accompany it will likewise be destroyed”.
Is the devil in charge of hell?
The answer is absolutely negative, Satan is not in charge of hell, the reality is that he will be sent to the fiery lake of fire, according to what is established in Revelation 20:10. Satan is not the one who allows the fire to descend from the fire to the wicked who are in the field and the beloved city. If this were so, the Devil himself could not be outside of the fire itself and the consequences of it.
What happens to the wicked in hell?
It may be surprising to us, but the Bible itself states in several sections that the wicked will burn and be destroyed by hellfire. As we all know, evil people or spirits will not burn forever. This is established in Malachi 4:1-5, where it is stated that in the day of the Lord, “all the arrogant and those who practice wickedness will be as chaff.
That day that is established will come and burn them. God says: “And it will leave them neither root nor branch”… You will trample down the wicked, who, on the day that I establish, will be like ashes under the soles of their feet”. Likewise in Psalms 37:10 we are shown that the wicked will be no more. We will search carefully but we will not find them.
In Verse 20 it is also added that the enemies of God will be consumed and will disappear like smoke. All that will remain of the wicked will be smoke and ashes, none will survive to be tortured forever. The evil on earth will be removed. Satan, who is the root and the branches, who are all the followers will turn into lifeless ashes.
It is important to note what is not stated in the Bible as well as what is. Romans 6:23, the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death. The Bible does not state that the consequence of sin is eternal punishment. We also observe that in John 3:16 it is stated: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who trusts and believes in him may not perish and have eternal life.”
Two possibilities are shown in this verse. The first option is to die, which means that it is to be disappeared and destroyed, or to cease to exist. The second option is about eternal life. In no verse are we told of eternal or forever torment.
Will the fires of hell go out or burn forever?
Total destruction will occur on the face of the earth. Nothing will survive that is tainted with any sin. Second Peter 3:10 states: “And the earth and every work that is in it shall be consumed.” Likewise, the following is described in Isaiah 47:14: “Behold, the people of evil deeds will be like chaff; the fire will burn and consume them.
They themselves will not get rid of their own lives and the power of the flames of fire. There will be no ember to warm themselves or fire on which they can sit. The fire will be such that it will consume itself, there will not even be the possibility of burning coals remaining. If we go by science, we can see that fire requires three elements to be alive: these are oxygen, fuel and heat.
If these elements were to be removed or any were absent, the fire would go out. In this way we see that in Isaiah it is mentioned that the fire of hell itself will go out, and he mentions that there will be no coal left, nor material that is required for the fire to stay alive and burning.
Why is it necessary that hell and its destructive forces are necessary?
Regarding this we can say that fire is an element that purifies and causes a complete total elimination of sin. In Ezekiel 28:18-19 it is determined in relation to Satan: “So I caused fire to break out in your midst and devour you. I turned you to ashes on the earth… and you will be no more.”
With the removal of Satan and all sin, the Bible itself mentions that sin and suffering will not exist again. (Nahum 1:9).
What is the purpose of hell and why does God allow destruction?
Second Peter 3:10-14 explains that the earth will melt even when it is lit, however if we look ahead we find a new heaven and a new earth where justice is the key to everything.
We can also understand that fire cleanses and purifies the earth and creates a place of justice where saved spirits can live. Regarding this same subject, Isaiah 65:17 adds: “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth. There will be no more memory of the first, nor will they ever come to mind again.
In the Apocalypse this place of justice is represented in 21:1-5 in the following way: “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; and the first heaven and earth passed away, and the sea is no more. And I could see the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, dressed like a bride adorning herself for her husband. I heard a mighty voice coming from the throne itself, saying:
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them; and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as his true God. There will be no more death, nor will there be more tears, nor will there be more crying, since the first things will have already passed… And he who was seated before the throne said: “Behold, I make all things new.”
If we stop to think about the following: if people are tormented for all eternity in hell, how will things be done again. How will God avoid the tears of the spirits that are saved, to live happily in the land that he promises us as a new land, as well as see our loved ones suffer in hell for eternity.
Then life on earth would become a constant torment if we watch our loved ones in constant agony without end.
How can I avoid hell?
Let’s think a little, if we had to be a God of power that governs the universe, how would we fight with sin? How could we eradicate the pain and the feeling of anguish for all eternity. God himself wishes to eliminate sin, but at the same time he professes love for the sinner. Therefore, if we allow ourselves to be carried away by sin and cling to it, we will destroy ourselves with sin itself.
If instead we turn away and abandon sin, it will be destroyed but we will not. Likewise, if sin is not eliminated and eradicated from the entire earth, it will infect the same and each of its parts. As long as there is sin, there will be no true peace.
Let us see again what is said in Ezekiel 33:11, in which it is determined: “Tell them” As I live, I do not wish the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn away from the evil path and live. Stay away from the evil ways! For you will die, O house of Israel.” Here we clearly see that God is calling each one of his children, not out of fear of hell, but out of love for each one.
He is asking us to turn away from sin in this life that each one of us leads so that one day we can enjoy a heavenly place where there will be no pain or suffering of any kind. We must listen to God, who is a compassionate and loving spirit and Father, who does not want suffering for anyone, the only thing He wants is for them to go to Him with a pure, noble and sincere heart.
We are going to exemplify this with the following story: let us imagine God who was a loving and compassionate surgeon. He adores and professes love to each patient who comes to his consultation, but he does not accept the disease and hates it which exists in each of the patients. Every day he treats each patient and his case with love. Let’s imagine that on a certain day we come to the office with a problem of gangrene. He professes you so much love and he decides to make an amputation in our life in order to save our life, due to the seriousness of the problem.
If gangrene is not eradicated, the infection will consume and destroy us and eventually we will die. In this same way, God must eliminate sin from our lives since it consumes the entire universe and destroys the happiness of all its creation.
