Virtues of the Virgin Mary: Importance
When we speak of the Virgin Mary, we are presented with the figure of a noble, beautiful, kind woman with a huge mother’s heart in terms of the love of her children, all these characteristics of her are nothing but the virtues of Mary . We invite you to learn more.
The virtues of Mary
As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, María is known as a noble, kind woman, with a great love that she professes to each of her children in the world. She is the Mother of Jesus, and at all times she was a truly faithful servant to God’s plans where she had direct participation.
This attitude of faithful service of Mary was one of total resignation whatever decision she had to carry out. All this she achieved easily, since she was a noble woman and the virtues of María made her fulfill them with fervor and without any complaint.
Next we will determine the virtues of Mary, which are the following:
Humility: the Virgin Mary, our mother, was at all times a humble woman, she always adored the greatness of God and never had any complaints. This feeling of humility must be for the believer the north of what God has planned for our life. Mary at all times was always identified with her Son, Jesus Christ, in terms of the humility that she had in her heart.
Humility is considered one of the virtues that please God very much; through it we know the immense greatness of God and we recognize him as worthy of all praise and adoration.
Simplicity: this is another of Mary’s virtues, and it is characterized by the acceptance of everything that God has prepared for us in our lives. Mary did this without any feeling of reproach or complaint for what God requested of her and what he arranged for her for her life.
Likewise, this virtue is usually considered very important in the life of any believer in God and divine things, because if we do not have it in our hearts we will not be ready to receive what characterizes a life of total dedication. That is why we must be simple if we have in mind to be faithful believers.
Faith, Hope and Charity: these three are the most exemplary virtues of Mary, which she possessed; she at all times assumed everything that God ordered her to do, but with the characteristic that she did not doubt herself at any time; neither did she demand any proof from God in order to justify her faith, Mary was truly faithful and devout until the day of her death.
For Christians and believers, the virtues of Mary should be an example to apply in our lives, since otherwise our belief in God will be a weak belief since we have to keep in mind that God is the engine of all the virtues that exist.
Obedience: Mary, our mother, was the most vivid example of obedience to God’s commands; she was also in charge of taking care of her son Jesus Christ from the moment of his birth until the very moment of his death; and all that time sowing in him the best education and way of life, above all with the application of the will of God who was the orderer of such obligation.
The believer or Christian must accept the teaching on obedience regarding the way of the Cross of Christ as full obedience to the Father until the end of days, enjoying that love that is characterized by giving everything for God from the humility of the heart.
Obedience will become the manifestation of fidelity to the Covenant itself. This obedience is the absolute surrender of the will of the believer in relation to the service of God and his will.
Meekness: also another of Mary’s virtues, she was characterized by the fact that she was a meek woman of heart and spirit, her obedience was observed at all times to the Father, even in the most difficult circumstances and she never refused the provisions that God gave her. entrusted
She was never a woman who looked for problems or lawsuits, her life was dedicated at all times to the simple life and devotion and absolute surrender to God. Christians must have, for example, the meekness that Mary, our Mother, enjoyed, and by means of this virtue manage to endure the circumstances of life that arise in their full devotion to God.
Respect: the Virgin Mary at all times was characterized by the respect she professed for God the Father, this happened throughout her life, even at the moment when the Angel of the Lord addressed her for the Annunciation from God.
And for this reason she would be the chosen one to carry the son of God in her womb, at that moment Mary professed absolute respect, not because she felt fear, but because of the faith that invaded her spirit; She manifested this respect by obeying God’s commandments without doubting that she had to fulfill them.
This should once again serve as an example to any Christian and apply as an example being respectful and loving and accepting situations with all the consequences that this may bring; also have control of attitudes regarding the human and the things of God the Father.
Poverty: Mary was never attached to material life, at all times she accepted with great humility what God offered her, she did not deny her poverty and at all times she was obedient to God.
This should be a living example for any Christian, since we must lead a humble life, and if we have to face situations of poverty at some point, we must accept it with resignation and true humility, and at all times accept God’s designs.
Generosity: in the same way we must say that the Virgin Mary at all times practiced each of these virtues, and so much so that she gave her own son to the suffering that he had to go through, and it was not that the situation did not hurt her but at no time He hesitated to admit the divine will, with the above he showed that his faith was great and the love he professed for God was sincere.
People must learn to be generous and we must be proud of God, we must be ready to help at all times whoever requests our help or who we see in an unfavorable situation. In this we must bear in mind the teachings that Jesus left us to help others since that is how we do it directly to him.
Purity: The Blessed Mother Mary was always pure and virgin, she loved God like no one else and obeyed all his commandments by faith. She led a life of purity that she never renounced, that is why today she is an example for everyone.
This is another of Mary’s virtues that we Christians must practice at all times and manage to lead a pure life, discarding what is not in accordance with it; taking them all from our hearts, even if we are not perfect, but it is our duty to try to achieve it in any way.
