The Powerful Prayer to Retain the Husband
You are a young man very devoted to the Catholic Church and you want to find different prayers to say them every day, then continue in this article and discover The most effective Prayers for Young Catholics .
Catholic Prayers for Youth
Over the years and today there are a large number of young people who are devoted to Catholicism and praying is part of the daily life of each one in order to be able to carry each day in a calm way, with great wisdom and strength to overcome all the good and bad things.
For the most part, young people take it very seriously to be able to have prayers in order to learn to express themselves with their hearts and release all those bad thoughts they may have because of a bad day while they communicate with God. Catholic prayers for young people are of great help since by praying them they can lower temptations and increase love for people and are able to give help to those who need it without expecting something in return.
Catholic Prayer for Young Students
Nowadays, young people usually spend a lot of work to be able to study, so every day their stress and worries tend to be stronger and they do not usually concentrate when studying, which is why many devotees to Catholicism usually pray the following prayer to calm down when you do your studies:
“Beloved Jesus, good and kind; obedient and always generous,
Since you were little you have preached the word of your father and you have been able to take it everywhere,
where your heart tells you; you who are the savior son of the Virgin Mary,
You have never reproached your father for anything and you have carried his love as your shield.
Today in my name and in the name of all the young people of the world,
I pray for myself and for them,
so that every place where a young person is today can glorify you
and that despite the problems of the world know how to distinguish what is good and what is not,
and you, who are always by everyone’s side, grant us your blessing.
Father, you are the guide of youth,
my youth, the one I live today and every day,
you are the greatest proof of true and pure love,
of warm and brotherly love, I know that your mercy is eternal and I decide to take refuge in you;
Lord you are good, kind, unique, loving,
you are the protector of all humanity and guide of all young people,
I trust and believe in your immense mercy and love,
Forever and ever, Amen.”
Beautiful Prayer of a Teenager to God
Another of the most popular prayers for young people is usually to be there, since with it they can ask for the health of loved ones and in case something bad happens, taking them to have an act of kindness with them. The prayer is as follows:
“My father,
I ask you for the young people who are the hope of the whole world,
I do not ask you to remove corruption, but to remove them from it.
Holy Father,
do not let the young get carried away with evil and petty ideologies,
make them discover the most important thing in life: not to have more or power, but to serve more and love more.
Father, teach all the young men of my youth,
in which I grow, that the truth is good, liberates,
breaks chains, drives away injustice and makes men good.
Father, I wish that each of the young people have a big heart,
Full of love, universal and speaks all languages,
that the color of the skin does not matter to him but the love.
Father, teach all the young people of this generation to be good,
kind, since they do not know the borders,
that they love their brothers as much as you love us, Amen.”
Prayer for a Youth Group
With this prayer, young people can unburden themselves and pray as a group for all young Catholics with illness problems, giving them faith with God to arise every day, the prayer is usually prayed three times and in each prayer the voice must be raised more. The prayer for a youth group is as follows:
“O Lord, listen to their hearts,
good, young and generous, teach young people the truth of each commandment and of the beatitudes;
make them witnesses of your infinite goodness and of your eternal kingdom.
Lord, stay with them always,
especially when they go your way,
you are his strength, his hope, his light every day, you are his victory.
Lord, keep young people always with you, by your side; Amen.”
Short Christian Prayer for Youth
In most of the times, this prayer is usually made when a young person is seen in a group of them in a moment of anguish, difficult moments or where they are lost and do not know how to get out of all the bad decisions, that is why this It is prayed next to a white candle asking with the heart that the soul of that group or person be healed and get out of the dark path in which it may be. The prayer that is performed is:
“Lord, I am here before you to ask your forgiveness if I have offended or failed you at any time,
if I have forgotten your love for me, forgive me;
Jesus, thank you because you are always with me to listen to each of my pleas and words;
At the same time, I ask your forgiveness because sometimes young people do not know how to value everything you give us,
I ask you for wisdom to understand your will.
Lord, I ask you so that today’s young people can follow your path,
so that tomorrow when we are adults we will be the best people,
Thank you sir for listening to me today,
help me to love you even more, to value you more and to love you more Amen.”
Closing Prayer for Young Catholics
This prayer is made by young people to ask for the new generation that grows up and so they can have love for God and they enter Catholicism with great faith and projection to be great in life. The prayer that is performed is:
“To you Lord, I address myself with all that I am,
what I live and what I bring to you, from my trust to the love I have for you;
Lord, for your son Jesus we are here today,
In search of your love and happiness, I know that with all your spirit you love us,
you encourage us, encourage us and teach us to walk the path of good;
Lord, make us all recognize your path and follow each of your steps,
make us good people, honest and full of love for giving,
to each one of our brothers, to each family, to each street child,
to each young person who lives a difficult moment, make us people in your image and likeness;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”
Prayer for the Youth
With this prayer, most parents usually ask for both their children and their friends in extreme cases if there are events in which they participate and they cannot be with them to take care of them, so this prayer for Catholics is usually very efficient to the time of being afraid that something will happen, the sentence is:
“Heavenly and loving Father
I am here and I submit to your will
I want you to give me your blessing
And ask your forgiveness if I have offended you in any way.
I want my actions to be to your liking
I want to follow your will and do good.
Thank you father for always being there
For holding me and listening to me when I needed it most.
Father I ask you for the young people who like me
We are full of bad temptations
And surrounded by sins that take us away from your side.
Let us always act as the holy scriptures dictate.
I ask you Lord for wisdom and will to face all my difficulties.
I offer myself before you Lord to be a beacon and example for young people
I want to be a better person every day
And be a good adult.
Thank you Lord for every morning you give
And the chance to start each day
To praise you and do your will
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.”
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