A powerful prayer of protection the holy Shirt
The powerful prayer to Santa Camisa is very effective, so, if you are looking for a prayer for your protection and that of your loved ones, this prayer that you will find below is totally the one indicated, in addition to Santa Camisa you can also invoke her to dominate and much more.
Powerful prayer to holy Shirt
On many occasions we find ourselves in the need to seek divine help to ask for protection from people who only seek to do us harm and what better way than to go to the Holy Shirt to request its spiritual protection against all our enemies and bad people around us. . For this we can invoke her through a very powerful and effective prayer and in this way she will come to our aid to keep away all those bad people on our side who only seek to harm us and thus impose divine justice on her.
The Catholic tradition indicates that the holy shirt or the tunic that is used by the Lord was obtained by Saint Helena in the so-called holy land, this fact occurs in the year 328 AD and in this way he also manages to get the cross where our Heavenly Father suffered. and died crucified.
It is important to mention that the tunic was the one that our Lord Jesus wore before he was cruelly crucified by the Roman soldiers of the time, this same tunic was the one that the soldiers at the time of Jesus already being crucified wanted to divide for each one to keep a part in such a way that since they could not break it, they gave up and decided to leave it to chance by betting it on a game of dice.
Since then this tunic or shirt is considered sacred and miraculous and that is why thousands of believers come before it to ask for its divine protection against all evil, below we are going to describe a powerful prayer that you need to know if you require the help of the holy T-shirt:
Through the intersection of holy shirt I want to remain on that day the holy company of God, that the sacred mantle of Holy Mary, his mother and our mother, shelter us and protect us always so that it frees us from all danger and all evil that can sneak up on us. Santa shirt hear my pleas I beg you.
Ave maria gratia plena dominus fulfill you, Holy shirt I ask you to hear my words and in this way keep away from me all the evil spirits that only seek to harm me come to my side and those baptized and unbaptized evil spirits move away thanks to your divine protection.
I more than anyone have the firm conviction that Christ wins, Christ reigns, and is the Lord and just Son of the Virgin Mary, I know that he is the king of kings who was born that solemn day full of joy and who died on the cross to save to all his sons of evil.
That is why holy Shirt that I prostrate myself before you to ask for your protection, I beg you that no evil being wants to harm me, that if they have eyes that cannot see me, if they have hands that cannot touch me, I implore you Lord that the iron does not hurt me and the knots do not bind me.
Just as God told Libón: with three nuts they will not be able to harm me, or you, or any other person who carries them. Amen, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Dominus tecum berrum carrum, pious holy Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our mother, you who entered Mount Tartary and managed to find the great serpent; With a hyssop of holy water you sprinkled it and softening the hearts of my enemies to the world you expelled.
Holy Shirt, I want to strongly ask you to remove all enemies from my side since these people only seek to harm me, I also ask that if these people have eyes that do not see me, that if they have my eyes they cannot reach me, that if they have hands that they cannot touch me and even less to harm me, that the iron does not hurt me, that the knots do not tie me and by the three swords of Saint Julián they are defeated, with the milk of the virgin they are sprinkled and in the Holy Sepulcher they are buried. Amen, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Before you I promise that three of our fathers I will pray in the name of the death and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through this prayer that I make this day I will put it against my enemies Holy blessed Shirt, so that all those people if they have eyes that can’t see me, if they have feet they can’t reach me and if they have hands they can’t touch me, much less hurt me, that iron can’t hurt me and that knots can’t tie me. For the three crowns of Patriarch Saint Abraham, I will offer a prayer in union with my person so that each one of my enemies arrive meekly before me, just as our Lord Jesus Christ was with the tree to the cross.
San Idefonso, blessed confessor of our Lord Jesus Christ who blessed the host and the chalice, at the main altar, bless my bed, my body, my house and everything around me, free me from witches, sorcerers and people with evil intentions. With three I measure you, with three I deliver you, with the grace of God and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
To complement the prayer, an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a creed should be prayed and also for greater effectiveness a white candle should be lit when invoking the holy shirt.
Prayer to the mantle of Jesus
Lord Jesus I wrap myself in your sacred mantle and in the tunic that wrapped you before they crucified you, I wrap myself in them so that your sacred power protects me from all danger and all evil sir, those same clothes that Roman soldiers wear They cast the lot without respecting everything that symbolizes you. That sacred mantle and that tunic is a symbol of healing and liberation, beloved father.
Lord Jesus Christ at the request of your cross managed to find mercy, at the foot of your cross he managed to find the protection that I need so much in the shadow of the Most High, in the shadow of the Holy Spirit.
My life is hidden in God and the devil cannot touch it. I am entombed with Christ and his holy shroud enfolds me. Christ wins, Christ reigns, Christ reigns, Christ from dangers defend me. Christ saves, Christ heals and comes again.
Lord that your sacred mantle but also your divine blood cover my life always Lord that nothing can touch to harm me, my father never abandon me always guide my path so that nothing can stop my plans, Lord I also ask you to cover my life with your holy mantle life of all my loved ones so that they may be eternally protected and guided by you.
For the divine glory of your sacred mantle Lord, I give myself completely to you so that only you dominate my life, because from the hand of the father, son and holy spirit, there will be no demon that can stop me.
God for me, no one against me. Saved I am, saved I will be, saved I will walk. Amen.
Prayer in front of the Holy Shroud
Lord Jesus, before the Holy Shroud, as in a mirror, we contemplate the mystery of your passion and death for us. It is the greatest love with which you loved us, even giving your life for the last sinner.
It is the greatest love, which also drives us to give our lives for our brothers and sisters. In the wounds of your mistreated body we meditate on the wounds caused by each sin: forgive us, Lord. In the silence of your humiliated face we recognize the suffering face of every man: help us, Lord.
In the peace of your body lying in the tomb we meditate on the mystery of death that awaits the resurrection: listen to us, Lord. Amen