Importance of believing in Hell
The belief in hell is of the utmost importance, since if we think that it exists, we will also be afraid of it and therefore it will make us return to the right path and not be lost souls. There are only two reasons why man himself turns away from sin: one the love of God or the fear of hell.
We must be perfectly clear that people who do not avoid sin do not have true love for God, since if that were the case it would not offend him, since love for God will not be enough, it will then be through the fear of hell that he will return to the path right, and if you do not believe in hell, there will be nothing that can get you out of that state of sin, and your soul will be eternally lost.
There are many souls far from the love of God due to the practice of sin, their change or regeneration is due to the fear of hell, some of them may have serious illnesses, and they call the priest for fear of eternal damnation, and this has served as a step for reconciliation with God and follow a new life in the spiritual.
We can say that the belief in hell can be considered positive since this Blessed dogma makes the souls that are far from God return to Him and can knock on the door on the final day and go to heaven prepared for good souls and believers in God. sincerely from the heart.
If we take into account what was previously expressed, we can observe that people who flee from sin out of true love for God, as well as love for our neighbor as for ourselves, as Jesus Christ left it established in the commandments, we will have the obligation to help him, and help his soul be free from eternal perdition.
For this reason, we have to make every effort to convince people who do not believe or do not share the existence of hell, or who equally have wrong ideas about it; so we must put our best attitude in order to get them out of that error, and above all that they feel the fear of it and thus come closer to the pure and loving spirit of God the Father.
The non-belief
As for this subject, there is often such ignorance and equally erroneous ideas, out of logic, that it is not unusual for there to be people who do not accept the existence of hell and who, even with Catholic doctrines, reject it and maintain their position of not believe in hell
Such behavior has its explanation, however, that of those who are in the error of not talking about the subject of hell, as well as not believing and refusing to think about it or talk about it.
This attitude, so lacking in reasoning, is even more intolerable when there are feelings of confusion, it is here when we see that the denial is based on certain foolish attitudes such as: “I do not believe in hell, because I do not accept that there is in it, red devils, with a human figure, horns and a tail, smelling of sulfur and holding a trident in their hands».
It is necessary that we give it due consideration and that it is worthwhile that we think about it since if we start to consider what penalties there will or will not be in it, and taking into account the idea of a terrible, intolerable ordeal, which will have to be suffered for all time or eternally for lost souls; we can easily see that it is often so frightening and big that the performances of our lives are worth considering.
If someone warns us at some point of an enormous danger that could affect us, we would be fools from any perspective if we do not listen to what they tell us.
We must say that the Catholic Church is not only the most prestigious institution and the one with the most power on earth, which has identified among its members the wisest and most holy characters on earth, but also all religions and they warn us about the dangers of hell and eternal suffering.
There are those who have believed in the existence of hell and are wise men of the world, among them are: Saint Augustine, Kleper, Columbus, Volta, Newton, Michelangelo, Edison, Roenghten, Pasteur, Nixon, Marconi, De Gaulle and Franco.
They all believe in hell and they are considered philosophers, who investigate and delve into and deepen their investigations; and in so many studies there were cases in which it was intended to deny it, however at the time of death they have reconsidered and assumed their mistake.
Regarding the above, we can only say that it should not be so absurd to believe in the existence of hell, and we can say that whoever does not accept such an idea could be wrong; and it is also wrong to be indifferent, peaceful in the face of such a great threat and such a danger as hell, since it hangs over each one of us.
The options that exist regarding the belief of wise men in hell itself must be investigated; and if after a thorough examination the information is reached that there is no hell, one could live with the tendencies, however if it is the opposite and it is concluded that it exists, there is no doubt that one must fight to be able to be free of it .
Likewise for wickedness Hell is denied
Not only through ignorance is hell denied, but through wickedness. In this way if the thieves could they would destroy it; the gendarmes and wicked always find the ideology in hell totally incompatible with morality, they are always willing to do the impossible and possible in order to prevent the idea of a hell from existing. Since they feel that if this were so, it would be the place for them.
Even in this regard they usually give more value trying to avoid other people that hell does not exist; and still more make fun of it or those who believe in it. If it is about writers who write about it in relatively scientific and philosophical books, they share it to the four winds, even in noisy tones about it, ending up accepting that nobody thinks of such an existence of hell, consequently they have the right to believe or not in it.
The people who shout loudly against hell, are the ones who have the most belief in it, and on the deathbed the reality of everything that exists under such a mask is seen. As is known to all Voltaire at the time of death, there was insistence on several occasions that the priest of Saint Sulpice be sought. His Masonic friends favored him in that the priest would not reach the dying old man, who passed away in a moment of rage and despair.
The foregoing is considered an act of corruption of the heart, such as customs, even more than the power of understanding itself, everything that causes denial or lack of belief in hell to be established. If people don’t have the courage to leave the bad life or the one that leads directly to hell, they can claim that hell doesn’t exist.
In the above example we find a man with a heart, imagination and senses, as well as customs totally dominated and driven by a love that feels guilt; he is totally delivered.
If we look at the misers, usurers and the wicked rich, they all have different arguments or ideas within themselves and all against the existence of hell. They deny the existence of hell and put everything they own on the line; Likewise, they sink into feelings of violence, hatred, revenge, ambition, all of which are alterations of their own pride, and what they seek is the denial of the existence of hell.
If you want to convince some people like the previous example of the existence of hell; you have to make him live in such a way that they are not afraid of going to him. Thus we can see Christians of true faith who have a delicate and upright conscience and faithful fulfillment of all their duties; then we wonder if they are assailed by thoughts of doubt as to the existence of hell.
This does not happen to them, the doubts that arise in this type of people who do not believe in hell come from the intelligence, the heart and very rarely from pride and science, it is enough to live life properly and correctly , and these ideas of doubt about the existence of hell will never be presented.
