The Novena of Supplication to Saint Rita (Nine Days)
The Novena to Santa Rita is a powerful prayer that many devout Catholics come to make to this saint so that she helps them in the most difficult moments of their lives. In the following article you will learn everything about this type of Novena and how to do it step by step.
Novena to Santa Rita
This is a Novena to Santa Rita which is performed in order to obtain the favor of this saint so that she gives favor, blessing and protection to the faithful and devoted to her. If you want to obtain the blessing and the fulfillment of her needs, follow this Novena to the letter so that she can achieve it.
Prayer to Santa Rita for Every Day
During each of the days you must perform these prayers to Santa Rita that we are going to describe, which are not done only on the first day, but must be done on each of the days for 9 days in a row, without stopping doing it 1 day only, since if this happens the novena to Saint Rita will not have any effect. It starts with the power of the signal…
act of contrition
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, God and also true man, the Creator, the Father and at the same time my Redeemer: because you are the Infinite Goodness, on this day many are the faithful who love you, Lord, more than all things in the world and more than themselves.
Truly, oh lord, they deeply regret having come to offend you; and for your love, and because you want it that way and you send it to me, please oh lord on this day I forgive each one of my enemies with all my heart, so that you, oh Lord, use with me all forgiveness and all mercy and come to forget each of my past offenses.
All the time I have offered you, oh Lord, the life of each one of your devotees, their works and each one of their works as a kind of satisfaction for each and every one of their sins. Please, oh saint, grant them the grace to persevere in your love and service until death. Amen.
Opening Prayer
O God and Lord of all, who, coming to dispose of everything by disposing of everything with an admirable providence, have come to place the Saints in your Church so that they may become a frequent model of all the virtues, and who, calling it your bosom, you have come to constitute them in the protectors and the lawyers:
Oh Lord, please listen to the propitious prayers of your servant Santa Rita, who came to give the world as an example in the various states of life, and come to grant them that everything their weakness cannot reach by itself. acquire is achieved through his great and powerful intercession. Amen. This prayer must be performed every day for nine days, then the prayer of the corresponding day is prayed, that is, the one of the first day.
Final prayer for every day
Sweet and beloved Jesus, so that all his Sacred Body would become wounded and also tormented by his faults, you wanted your holy head to be crowned with the thorn crown, and you deigned to give one of them to your selected Holy Rita, coming to mark her with this sign and pointing on her forehead by his wife:
Please oh Holy grant them, oh lord, your intercession; and that by the blood that, serves as a kind of instrument of the thorns, a hand from your delicate head and ran down your beautiful face, make that, watering the soul of the person with it, it is cleansed and purified of the thorns of so many sins that have come to mortally wound her, and in this way, once watered and purified, that she bears the copious fruits of good works.
Pointing with the final perseverance, to which eternal life is promised, where you are enjoyed and praised with your crowned wife, the protector and the lawyer, and with all the choirs of angels and saints who adore you and praise and always bless in glory for all eternity. Amen.
Pointing with the final perseverance, to which eternal life is promised, where you are enjoyed and praised with your crowned wife, the protector and the lawyer, and with all the choirs of angels and saints who adore you and praise and always bless in glory for all eternity. Amen.
On this day, oh Santa Rita, there are many of your faithful who greet you, the wife who was born among the thorns of pain, the glass and you are still a Rose of Christ, of divine love. You pointed out, oh Lord, to your servant Rita. With the seal of your charity and your Passion. Lord, God our father, who came to grant Saint Rita the grace of being able to carry on her forehead what is the sign of your Passion and in her heart the great ardent charity of yours:
Please oh God grant them through their intercession and the merits that all love one another, even though they become enemies, with perfect charity, and they can perpetually contemplate on the thorn of compunction all those intense pains of your Passion. That you live and also queens forever and ever. Amen.
First day
The first thing to say on this first day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the opening prayer for every day. Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
God of all great goodness, the Lord of all angels, the refuge of all those who come to hope in you, please on this day listen to the pleas of your faithful who invoke this novena, for the merits of all the saints and very particularly for those of Santa Rita de Casia, since at all times she became willing to be able to fulfill your holy will.
God of all great goodness, the Lord of all angels, the refuge of all those who come to hope in you, please on this day listen to the pleas of your faithful who invoke this novena, for the merits of all the saints and very particularly for those of Santa Rita de Casia, since at all times she became willing to be able to fulfill your holy will.
Through the intercession of herself, today on this day you are asked to grant your children the chance to live at all times as an authentic Christian, always hoping that you will grant the grace and also the favor that is asked of you by middle of this novena s Santa Rita…. if it is for your eternal glory and for the good of my soul. Amen.
After completing the prayer, about 22 Hail Marys must be performed as prayers to Santa Rita de Casia .
Word of the Lord
Jesus says in his word specifically in the book of Matthew 5:3-12 the following: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the humble, because they will receive the earth as an inheritance. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, because they will be satisfied. Blessed are the compassionate, because they will be treated with compassion.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are those who work for peace, because they will be called children of God. Blessed are those persecuted for the sake of justice, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and raise all kinds of slander against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be overjoyed, for a great reward awaits you in heaven. So also they persecuted the prophets who preceded you.
