Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi for lost animals
Your pet was lost and you no longer know what to do to find it, you think that the only thing a friend can give you to locate your pet is divine help, and in that you are absolutely right, that is why in this post you are going to find the prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi for lost animals.
Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi for lost animals
Saint Francis of Assisi was born in Italy in the year 1182, his youth was based on amusements and behaviors that were not at all appropriate, but when he reached a certain point of maturity within his youth, he abandoned the life he was leading and converted, giving his life to God. He made the decision to renounce all the assets that his parents had inherited and gave himself completely to the Lord.
After deciding to give up all his material goods, he went through poverty and gave himself to living a life of evangelization, and in this way he dedicates himself to preaching his love for God in many places in Italy and even outside of it as well. San Francisco gave his followers some wise rules that they should apply in his life to lead a worthy life, these rules were later approved by the Holy See.
Saint Francis of Assisi is considered the patron saint of animals and in addition to environmentalists, he called all animals younger brothers, since in this way he showed them all the love and respect he had towards them, as we already know he is the patron of the animals and as such the church recognized his holy day is October 4 and this day is also celebrated as World Animal Day.
All the people who knew Saint Francis witnessed the love he had for all the little animals and the power he exercised over them. For this reason many people come to him to entrust the protection of their pets as well as their care, but many other people come to him to ask for his help to find their lost pet, if you are going through this situation then you will find a prayer dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi to ask for his help to find a lost pet, you just have to pray with great faith and devotion and you will see how he will listen and help you.
prayer for lost animals
Glorious Saint Francis of Assisi, blessed, blessed are you, because you left us a legacy of immense kindness towards the needy, towards the weak, towards the helpless; Saint Francis, blessed, blessed are you today and always, because with humility and virtue you loved all creatures and gave yourself without measure to give them love, peace and help. Saint Francis of Assisi, a beautiful example of humility, to whom God has glorified and granted the grace that through your mediation innumerable miracles are performed, and has expressed his will that we turn to you and trust in your very effective protection and mediation.
Today we come to you and invoke you with all our affections, with our hope and total confidence in your power, to beg you to be our ambassador before the Lord and with your usual kindness to beg him for our pets, for the little animals that are in our care. and now require the succor of your prodigious assistance. You my good saint, full of virtues and heavenly graces, who in your earthly life gave great love to animals and now from Heaven you help them with generosity, you who send blessings especially to those who suffer, and I ask you to be the support, the guardian and protector of (name of your pet), that you receive him with love in your great and good heart and ask God for mercy and compassion for him-her.
My very dear-a (repeat the name of your pet) is the one who always gives me affection, he is my consolation, my joy, my inseparable friend, he gives me his unconditional love without expecting anything in return, he gives me joy when I suffer and I am sad, he gives me affection, he loves me and he waits for me faithfully, he is the one who gives me his nobility and loyalty day by day and since he is with me he is one more member of the family. Most powerful and wonderful Saint Francis, saint of love, give your warm coat, attend and take great care of (repeat the name of your pet) please, never let him suffer from illness, give him relief and put your miraculous hands on (repeat the name of your pet) of your pet) if you see that it is unhealthy or if it suffers from pain; Deliver him from evil and bad people, protect him from dangers, accidents and mishaps,
Saint Francis, angel of peace, shelter for little animals, today I come to you and I want to ask for your miraculous help. I ask you to grant me this favor that my pet needs so much: (now say the problem or need it has and ask Saint Francis what you want to achieve). Saint Francis of Assisi, sweet patron saint of animals, advocate of those who are in difficulty, make God receive the urgent prayer that with all my heart and faith I place in your hands, beg him to use his mercy and grant me what I have asked for, As you know, it is very important to me.
Oh saint of peace and brotherhood, of holy charity, never stop caring for and protecting my pet (repeat the name of your pet) make him feel protected-by you today and always and with all my being I beg you be his friend and his defense when circumstances require it, come to his aid if he is sad, if he suffers and suffers.
I (say your name) promise to take care of (repeat your pet’s name) forever and be aware of their needs at all times, I promise to give them my love and make them happy, since they came into my life He earned my love and now I need him-her like he-she needs me.
Thank you blessed Father Saint Francis for listening to me and for asking God to help my faithful companion-a So be it. Amen
prayer for animals
Oh Saint Francis of Assisi blessed saint, you who are the patron saint of animals, we thank you for all those signs of pure and sincere love that you have with all of us by caring for the nature that surrounds us, today I humbly come before you to ask you to never forsake any animal.
May all the animals in the world blessed Saint Francis have your protection and help, may they all manage to find a family that takes care of them and protects them always, for this reason blessed Saint Francis I come before you, because clearly I know of the excessive love you have for everyone animals.
Lord, if a little animal is lost, it finds the right way back home, so that it can sleep in its home next to all its family that loves it so much and is doing the impossible to find it, I implore you blessed Saint Francis dear.
Saint Francis listens to my pleas, and I promise to take great care of nature, as well as all the animals that surround me, I promise you And to transmit much love to them, thank you Saint Francis of Assisi for all your nobility. Amen.