The Effective and Powerful Prayer to the Just Judge
Here you can find everything about the correct way to Pray the Prayer to the Just Judge that is done when help is required in difficult situations in life.
Effective Prayer to the Just Judge
The prayer to the Just Judge is an effective prayer where we put our faith and offer our faith and devotion to Jesus Christ. If our feelings are authentic, and our prayers true, Christ will listen to us, attend to us and protect us from any evil.
We can make these prayers daily, remember that the prayers to the Just Judge are a protection to go out into the street and protect us from the evils that lie in wait for us, the image of the Just Judge has been over the years a symbol that represents and gives justice to the most faithful.
It is recommended to perform these prayers every morning and with the family because these words promote love and protection. The unity of the family will become stronger if we are constant believers and devotees to the Divine and Just Judge.
Always remember that every time we go to pray and especially the prayers to the Just Judge, we must try to elevate the spirit. The spirit must be accompanied by gratitude and love, in addition, the requests must be fair and disinterested, having as an end the greater good.
We must keep in mind that the purpose of spirituality is to break with the anchors of materialism that keep us tied to this world that sometimes pretends to be something merely superficial.
Prayer to the Just Judge
Divine and Just Judge of the living and the dead, eternal sun of justice, incarnated in the chaste womb of the Virgin Mary for the health of the human lineage. Just Judge, creator of heaven and earth and died on the cross for my love. You, who were wrapped in a shroud and placed in a tomb from which you rose on the third day, victorious over death and hell. Just and Divine Judge, hear my pleas, attend to my prayers, listen to my petitions and give them a favorable office. Your imperious voice calmed the storms, healed the sick and raised the dead like Lazarus and the son of the widow of Naim.
The empire of your voice put demons to flight, making them leave the bodies of the possessed, and gave sight to the blind, speech to the mute, hearing to the deaf and forgiveness to sinners, like the Magdalene and the paralytic. from the pool. You made yourself invisible to your enemies, at your voice those who went to imprison you fell back falling to the ground in the orchard and when you expired on the Cross, at your powerful accent the orbs shuddered.
You opened the prisons for Peter and took him out of them without being seen by Herod’s guard.
You saved Dimas and forgave the adulteress, I beg you, Just Judge, free me from all my enemies, visible and invisible: the Holy Shroud in which you were wrapped covers me, your sacred shadow hides me, the veil that covered your eyes blinds me. To those who persecute me and to those who wish me harm, have eyes and do not reach me, have hands and do not tempt me, have ears and do not hear me, have a tongue and do not accuse me and their lips are mute in court when they try to harm me.
Oh, Jesus Christ, Just and Divine Judge! Favor me in all kinds of anguish and affliction, adventures and commitments, and make the prisons open, the chains and the ties are broken, the shackles and bars are broken, the knives are bent and every weapon that is against me is dull and useless.
Neither the horses reach me, nor the spies look at me, nor find me. Your blood bathes me, your mantle covers me, your hand blesses me, your power hides me, your cross defends me and be my shield in life and at the hour of my death. Oh, Just Judge, Son of the Eternal Father, who with Him and with the Holy Spirit are one true God! O Divine Word made man! I beg you to cover me with the mantle of the Holy Trinity so that I may free you from all dangers and glorify your Holy Name. Amen. Divine and Just Judge, accompany me on my journey, deliver me from all danger or accident, defend me from my enemies and help me in my needs.
Prayer to the Just Judge to be freed from injustices and enemies
My Redeemer who is in my heart, most sweet and kind Just Judge, pledge of my affection and unparalleled love, forgive the ungrateful who do not know your holy presence. Help us to repair any offense received and that with all our affection on. Let’s get directly to your heart, divine Just Judge, true and fruitful hope, come to me oh Lord.
Protect us from injustice and free us from all evil, keep away all my enemies, appease their dirty hearts and wash them with your Precious Blood. He reigns over the face of the earth, he reigns in the midst of adversity, he reigns in prisons and quenches the thirst for justice, which many Christians are requesting.
Your divine justice prevails over human justice and can be judged in a transparent manner, everyone who is waiting for a conviction and that your words reach all corners of our earth. We ask this for the Centuries of the Centuries. Amen.
We must end this special prayer to the Just Judge, with an Our Father. You must fully trust that our requests will be fulfilled and our faith will be rewarded because devotion to the Just Judge is great and powerful.
Prayer to the Just Judge asking for Courage and Strength
Beasts that attack me, Lions that roar at me, Evil reigns at my side, I feel fear and anguish. I am no longer able to walk, I am afraid of injustice. My adversaries mock, They think they have power, And although my cowardice appears, There is a Supreme Being, Who undoubtedly always comes to my aid.
Just Judge come, come soon to me, Displace all the bad, Other men attack and torment me, Just Judge come, come quickly to me. I scream and I look for your presence in my life, I am a fragile man, I look for you and I can’t find you, Come, come my Beloved Judge.
May witchcraft and evil, May occultism and santeria, May the devil and the sinner, Bow their heads, Leave my side, Retire promptly, Just Judge come to my aid, I ask you please.
Calm and serenity are coming, Men are already applauding and venerating your Holy name, I thank you Oh my Just Judge, Thank you eternally, Hallelujah, Amen.
Story of the Just Judge
In conversations with his wife Pontius Pilate I hear her say: “Don’t mess with that just man, because I have suffered in my dreams during the night for him . ” From these words the name Justo Juez is born. There are numerous images of the righteous Judge, but there is one image that stands out above the others due to its importance.
This image of the Divine and Just Judge is found in the Holy Cathedral Church in the city of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. This jewel from the colonial era was carved in 1531 by the sculptor Juan Aguirre, it is believed that it was of European origin, specifically from Spain.
Aguirre affirms that it came from Peru, but these data have not been confirmed, so its origin is doubtful. Father Francisco Gonzalo Mendez entrusted him with the great task of carving the image of Jesus Christ. Aguirre managed to sculpt a large number of images of our Lord Jesus Christ, but the most famous was the Just Judge. Shortly after Juan Aguirre joined the Franciscan order in Guatemala he had become a Lego Friar.
In 1800 the famous brotherhood of the Just Judge was founded, its job was to protect and venerate the image of the Just Judge. One of the traditions of the brotherhood was to take the Just Judge to the home of the older brother, although shortly after the tradition ceased to be fulfilled. In 1871 changes were made in the brotherhood due to the liberal revolution, shortly after the brotherhoods began to disappear.