Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague: How to pray it?
Find out here everything about the powerful Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague to ask for various favors from the son of God. and many more prayers, which can help you if you are devoted to the Child Jesus of Pagra and want to ask him for a favor, continue reading this post!
Prayers to the Infant Jesus of Prague
There are numerous prayers to ask the Infant Jesus of Prague for certain favors, one of the main characteristics in the prayers to the Infant Jesus of Prague is that he helps them achieve the desired miracle. The fame and devotion that this figure has acquired is very important in the world of Catholics, important men such as Pope Leo XVIII have placed it as a relevant symbol in the Church.
Prayer to ask for favors from the Infant Jesus of Prague
Oh, Child Jesus, I turn to You and I beg you through the intercession of your Holy Mother, assist me in this need (ask for the favor you want to obtain), because I firmly believe that your Divinity can help me.
I hope with all confidence to obtain your holy grace. I love you with all my heart and with all the strength of my soul. I sincerely repent of all my sins, and I beg you, oh good Jesus, give me strength to succeed. I propose not to offend you and I offer myself to you, willing to suffer rather than make you suffer.
From now on, I want to serve you faithfully, and for your love, oh Divine Child! I will love my neighbor as myself. Omnipotent child, Lord Jesus, once again I beg you to assist me in this circumstance (he manifests himself). Grant me the grace to eternally possess you with Mary and Joseph and adore you with the Angels in the Court of Heaven. Amen.
Prayer of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Infant Jesus of Prague
Lord Jesus, we see you as a child and we believe that you are the Son of God, made man by the work of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
As in Bethlehem, we too with Mary, Joseph, the Angels and the shepherds, adore and recognize you, as our only Savior.
You became poor, to make us rich with your poverty: grant us never to forget the poor or any person who suffers.
Protect our families, bless all the children of the world and make the love that you have brought us and that makes life happier always reign among us.
Grant us all, O Jesus! May we recognize the truth of your Birth, so that everyone knows that you have come to bring, to the entire human family, light, joy and peace.
You who are God and live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for a sick person
Oh dear and sweet Child Jesus: here is a poor sick person who, moved by the most vivid faith, deeply invokes your divine help in favor of his illness. In You I put all my trust. I know that you can do everything and that you are very merciful, the same infinite mercy.
Great little one, for your divine virtue, for the immense love you have for those who suffer, for the afflicted, for all those in need, listen to me, bless me, help me, comfort me. Amen. Three Glories.
Consecration Prayer of the Infant Jesus of Prague
Most lovable Infant Jesus of Prague, acclaimed by all as miraculous for the innumerable and extraordinary favors that you grant to those who invoke you. Captive our soul of your divine spells as a child, it will never forget you and welcomes you today under your mantle of King to enjoy the peace that you have promised us, and there to receive your blessing, which as from God, will make it grow in holiness and virtues.
That is why we surrender ourselves to your holy service; we will be ardent devotees of Prague. Children of your love, we will respond to your predilection for our souls, offering you from now and forever what we are, what we yearn for; the life of our senses, the aspirations of our hearts, the loves of our souls that belong to you by right of filiation and debt of conquest, by creating and redeeming us.
Divine Child, King of Prague, God of Childhood. Receive our offer, make it effective with your infinite power to be yours forever on earth and in heaven. So be it..
Children’s ninth
This novena is prayed every hour for nine consecutive hours on the same day.
O Jesus, who have said “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you,” through the intercession of Mary Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask you to grant me this grace. (After the prayer, the desired request must be made) .
Oh Jesus, you have said «Anything you ask the Father in My Name, he will grant you» through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy. Mother, I humbly and urgently beg Your Father in Your Name to grant me this grace. (After the prayer, the desired request must be made).
Oh Jesus, who have said «Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my word will not pass away» through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my request will be granted. (After the prayer, the desired request must be made).