I believe in hell but not that it will be eternal
As far as this belief is concerned, it is thought of the existence of purgatory and not of hell itself, however it is not believed to be eternal, since what differentiates them is the eternity of the penalties or guilt of sinners.
It is not strange that those who accept the idea of purgatory do not accept that of hell, since it is easier to maintain the belief and reason for the existence of purgatory than of hell itself, however due to the existence of the rarities that exist among heretics , most of the sects, accept the existence of hell but deny that of purgatory.
The fact that we say that it is usually more accessible to the reason for existence of purgatory, because there is a strong punishment in another life for people who practice or do wrong in their life or lead a life that is not so adequate; and it is opposed to the existence of God himself, his justice and the responsibility of people’s attitudes.
Since this is a truth that God himself captured in the hearts of men and the voice of conscience. That he not only teaches us the good and the bad, but on the contrary teaches the good and avoiding evil at all costs. Besides, it is a fact that in various ways God himself reveals his law to man, and through it makes known what we must put into practice and what we must avoid.
He has imposed his law, with justice since God is just and must give permission as well as punishments to those who take inappropriate attitudes, since otherwise he would be a cardboard Judge.
Regarding this, we see several times that people who do not practice the law of God are usually unhappy, many times they have misfortunes in their lives. After this, it is imposed on the thoughts that after this life the people who were not punished or rewarded in this life are punished.
However, the fact that this punishment is eternal, becomes a truth that thought itself does not reach in the same easy way, as well as the tests that this entails. Theologians themselves are of a high enough order that it is not easy to attract people who are not prepared in a proper philosophical way.
For this reason, we will enunciate them without developing them, but only mention them and they are:
Hell is necessarily eternal:
-Because of the very nature of eternity.
– Because of the lack of grace of the condemned.
-On the occasion of the perversity of the damned.
There are four theological reasons that St. Thomas Aquinas himself discusses regarding the duration of the punishments in hell and maintains that they must be eternal, all of which is determined in question XCIX of the fifth. volume of his marvelous “Summa Theologica.” We can summarize these four reasons as follows:
1º- Mortal sin has a certain content of infinite malice, since through it there is contempt for God, who is kindly wonderful, and deserves that the sinner be punished with eternal punishment if we talk about the duration.
2º- The guilt or malice of doing harm, remains constant and cannot remain constant and will not take place forever and less without the power of grace, since it is not granted after death.
3º- The sinner who is mortally guilty has the will to always remain in sin, as if he were placed in a state, and that he cannot get out of it without the possibility of a divine favor that is placed before the creature due to the reason that he prefers sin and not God.
4- In this world the faults towards the king or the country, present a special day which is marked and it is a particular punishment, relatively eternal. Since as Saint Augustine himself mentions, when he attacks the homeland he is separated from society itself. We must view eternal punishment in the same way. If a person who is banished lived eternally, he would be eternally in exile.
To the above reasoning we can add other ideas, namely:
Due to death, the will of man is determined between good or evil. God cannot grant forgiveness without prior repentance, which is why so many times we achieve forgiveness in life, due to repentance.
When we look at evil, the damned fail to repent. They themselves chose evil, after that God cannot forgive them and since their punishment is established according to the duration of the existence of evil, it is eternal.
Having been manifest as we said, these philosophical tests, two will be stated in terms of common sense: one proving that eternity in terms of the punishments of hell are not usually contrary to reason, and the other that the sufferings of hell are eternal.
We can say that as proof that the eternity of hell is not opposed to reason, we can say that if it were so, it would not have been admitted by all peoples, in all time, according to men with more wisdom and illustrious that have existed.
As a real proof that the sufferings or torments of hell are eternal, we see it in the own doctrines of Jesus Christ regarding this subject, which do not give rise to any doubt. This represents that the proof that eternal suffering or torment exists cannot be contrary to reason.
There is a truth with all common sense and it is the one that the peoples have believed at all times. People who refuse to accept these truths of the universe will not have the true common sense of things. You might think that you are crazy to think that you are right with everyone.
However, as for all time, from the beginning of the world and up to the present, peoples have had the idea that hell exists. This has happened in various ways and with different names, however, everything coincides in that strong punishments are issued, which have no end, and in which fire is observed as punishment for lost souls, after death.
We cannot doubt at any time that from the most distant antiquity, this same belief existed in the very people of the Hebrews, and where we can say that in the holy books we can see the ideology of eternal suffering, with the same name: Hell. , with the full extension of the word.
Likewise, we can observe that Moses himself for 3500 years, establishes it in the Bible, specifically in the first books, specifically the XVI chapter of the book of numbers. In it we can see that three Levites, Korah, Dathan and Abiron, who blasphemed against God rebelled against Moses, they were swallowed into hell: “covered with earth they went down alive to hell.”
Likewise, in the book of Deuteronomy, Jesus says, through the words of Moses: “My rage is burning just like a huge fire that embraces you to the abyss of hell.” In the same way in the book of Job, it is reflected by Moses himself, that the impious, who overflow with goods, manifest to God: «We do not need You, we do not want your law, why will we serve you and pray? “suddenly into hell.”
In the thousand years before the Christian era, even when Greek and Roman history were not written, Solomon and David frequently discussed hell as a real truth that everyone knows and is accepted by everyone.
In this way, David himself in the book of Psalms, determines in relation to sinners: “that they will be thrown into hell” and also “that the wicked will be confused and thrown into hell” and later develops “the pains of hell” .
In this way Solomon himself refers to the wicked who seek the seduction and loss of the just man, and determines: “Let us devour them alive as hell does.” Likewise, in his book on wisdom, where he describes the anguish and despair of the damned, he adds: “Here is what those who have sinned say in hell, because the hope of the wicked dissolves like smoke in the wind” .