Availability: another of Mary’s virtues is that she was available to God at all times, never a “NO” was heard from her, she always heard and complied with the obligations that God ordered her.
Also as Christians and children of Mary we must put into practice this other virtue and be willing people and never hesitate to do the will that God wants of us, also be ready to dedicate our time to preaching the word or doing good to the who needs it from us.
Total surrender: The offering to our mother Mary, in relation to what we see with her mother’s heart, should lead us to the progressive practice of our will and surrender to the knowledge of reaching the goal of holiness. It is well known that God does not eliminate freedom, on the contrary, he perfects it, allowing man to find God’s will, as the only way that achieves such perfection and makes him happy.
From the moment we give ourselves to Mary, we equally give her our life and all the things we have such as concerns, plans, anxieties; We must do this with all confidence without feeling any fear and always fully believing in it.
Mary will only ask us for what we are capable of delivering, not something we cannot, and she will help us in the same way to give what our strength allows us, she will ask us for what is fair since her intention is that we grow in spirit.
Trust: Mary also had to profess a true trust in God the Father, for this reason she never refused to serve him and did so at all times. The absolute abandonment in Mary our mother, must entail a true and great trust. This must become a vital virtue of the life of Consecration, and it becomes a key piece in the life of the Christian.
Our feeling of trust in Mary is our greatest manifestation towards her. The more we feel confidence in her, the greater the love we feel towards Mary.
From the very moment we place ourselves in the blessed hands of our Mother, it is because we are sure of trust in her. No Christian should ever doubt the maternal love of Mary as well as her providence, even if we feel tempted to distrust.
The smallness of our spirit can often be a consequence of the condition of sinners that we are; but if we have sincere humility in our hearts we will not feel discouraged and we will grow to full trust in our Father.
Abandonment: just as the Virgin Mary herself did to abandon everything to follow God, we must also take this as an example in our lives. She left her whole town, her family, her friends. The offering entails absolute abandonment in Mary as our Mother, just as her children abandon themselves in the arms of her mother; and just as Jesus did in the arms of his mother.
This has to be the abandonment that every Christian must have; We must let ourselves be guided by Mary, we must feel full confidence that we are being guided by our Mother, we must also let ourselves feel her love without fear, excuses or anguish.
Inner littleness: Regarding this subject, we must say that Mary herself had a true feeling in her heart of inner littleness, and through this her life was in accordance with what God offered her.
Interior smallness, as the word of God says, is defined as the humble attitude through which we accept that they love us and that we are guided by the Blessed Virgin herself, along paths that she has established for each of her children.
We will never achieve our surrender and abandonment without becoming children. Likewise, Mary guides us along this path so that we may be small and poor, in short, humble and simple. When we let ourselves be carried away like children we let ourselves be led, instrumented as the intention of the design of divine Providence.
When we truly love our Mother Mary, it is with the heart of a child. Her mystery will not be revealed if we don’t let ourselves be carried away by her loving arms. Due to the above, our Mother Mary becomes admirable in terms of her humility; and because of this only the humble and those with a pure heart know the secrets of God the Father.
She can reflect her child in every Christian or believer. For the Virgin Mary we will always be like little children who need special care such as warmth, love, and nourishment from their mother. She asks her children to become small and humble and thus enter into her Heart.
Docility: in the devotional life of Mary we are shown that she was always docile since she was always available to God and his ordinances for her.
Humility in the heart of people makes them docile, if this is allowed in our feelings we will let God instruct us and we will allow ourselves to be taught by providential situations around us, we will not rush God’s time nor will we stop them when they have arrived.
Availability: María, as we have said on several occasions, was available from the beginning. This internal attitude will make us feel that we are capable of facing the demands that we have around us, in terms of the people that we must evangelize and appreciate with a sincere and serving heart.
Availability represents an internal attitude through which we accept that our neighbor demands of us. God wants us to give everything for others, just as he himself did for all humanity on the Cross, likewise that we are available to others like Mary, we must love our brothers with a feeling of simplicity, sincere service, generosity and dedication. .
Fidelity and firmness: Mary believed in God at all times, she never worshiped other gods, she was always faithful and stood firm before that belief.
Regarding this, we must see it as another good example in the life of Mary, and for this reason we must remain faithful to the Covenant alive in the Heart of Mary; so we must be persevering, faithful in hard situations; We must not allow ourselves to be overcome by the questions that may arise throughout our lives.
Perseverance and patience: this virtue is another that characterizes the Virgin Mary, and it must be necessary in our lives to know the belief and surrender to God the Father; We must persevere in the face of the difficulties that life presents us, just as the Virgin Mary lived them, but nevertheless she was always patient, persevering, since God always walked by her side supporting her unconditionally.
“At all times we must keep in mind that what is kind, pure, noble, true, or virtue and merit is good.” These words are defined in Saint Paul to the Philippians within the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which in its beginning makes a reference to the virtues.