Prayer of Venerable Father Cyril of Our Lady
Oh, Child Jesus, I turn to You and I beg you through the intercession of your Holy Mother, assist me in this need (ask for the favor you want to obtain), because I firmly believe that your Divinity can help me. I hope with all confidence to obtain your holy grace. I love you with all my heart and with all the strength of my soul. I sincerely repent of all my sins, and I beg you, oh good Jesus, give me strength to succeed. I propose not to offend you and I offer myself to you, willing to suffer rather than make you suffer.
From now on, I want to serve you faithfully, and for your love, oh Divine Child! I will love my neighbor as myself. Omnipotent child, Lord Jesus, once again I beg you to assist me in this circumstance (he manifests himself). Grant me the grace to eternally possess you with Mary and Joseph and adore you with the Angels in the Court of Heaven. Amen.
prayer to ask for health
Oh Child Jesus, owner of life and death, although unworthy and sinful, I prostrate myself before You to implore the health of (the person for whom the grace is requested is named), whom I love so much.
The person I entrust to you suffers greatly, afflicted by pain, and can find no other way out than in your omnipotence, in which he places all his hopes.
Relieve, oh Celeste doctor, her pains, free her from her sufferings and give her perfect health, if this is in accordance with the divine will and the true good of her soul. Amen.
Story of the Infant Jesus of Prague
The Infant Jesus of Prague is a wax figure of the infant version of Jesus Christ. We can find the image of the Infant Jesus of Prague in the church of Santa Maria de la Victoria and San Antonio de Padua. There are several legends that claim that the Holy Child of Prague belonged to Saint Teresa of Jesus, for which it was considered a religious image.
The image of the Infant Jesus of Prague is especially praised by pregnant women, they especially consider it miraculous in their state of pregnancy.
It has been believed that the image of the Holy Child Jesus of Prague was carved in Spain during the 16th century. The Counts of Treviño and the Dukes of Nájera had the custom of passing the image of the Infant Jesus of Prague from parents to their sons.
In gratitude for the victory obtained in the battle of the White Mountain, Emperor Ferdinand II of Germany ordered the construction of the convent of Carmelite fathers in the city of Prague, this convent was founded in the year 1620. The images of the Child Jesus of Prague was given to the convent of the Carmelite Fathers in 1628 (today the convent was converted into the church of Our Lady of Victory).
Image of the Infant Jesus of Prague
The image of the Infant Jesus of Prague is made of wax, since the moment of its appearance it has been acquiring great importance in the Catholic community. People have an enormous devotion and great fidelity to him due to his fame of being a miraculous image. In the 17th century it suffered some damage due to the Swedish invasion, during the invasion it lost its arms. Later, the image of the Infant Jesus of Prague was fully restored, replacing his arms.
So we can say who started the devotion throughout Spain was the order of the Carmelites, thus begins the massive dissemination of the image and the miracles of the Divine Child Jesus of Prague.
The Infant Jesus of Prague has been welcomed with open arms around the world due to his incredible miracles. He has also received numerous distinctions and among them one of the most important was the distinction given to him by Pope Leo XIII. The Pope instituted a congress in honor of the Infant Jesus of Prague in 1896. Pope Saint Pius also organized a Brotherhood (specific group of people who worship) to the Infant Jesus of Prague in 1913.
One of the most recent and important distinctions made to the Holy Child Jesus of Prague was carried out by Pope Benedict XVI, who donated a gold crown to the image of the Child Jesus of Prague, during his apostolic visit to the Czech Republic in September 2009.
Miracles performed by Infant Jesus of Prague
It all started in the city of Prague where the Infant Jesus of Prague began to bless the monastery, the people of the town and the whole city of Prague. He is credited with miraculous cures and the salvation of Prague during the Swedish invasion in 1639. At that time the image was kept away from the public eye, so people could not publicly worship it.
In the year 1641, the statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague was transferred to a chapel, so that people could give him their devotion and faith. Then in 1651, the image was carried by a huge procession to the church in Prague. In 1655 the Bishop of Prague crowned the Infant Jesus.
Because the miracles that he performed continued to increase, even the chapel where his image was venerated was left without enough space for the crowds that flocked there and after the space was insufficient, in 1776 a much larger altar was built than pay homage to the great deeds of the Infant Jesus of Prague.