Similar to these testimonies we can see them in almost all the books of the Old Testament, specifically in Ecclesiastes, in Isaiah, Daniel and other prophets, until the forerunner of Jesus the Messiah, Saint John the Baptist, who also points to the people of Jerusalem of the eternal fire of hell, as the real truth known to all and that no one has ever doubted.
It states: “Behold, Christ comes, he says, He will sift his grain; he will gather the wheat (meaning especially the elect) in his barn and burn the chaff (meaning sinners) in unquenchable fire. Likewise, the pagan antiquity referred to the Greek and Latin, point in the same way to the Hebrew people, on a hell of fire and of darkness and darkness that they call “the Tartar”.
Regarding this we can mention the citation of Plato himself, which was instructed by Socrates, as his teacher, which states: “The wicked who despise the holy laws are thrown into Tartarus to never leave it and to suffer in that place horrible and eternal torments».
It also expresses: “the ancient and sacred customs must be accepted as true, which show us that, after the current life, the soul is judged and punished drastically, if it has not lived correctly”. The philosophers Aristotle, Seneca and Cicero himself point to these same traditions that are often lost in the night and time.
Homer and Virgil have identified them with colors from their immortal poems. People who have had the opportunity to read the story of Eneo’s descent into hell may have realized that he identifies himself with the denomination of “Tartarus”, of “Pluto”.
We get the real and primitive truths messed up, it is true, but they are also preserved by paganism: “the torments of evil souls are eternal in him”: and one of them is presented to us as “eternally” fixed in hell.
This same thing has happened during all times, even in the most modern ones, in them we see the belief of hell in the peoples, in the wild Indians of America, in Africa and Oceania. The paganism of India and Persia still bear patent impressions of it. There are beliefs of the existence of hell according to the dogmas of the Schism, Protestantism and even Mohammedanism.
Because of this, it is impossible for such a belief to be universal, that the most skeptical philosophers have accepted it, as is the case of Bayle and his brother in the practice of Voltaireanism and impiety.
Likewise Bolingbroke who points out decisively: «the doctrine of a future state of reward and punishment is absolutely universal. She pours herself into the darkness of the ancestor, and precedes absolutely everything that we know for certain.
If the ideology of the people is to recognize that hell does exist, this wonderful thought is part of the treasure of universal realities, which become light for humanity itself. So we can say that no sensible person can question the thought of madness, ignorance and stupidity, of the existence or not of hell.
“The belief that there is eternal torment is usually opposed to the reason or ideology about not believing in the eternity of hell.”
The best argument of the eternity of the pains of Hell
As stated above, there are varied experiences that theologians themselves teach us regarding the establishment of the rationality that the punishments of hell should be eternally. However, the most decisive, simple and best argument that defines it are the own teachings of Jesus Christ in this regard.
If Jesus Christ himself shows us the possibility of the existence of hell, all believers in Jesus Christ must believe and accept that there is a hell, whether or not they agree with such a doctrine.
Such an assertion is seen by few believers, who assume the ideology of not believing in hell. For this reason, it is not strange to hear them assert their denial of guilt and maintain phrases such as “hell does not exist, since Christ never told us about it.”
However, when they are given the proof that such a thought is not totally accurate, that Jesus himself did speak about it on several occasions and in a clear way, they hide behind bad faith, pretending to speak of hell in a metaphorical way, in a figurative sense or that they did not do it with the sole purpose of separating us from the bad, with a theory that for them does not exist.
If hell did not exist as some people think, and they maintain that totally wrong ideology, that they think that Jesus himself lied about it. We can ask ourselves the following question: for what purpose did Jesus Christ take care that sinners turn away from bad actions or attitudes that lead to sin itself?
How the negative faith is evidenced and also the ignorance of those who assure it. This should lead these people to think that it is nothing more than a Catholic doctrine or teaching, which is shown by Saint Paul, and which says that bad attitudes should not be practiced in order for them to be good!
The most appropriate way to make such an ideology understand those people who maintain that Jesus never spoke of hell or that he did so in a figurative way, is to show the different texts in which the very words of Jesus Christ himself can be seen as thereto; as well as certain doctrines, such as the true presence in the Eucharist, and the Supremacy of Saint Peter.
Jesus Christ speaks as clearly as hell, perhaps there is no other way that is so repetitive, since we see in the Gospels fourteen enumerations of the Lord Jesus Christ himself in relation to this topic, and which we mention below:
1-) If your hand or foot cause you to cause scandal, throw them away from you; since it would be better for you to enter eternal life lame, maimed, than to have both feet or hands and be thrown into hell or eternal fire. also if your eye is used to causing scandal to you, you had better take it out and throw it away from you; since it is better that you enter eternal life with only one, than to have both and be thrown into the eternal fire of hell.
2-) When the end of the world is over, the Son of Man will send the Angels and eliminate from his reign those who make scandals and do evil or act wrongly and they will be thrown into the furnace of fire: in this place there will be crying and crackling of teeth.
3-) After the explanation by Jesus himself of how his coming will be and the judgment of the good and the bad, he also states that he will address both parties and say: get away from me, you cursed: go to the eternal fire and add : these will go to eternal punishment.
4-) In the same way it is pointed out: if your hand is cause for scandal; cut it off, it is more favorable that you reach eternal life with only one than with two hands and be thrown into the eternal fire of hell, into the fire that does not go out; where the worm does not die and the fire does not go out.
5-) And do not be afraid of those who can only kill you in the body, but on the contrary kill the “soul”; fear only those who can throw you body and soul into eternal fire or hell.
6-) A rich man died and was thrown into hell. And when he was in it, opening his eyes greatly he observed Abraham and Lazarus in his bosom from afar. And at that moment he asked: “Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and come dip my tongue to refresh me, since I find myself imprisoned in these flames of eternal fire.