Then the request for the grace that the person wishes to acquire through the intercessions of Santa Rita will be made.
- So that all people respect and also have love in life as a gift from God, and so that Christians themselves are the ones who bear witness in an orderly way to come to life, so let us pray to the Lord God.
- So that human life may become sanctified, always maintaining and also developing sanctifying grace in each of the individuals, so let us pray to the Lord for this.
- That life in the family may become a kind of coexistence centered and directed by the love of God himself, at this time let us pray to the Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Closing Prayer
Oh holy and Glorious Rita, you who in a prodigious way came to participate in the painful passion of Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, please make it possible for me to suffer, with Christian resignation, all the sorrows and also the difficulties of life and that you be protecting to your faithful devotees in each and every one of their needs. Amen.
Second Day
The first thing to say on this second day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for each day.
Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
Word of the Lord
Jesus comes to say in his word in the book of John 14:21 the following: Who is he who loves me? He who makes my commandments his own and obeys them. And whoever loves me, my Father will love him, and I will also love him and manifest myself to him. Judas (not Iscariot) said to him: Why, Lord, are you willing to manifest yourself to us, and not to the world? Jesus answered him: Whoever loves me will obey my word, and my Father will love him, and we will make our home with him.
Once again, the request for the grace that the person wishes to acquire through the intercessions of Santa Rita will be made.
- So that the faith of the people comes to impel us to have to know and also to practice much better all the content of the Gospel, for which we pray to the Lord.
- So that, in all difficult occasions, even the most hostile, people must maintain fidelity and also the testimony of the Christian faith, so we must pray to the Lord.
- That you may come to know about being the apostles of Christ with a Christian type of behavior, pray to God and Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Closing Prayer
God, The Holy Father, whom everyone adores and also praises like the angelic choirs, and to whom many unite on this day, all the merits of Saint Rita de Casia, the protector and patron saint of many, especially the great love with which many love you, the detachment and also the abandonment in which he had all things and also all the honors in the world, solely for consecrating himself to you. Amen.
third day
The first thing to say on this third day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for each day. Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
Word of the Lord
Jesus comes to say in his word in the book of Luke 14:27 comes to say: And he who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. At this time you are going to take a few moments of reflection; and God is asked for his grace, which many wish to obtain through the intercession of Santa Rita. Once again, the request for the grace that people wish to acquire through the intercessions of Santa Rita will be made.
- So that you never lose hope no matter how many demands or sufferings of life become, so it is important that you pray to the Lord.
- So that at the same moment and time that we come to trust in God our Lord, we can maintain the effort to be faithful and constant devotees to his will, so it is important that we pray to the Lord.
- For the youth to come to live with hope and to know how to guide their lives with the best sense of Christianity, it is important that they pray to the Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Closing Prayer
Oh my lord, on this day I ask you, holy father, through the intercession of Saint Rita, that you fill the hearts of many with all light and also with all joy and that you grant him for his merits, the favor that on this day is given to you. ask Saint Rita through this novena…, if it is for your glory and for the good of my soul. Amen.
fourth day
The first thing to say on this fourth day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for each day. Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
Word of the Lord
Jesus goes so far as to say in his word in the book of John 15:12-17 that he says the following: This is my commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love for his friends than he who gives his life for them. You are my friends, if you do what I command you…, that you love one another.
At this time you are going to take a few moments of reflection; and God is asked for his grace, which many wish to obtain through the intercession of Santa Rita.
- So that all Catholic Christian families can make their home a kind of sanctuary of love where God comes to reign, for which we pray to the Lord God.
- So that in all human beings love towards God and also love towards others may prevail, as it is the basis of the law of our life, it is important that they pray to the Lord God.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Closing Prayer
Please, oh Lord, grant your faithful that, in imitation of Saint Rita de Casia, she may at all times show them full of love and also understanding towards her brothers, as she herself came to live seeing her great commandment and also practicing all the evangelical counsels. Amen.
Fifth Day
The first thing to say on this fifth day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for each day. Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
Word of the Lord
Jesus goes so far as to say in his word in the book of Matthew 11:29 that he says: Carry my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
At this time you are going to take a few moments of reflection; and God is asked for his grace, which many wish to obtain through the intercession of Santa Rita.
- That all may learn to pray always seeking the face of God more than their own interests, for which we pray to the Lord.
- That in the daily prayer of supplication the good of other people is sought before our own, for which we pray to the Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Closing Prayer
Oh beloved Lord, on this day you are loved with all my heart, you who come to remedy all our needs, on this day I praise you, I love you and I also bless you with all the angels, who have on your throne as my God and as my Creator. Amen.
Day Six
The first thing to say on this sixth day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for each day. Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
- That we may all persevere, with the most holy fidelity, in all the commitments of our own state of life, for which we pray to the Lord.
