What is Good Friday and why is it celebrated?
In case of doubts about What is Good Friday? in this article you will find each of the most important details about the subject.
What is Good Friday?
It is known that Good Friday is known by millions of people around the world, however, have you ever wondered what Good Friday is ? Well, despite being mentioned countless times, many of the people who know him are unaware of the main information about what is mentioned.
In case you are part of the group of those who do not know small details about Good Friday, in this article we will leave you with all the most important details, to finally know what is Good Friday and why is it celebrated?
It is mentioned that Good Friday is the Friday just before Easter Sunday, which is traditionally celebrated as the day Jesus was crucified. In case you find yourself completely interested in the in-depth study of Good Friday, we invite you to continue consulting this article in which different points related to said day will be discussed.
The Bible does not offer instructions to be followed by Christians when they want to remember the death of Christ, honoring him on a specific day, because the Bible has great freedom in this regard, however, Romans 14:4 ensures the following :
«One makes a difference between day and day; another judges the same every day. Everyone be fully convinced in his own mind.” Instead of remembering Christ’s death on a certain day once a year, the Bible teaches us to remember Christ’s death by observing the Lord’s Supper. First Corinthians 11:24-26 declares, “…do this in remembrance of me…as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.”
For what reason is Good Friday called Holy?
Once you take into account what is Good Friday? It is time to mention why this day is called Holy.
What the Jewish authorities and the Romans managed to do to Jesus, can be observed and verified in Matthew: Chapter 26-27, however, each of the consequences of Christ’s death turned out to be quite good. A great example would be that in Romans 5:8 the following is mentioned:
“But God shows his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” First Peter 3:18 tells us, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.”
Additional data
Thousands of Christian churches end up celebrating Good Friday with a great solemn service, usually at night in which the death of Christ is remembered along with solemn hymns, working hand in hand with prayers to be used in thanksgiving.
In addition to that, it also works alongside messages focused solely on what turned out to be Christ’s suffering for each of us, as well as the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
Whether or not each of the Christians wishes to celebrate the arrival of Good Friday, each event that occurred on that day should always be in our minds, this because the death of Christ on the cross turned out to be the main event to find the Christian faith. .
What is Good Friday? And each of their Customs
Since it is known that it is Good Friday , it is the appropriate time to get a little closer to the subject and discover what its most common Customs are like.
#1 Cover images of Jesus
It is known that on this day, inside the churches, each of the images and especially those of the crucifix are covered by a purple cloth. That to demonstrate the absence of Jesus.
The main purpose is to give the liturgy the characteristic sobriety of recollection known as the Death of Jesus and thus reflect on the mystery of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. On the other hand, the images manage to be discovered on Easter Sunday, being a symbol of the Resurrection.
#2 Dress the Virgin Mary in mourning
The image of the Virgin Mary is dressed in black to show her mourning and the great pain for the death of Jesus, it is known that some members of the parish also assume this color in their clothing to accompany the mourning.
#3 Pray the Stations of the Cross
Likewise, it is customary to pray the Via Crucis, better known as the Way to the Cross. This prayer is carried out to accompany Jesus in his last hours, while recognizing the fourteen situations that he experienced since his conviction, death and burial.
#4 Meditate on the 7 words of Jesus
On Good Friday, people also meditate on the seven words that Jesus spoke on the cross. The faithful end up reflecting on the meaning they could have and interpret the way in which it adapts to the different life situations that the whole world goes through.
#5 Bring Worship to the Cross
On the other hand, the importance of participating in this tradition is that Jesus was worshiped while he was on the Cross, and it is also when the entire liturgical celebration ends. The objective of this ceremony is to accompany our Lord in all that pain and suffering that he had to live for us.
#6 The Commemoration of the death of Jesus
Finally, at night a commemoration is especially held to honor the moment in which our Lord dies. This is accomplished through hymns, prayers of thanksgiving, or messages based on the suffering that Christ felt for each one of us.
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