In the Catechism it is determined that virtue is the firm and sure disposition to practice good. They make people do good deeds, always giving the best of themselves. The person who is virtuous uses all his spiritual and sensitive forces to do good, pursues it and chooses it with definite attitudes.
A life of virtue is the likeness of being like God, this was held by Saint Gregory of Nyssa.
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church mention is made and a differentiation between theological virtues and human virtues.
In one part of it, human virtues are determined as firm actions, stable in terms of understanding and the will that guide these acts, organize the feelings of man; They also allow order in our passionate behaviors and direct the behavior according to faith and reason.
When the subject has virtues has attitudes of doing good to life and others. Likewise, the virtues provide control, ease and joy with the sole purpose of leading a life according to good principles.
The moral virtues are acquired through the forces of man. They are considered the fruits or consequences of attitudes with good morality. There are four virtues that are important in life, these are called cardinal; all are grouped around the others that exist. These virtues are: justice, strength, temperance and prudence.
The virtues that are acquired through the teachings through reflected acts, perseverance in terms of effort, are clean and rise to divine grace. Through God these acquire character and are characteristics in good practices.
When the subject is wounded by sin, it is not easy for him to keep his balance in terms of morality. We are given Christ’s gift of salvation, through which we are given enough grace to keep pursuing all the virtues.
Each one must request this grace of light and strength, go to the sacraments at all times, collaborate with the Holy Spirit, follow the invitations to do good and stay away from evil or sin.
The Catechism itself speaks of the theological virtues, it also establishes that such virtues are rooted in those that adapt the attitudes of man regarding the divine nature. The theological virtues refer specifically to God. Through the virtues, the Christian lives in direct relationship with the Holy Trinity.
The only motive of the virtues as well as the origin and motive is God. They also encourage, they are characterized in terms of the moral work of the believer; they also teach and comfort the virtues in the moral.
They are sealed by God himself in the spirit of the faithful in order to make them capable of acting as his children that they are; and equally make them worthy of eternal life. They become the guarantee and presence of the attitude of God’s own Spirit in faculties proper to man: faith, hope and charity.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is presented to us as an exemplary lady of the faith and charity of the Catholic Church; all this is fully determined in the Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, in chapter VIII.
Some priests have thoughts that Mary was not only a purely passive instrument in the hands of God the Father, but that she helped in the salvation of man in terms of faith and obedience.
The Vatican Council continues to say about the Virgin Mary, that she helped the work of God in terms of the virtues of Mary, which she possessed and as we already mentioned are: the great faith that radiated, hope and ardent charity; all in order to fix the lives of souls. Therefore, Mary is considered our mother with the order of grace.
Saint Ambrose showed us that Mary is an example of the Church in relation to faith, charity and the direct relationship with God the Father.
She always believed or obeyed God, she had the great mission of engendering in her most chaste womb the very Son of God without ever knowing a man or a man, she was also protected by the Holy Spirit, it could be said that she was like a new Eve. She who gives her faith without doubting at any time the message of the Creator.
Although the Church has achieved perfection in Mary, believers are still in a constant struggle to rise in holiness and thus overcome the sin of their lives; For this reason, they see in the virtues of Mary a model that they must follow and apply to their lives at all times.
However, we must keep in mind that in order to apply the virtues of Mary in our lives, we must know and be fully certain of how she lived them, and then be able to learn to imitate her and that we can once and for all assume our responsibility to live them fully and in holiness as she did it.
As for the virtues of Mary, we can list ten of the main ones that are adhered to her; these were determined by Antonio Royo Marín, and also following the French saint Saint Luis María Grignon de Montfort, we can divide them as follows:
They are internal humility, truly living faith, total obedience to God and his works, constant prayer, mortification, her absolute and divine purity, ardent charity, her patience at all times, a sweetness characteristic of her and the wisdom of the divine.
Seeing these virtues of Mary, anyone could think that she becomes unattainable, inimitable, however she also had the characteristic of being like us flesh and blood, although she was endowed with many gifts that God gave her, however we can say of her that she was a woman like any other, she was a mother, wife, companion and friend.
For this reason, her life is interesting for us to know about her and how she lived it in terms of her virtues, what role she had in the Salvation Economy, and how she still intercedes for all her children at the present time.
How was Mary’s faith?
Faith can be defined as the certainty of believing in what we do not see, it is the theological virtue through which we have belief in God and in his promises and word; in all that it reveals to us and that the Catholic Church invites us to accept.
Mary fully believed that God existed and was convinced that he was Almighty, since she, being a young Jew, received teachings on the faith of this people of the Old Testament. Like the other relatives of Maria, she believed with all certainty in the Creator God, in the power of God as well as in divine justice; she revealed by different prophets to Israel.
