Saint Rose of Lima, prayer for an exhausted mother
The prayer to Santa Rosa de Lima for children is a beautiful prayer that is raised to pray for the good of children and their protection. Learn in this article everything you need to know about the prayer to Santa Rosa de Lima, its history and its effectiveness, do not stop reading it.
Prayer to Saint Rose of Lima
Below is an effective prayer to Santa Rosa de Lima, patron saint of Peru, who has a large number of followers and believers who trust her miracles and have full confidence in her. The most important thing when making any prayer is to do it with faith and devotion, since it is necessary to have the conviction that she is going to act and intercede to solve the problems that arise at a given time.
The first thing to do when beginning the prayer to Saint Rose of Lima is to invoke the name of Almighty God, who wanted Saint Rose to consecrate herself totally to him by virtue of her virginal love and for her penance of love and compassion; we need him to guide us in the service of love for our neighbor, having his living example of charity, as good witnesses of Christ’s love for men. Guided by the example of Santa Rosa, we want to strengthen the love for our father and brothers, together with those of us who praise and bless him forever and ever, amen.
Santa Rosa who is the queen of Peru, has been on fire in the love and faith of God, she was willing to separate herself from the world and its pleasures by giving herself to Christ in the midst of penances that are really worthy of admiration. She wanted to be an apostle, and thus lead all men on the path to Jesus, so she gave up her beauty and her attractiveness to mortify her body. We ask him to reach us on the path of true life, so that we may be able to enjoy, one day, the eternal goods through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
This celestial Rose, enlightened Virgin who has filled the entire church of God with the fragrance of her virtues, for which she has a deserved Crown in glory, we turn to her protection so that a heart detached from the vanities of the world reaches us, and full of great divine love.
It is the most beautiful and delicate flower that this American land has produced, it is a marvel of grace, and a model to follow for all those souls who wish to follow closely in the footsteps of the master, and with an open heart we ask him to grant us the blessings of the Lord.
In this prayer to Saint Rosa de Lima, she is also begged for the protection of the church, to sustain good souls and to remove from the believing people all the darkness of errors, so that the sacred light of faith and for Jesus to reign in the intelligence of all men who follow him, with the hope of entering his kingdom for eternity.
Almighty God who made this majestic Rose bloom, who has been prevented with the dew of his grace, make us also deserve to be worthy of you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
In order to properly understand the gifts that Saint Rose of Lima has to perform miracles, it is important to know a little about what her life was like, and how she was so chaste and devoted, dedicated to helping others; which is why she has so many faithful believers in the world. In this sense, this character was born in Lima, the capital of Peru, in the year 1586 when the territory was in charge of the Spanish settlers. It is said that she was a truly beautiful young woman, and she went by the name of Isabel Flores de Olivia.
When he was sixteen years old, at the age of 16 he was allowed to enter the convent of the Third Order of the Dominicans in Lima, and thus of his own free will he decided to take the vow of perpetual abstinence, and dedicated his life to the service of other people.
Thus, Rosa opened a clinic in which medical services were offered to those most in need, who did not have sufficient resources. Her self-sacrifice was so great that she daily asked God to put stronger and stronger tests on her, for example, she always prayed for her suffering to increase, and with them in love that she grew in her heart. her.
These were evident self-inflicted trials, but despite this, she always found the strength and time necessary to carry out her charitable works, mainly those aimed at the poorest and most repressed who inhabited the Peruvian territory. For all these reasons, she is the patron saint of Peru, along with San Martin de Porres, and here we present the most effective prayer to Santa Rosa de Lima to obtain favors from her.
Prayer to Santa Rosa de Lima for children
When it comes to a mother who wishes to pray for the good of her children, there is also a beautiful prayer to Saint Rose of Lima, which is done with faith and with all her heart so that she is capable of performing miracles in their lives, and protect them from all harm.
In this sense, a call is made to Santa Rosa, a devout virgin who has been considered as a perfumed rose that makes life in the garden of God, is capable of flourishing among the thorns full of anguish, tribulations and mortifications, she possesses in his heart an immaculate innocence, as white as snow, for which he finds himself shining in the infinite love of God.
Her devotion to her parents was so great, that day and night she worked hard to alleviate their poverty, and tenderly cared for them in illness, which is why she is the most humble and grateful daughter, we want her to have mercy on us and our sons; we need it to teach us to deserve the warm gratitude of children.
In this sense, we ask you to teach our children to appreciate the immense love and sacrifices that their parents make for them, with joy and dedication, for which we only expect obedience from you, and mainly we ask that you bless us.
Saint Rosa de Lima is asked to please keep our hearts united even in adversity, and to place our happiness not only in ephemeral prosperity, but also in the hope of a blessing that will be eternal.
And great. We pray for all Christian mothers in general, so that Christian life and sentiments may awaken in them. We want these sentiments to spread to unite each and every one of the families of God, where Jesus Christ can live and work with the father and the holy spirit, forever and ever, amen.
prayer of thanks
Santa Rosa de Lima has fulfilled many requests that her most faithful believers have made, for which there is also a prayer of thanks that is made in her name:
O holy Rose, first rose of holiness in the new world, may the fragrance of your virtues spread in our lives! Grant that we may be able to imitate your holy purity, and obtain sufficient courage in the practice of penance, teach us to love Christ and his mother Mary from him. We beg God to bless all the Americas, so we can thank him for your glory and for the grace you bestowed on us. Amen.