7-) It is determined that whoever gets upset with his own brother will be guilty of trial. Also the one who says to his brother “raca”, which is a huge offense; he will be a prisoner of hellfire.
We must likewise observe and study Matthew VIII-11-12; Matthew XXII 11-13; Matthew VII-19; John IV-5-6.
9-) What could be criticized in good faith about this? If Jesus Christ himself has expressed in clear terms. Are we to think that he could have done it concretely or figuratively? But we must see that it was not this way since the Apostles, being those in charge of the doctrines of Jesus Christ, insistently speak to us about fire and its eternal flames, in such a way that it is very far from being able to understand it figuratively. .
10-) We can quote some of the words of the Apostle Saint Peter in this regard, where he says: “The wicked will share the punishment of the rebellious angels, which the Lord has launched in the depths of hell, in the sufferings of the so-called Tartar” .
11-) Saint Paul writes to the Christians of Thessalonica, speaking to them of the last judgment, that the Son of God «will take revenge from the flames of the fire of the impious who have not wanted to recognize God and who have not obeyed the Gospel of NS Jesus Christ ; they will have to suffer eternal pain far from the face of God».
12-) Saint John tells us about hell and its eternal fires. Referring to the Antichrist and his false prophet, he says: “they will be thrown alive into the pit burning with fire and brimstone to be tormented there day and night for ever and ever.”
13-) Finally, the Apostle Saint Jude speaks to us about hell, showing us the demons and the damned «chained for eternity in darkness and suffering the pain of eternal fire».
14-) See also among many others the following quotes: Hebrews X, 26-27; Revelation XIV, 10-11; XX, 9-10; XX, 15; XXI, 3.
As we see and after these doctrines that are usually so transparent and clear, we can see that hell cannot be denied without Jesus Christ himself being denied; and for this reason the Catholic Church itself, shows us the eternity of guilt and the fire of hell as a dogma referred to since the times of apostolate, was left printed in the Creed, in which it is expressed:
«I believe in life everlasting», or what is the same, I believe in another life that will be eternal and immortal; mortal for good people and eternal in terms of the bliss of Paradise and for people of bad behavior, immortal and eternal in terms of the punishments of hell, as clearly observed before the year 429, in the Creed of Saint Athanasius and which reads:
“…at whose arrival of Jesus on the day of judgment; all men have to resurrect in body and explain their actions. And those who acted correctly will go to eternal life, and those who acted badly will go to eternal fire. This would be the real Catholic faith with which if you do not believe faithfully and firmly there can be no salvation.
If it is ensured that this is the Catholic faith, if one really believes in hell, as the Catholic Church commands, it is also of faith, that whoever denies this ideology, should not be considered Catholic, since in the same way Otherwise, he would be incurring excommunication and would be considered a heretic himself.
How can it be accepted that God, being such a pure and good spirit, has created Hell?
This type of reasoning can also carry other forms or ideas, such as: “God is too good to condemn me.” Next we are going to detail and make some criticisms regarding this type of beliefs or ideologies that are usually common or usual and that seek to question the existence of hell with various pretexts for that purpose.
People who differ from the existence of hell are not usually compatible with the goodness of God. These types of people have a totally wrong concept of goodness, since they have a real or true notion, and thus observe that God, because he is infinitely kind and good, would have been the creator of hell.
In relation to this, people who usually see the goodness of God and the creation of hell as incompatible, have knowledge of the concept of goodness in a wrong way, since they believe that it is about going through everything.
They also believe that real kindness is compared to that of a loving or pampering mother, who makes the actions of the spoiled child bad or harmful to him, manages or excuses him, and even applauds his actions, instead of being the opposite of punishing and reprimanding him.
When it comes to real and true goodness, what he asks for is justice above all, that is, to give each person according to the behavior of their actions; to good rewards, to bad punishment, and reward and punishment; which is created according to the goodness or badness of the performances in life.
For all this God, who we see is divinely just, grants an absolute punishment as punishment for a certain action whose wickedness has no limits.
If we speak of the goodness of God the Father, his infinite mercy, these are manifest not at the expense of infinite justice, but rather by giving the repentant sinner the forgiveness he needs and granting him the times he reoffends and repents, even though the fault he commits is serious. have committed.
Therefore, in order to forgive him, Jesus himself had to pay for the sinner, all of which he did by becoming a man and going through very hard trials and torments. Jesus came to this world to alert us to the existence of hell, as well as to give us doctrines to free us from it.
He also instituted the Church so that all the time it is reminding its members of the teachings of Jesus. That is why we must think: what else could infinite goodness do for man?
However, if after all we do not pay attention to Jesus’ own doctrines, if we do not repent of the sins we commit or accept the forgiveness he offers us, we must think, is God going to forgive us?
Forgive those who do not accept their mistakes or faults, those who do not repent from their hearts, those who do not really want to be forgiven; this is not goodness, it is only injustice, and perhaps more absolute stupidity alien to a rational individual such as man himself, and totally absurd supposing it to be in God.
As for the same subject, the negative feelings of hell come to the fore and in this way they accept this other pretext or objection.
Another thought is that if a father, being human and full of imperfections, never punishes any child with the death penalty, then: how can one accept that God the Father is the owner of goodness, infinite perfection, which professes his great infinite love, even more than what our biological father professes us, and that can punish us with hell, being this superior and worse than death?.
Seeing the lightness of this objection, we can see that it is not difficult, just considering it a little with logic and careful study. In this sense we see that the two payments that are mentioned do not correspond, since the father does not have the power to punish the son due to bad behavior with death, on the contrary, God presents all kinds of rights over the creatures of the creation of him.
We must understand that the punishment that parents give their children if they reach the maximum, if it is a serious lack of it. We will also see that a conscientious parent will not kick his son out of the house for the simple fact of having returned with a few too many drinks, however there are offenses that require that and much more.