Mary felt like a servant at all times, and she really was. Mary herself lived the service of God in a full and humble way, just as she did with the prophet Samuel: “The Lord appeared to him and called him: “Samuel, Samuel”; he replied: “Speak, your servant listens” and by means of that he recognized God as his Lord.
The previous statement makes us see the importance of how the Virgin Mary believed herself to be a creature before her Creator. She accepted the full authority of God the Father, as well as all the duties and obligations that she would fulfill for Him.
Due to the faith with which Mary was taught as a Jew, which happened at the time of her fourteen or fifteen years, moments that precede the moment of the Annunciation made by the Archangel Gabriel. Mary at all times was characterized by trust and inner peace that led her to full and absolute acceptance of the mystery of the Incarnation in a free way.
Mary was clear at all times that God professed a great love for her without it being her own merit; it only happened by the mere fact of being a creature of her creation, and therefore she had to fulfill certain obligations or tasks.
In the miracle of the Annunciation the supports of Christian ethics are fixed, this when the Virgin herself said yes to the fulfillment of God’s will in her life, it was her first task that God assigned her.
Such an act of Mary, our Mother; She makes it clear to us that only the fact that we are creatures created by God prepares us to have obligations with him and her will in our daily life, as well as the divine plan that he has for us. At the present time there are few people who reflect on the above.
María at all times felt a deep gratitude for living and because God grants her the gift of life, of existing, and for the fact of knowing that he granted it to her because of the great love he professed for her.
When we contemplate the life of Mary, it leads us to ask ourselves the following questions:
What does God need today from the world and the Church? And what do you particularly need from me?
What he seeks is that our thoughts and ideas are clear as to what is the will of God the Father in our life, we must also admit the situations that are presented to us throughout our lives; and equally that we accept them without boasting about the triumphs, nor falling into despair or defeat due to failure.
We must constantly fight for what we can change; and what we cannot, have the most absolute resignation, keeping in mind that one and the other must be accepted with joy, complacency since it is God’s will for us and our lives and such a situation will be what is best for us.
Another example that we must take into consideration is the happiness that Mary felt from the moment of the Annunciation until Pentecost, and even before that; she also living the Passion of her own son. She felt happy because each situation she experienced was based on the will of the Father, not because she wanted it or blindly, she always and at all times accepted what the Father requested of her.
She meditated in her heart everything that she was living, and thus she clung more to the love she felt for God; she also lived based on her commandments and faithfully fulfilled her beatitudes, accepting with all and result the nature of God, love and human nature itself. Until the end of her days, Mary loved her experiences in earthly life; and she currently continues to feel that great love from heaven for all her children.
Mary is a true sign and authenticity of faith, since through Mary herself, God wants to win children until the end of the world. This is established in the Treatise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, by the author Saint Luís María Grignion de Montfort.
Just as it happens in the natural way, the same thing happens in the supernatural; and it is that there is a Father (God) and a Mother who is Mary; hence, whoever does not have or recognize Mary as Mother, he cannot have God as Father.
And the French saint ends by commenting: that the most obvious and sure characteristic for us to differentiate a heretic is that he himself feels contempt and indifference towards the Virgin Mary, and therefore tries to lessen love for her and devotion.
For this reason we must accompany the saints saying: Mary has not been fully known and for this reason she has not been honored, praised, extolled and served as she should be and as she herself deserves.
María’s own cousin, Isabel, highlights the faith that María had at all times and above any of the virtues; since she believed in the mystery of the Incarnation unveiled by the Archangel Gabriel at her time. All this is determined in the book by the author Federico Suárez, called: “La Virgen Nuestra Señora”.
Elizabeth in this chapter shows how Mary’s faith was above other virtues; she always believed in everything and before the own reasoning and laws of the natural; for all this Isabel praised her constantly. There is no such great evidence of faith in the entire Bible as that of Abraham, however he himself had to recognize what Mary felt.
In Maria there were no plans for the future that she could experience the feeling of motherhood. The Jewish custom was that women should marry early, and in this way procreate and have children in order to grow the house and the lineage.
The absolute surrender of God over Mary already made her different from a child before the desire of God the Father. The Archangel’s message suddenly took her out of her vital ideas, and made her see a horizon that she would not imagine and that could not be understood with reason alone. Maria was not sure that it was going to happen like this; that no woman could conceive without knowing a man in any way; this was something unthinkable.
She saw that the demand was of a greatness that did not come from the human but from the heavenly or divine, it was to blindly and absolutely accept the word of God, referring at that moment to the Incarnation, as well as the consequences that this would bring. Zacarías, Isabel’s husband, faced with a much lesser situation, refused to believe that his wife, who was already of advanced age, could be a mother. This he believed impossible and inconceivable.
However Mary was full of grace and equally a humble creature that can be conceived. More was required of Mary than of Abraham himself. She did not understand the mystery of the Incarnation, however she believed in God and in her greatness, she was clear about the promises that were made to her people.
