Catholic Prayer of the Magnificat or Magnificat
With the following reading of this article you will be able to have more complete information about the Prayer of the Magnificent or Magnificat which is a prayer but at the same time a liturgical song, typical of the Catholic religion, here you will know what it is, what its usefulness is , what is its purpose, what exactly does it do, how did it originate, and what is the correct way to perform such a sentence.
What is the prayer The Magnificent?
The Magnificent or also known as Magnificat in Latin, is a prayer and also a liturgical song, typical of the Catholic religion, which was based on the events described by the Gospel of Saint Luke, all this before the birth of Jesus. This magnificent prayer is dedicated to reproducing the words that Mary, the mother of Jesus, addressed to God during her visit to her cousin Elizabeth.
Below we show you the prayer to the Magnificent, just as it was proclaimed to the Virgin:
“My soul glorifies the Lord,
and my spirit is filled with joy,
contemplating the goodness of God my Savior.”«Because he has set his sights on his humble servant,
and see here the reason why he will consider me blessed and happy,
all generations».«Well, he who is Almighty and his infinitely Holy name has done in my favor,
great and wonderful things ».“Whose mercy extends from generation to generation,
to all who fear him.”“He stretched out the arm of his power,
and dissipated the pride of the proud,
upsetting their designs”
“He dispossessed the mighty;
and lifted up the lowly.”“He filled the needy with goods,
and left the rich with nothing.”“He exalted his servant Israel,
remembering him because of his great mercy and goodness.
Just as Abraham had promised our fathers,
and all his descendants, for ever and ever.” “Amen”.
If you wish before finishing, you can attribute this following short sentence to the text:
“Holy God,
Holy Strong
Holy Immortal God
Deliver us Lord from all evil.”“Blessed be God,
Blessed be his holy name ,
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
Blessed be God in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.”“For ever and ever”
Since it was originally a prayer that came from Latin, we will also present and teach it in its original language (Roman):
The Magnificat prayer in Latin
“My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit exults in the God of my salvation,
because he has looked upon the humility of his handmaid.”
For behold, from this all generations will call me blessed.because he who is mighty has done great things for me,
and his holy nameand his mercy to posterity upon posterity
that fear him.
He made power in his arm,He scattered the proud in the mind of his heart, he
brought down the mighty from their seats,
and exalted the lowly,
he filled the hungry with goods,
and let the rich be empty.
Israel received her childremembering his mercy,
as he spoke to our fathers
Abraham and his seed forever.
What is the Magnificent?
The Magnificent, as said before, is a prayer and a song of Christianity, where Mary proclaims the greatness of Our God Jesus, in her experience of prodigious motherhood just in the meeting of Mary with her Elizabeth (who lived near the mountain of Judah ), according to the sacred text, when Mary entered the home of her relatives, her cousin Elizabeth’s baby jumped for joy in her womb. According to the scriptures (Luke, Chapter 1 verses 42 to 45), the woman greeted the Mother of Jesus, with the following words:
«You are blessed among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!
Who am I, that the mother of my Lord comes to visit me?
As soon as I heard your greeting, the child jumped for joy in my bosom».Happy of you for having believed that what was announced to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.
Our Lady, upon hearing this from her own relative, responded with what is now known as the “Song of the Virgin Mary” or “The Magnificent”
Which they say that this represents what the Holy Spirit inspires in the heart of Mary, to welcome and proclaim the human values of the Christian virtues themselves, some of them are the following: mercy, humility, grace and the last but not least the love towards God and neighbor.
With the Prayer and/or Song of the Magnificent, Mary announces the new and good salvation of all, magnifying Our God for looking at her to carry Jesus in her womb, a condition that she accepted with great pleasure and with wisdom, where time later she became the first evangelizer.
What learning does the prayer of the Magnificent leave us?
The learning that the Prayer of the Magnificent shows us and teaches us , is to ask ourselves if we are really being fair with God, or if we are respecting all the rights with him, as Mary did, that is why that we should be able to realize how Our Lord has always shown himself to be very generous with us, in everything he has given us, giving him gratitude for it, while at the same time teaching us to grow in humility and simplicity as people, although in occasions we cannot remove vanity, pride and arrogance, for that reason so that both in image and likeness we are a reflection of him and for that it is necessary to welcome the grace and love of God.
What requests can we make with the prayer of the Magnificent?
This prayer is incredibly powerful, and is commonly used for difficult requests, since it is capable of strengthening you so that you can face complicated situations such as illness, conflict, danger or any other kind of complicated situation you are going through. . Those are the qualities of the prayer of the Magnificat or Magnificat.
It should be said that the Magnificent is also used by faithful believers, with excellent results, who request protection (over themselves and their environment), against illness, adversity or some kind of imminent danger.
If you liked this article and at the same time it resolved all your doubts about what the Prayer of the Magnificent is and what it is for, you may be interested in these other articles as well, so we invite you to take a look at the following ones that we will leave here: