The Month Dedicated To The Virgin Mary And Her Story
The history of salvation is a source of inspiration for thousands of Christians who, over the years, try to be faithful to their faith and beliefs, walking along the paths of God. However, we must bear in mind that nothing would have been possible without the “yes” of the most perfect woman who has ever existed and to whom we owe deep devotion. That is why the month of Mary exists as a way to commemorate our heavenly mother.
A month dedicated to Mary
Chile for the month of November celebrates in honor of our holy mother, this festivity takes place from November 8 to December 8, which is when the Immaculate Conception ends. While in the rest of the countries, on the occasion of this celebration, prayers are made for the month of May. The country of Chile has the characteristic of being one of the most devoted to the slave of the Lord and the month of Mary is undoubtedly a very special date for them. In Venezuela it is celebrated from May 1 to June 1.
It is part of a religious tradition that European missionaries began in the month of May as it is the “month of flowers”. In the mid-nineteenth century, in the year 1854, it was the priest and auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Santiago de Chile, Monsignor Joaquín Larraín, who at that time was the rector of the pontifical seminary of Santiago, who, having known that beautiful celebration European.
He gave the initiative for this the month of Mary, to be held on the date where during these years it has been celebrated and that it coincides in its last days with the Immaculate Conception, in addition to being a way to prevent the cold autumn that is approaching in the country for the month of May.
To this project, it is added that Monsignor Rodolfo Vergara Antúnez, who is a good friend of Monsignor Larraín Gandarillas, composed a beautiful prayer for the month of Mary that has been transmitted for generations in Chile and that during this special month, is prayed daily in churches, schools and at home.
It is offered with a specific selection of texts, videos and prayers to take special care of our mother in the month dedicated to her.
All this led to Chile having the month of November in such a special way to join in praises to the Celestial Queen and this happens just when in spring, the beautiful fields and gardens of the country are covered with precious flowers, demonstrating landscapes worth seeing. Flowers bring to mind and are the quintessential symbol of the Virgin Mary, beautiful and immaculate.
The month of Mary is the month of flowers, and Chileans usually sing the traditional song “Come and let’s all, with flowers to Mary” and pray in a devoted manner throughout that month so that the name of our lady, be proclaimed with all the forces in the region.
Month of Mary for Children
For the month of Mary, parents and representatives are invited, as well as teachers and those who in general have children under their care; that they accompany them so that they can begin to experience the great joy that it is to walk with the heavenly mother on the paths of faith, giving thanks for the opportunities that God grants us to be able to grow and have close the love of Mary, our mother.
It is necessary to deepen with the little ones, the mystery of love that hides this young Nazarene who, being so humble and simple, gave herself with so much devotion and not for a moment did she doubt doing the will of God, in this way, having greater closeness to Mary, we will also be able to have her with her son Jesus and thus, all live together as a family.
To achieve this goal, there are various materials on the internet that explain in detail, reflections and also activities that can be applied to children to make them understand the importance that Mary should have for our lives.
Let us remember that the main catechists for the little ones are not those who carry out an apostolate in the churches, but rather they are the representatives who daily share with the children in their personal lives and have the duty to contribute to their spiritual formation, which is intended let it grow with them.
If still your son or daughter, nephew or niece, grandson or granddaughter; has not begun to create bonds of love with the heavenly mother, the month of Mary is perfect to lay the foundations that originate in the little ones, that sense of belonging and company for the heavenly mother, although of course, we must be careful that the place of God, is not occupied by the Virgin Mary.
Well, it is one of the ways of being led to the father, perhaps initially this is difficult for children to understand in its beginnings, but as we are constant, the fruits will be seen.
It is essential that boys and girls, in order to live this month with joy, be motivated to watch movies, animated series or even do dynamics with them where the role of Mary appears and transmits that love and affection that characterizes her.
What do you get used to doing this month?
Among some of the main things that are done in this month of Mary:
- Reflect on the primary virtues of the Virgin Mary: As a charitable, humble, patient woman, one who lovingly attends to Joseph and Jesus; someone who forgot herself to give herself to others as a servant, she loved to serve and help others so that they felt loved and cared for; a woman who lived to do the will of the father before his will.
- Observing Mary as a mother: talking to her and asking for her advice, her guide, is the maternal figure par excellence, having full confidence in her.
- Show her our love: Do things as she expects them and have her present daily, at all times.
- Imitate her virtues: It is the best way for her to notice our love, adopting her lifestyle.
- Pray prayers especially addressed to Mary as a family: The Church offers us beautiful prayers such as the Angelus (which is usually prayed at noon), the Regina Caeli, the Consecration to Mary and the Rosary.
- Sing the songs dedicated to María: For this, it is advisable to rely on singers such as “Athenas” or the group “Son By Four”.
Initial Prayer of the month of Mary
Oh Mary! In this beautiful month, which is consecrated to you, everything resounds with your name and praise. You who are a shining sanctuary and with our hands raised, we raise for you a throne of grace and love, from which you preside over these festivities and are also attentive to the prayers, petitions and graces that we place before you.
In order to honor your name, we have scattered for you many flowers at your feet and adorned your forehead with garlands and crowns. More Oh Mary! These tributes are not enough for you; there are flowers that are their freshness and pride, they never pass and crowns that do not wither. These are the ones you expect from your children, because the most precious adornment of a mother is the mercy of her children, and the most beautiful crown that we can put before your feet, are our virtues that allow us to look more and more like you.
Yes, the lilies you ask of us are the innocence of our hearts. We are going to put our effort so that during the course of this month consecrated to your glory, O Venerable and Holy Virgin! so that my desire to follow you and that you accompany me in life, are stronger than my passions and my will.
The bright rose is pleasing in your eyes of charity, love of God and our neighbor. We will love each other, then, as children of the same family whose mother is you, and we will live in the sweetness that emanates from a fraternal coexistence.
In this blessed month, we intend to cultivate in our hearts, the seeds of humility, modest flower that is so loved, and with your help we can become meek, humble, pure, patient and obedient.
O Heavenly Mother! Make it possible for each one of the kind virtues that we hope to obtain from you to flourish and bear abundant fruit of grace in the depths of our hearts, so that we can thus be holy children of the most holy and best of mothers.Amen.
Final prayer of the month of Mary
Oh Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer, and mother of us too! We come here to your presence to offer these gifts that we place at your feet, our hearts are full of gratitude for you and we want to ask of your kindness, that you give us an arduous desire to continue in your holy service.
Deign, our mother, to introduce us to your Divine Son, to lead us to him, in view of his merits and in your name as Holy Mother, let us direct our steps along the paths of virtue, which gives us a new way of showing off the splendor of the light of our faith and that it falls on the peoples who suffer the most and groan for finding themselves for long periods in the darkness produced by sin; that those children of yours can return to Jesus and convert so many hardened hearts, whose penance is comforted in their hearts and yours.
May the enemies of your Church convert, the one that you together with the apostles helped to shape, and that finally, the fire of your ardent charity be lit in every corner; May we be filled with happiness and joy even in the adversities that make up life and may we not lose hope in the future that Jesus himself promises us and that you, our mother, accompany us to achieve.Amen.