He never doubted what God himself told him through the Archangel, without having to see signs to be able to believe. In her there was a great act of faith and the affirmation of the message that he was given. The Virgin trusted in God and believed in everything she was told and in this way the Word became man.
We could say that what Mary experienced in terms of internal growth and maturity from the very moment of the Incarnation is something out of the ordinary. In relation to this experience of the Virgin Mary, we must keep in mind that faith must always be present for everything in our lives, and everything related to the supernatural and superior world.
All of the above is what makes Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin, praise her, since her faith was unique and she showed it, so when she meets her in the visitation, Elizabeth herself determines: “Blessed are you among all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
Likewise, faith when used as a powerful weapon can achieve immovable mountains, such was the case of a group of humble men, without studies, without possible means or influences, but they changed history only with faith in Christ. Likewise the apostles had only faith with them.
Saint Paul’s preaching speaks of faith at all times. Likewise, Saint John in the same way affirms with certainty and firmness; but at the same time with tenderness: “because everything that has been made of God overcomes the world. And what has achieved victory over the world is precisely faith”; also “Jesus answered: If I can? Everything is possible for the one who has faith.”
At the time of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, known to Christians, the Jews questioned Jesus about what they had to do to please God the Father. To this Jesus replied: “The work of God is this: that you believe in him.
Despite the fact that one of the requirements, so to speak, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is precisely faith; The disciples and Jesus himself insisted on this. However, today it is one of the virtues of Mary of less intensity experienced by believers or Christians. There is a deep rift between different worlds, a sad lack of vital unity. No person can live without having a belief. The ideologies of some people or Christians have caused the faith to fade.
What guarantee did Mary have of what was revealed by the Angel of God, if it were not a crazy dream?
Faith is not the result of man’s thoughts: he is in a superior position and because thoughts are usually an instrument on the affairs of humanity, faith is the same relative to the supernatural and the help of grace is necessary, since people cannot go beyond their limitations.
At all times we must believe in God and equally believe in him as Mary did; thus, to the extent that we believe in him and do his will, we will increase grace and draw closer to God; and due to this, if we are close to God there will be more light in us, we will know the Truth and we will have a living and powerful faith.
There is in mental clarity an intimacy and correspondence in terms of faith and morality, this correspondence harms metaphysical beliefs and also the supernatural. Meeting with God the Father leads us to have a willful character, it is to perceive something that we do not see but we perceive; this is the opinion of Peter Wust, who refers to the fearless risk of faith.
Only the person who has the will to believe is the one who receives the gift of faith. This is to live it fully, let ourselves be carried away by it; in order to make us live a life like the one that Mary herself lived. Right at this moment when the man gets support and produces both security and the ability to affect the largest companies.
We can conclude then by saying that faith becomes the express collaboration of believers in relation to the exercise of Divine power.
How did Mary experience the virtue of hope?
This is another of the theological virtues that are known and by means of which we can also gain the Kingdom of Heaven; as well as eternal life as a complement to our complete happiness; placing with it our absolute trust in the promises of God, as well as putting all our strengths in him and not in ours. Also receiving the help and grace of the Holy Spirit.
As hope we can also say that it is the enjoyment of what we do not possess, but having the certainty that we will have it in eternal life. The person who possesses hope enjoys an inner peace and the security of the final triumph or victory. “May hope keep you happy; stand firm in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
This same virtue of hope gives us the strength to fight for the situations that we may experience in the course of our lives such as health, marriage, work, friends, family union, the homeland. With hope we remain strong, strengthened and joyful.
The Virgin Mary had many moments in her life that she lived in hope, mainly those of a hard or difficult nature, as well as those of suffering. However, at all times she had a reaction to the Cross of Hope.
When there are moments of pain in our lives, Christians can feel the full presence of Jesus Christ. Christians feel comfortable with the Cross of Christ because through it we are close to Jesus and we bear our sufferings with greater resignation.
Mary in all the moments that she lived found the necessary relief in her Son, this through hope, the promises of God, she never fled from the cross. The Virgin Mary did not see pain as something divine, on the contrary she tried to avoid it when possible, however when she could not do it in her own Son she obtained the necessary relief to move forward and this through hope .
At present, men are imbued within the culture related to death, as well as the escape from pain and suffering. With such an attitude, the possibility of meeting Jesus Christ and taking his strength from him is being lost, and thus overcome what one may be living.
Mary, as we have already said, was a woman who managed to remain on the Cross, unlike the disciples since they fled. However, Maria remained strong, serene and in total integrity, she never avoided her problems or hers or those of others. She managed to keep hope until the last moment, she never got tired because she knew that tired soldiers emerge victorious from battles.
Mary at all times adopted a practical attitude, totally feminine, she did not make speeches even in difficult situations, she was simply there with the suffering person, giving them the hope of her Son as the Savior of humanity.
