Prayer to San Alejo to ward off bad vibes
The Prayers to San Alejo, tend to be a type of prayer that is mainly used to return a lost love or that was lost because of another person who entered the relationship. In the following article you will know everything related to the prayers to San Alejo so that he can help you in all these evils.
Prayers to Saint Alejo
The various moments of great difficulty in our lives that tend to overwhelm our lives on a daily basis, tend to happen both because of us and also due to causes beyond our control, that promptly we do not know how to face them.
The Prayer to Saint Alejo tends to be generally performed by millions of people devoted to him to request his help for all these life situations. So if you want to get away from other specific types of people who can become a great threat to your life, your marriage or your relationship, you can resort to prayers to Saint Alejo.
Through these you will keep away all those people who want to take away from your life those you love as well as those who want to physically or emotionally harm your loved ones. Therefore, you must pray these prayers with great faith and many assure that San Alejo will not take long to answer your request.
Who was Saint Alexius
San Alejo became a Saint highly venerated by the same Orthodox and Catholic Church, the story of this man came to be told and also widely spread during the eleventh century within a beautiful poem entitled : “Vie de Saint Alexis” which It is translated into multiple languages in the course of the Middle Ages.
It is even said that this man came to have a woman as a partner with whom he got to marry and that during their wedding night she herself convinced him to renounce marriage and put his full life in dedication to your faith.
From this very moment he began teaching catechism to children all over the world. Before passing away, San Alejo comes to confess to all his faithful that he had come to renounce his marriage in order to consecrate himself and be able to dedicate himself to God himself.
Why Pray a Prayer to Saint Alejo?
There are usually many bad people in life with terrible energies that try to get to put species of barriers in the path of a person’s life. Perhaps many of these individuals do not become truly aware of what they are doing or of the damage they are doing or are causing in the life of the other person, such as:
- Bad mood
- Negative Behavior, among others.
So the Saints are the ones who can intercede for all of us and at the same time help a person’s life become something easier and simpler. For this reason, they tend to beg for their help to guide and direct the path of their believers and at the same time make them excellent people.
The Prayers to San Alejo have become one of the most popular prayers or recitation for various personal purposes, such as:
- For the love
- To drive away bad people
- to separate lovers
- To Separate 2 People who are Together
Prayer of Saint Alejo for Love
This is a Prayer to Saint Alejo for Love , which will help you bring back the love of your ideal person or to give you the ideal person that you long for in your life. The prayer is as follows:
San alejo, you who are the saint who can achieve everything and who are sincere enough to be able to distinguish and know that my soul is dejected due to the lack of love of the person who was by my side.
I ask you at this time that my partner who had abandoned me for someone else and who has replaced me does not have a good connection with the person who left me, that they both move away and separate from each other. San Alejo I ask you please, that you make her love become very different and that she or he return to my side and never stop thinking about me.
That during the nights of sleep, he dreams of me, that he misses me at all times and that I am the only person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. May I be in all your being, in your fantasies and in your imagination the love of your life. May that love that came to belong to me at a certain moment return to me, which is where it deserves to be.
Let that stranger leave your life, it is a person who has come to interpose between him / her and me. So I ask you to make her go away from her forever by her own will. San Alejo is love is mine and belongs to me. I ask that he / she does not want to be with her / him anymore and that her life becomes only for me and that only she can return to me.
Hear my pleas and intervene on my behalf. I ask you oh San Alejo. Amen.
Prayer to San Alejo to Ward Off Enemies or Envy
This is a prayer to San Alejo which is recited in order to get away from enemies and people who have love envy towards another. So if this is your home, this is the prayer to San Alejo ideal for you.
Saint Alejo, you who are such pious people, you who possess the great capacity to distance and ward off evil, I ask you at this time to keep (Say name) away from (Say name) and make him leave his life very away forever, please I ask at this moment and on this day San Alejo.
I ask you to protect him/her from witchcraft and also from the magical spells that can be cast so that he/she is tied to that person. San Alejo, I ask you at this moment please, to keep (Say name) away from my partner and protected, with all pleasure I will pay you the offering of love and peace that you ask me.
Because I only want my spouse’s well-being above my own. I thank you, San Alejo, for having listened to my prayers and pleas, for having helped me in any of the situations that I went through, because wherever you are, you give me your full understanding.
For all this I promise you that I will spread this kind of prayer to you in order to help other people to achieve your blessing. With all the faith that I have for you, San Alejo, I offer you this prayer, knowing at all times the power you have to put away evil people who want to harm me and my partner. Thank you and Amen.
Prayer to San Alejo to Separate and Move Away
It is very likely that there tend to be many reasons why a person wants to perform this kind of prayer to Saint Alejo to distance or separate 2 people permanently, which may be because they find you excited in a of those people or maybe because you want that family to be separated.
This kind of prayer tends to have great power and strength, if you carry it out as it will be indicated, since by means of the asan alejo prayer it will help you achieve your goal and which will be done quickly.
This is a prayer that tends to be performed to obtain miracles in your life through the help of Saint Alejo. This is the prayer to Saint Aleja to Separate Lovers which can be performed for this very purpose. The prayer is as follows:
Oh Saint Alejo, you who have the power to distance everything that is bad for us, to move away all the things that surround the children of the Lord, I ask you at this time through the prayer to Saint Alejo to move away from me life and the life of my partner to (AT THIS TIME YOU SAY THE NAME OF THE PERSON).
I ask you to please remove her from the life of (AT THIS MOMENT YOU SAY THE NAME OF THE PERSON), and from her path and from the lives of my loved ones to (AT THIS MOMENT YOU SAY THE NAME OF THE PERSON) so that she never the more it hurts us.
I also ask Saint Alejo that in the same way that he came into the life of (Say the name of the person), he also distances himself and withdraws from the life of (Say name).
That those 2 people who came together and hurt me can never share together, not even that they can eat together at a table, or in chairs for sitting accompanied by each other, nor in a bed to share, but simply feel the rejection towards the other, that they only feel disgust, disgust and above all I need you not to allow them to be intimate.
San alejo I definitely ask you to separate them from each other. Great Saint as miraculous I beg you to help me with this request that I make to you on this day and that it be as soon as possible, and that my wife (or) return to me quickly and with her family.
For all this I thank you for coming to attend to my request, oh blessed Saint Alejo, and I truly promise to spread your prayer if you manage to grant my request that I make to you on this day so that my family may be unified again, and that (say the name of the person) who is the person I ask you to separate from my wife (or) never appear again in my life or in the life of (Say name). Amen.
Miraculous Prayers to Saint Alejo
These are the prayers made in order to be able to obtain loving cures in a miraculous way, in such a way that if a person came to leave his life for leaving with another or another, this prayer can help them bring him back or simply help him get a new person who truly loves them and loves them with all their heart. The sentence goes like this:
Oh Lord Almighty God, that you are in heaven, you who have put Saint Alejo to help us with our love afflictions, I ask that that person who has left my life return again since he was taken from me by a bad person called (say the name of the bad person) and that (say the name of the loved one) never have contact with (say the name of the bad person) in his life. Amen
Prayer for Miracle Cures
I ask you on this day that if you consider that my partner is not for me, be you removing from me all toxic love that can make me sick unnecessarily and that you bring into my life those people who will truly value, love and love me with everything. his heart as well as I am going to do it with him or her
May that person who is going to come into my life never ever be separated from me, may he always be in love with me, may we have a happy family for the rest of our lives, may we be enormously happy, and may no one be interfere with our love relationship. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Alejo to Ask for Help
Oh great Saint Alejo! I ask you in these moments that are so overwhelming for my life, that you come to definitively distance (say name) so that he cannot come close to (say name) at any time in his life, since it has come to take the task or the purpose of interfering in my love relationship in the course of the last few months.
I ask you to clarify my spouse’s ideas at all times so that for the good of the whole family and of us we can reach a fair agreement, where neither of us 2 nor the relatives who are involved come out affected, since the events that have occurred do not allow me to live in harmony or in peace.
Blessed Saint Alejo, I require that you put all your efforts to be able to remove (Say Name) from our love and sentimental life, since it is progressively destroying it. Enlighten my partner’s mind so that he can see what mistakes he is making and in the same way he can observe all the great damage he is doing in his family environment.
Every morning when I wake up, I want and require that (Say name) be by my only side, which is not out of obligation, but rather for his own dedication to the eternal love that we feel unanimously, which I swear to in front of the altar of the very Holy and Eternal Creator of Heaven and Earth, who is seated on his great White Throne.
In this way you will also be able to help him find the peace that he truly longs to seek for many days of his life. Amen.
Prayer to San Alejo to Keep Bad People Away
This is the prayer to San Alejo to keep away the bad people from our lives who want to harm us or our families. If you need certain people not to approach you, you can recite the following prayer:
San Alejo I ask you at this time to help me and remove from my life anyone who has a bad vibe against me and my family. That (say the person’s name) never come near me or get in my way, keep them away from me, my partner, spouse and family at all times.
I ask you at this time that every person who feels bad things, envy, jealousy and contention against me be removed from my path and away from our home, path and family, I ask you at this time My Holy. Amen.