Learn about the best teachings of Jesus for young people, here
The teachings of Jesus that are addressed to young people are topics that encompass motivation, respect, fear of the father, intelligence, education and above all the extraordinary love that God has for each one. He knows in the next post more on the subject.
teachings of Jesus
We are living in the harshest days, in which being young and giving your life to Christ from your childhood are things that end up being beneficial, but also develop multiple doubts. Society shows the young man various pleasures that sometimes become difficult to ignore. But there, God reminds us that although everything is lawful, not everything is for building.
Through the Holy Bible we will see that it is conceivable to give Christ those wonderful days and that his inexhaustible love overcomes any vicissitude.
Satan and his workers, the world and our own humanity, attract young people to abandon the sacred and deliberately or intentionally sin against God, taking little of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ offered on the cross of Calvary for each one of us.
Specifically, the Youth are the ones who get a range of “offers” and “solicitations”, whose sole objective is to redirect and distance the young person from Christ Jesus, the main path that drives God.
The paralytic and the messengers
There was a man who was in the temple “the beautiful” who approached Peter and John for help. His reaction is exceptionally remarkable: “I have no cash or gold, yet I give you what I have: for the sake of Jesus Christ Nazarene, get up and go.” This event is related in the book of Acts chapter 3.
The scene can serve as an analysis for young people. The paralyzed man asks for cash, but they offer him another life, a clean and healthy life. But he must believe! The messengers give him what they have, which is not gold or silver; they address him as “Jesus Christ of Nazareth.”
The missionaries, Pedro and Juan, do not react to his desire, they transmit something more and more profitable: the power of recovery and reparation of Jesus Christ, which far exceeds doubts. Subsequently, according to their reality at the last request, they do not take into account the particular intention of it, but offer something more valuable.
For any period of time that has value, here we have a first sign. Young people ask something of the Church, the pastors, their leaders. As can be expected, giving them is the new life that emerges from Jesus Christ, regardless of whether it is not what they specifically request. Jesus Christ will be the most complete solution to desires.
milk vs strong food
“Not even I, brothers, can address you as from another world, but as earthly, as children in Christ. That is the reason, instead of a strong diet, I offered them to drink milk, since they were not there to progressively receive solid food” (1Cor 3, 1-2) (See: The Bible )
Paul recognizes in this verse that the requirement for slow guidance in Christians is obedience and need for God. He begins with a food that is simpler to process, such as “milk” because it is the first food at birth, which is why he expresses “milk from another world” in the verse.
At a time when one advances in the development of trust, when one goes from “lewd” to “otherworldly”, one could go on to topics of greater remarkable depth in trust, which also conveys with them a still request. more demanding for the young.
This equivalent method of seeing is reflected in the letter to the Hebrews, which includes a rebuke: “Well, since from now on you should be educators, despite the time, you need someone to show you the fundamental principles of the heavenly prophets, and you need milk and not strong food” (Heb 5,12).
In other words, despite the time spent in Christianity, many young people founded on Christ need to remember the principles founded from their childhood in order to remember who they are in Jesus and why they follow him.
With which the progressivity of youth in the love of God is affirmed once again. In addition, the two missionaries aim that their group of Christian people reach development in learning and the decision to stay until the coming of the Lord. Both settled on devotionals and a guide that would lead Christians to deeper learning of Christian trust.
In this sense, we should also join the stability, realizing that it is not always conceivable to feed a strong livelihood; that in certain conditions it will be important to resort again to the “initial milk”; that starts should normally be smoother. (See Article: The Bible and Divorce )
Specifically, I imagine that young college students are ready for solid food and that it should be offered, in light of the fact that in different aspects of their lives, specifically the academic person, they possess a remarkable capacity for receptivity.
Only a solid diet will offer certifications to young people so that they can persevere with conviction and happiness on the path of confidence in the midst of a world that is constantly disintegrating them.
Jesus is the Christ
As W. Kasper’s definitive and precise expression indicates: “The so-called” Jesus is the Christ “speaks of the outline of Christian trust, Christology being only the principle article of this so-called.” In this expression, Christ involves the place of all the predicates of glory that the Church proposes about Jesus. That is to say, Christology manages to discover and defend all the confidence of the Church in Jesus of Nazareth.
Such a composition, therefore, must incorporate the solid history of Jesus of Nazareth: his proclamation of the inrush of the kingdom of God, his plea, his instruction, his wonders, his dinners with evildoers, his association with followers, his contests, his death, and so on; however, in addition to his restoration, praise, and session of him in the right hand of God the Father, it is necessary for young people to know about the life of Jesus.
All components of the Jesus story are relevant, significant, and reprehensible to young people. Similar to the confident admission of the Church, which announces that this specific personage, who lived in Palestine from the leading third of the leading century, is the Christ of God, the last Messiah, the Sent One of God, the restored from, the dead , the lord of the universe.
The name of Jesus from now on contains a greater meaning, of which we are generally not aware. It means “God forgives”. In a similar name, if the historical background were transparent, it is conveying that God’s salvation is given in Jesus and that He is the Savior.
Leaving the wounds of the past
In this part of the sacred text of Judges 11:1-7 we are told the story of Jephthah, who due to conditions beyond his ability to control, was conceived by a prostitute and sent away by his brothers. Perhaps there was no memory of him embracing his mother, since he lived with his father and his stepmother.
Being an ill-conceived child, he was detested even by the older people of the city and ended up being kicked out of his home without being successfully anticipated by his own father.
We could express that despite finding himself with the vacancy that his mother had left him, he also endured for many years the dismissal of his brothers, the lack of concern of his father and the complaints of individuals. To put it bluntly, he got the results of something he didn’t cause.
Many have encountered circumstances like those of Jephte and, despite having come to the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, they continue to experience the wounds they suffered at a specific moment. A significant number of us originate from broken homes, hurts, and that emptiness in our souls.
A young woman said that her father never looked for her, nor did he take care of her like a father, however, as the years passed and she was discovered in an office of an organization where she worked, suddenly, that man began to tell everyone that she it was his little girl.
Sooner or later, when he lost his job, he discovered her on the street selling and her father, who, some time ago, told everyone that she was his girl, turned his eyes and imagined that he had not seen her. Another young woman said that she did not clarify how her father never sought her out to give her time in case she was not to blame for what happened between him and her mother. Stories like that flourish.
Psalm 27:10 says, “Regardless of whether my father and mother have left me, yet the Lord will pick me up.” God takes us in his arms to fill those holes, recover those wounds and give us the comfort we need. Perhaps there are things that we cannot change, however, in the event that with the help of God we can overcome them and in that procedure God will never ignore us.
At the time that Abraham and Sarah expelled Hagar, they gave her bread and a layer of water with which she renounced the desert. She was separated from everyone else with her son Ismael and in those conditions she imagined that what she anticipated was happening.
What number of single fathers have undergone comparative circumstances, handicapped wandering in the desert and struggling with their children; however, God never disregarded Hagar in light of the fact that when she put her son under a hedge without having water or bread, God heard the boy cry as he felt abandoned and felt his mother go on holding on. so as not to see him die.
God never gave them up, he opened their eyes and gave them water and sustenance and gave them guarantees that took them back to their previous lives. (See: The Blood of Christ Prayer )
One of the most problematic things is excusing. Leaving the feelings that come from the past, feeling the help of absolution in our souls is problematic but not feasible. Joseph was sold by his brothers and in general we know what happened in view of what they did to him, but sooner or later in his life he had to confront him again and it was difficult.
In Genesis 41: 9 it says that Joseph “remembered…of the fantasies he had about them…”, that is, he recognized what was the reason for having been sent to Egypt, however, regardless of realizing this reason there was something in his heart for what was not disclosed.