At all times it is important and necessary to imitate Mary in our lives, in relation to pain, our own suffering and that of others; as well as difficult situations, illness; in those moments she never ran away, and this is the example that we must follow in imitating her.
We must have hope as a virtue at all times of our lives in order not to decay in the face of adversities that are presented to us, and at all times with that hope walk hand in hand with God. Mary left us a beautiful journey through hope, and we must do it and go through it together with her.
In relation to the above, we must wait for the glory of Heaven that God promises us to those who love him and fulfill his absolute will. At any time we must have the full hope that we have God’s grace to endure situations to the end and then come to enjoy the joy of heaven, as an eternal reward from the Father.
Christians have always had their hope in the model of Abraham, in accordance with that of Isaac, on the promises of God and atoned for by the sacrifice itself:
“Based on hope, he trusted at all times with the absolute hope of becoming the father of many peoples, just as he had been made known: that is how your offspring will be.”
The hope of Christians has been given since the beginning of the word of God and its teachings through the Beatitudes, these increase our hope of going to heaven as the promised land. The path to the promised land is determined by the trials experienced by the children of Jesus Christ.
However, his merits and passion protect us in terms of hope which never fails. Hope is nourished by prayer, particularly the Our Father, since through hope we achieve everything. Through hope, the Church pleads for the need for all humanity to be saved.
We can also say that hope is attached to faith; not only to faith in the dead Jesus Christ but to faith and hope in the Resurrection. Believers have to be clear as children of Christ, the content of hope, and thus not have to live a hope without response or in vain.
We have to be patient and hope that after the Cross there is the Resurrection. Likewise, Christianity must be lived with the certainty of not being alone in the world, nor in the experiences that touch us such as sin, both our own and that of others.
Mary possessed the Immaculate of her life from the moment of her conception; for this reason sin could not be in it; only her love did it, and he lived with her at all times. In this way, Mary loved humanity in generosity and mercy; two virtues of Mary, which never abandoned her.
In the same way, I shared her time with other people, the prayers, virtues of Mary, as well as the wisdom she possessed. Regarding the above, the opinion of Mother Teresa of Calcutta was: that we should profess love to others as a return response to the one who loved us first: “You have to give it until it hurts”.
We must keep in mind that we will live after death in an eternal life in which God will be waiting for us with his mercy; all this by applying the two virtues of Mary, which she teaches us to practice, such as hope and security of what is to come.
Another of the virtues of Mary is charity, this is considered the most important according to the opinion of Saint Paul. Charity is another of the theological virtues through which we have the purest feeling of love for our neighbor and first of all for God, everything must go around the love that we must profess to God at all times of our lives.
Jesus Christ turns the virtue of charity into a new mandate. Likewise, with this virtue the commandments of God and of Jesus Christ are protected.
“As the Father has loved me, so I love you; stay in my love If you keep my teachings, you will remain in my love; just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have discussed this with you so that my joy may be with you and your joy may come to fullness.”
When Jesus Christ died for humanity we were still enemies; for this reason he asks us to love one another, even our enemies, that we become neighbors of the most distant, that we give love to children and the poor as if it were himself.
The exercise of the other virtues of Mary is determined and attached to charity itself. This was very clear to the Virgin Mary herself, she knew that it was union over perfection; this virtue is the way of articulation with each other. Charity ensures and heals the act of loving of human beings.
Elevate to the supernatural perfection of divine love. Charity has as consequences of itself peace, joy, mercy; He asks us to practice good with others as well as fraternal correction. Likewise, charity is totally friendly, generous, of reciprocity and communion.
When we refer to charity and love, we can say that it supports everything, believes it, waits for it, forgives it. Saint Augustine himself said that the completion of our works must be love.
In the book by Santiago Martín, we are taught Mary’s charity at the time of her visit to her cousin Elizabeth, it is named as a journey of Charity. From the moment that María begins the trip to her cousin Isabella, she does not do it out of the curiosity of humanity, on the contrary, they were religious reasons, since she had to achieve a real charity work.
It is believed that for Mary this trip must have been something very beautiful, since she must have meditated in her heart what the Archangel of God had announced to her and all this must have made her perceive the purest and most beautiful feelings in her heart.
Mary was totally ready to embark on that journey, it was clear that such an encounter with Elizabeth was not pure chance, she knew that Elizabeth was the person that God had placed on her path so that they would joyfully share the Incarnation of the Word, apart the Angel in the Annunciation had named Elizabeth and her son (Juan). She was clear that there was a relationship between both situations; since what she felt when undertaking the trip was something supernatural and extraordinary.
Likewise, Mary embarks on the journey with the firm conviction that it was a mission entrusted to her with God the Father and in this way profess love for him, as well as for her neighbor, who in this case was Elizabeth.
There are several passages in the Bible where Mary has an attitude of charity, as evidenced at the wedding at Cana, at the same time that she feels compassion for the bride and groom since they had a shortage of wine. Another moment occurs during her Passion, when she accompanies both her Son and some women of the time in this painful trance until death.
