Virgin of Luján, Miraculous Prayer to Our Lady
There are many virgins that are known today, either because of the miracles they have performed or because of the immense faith that their devotees have in them. In this opportunity we bring you the prayer to the Virgin of Luján , know if history and everything else in this article, do not stop reading it.
Prayer to the Virgin of Luján
Now, here we bring a miraculous prayer to the Virgin of Luján to request her prompt help in serious situations, when you are going through some difficulty or simply have needs that seem to have no solution. The most important thing is to pray this prayer with faith and the conviction that this powerful virgin is going to help us in solving these problems, since she and only she can intercede for the protection of her faithful devotees.
Oh, most holy Virgin Mary, blessed Virgin of Luján, glorious and singular mother of God, most holy source of piety and beauty, who stands out among the humble and poor of the Lord, I thank you for your maternal efforts, and I ask you to teach me to serve with generosity now. love others without interest.
Miraculous María de Luján, clean and pure Concepción! Oh mother of life, mother of my soul! I welcome you forever in my heart, I entrust myself unreservedly to your compassion and I give myself to your tenderness and benevolence, crowned queen of Luján, you who look at me from heaven, you who constantly show me the safe path in this long pilgrimage. for life
Grant, I beg you, protection to this servant of yours, help me, protect me, grant me your favors; I come before you full of love and hope so that you support me in my adversities and misfortunes, especially to ask for your powerful intercession in this serious difficulty that overwhelms and torments me today. (At this point we must present our request, with great faith).
Oh, our lady of Luján, with a noble and smiling countenance, obtain from your son what I simply ask. Mother I wish to always live under your mantle, do not stop giving me shelter at all times; deliver me from evils, dangers and enemies and reach me all the goods; may your miraculous rays of light illuminate my body and soul, so that after having honored you on Earth, I deserve to praise you in heaven, forever and ever. Amen.
Virgin of Luján, mother and queen, pray for your children, guide us and give us your blessing, and pour out your heavenly gifts on all of us. Amen.
At the time of finishing this prayer to the Virgin of Luján, it is necessary to close with the Hail, three Hail Marys, the Our Father and a Glory Be, with all the heart and the faith that can be harbored in it.
Virgin of Lujan
The Virgin of Luján is a representation of the Virgin Mary, who is venerated and adored by Catholicism in those places where she is patron saint, such as Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The first image we have of this virgin is extremely simple, it consists of a piece of clay thirty-eight centimeters high, and it is the one that has given rise to her devotion as indicated in the story of the virgin. of Luján later.
In addition to this, it should be mentioned that a Basilica has been built in her name, in the city to which she honors, where thousands of people attend each year to worship and celebrate her. It should be noted that this virgin has become a very popular symbol of the Argentine Republic, so many people relate prayers to her and petition her for her to help them with her hellish miracles. Later we present a powerful prayer to the Virgin of Luján, which is used by her faithful believers to obtain the favors of this important virgin.
The history of the Virgin of Luján dates back to the year 1630, when it is said that a person of Portuguese nationality wanted to establish a chapel in honor of the Virgin Mary, while he was on the site, and then asked for an image of the Virgin to place it in the chapel. This is how he acquired a tiny image of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, which he asked to be sent to the city of Luján, inside a wooden box. While those in charge of carrying the box were making the crossing, they had no knowledge of its contents.
In this sense, after a long journey of many hours, those in charge of carrying the drawer tried to lower it but then they realized how heavy it was, and since they did not know what was inside, they were forced to open it to check its contents. It was then that they realized that the content of the box was a tiny image of the virgin, which was really shocking since it was very heavy and the image was extremely small, so it was definitely not normal.
Thus, these people were really shocked by what had happened, and then they assumed that it was a providence of the Virgin by virtue of how small the image was and how heavy the drawer was, which is why they made the decision to leave it in the city of Lujan. Once established in this city, she became the patron saint of a number of devotees, who each year hold a celebration in her honor, and adorn the image of the virgin in the same place where she stayed. for the first time.
It was in this place where the name of the Immaculate Conception of Luján was assigned, and that over the years it became Our Lady of Luján, all thanks to the devotees and patriots who, in a firm act of faith and of fidelity, they celebrate and worship her every day, because she is considered the patron saint of that place and honors it.
How to make a prayer?
To make a prayer to the Virgin of Luján as well as to any other saint to whom one has devotion, it is not necessary to follow a certain procedure or follow difficult formulas, the most important thing is to have enough faith and the conviction that this entity is going to help us. to help achieve what we want, to achieve everything that our heart desires and that can cause us so much concern at a given moment.
In this order of ideas, an effective prayer can be done in a conscious and dedicated way, creating a habit in an environment where there is security and trust.
It is necessary to be able to connect with divinity, without following exact steps, simply letting the words flow, with an open heart and a peaceful mind; all this so that the virgin of Luján, in this case, is able to listen to our requests and intercede in order to help us achieve our goal.
It is important to always have faith, pray with love and full confidence, but above all with the best of intentions, and surely the results will be obtained quickly and effectively.
Recommendations for praying
Performing a prayer does not depend on a magic formula or a predetermined structure, since it is only an act of faith that depends on having a conversation with God, with the Virgin or with the saint to whom one is praying, with the aim of telling about some problem that life is complaining about at a given moment; In this sense, through prayer, a petition is raised, in favor of this entity helping us to solve the painful situation that we are going through.
Although there is no predetermined outline, there are some recommendations that it would be appropriate to follow, in order to make sentences a little more effective; There are certain tips that will help us feel more confident during the time spent praying, and that can be used at all times of desperation, here they are stipulated:
- The first thing that is needed when making a prayer to the Virgin of Luján or to any other entity to which a petition is presented, is to have a space in which the believer feels totally free to express their emotions, as well as Change your needs and wants.
- It is pertinent to note that any prayer must be made in a conscious and respectful way, since a request is addressed to a being who is capable of performing miracles and can intercede with God so that we achieve what we need.
- At the time of making a prayer, it is also convenient to meditate on certain positive changes that could be carried out in our lives, and that consequently would make us better people.
- A prayer can be performed with eyes closed or open, or standing, sitting or kneeling; that is, in a position that is comfortable so that the believer can expose his emotions calmly, and at the same time feel totally confident.
- It is necessary to find a place that is completely silent, or pray at night when there are no noises that can interfere or distract while the conversation is taking place.
- You can also take into consideration the idea of praying in a group, where you have other people who are willing to share your requests, and thus achieve a strong divine connection both with the virgin and with any other character.