If we take as an example the case of a son who is disobedient, and despite the advice or repression and punishment of his father, he is usually disobedient, disrespectful, drunk, criminal, fornicator, stays up all night and in a few words has an unwanted attitude, or comes the case of abusing a relative such as his 8-year-old sister, and through this death is caused, this cannot be allowed, and it will appear in newspapers in the red section of the newspapers.
The father will be aware of this and will call his attention, and the father instead of fixing his attitude and seeing in him true repentance, this son confronts his own father head-on, insults, offends and even slaps him; we must ask ourselves: is there no doubt that the father himself, despite his attitude and the fact that he is good and that he cares for his son, throws him out of the house? and apart from all attitudes is not enough but curse him.
According to the above, we see that this is precisely what God does with each of the unrepentant sinners, and that even though he knows that God made the whole of humanity and gave his life for each of his children, he despises him. and does not accept his law and therefore lives in corruption and offends and denies in turn and makes fun of him and everything he has created, he still denies at the hour of death and in this way he dies denying him and thus he dies with its accompanying sin.
As for the resemblance of the father of the previous example, God determines him: «Get away from me cursed, go to the eternal fire», this great failure, which is not only the brightness of God’s justice but also that of extreme goodness. Even those who deny hell, pretend to preach other contrary ideologies of the same type. Of all these we will highlight one of the last, it is the following:
God himself already knows who the damned will be. So why does he then create them? This obstacle is criticized with the required greatness contained in the EVC Brochure No. 53 and for this reason we mention it very briefly and briefly.
God creates the entire humanity according to his eternal bliss, and grants them the necessary means to achieve it. They have the freedom to take advantage of the means, if on the contrary they do not take advantage of them, they are lost and it is only the consequence.
God applies very beautiful and wise reasons to accept the evil practiced by people who are bad in the world, since they are the cause of enormous merits, as for the good ones who are scandalized and harassed by bad people. As we all know that God does not allow evil, and therefore he would eliminate the opportunity for the good to have merits because of the bad, all of which is a total injustice.
Besides, he grants harmful souls the opportunity to repent, if such souls do not take advantage of it, the fault is total and absolute theirs, never God’s. Regarding this, as well as in another context of a spiritual type, some setbacks are seen in terms of time and study, with the purpose of investigating and that it is not easy to see that there is no extensive knowledge in relation to religion.
Concept of the Catholic Church on Hell
To speak of the horror of hell to people who have no idea of the magnificence of God, and who realize that if they turn away from him it would be a tremendous mistake and they would be at risk of being lost in the suffering of hell itself according to the bad actions that we have in our life. These ideologies of this type of people are difficult for them to be changed in a single moment.
In relation to this, there are authors and preachers who have had the need to bring to the great masses the ideas of the horror of the punishments of hell, in fact they resort to material representations, trying to make their ideas a little clearer with them and in this way they converse in a figurative way.
Despite their good intentions, some fanciful and often grotesque tales do not always turn out, which are misunderstood and often cause a negative view in some educated people with good sense. All of which makes them believe in the real doctrine of the Church, even though they do not have the divine institution and the concept that it deserves, and they think of it as foolish.
For this reason, the authors and preachers express in a formal and figurative way, it is very far from the true doctrine of Catholicism regarding hell, the one that is concentrated in the words of Jesus Christ himself, which we already mentioned above and that are: Get away of Me, you cursed, go to the eternal fire.
It will only be enough to go into these harsh words to possess the true doctrine of the Catholic Church in relation to the subject of hell. There are countless books and can continue to be written in relation to it. This time we break them down briefly so that the reader has them clearly.
Get away from me: In this word you can denote the absolute suffering of hell: it is the estrangement from God, or its loss. He regrets that theologians and scholars of the matter themselves call damage since this is called damnum in Latin.
When one lives in a state of grace and cultivates the love of God, we will be able to have the idea, however far from the meaning of this pain; not in this way who lives in sin, far from a wonderful and loving God whom he does not know, whom he does not profess true love, and whom he is not interested in and has no intention of considering and knowing.
After the process of death, the sinner opens the eyes of the spirit to the new life, and observes the sovereign good that has to do with direct partnership with God; and this makes him realize that this is what leads to true happiness, and not to the happiness that is expected on earth, since it is not human but it is God’s happiness. He likewise observes that this infinite and eternal happiness has been totally and eternally lost.
Anyone who has felt the pain of a clumsy, careless loss of the opportunity to do a great deal, of saving the life of a loved one, of having lost the opportunity to marry someone with whom he was deeply in love, will be able to give an idea of the infinite pain that the damned will have when they realize that, for what was not worth it, for what was not worth anything, they lost everything, they eternally lost the happiness of God.
Cursed: In these words we can see that there is not only separation or estrangement but there is a curse from God himself. God rejects the reprobate (being cursed of God). As evil as he is, anyone should be horrified, just imagining that he is cursed by his father. Worse is feeling cursed by God.
Of the infinite power itself, and therefore this curse enters the soul of the reprobate himself, this happens and penetrates the body on the very day of resurrection at the level of the pores and running through the blood and invading the entrails until it reaches the marrow of the bones themselves.
Christ himself who loved the wicked so much and had the opportunity to repent in this life, that God who loved them above all and who, being God, became a man for all, died for all, became bread; he has failed to profess love to the reprobate who dies in sin. Can a greater penalty be accepted than having ceased to be loved by Jesus Christ and by God?
Go to the eternal fire: in this regard we can say: apart from the penalties already exposed, which are of a spiritual nature, the sinner or condemned person will have to suffer a penalty that theologians call meaning, since it occurs by a sensitive element such as fire itself.
Such pain already exists in the souls that die and are separated from the body, just as it exists with the fallen Angels, since after the day of judgment the body will be united to the soul and there it will reach all the intensity.
We must ask ourselves, what does the penalty of meaning consist of? As for this one it deals with diversity of things, however the main meaning is the torment of the fire. This cannot be a reason for doubt since Jesus himself says it perfectly clearly: Go into the eternal fire, with all its letters.
What will this fire be like? The Church does not determine on this subject, however it is not a question of a false or metaphorical fire. Jesus’ own words point it out and are clear and decisive about it, which could not be thought to be something false or metaphorical.
So this leads us to think that it is indeed a real fire, however it could be that it is not the same as the fire that we normally see, since the fire of hell burns the soul and the fire that we know in this life is a little more subtle in terms of some biblical themes. It does not burn the soul, especially if it is separated from the body.
This is because the fire that we know consumes what it catches and that of hell does not even consume the soul of the sinner; neither does the resurrected body of the same. So at the time of the resurrection of the bodies they will possess faculties that are not consistent with the fire that we normally see.
However, we must believe that the damned will suffer in hell the same or more intensely than those that occur in earthly life and when we do not understand this well, there does not have to be a logical reason for us not to believe in it. Since one thing is that we know precisely the truth of something in particular and that we come to understand it.
We must also say that the penalty of fire is not the only one that the damned will suffer, there are others that are established in the Bible, and that these are called ice, water, immortal worm, filth, lake of sulfur, as well as others that they have metaphorical meaning to us, it could be seen as the particular company of Satan and other demons, as well as criminals, all of which will be for the damned more causes of torment and distance from good things, such as the light of God, rest , the feeling of satisfaction of all that is good.
Inequality of the punishments of Hell
Apart from everything, we must keep in mind that if the punishments of sinners are of eternal denomination, they are also unequal according to intensity, as expressed in the words of Saint Paul, who points out: “God will give to each according to his plays”. (This is established in Romans 11-6).
There are then in hell different degrees of torment for the different kinds of guilt of the condemned, the penalty being according to the type and severity of the offenses committed.
In hell there will be sinners or condemned who suffer much more than the others, and it is preposterous to maintain that when they are in mortal sin, the multiplication of faults should not be taken care of, since this type of sin that is not forgiven in earthly life , has its punishment forever after death.
Hell Site
The Church does not define if hell is a place or perhaps it is the very unfavorable state in which the sufferers are. However, the general sense is that hell is usually both things together. Where is it located? this is the least important.
In earlier times when it was believed that the earth was round, this belief is shared by theologians, and they thought that hell was under the earth, others held that it was inside or inside it; however, we maintain that this ideology is far from being real and defined.
How is it possible that there is a mortal sin for eternal damnation?
It is not strange that people who live far from God think that way. The ignorant do not know the parameters that are needed for a sin to be mortal, therefore the malice of it is not known to them.
A mortal sin is a serious offense, which is done to God, voluntarily and knowingly
When people realize that mortal sin is a serious offense against God, they will think that mortal sin alone will not be enough to condemn them, since how is God going to forgive someone who voluntarily and being fully aware of what is doing, offends God in a serious way?.
However, we must say if the person truly repents from the heart, God, who is truly kind and infinitely good, forgives him. If he, on the other hand, does not repent and does not accept God in any way and dies with this attitude; How is he not going to go to hell?
Apart from this, the mortal type of sin to be committed, the estrangement from God, as well as the enmity of God, even if it has not been committed, whoever does it will deserve distance from God eternally, or simply hell as such.
It would be unreasonable to think that any person lives in friendship with God, in favor with him, and that said person commits a ratified mortal sin. Once he falls into mortal sin, this can happen involuntarily, he will commit a serious fault, confused by the appetite for material things, however it will be in a certain way against his will and after doing so he totally regrets having committed it.
In reality, it can be said that someone who is habitually in a state of grace will feel repentant before committing a serious sin, while committing it, and after having committed it. In this way, if they commit a mortal sin and accept it, we will be facing a truly perverse soul that fully deserves the suffering of hell.
Man is a being with absolute freedom, and through such freedom he can misuse it, denying what is most real, even the existence of God himself; However, there is something that can never be denied no matter how reluctant it is, and that is death. In no way can he doubt the existence of another life.
We must have the clear idea that God created us to be happy forever; this through the merits of grace and redemption since with it we reach heaven, and it rewards us one hundred percent of our good deeds, however it never sends us to hell.
We ourselves with freedom or free decision choose good or evil, and by means of such decision we carve out our eternal destiny; which is nothing but the logical thought of our own performance in life. People who deny hell argue: how is it possible that for the sin of a moment, the damned are punished with eternal torment.
We must say and affirm that it is fair, since for sin to be punished with torment and suffering, it is necessary that such sin has the characteristic of being mortal and dying without repentance of it; if one has a mortal sin and there is no repentance, it means that the spirit of the condemned is at enmity with God, and for that reason deserves hell.
As an example we can see that this could be like when you apply for a job for life, and the person who has to pass a previous exam, would think: how is it possible that he is deprived of this job for life, that would be unfair, only for not knowing how to answer some questions! It was not only the duration of the exam that caused him to be deprived of the job, but also the attitude of ineptitude to perform such a function.
Judging also with the same lack of logic, a murderer could say: how is it going to be fair that for a lack of a second of time, since I did not take longer to stab the deceased, I be sentenced to death, punishing myself eternally, So I’ll never get my life back?
More objections
We would never finish if we try to criticize the reasoning that is made regarding the truth of hell, the people who deny it, however we will criticize the following:
Will God be able to forgive the soul after the atonement process?
God forgives the inner self as long as there is repentance of heart; however in hell there is no repentance. God grants each soul time to repent. Death itself takes the soul to the state in which it finds it, as the word says about this: “to the side that the tree fell, there it will remain.”
Even when Jesus Christ said: Depart from me you cursed, go to the eternal fire, this proves that the fire of hell is of an eternal nature. However, unlike the damned, they will not have to suffer in it eternally; In the same way that we say that a mountaineer goes to the eternal snow of the volcanoes, this does not mean that he will remain there constantly.
Sometimes the intelligence of the enemies of the eternity of hell is incited. It will suffice to keep in mind the texts of the scriptures themselves, specifically the Gospels, but it is enough to consider the texts of the Gospels, with a little vigilance, so that their lies are not taken into account. So in this regard it will suffice to read the paragraph where the quote is specified and ends by saying: “and these will go to eternal punishment.”
There are many other texts in the Bible that show us the same thing and that do not allow any doubt about it. The Scriptures also show the issue of the time that the punishments of the damned last, unlike the glory of the just, the eternality of the Glory has never been questioned.
What do we know about the damnation or not of souls
It is the dogma of the Catholic Church itself, which does not allow us to be totally clear on the subject of people who have died in sin and gone to hell.
We all know that people who die in mortal sin, without prior repentance, go directly to hell itself, however it is not easy to think if people who have sinned seriously, may have done so aware of it and with complete freedom.
Likewise, we cannot know whether or not divine grace touched the sinner at the moment of his death, it cannot be known with precision if at that moment of death he repented or returned to the belief in God sincerely.
According to what has already been explained, we can see two situations:
lº Denial should not be granted to prayers, sacrifices, suffrages, as well as to works of good human sense and in general, on people who we may have an idea are in hell.
2nd It will not be possible to conceive the idea of how many condemned persons exist in the place. There are people who think they are fair and send everyone to hell, and there are also others who, thinking they are good and charitable, send them to heaven.
The Church, when canonizing a Saint, determines that his soul has already passed in paradise, it has never been declared which one is in hell or how many, except Judas, since Jesus Christ said: it would be better for him not to have been born .
Likewise, if we do not know exactly the truth of those who are in hell, if we can have knowledge of those who are on their way to it. And we know that they are going that way, because they refuse to turn away from sin, because they are not careful to keep themselves in the grace of God. In this regard we will mention the following:
-Those who go to hell, we know that they are those who do not accept the existence of hell, since they do not believe and have no concern to avoid this disbelief. So we thought: How can they get rid of him?
-Those who cause problems or disturbances, generally if they have authority and exercise it with abuse so that their subordinates of evil, use violence, seduction or practice abuse of them in order to take away their faith mainly to those who poor people who are unbelievers of religion.
To this type of people who are considered public corruptors, the great biblical text and the word of Jesus embodied in it is usually applied, which prays: Woe to you who travel the earth and seas in order to make a fanatic and when you have cattle, make him a son of hell twice as bad as yourselves.
Both Protestants, Theosophists, Spiritualists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, those who make propaganda of non-personal life, as well as Masons; all spread their mistakes through a zeal worthy of a better cause.
-Within this group are also publicists, professors of atheism and heresy, as well as writers who have no faith or conscience, they consciously lie day by day, raise slander, blaspheme and everything that has to do with with which the father of lies identifies himself to harm souls and thus insult Jesus Christ.
-In the same way, the sectarians who practice Freemasonry who vow to join the devil go towards the path of Hell; and executing the oath of life and death outside the Church itself, without the sacrament of confession or other sacraments, without the presence of Jesus Christ and logically against him.
-People who do not share that marriage is a sacrament that cannot be broken and divorce with the purpose of rejoining with other nuptials; they are hypocrites who practice concubinage, as is the marriage of people who marry someone who has been divorced.
Likewise, that of those who are not married by the Church, and call themselves married or practice married life together.
-Those who have a feeling of pride and who for this reason reject or despise others and throw the first stone at them without feeling any mercy. These types of people will also get along with equally hard-hearted people; if they do not become at the time of their death, a harsh judgment.
-Selfish people, rich in evil intentions, those drowned in luxuries and sensuality, have no thoughts but to satisfy their own desires, nothing ordered in terms of pleasure and they forget about poor and humble people. As an example of this we see the wicked rich man that the Gospel shows us, which God himself has said: he was thrown into hell.
-The misers who only try to have a lot of money and forget about Jesus and eternity.
These types of people who are known as metallic, and who through businesses of dubious origin, and through the injustices that accumulate due to dirty deals, through the purchase of some goods from the Church and “seeking », have managed to make a fortune, whether large or small; on pedestals that God does not approve of.
As for these types of people, it is determined that they will not possess the Kingdom of Heaven.
-Likewise, voluptuous people are those who live calmly, without regrets, in terms of dishonest consequences, and surrender to passions without having any other God than their womb and end up having no knowledge of happiness other than the material and the pleasures of the senses.
-As for the worldly, cold souls, those who think only of having fun, of spending time locally, the honorable people according to the world and those who forget about prayer and the service of God and equally They live without any kind of sacraments. These people do not have any type of concern according to the Christian life, they do not even think about their soul, they live in mortal sin and the light of conscience is extinguished and in this regard they do not have any type of remorse or concern.
If Jesus Christ were to come at any moment, just as Jesus himself has said, the horrible response determined by the Gospel itself to the mad virgins would be heard: I do not know you.
The supreme judge who is Jesus in this case, will give the order to the angels to take the servant who is not useful, at his moment of death, to be thrown hand and foot into the abyss of darkness or rather to hell.
-In the same way, false and mistaken consciences go to hell and this leads them to communions and confessions with symptoms of sacrilege. And so they “eat and drink their own damnation”; this according to the harsh phrase of St. Paul.
Also seen in this case are people who abuse God’s grace and through it they manage to be bad even in the most sanctifying moments. In the same way those who are provided with hatred, reject forgiveness.
These sad people are on their way to hell. Positively and luckily they haven’t gotten to it yet. Hopefully and we wish with all our hearts that they first repent from the heart and become humble people and understand this, and thus avoid burning eternally in the consuming flames of hell.