It is also seen at the time of the days before Pentecost, there he helps the disciples to assimilate the thoughts of doubt about the Resurrection of his own Son and then in the collaboration of everything that was presented to him and it was in his hands to help , also in the Church that was formed.
Today, the Mother of God appears to us in the world in many ways. The increase in the apparitions of Mary in recent centuries and in the present determines everything. In these apparitions, the virtues of Mary are shown, such as charity, her love for her children, which she does not hesitate to continue in her fight for the conversion of the entire world.
Despite our failures, Mary is invoked before the Catholic Church as Help of Christians, Advocate, Mediator and Helper. The writer Dostoyevsky pointed out: “If God does not exist, everything is permitted.” God is the one who guarantees the rights of the weak. Mary’s prayer is always characterized by being charitable in favor of those who are in a difficult situation, however, she also finds herself before those closest to her.
His love was concretized in works that bear the following characteristics.
A religious type of love: she moved her to make her attitude result in love for God and all things and for her neighbor, as herself.
Love that he understood at all times as a duty to God and to his neighbor; since she was characterized by being a creature, a servant, and she was clear that she had to fulfill duties with God and others, especially with the poorest or neediest; not only the material but the situations of the spirit.
Likewise, it was a love that was concrete in terms of works, in terms of all the situations in which he lived on Earth and from Heaven.
Likewise, it was a love that prayed insistently connected with prayer, since his action was not just to act but a charitable attitude as a result of his internal prayer.
When we observe the love of Mary as well as her charity, we can see that it is a full love, that she professes a love without separating anyone, she does not block the possibilities of the person who has made a mistake, instead she tends to help and in this way to love God and one’s neighbor.
It is a shared love that only seeks perfection as a unit; Maria knew a lot about this and she had experience in it. As for this we must also imitate the Virgin; we must walk in terms of the family unit, co-workers, the Church, the nation; always with love and yielding to the circumstances experienced.
We must stand united in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. May our union with others be our own love for Jesus Christ, and may we love as he did, always respecting the moral regulations established by the Catholic Church. Without the existence of unity there can be no argument for charity and without it the due conversions will not be achieved, and therefore there will be no evangelization.
Mary’s desire, being the universal mother, feels an absolute desire towards the unity of her Children, and likewise, as a Mother, she determines that our priority is love for those closest to us, and in this way we can love those who are farthest away.
Maria’s love used to be an unlimited love, she did not expect anything in return, she forgave and knows the precise moment when she should be forgiven. Regarding this issue, John Paul II pointed out that forgiveness towards terrorists is viable, as long as there are guarantees of sincere repentance.
Mary forgave the disciples from the very moment they fled from the Cross, she also forgave priests, Jews and all those who judged her Son, the Romans themselves who took him to the Cross. This forgiveness came about because she still loved them above all else.
The Mother of Jesus brought peace wherever she went, and through it she managed to sow unity around where she was. According to the love that she professed she kept the doubtful disciples of her after the Cross, right at Pentecost. She, as always, with her maternal love, filled the Church that was being born until today with a fiery charity.
Where charity exists, there is God since he himself is love: forgiveness and unity also exist. Mary is the most vivid example of the perfection of charity and also of the love that bathes the acts of daily life, making them unique and unrepeatable.
Humility and docility, how did Mary experience them?
If we take into account the definition that the Dictionary of the Spanish Language makes of humility, we will say that it consists of the enrichment of the limitations and weaknesses of this knowledge.
Such a definition could help us deepen the Marian virtue. Mary in her Magnificat, performs a beautiful word of such virtue.
Treating herself from the moment that God chose her for the miracle of the Incarnation, a great joy was manifested in her from that moment on. Also during her greeting between her and her cousin Elizabeth when she said: “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
The Magnificat is considered the poetic expression of the innermost feelings manifested by the Virgin Mary and is also the expression of the intimate relationship between her and God. Elizabeth, through the impulse of the Holy Spirit, praises the faith of Mary; she answers it through her joy in her humility.
The Magnificat is also a great adoration of God the Father, and an attitude of thanks for the goodness that the Creator himself transmits to us.
In Mary there is the very recognition of her being. She becomes a slave of God, it is the title that she receives before God: la ancilla domini. In the same way she is an affirmation of grace. God did immense things in Mary, the only thing she has done is accept that God has placed her eyes on her insignificance. God chose her because of her purity and she brought about the Incarnation of her because of her humility.
Some may wonder how Mary was able to practice humility so radically? The answer to this question is that Mary had her thoughts and her heart well matched with her; she managed her priorities very well. She was clear at all times that God must come first and she was his creation. She accepted that the good deeds she did were Gifts that God gave her, the beauty and goodness of everything.