- That we may have in the Church enough and also holy religious and priestly vocations, that respond to the following of Christ with the best efficiency, let us pray to the Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Word of the Lord
Jesus goes so far as to say in his word in the book of Matthew 7:19-20 that he says: The tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. You will understand a person by their deeds.
Closing Prayer
Oh our God, whom everyone adores and that all the creatures of heaven and earth also adore as their Lord, at this moment I join myself to come to praise you and also bless you and for love of you, it is that I love my neighbor as myself and I also forgive all offenses that are received. Amen.
day seven
The first thing to say on this seventh day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for each day. Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
- That people may be aware that through baptism they have become consecrated to God, and that they may live with great pleasure, always surrendering to Him and at all times being faithful to His will with Christian love, we pray to the Lord.
- That we will all awaken to our consciousness of becoming the Church of Christ, and we will focus on collaborating with all needs, we pray to the Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Word of the Lord
Jesus goes so far as to say in his word in the book of Luke 9:25 that he goes so far as to say: What use will it be for a man to win the whole world, if he loses and ruins his life?
At this time you are going to take a few moments of reflection; and God is asked for his grace, which many wish to obtain through the intercession of Santa Rita.
Closing Prayer
Oh our God, who came to grant Saint Rita the grace to joyfully continue Christ in a life of certain poverty and humility, on this day all her merits are offered to you, particularly what is her patience and also her penance; Make it my main concern in this world, following your example, to love and follow your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Eighth Day
The first thing to say on this eighth day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for each day. Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
- That, in the face of the lacerating demands of earthly life, trust in God is always maintained and also the effort to show goodness, for which we pray to the Lord.
- That no kind of suffering, adversity or pain separates us from God’s love, rather, on the contrary, that we be helped to become much more like Christ the Redeemer, we pray to the Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Word of the Lord
Jesus comes to say in his word in the book of John 19:13 which says the following: I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. At this time you are going to take a few moments of reflection; and God is asked for his grace, which many wish to obtain through the intercession of Santa Rita.
Closing Prayer
Oh my lord listen, our prayer, please forgive all our sins, so that your mercy may be the one that manifests itself once again and that way I can come to receive your forgiveness and your peace. Amen.
day ninth
The first thing to say on this ninth day of the novena is for the sign…, then proceed with the act of contrition and finally the initial prayer for every day.
Once the prayer of the first day of the Novena to Santa Rita is finished, it proceeds to culminate with 1 Our Father, about 4 Hail Marys and the final prayer of every day.
- That all people come to aspire to holiness with a sincere desire, for which we pray to the Lord.
- So that in all kinds of circumstances of life that we demonstrate and that we live for God, be pure and holy for what we pray to the Lord.
Finally, an Our Father is performed…
Word of the Lord
Jesus goes so far as to say in his word in the book of Luke 15:7 that he says as follows: There will be more joy in heaven for one sinner who converts than for ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to convert.
Closing Prayer
To you, O Holy Father, who listens to your children at all times and grants them more than what they ask for, on this day you are praised and blessed along with all the choirs of angels, which are full of your love, who love you and always want you to be loved, that’s why I consecrate you on this last day of the Novena to Saint Rita, my whole being, my intelligence, my heart, my senses, so that I never ever commit sin and free me from all kinds of bodily misfortune. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Rita of Cascia
Oh holy and powerful Santa Rita, who is called the Lawyer of desperate cases, the great helper in the last hope, the refuge and also the salvation in pain, which leads to the abyss of crime and despair: with all full confidence in your heavenly power, on this day your faithful resort to your presence in the most difficult and unexpected cases that painfully oppress their hearts.
Please tell them, oh Santa Rita, aren’t you going to help them in their weaknesses? By any chance, aren’t you going to comfort them? Are you going to turn away your sight and also your pity from his heart, so extremely troubled that it is?
You also know what the martyrdom of the heart becomes, which is so extremely very troubled! For the atrocious sorrows, for the bitter tears that you holily shed, come to their aid, oh Saint. Please speak, beg, and intercede for each one of them, who do not dare to do so, to the Heart of Almighty God, the Father of mercy and also the eternal source of all consolation, and that you manage to get them the grace they long for.
(At this time you are going to indicate what are the needs that you require and that you want with all your heart).
Once presented, it is certain that you will listen to them: and they will use this same favor to be able to improve their lives and also their customs, to be able to sing on earth and also in heaven all the divine mercies.
At the end of this prayer, 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary must be performed and it ends with 1 Gloria.
Petition to Saint Rita of Cascia
Oh Blessed and also advocate of the impossible, Saint Rita of Cascia, the luminous model of patience, the scourge of all demons, the great refuge of the needy, and also the example of Christian life; you are the very beloved wife of Jesus Christ, who was crowned with 1 of his sacred thorns, please on this day you are begged, if it is for the glory of God and for the good of the people who perform this prayer, may it be Granted the request that is presented to you through this Novena to Santa Rita.
Above all, that you can achieve a conversion in a total way and that they can come to amend themselves from a bad life through the merits of the Lord Jesus and also through the merits of the Holy Mother of God. Amen.
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