Joseph wept more than once as they gathered, he blamed them on government agents, he imprisoned them for three days, at which point he put Simeon in jail, wrapped the cup in his sack, until finally Joseph sobbed a third time. and brought out everything in his heart.
Crying gradually frees us especially when we leave all our restlessness in God, our feelings and emotions, so that we can deal with those things that have influenced us for a considerable period of time like Joseph.
Young people with a real commitment
Ordinarily as young Christians, we need to live as our own needs and similarities indicate. One of the incredible adversaries for youth, in circumstances like the present, is the absence of promise to serve God with all the yearning and devotion, which leads us to diminish our deep life.
Dedication is a duty contracted through an agreement, a contract or a guarantee. In the event that we apply it in our conventional life, the most widely recognized model could be work. When we choose to enter a region of work, our responsibility is to meet each of the needs to obtain a positive result.
We can say that one of those responsibilities is to arrive earlier than required in the labor territory so that we can fulfill all our obligations and, in this way, obtain the compensation we deserve.
Otherwise, it is difficult to get the reward for the diligent work we have done. In the same way, we should take our duties that are given to us when we serve God.
There are passionate or dazzling young people; perhaps commonly when God expresses himself through his promise, we make up our minds by choosing to pursue his will by organizing and visualizing the incredible triumph that we will ultimately achieve.
However, when problems and inconveniences begin, we let go of that responsibility and overlook that triumph that God has guaranteed us. We commonly yearn to serve the Lord from our own points of view, needing incredible services, however we would prefer not to pay the cost of giving our time, our lives and our own will.
David is a case of promise to God
A reasonable pattern appears in David’s account. This was a young man who had just led a group of sheep for his father and ended up being used by God for his respect and greatness.
The ruler Saul, who was lord before David, was an individual brimming with ability and blessed as a lord; however, this man turned his eyes away from the Lord and his approval was removed. On the other hand, David, who was sad and despised by his family, decided to give his life to God with all of his being; investing it and celebrating it in protection.
The moment God saw David’s heart, he decided to use it to kill the gigantic Goliath (1 Samuel 17). Some time later we see that similar individuals began to persecute him for the triumphs that he had together with them, then David climbed the position of authority as lord of Israel, demonstrating that God rewarded him for his devotion, dedication and responsibility.
There are a lot of our young people like King David; they have skills and are called to serve in their work, however, unlike David, they would prefer not to pay the cost of dedication. Jesus asked us in Matthew 16:24 that all who needed to be devoted to him would deny themselves, take up their cross and follow him.
A genuine duty requires the Lord to use the accompanying steps:
Option to dedicate ourselves to God paying little attention to the conditions, specialists and moderation to have the option to face our feelings of fear, audacity to be firm in the place that puts us, love and energy to safeguard those who need it, or more all confidence; that certainty that God will allow us to overcome all the inconveniences and preliminaries that will happen to us.
When we develop these means, be sure that Jesus will open all the ways for us to begin to satisfy that ideal reason that He had with us some time before that we did not imagine it.
It’s all legit to me, however not everyone agrees; everything is legal for me, but I will not let myself rule any of them I Corinthians: 6: 12
Sex comes to order an individual and is illegal. The one who has sexual relations is not looking at the family, however, he looks at his own needs, arguing that the family is an organization formed by God for the reproduction and advancement of the core of society.
“For you know this, that no fornicator or unclean, or misanthropist who is worshiped, has a legacy in the kingdom of Christ and of God” Ephesians: 5: 5 The misconduct of sex is related, united and in an indistinguishable degree from sins of disorder, greed and excessive admiration.
The missionary Pablo educates about the transgressions of the fragile living creature and is associated with sex; infidelity, prostitution and homosexuality, and discover and discover that these practices are a piece of a lonely root and similar sin. 1 Corinthians: 6: 9 – 15 – 16 Galatians: 5: 19 – 21
“Be that as it may, whoever is joined to the Lord, a soul is with him” 1 Corinthians: 6: 16. This holy scripture implies that when we are joined to the Lord, a soul is with him, that is, soul, soul and the body has a place with it. Paul stresses that our bodies must be presented to the Lord as heavenly individuals.