When Mary was chosen to be the Mother of God, she became a great responsibility that asked her to detach from certain worldly things. Maria’s humility was positive for her to cope with the toughest situations that she encountered throughout her life. She likewise accepted such situations without complaint; being clear that God allowed them for some reason that she still did not know.
In relation to humility, the apostle Saint Paul himself in the Letter to the Romans, points out that we should not adjust to the world but, on the contrary, renew ourselves, so that we learn to think about what is truly the will of God, as well as that he likes, perfection.
We must keep in mind at all times that one of the virtues of Mary, such as humility, is that it constitutes the truth. The woman and the man when they possess true humility, they manage to see the truth of all matters. Pride ends with the possibility of seeing the ultimate realities, because due to their deeper characteristic, they require a greater sense of penetration in terms of the supernatural.
When man thinks that he has the power to do things by himself, he is a person who is blind due to pride, this is totally opposite to the things of God. Man must keep in mind that for everything he depends on God, for day-to-day life, breathing, moving and thoughts, for all of this he needs the absolute support of God. These people fail to see that he is affected by original sin.
In the same way, he fails to see impotence, freedom enslaved by sin. The man who only believes in his own support, in his intelligence, ability, strength and power; he will always have thoughts that he does not owe anyone such characteristics, but he becomes a arrogant and proud person; two sins of the failed man, since without God nothing exists.
If we ourselves do not have the power to know ourselves, we will never know God: observing the greatness of God we will accept the lowliness of our own spirit before him.
Continuing the theme of the Magnificat, there is a steady walk of God and his creatures. In the same way and little by little the magnificence of God is taking due attention in an intense and sustained way, and as a consequence of this the perfection of humility is achieved. Our thought should be let us forget ourselves and give all due attention to God, so that at all times he may be glorified.
Until this moment we managed to see the first element of humility as the mental attitude of the person. The first is referred to the intelligence and then the will. After that, docility is observed in the person himself.
Mary did not live aware of herself, at all times she did so only of God and his will. For this reason she always had in mind her own insignificance and at all times she felt unable to do things, however she knew that with God everything was possible.
Only humble people have the same quality of being docile. Unlike the above, the arrogant never adapts to God’s plan, in the majority of the arrogant they never get to know God’s plans; since they do not tolerate being under the order of someone inferior to them; and equally they do not accept that they are in a lower place than they think they deserve.
The ego of proud people is usually so strong that they do not allow space for God or his grace. Thus we can say that the space between God and man is grace.
If we take into consideration that humility is the truth of things, then we will be humble in the way we apply being true in life. The fastest path is usually honesty. At all times the truth has always been feared.
Due to the above, this is the reason why lies and simulation are resorted to; This leads us to easily forget that the only one who has the power to judge is God and never man himself. In Mary, God performed great works for her, since he observed in her the humility that he possessed from her, this filled Mary with joy.
Purity in the Virgin Mary
We also see the definition of purity in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language and determines it as the quality of something pure, clean, virginity and maidenhood. Such expressions make us see and imbue ourselves with the mysteries of the Virgin as Immaculate, purity of Mary and virgin birth.
In the book called “Without Conceived Sin” by the author Joseph Torras i Bages, at the beginning of its pages, Mary is also defined as the most worthy to profess purity. In his book, the author defines for us that God is the light of the world and it only comes from Him, likewise purity; both have spiritual and material characteristics, and are observed as a very pure substance, which is understood as the origin of existence.
The purity of God, he himself had the idea that it manifest itself in a privileged creature and the most appropriate was the Immaculate Virgin Mary, and he did it through the tabernacle of his beloved Son. Mary is usually seen as the creature that most professes purity, this by divine will; For this reason, God wanted her to be in charge of carrying Jesus in her womb, with the purpose of becoming a man.
Only God can be designated attributes or perfections determining that they are characteristic of the infinite, without limit or measure. The same representatives of the Catholic Church manifest purity in Mary. Such purity of the Virgin does not present limitations or measures, it only corresponds to the fullness of her grace.
Mary, conceived by the same God from eternity, was always pure and her birth also presented a characteristic of purity, since by divine will she was chosen to restore purity to the descendants of the first men (Adam and Eve).
The author continues mentioning that all the work of Christianity is based on the reparation of the purity of humanity; as well as the purification of men, since holiness is the most complete purity; therefore Holiness is the essence of being pure.
God himself has imposed the main law of creation and also the law of hierarchy, holiness and purity, which are totally based on God himself, they are transmitted in the whole humanity in a special way through the ministry of Mary, as a creature of God. Jesus is the divine nature itself and is also the fruit of the holy womb of Mary.
There is a thought that by the fruit we know the tree, and the tree gives us benefits through the fruit; therefore Jesus is the purifier of the heart of humanity, if Jesus is the fruit of Mary, it means that purity, the angelic and divine scent, which pure souls aspire to, is given to men through the Immaculate Virgin Mary .