Romans: 12: 1, and that when engaging in sexual relations, which is legal and permitted by God, must be supported by the Lord himself, since our bodies have a place with him.
Sixteen books of the Bible are about sex and the sentence is irreversible, that is, such individuals: “… shall not acquire the kingdom of God” I Corinthians: 6: 9-10
There is incredible forgetfulness among individuals in our national population who do not know God, since, as national perceptions and civil registry overviews indicate, 65% to 70% of couples live in “conjunction ”, in other words, in sex.
The term LIVE is a word that does not appear in the book of Scripture and is used by non-believers. It is a word impacted by the devil to limit the transgression of sex and launches it as something not so sensitive and in this way it deviates from reality, many people do not have the remotest idea that living, respectively, is the bad conduct. sex scripturally, which is condemned by God.
As indicated by the Royal Academy of Languages:
Sex: is the demonstration of having sex. Fornicate: is having a party in the city or lascivious sexual relations outside of marriage. Fornicator (an): implies, who has the propensity to have sexual relations.
Scripturally, sex is the deliberate and open choice between a man and a woman to maintain a sexual existence without prior authorization and numbing, absurdity, and God’s gift. It is a planned demonstration of disobedience to God’s law.
God allows sex within marriage, be careful, dating is not marriage. Many young people who were in the dating or romance phase fell into sex before landing on the high ground, in other words, marriage; having the opportunity to endure passionate results and deep grievances.
God planned our body explicitly, but to rehearse it within the cut-off points set by God, this is marriage; to do the opposite, in other words, to have sex, is to defy the ethical standards constructed by God. 1 Corinthians: 6: 13
Jesus Christ purchased our salvation by inventing penance on Calvary’s cross, this includes body and soul. The witness Paul lets us know: “Since you have been bought for value, at that point praise God in your body and in your soul, which are God’s” I Corinthians: 6: 18-20
This stanza avoids the demonstration of sex, what the Lord tries to let us know is that he has managed to satisfy us and that we cannot do with our body what we need since it has a place with it. We praise God when we keep our bodies sacred and unadulterated, that is, free from all sex or filth.
Unfortunately, from an objective perspective, the level of young people having sex before marriage is high, an undoubtedly small minority accepts and rehearses sexual restraint before marriage.
From this quantitative sum, numerous people have presumed that sexual intercourse before marriage is ordinary and in some way or another attractive and even lucrative for conjugal purposes, leaving the minority as the anomalous meeting.
Cheerfully, the Christian moral ethic is not fair; in other words, that it did not depend on the measures, not even on the intensity of the majority or the criteria of the broadest part, CHRISTIAN ETHICS depends on the direct and total charges of God’s Principles.
The Lord warns, prompts and establishes: “Have a significant privilege in marriage and the conjugal bed without blemish, so that the fornicators and the wicked of God may be judged” Hebrews: 13: 4
God’s instruction is that sexual relations must be clearly rehearsed within the respect of marriage and the conjugal bed must be impeccable, in other words, undetected, this is morally ordinary, irregularity is sex and infidelity.
God warns that he himself will deal with fornicators, his warning is clear and absolute that such individuals: “They will not acquire the kingdom of God” For the vast majority, not only young people consider sex to be a “typical” concurrence, leaving the “minority” as anomalous individuals.
Young man, your creator has given you a sanctified body, unadulterated and delicious to God, you should see it similarly, your body is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. “Or on the other hand do you overlook that his body is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit…? “(I Corinthians: 6:19)
You should not do what you need to, because your body has a place with God, and was recovered to be a beneficiary of the Holy Spirit, and can be used in the right way that God has established, as for sex is: IN MARRIAGE.