Cigar prayer to attract a person
You want to attract a person to your life and you have not tried everything and the truth is that nothing works for you, that person is still totally away from you and your life, do not despair in this opportunity we bring you the prayer of the cigarette to attract a person, do it with a lot of faith and always projecting that that person will be with you as you want and you will see how effective it is.
cigar prayer
For many years, rituals with cigars or cigarettes have been used to do spiritual cleansing, as well as to make love moorings and for that loved one to return to our side simply fall at our feet. Through cigarette smoke it is a way to start a spiritual conversation and through it to be able to request what you all want in your love life through this prayer as characteristic as that of the cigarette.
Through the prayer of the cigarette and the spiritual contact that you manage to establish, you will be able to eliminate any negative energy that surrounds your love life, you will eliminate obstacles between you and the loved one, and you will see how the entire universe conspires in your favor to join their paths. If you don’t smoke, you don’t have to worry, just let the cigarette burn out while you recite the prayer with all your fervor and good energy, and if on the contrary if you smoke, you can calmly smoke your good cigarette while you say the prayer:
I offer this cigar with the four sides and the five senses of (say the name of the person) for the holy day he was baptized and for the Holy Guardian Angel, for the Saint of his devotion, for the day he engendered, for the day he is going to die, for the day they are going to bury him, for the steps they have to take with him in the cemetery.
For the seven spirits of (say his name again) for the four spirits that reign in the sanctuary of Queen Margarita, for San Juan de la Calle to bring us to (say his name again) for San Juan del camino to that I put him (a) on the path to my house, by San Juan del Pensamiento so that he only thinks of me (say his name again).
And I can’t think of another woman/man, for Saint John of love so that he puts all his love into me, for Saint John of money so that he brings me money, for Saint John of Obstacles, so that he overcomes all obstacles. that you have (repeat your name once more) to come to my side, through San Juan de los Cuatro Vientos, north, south, east and west so that the smoke of this cigarette can take me where I frequent until I am at the door of my house, meek and humble as Jesus Christ arrived in the presence of Pilate; that just as this cigarette makes me drunk, so I want you to make (repeat his name one more time) drunk with love for me.
I offer an Our Father and a Creed to the Guardian Angel of (his name once again) San Marcos de León blessed so that as he tamed the dredger and the dragon, so I want you to tame (his name once again) and the living spirit of him/her to be (attracted to the doors of my house.
For San Juan de las Voces, so that he hears my voice wherever he is (his name once again) more voices for the Ánima Sola and the Ánimas ambulantes. If you have a head that thinks of me, if you have eyes that see me, if you have a nose that smells me, if you have a mouth that speaks to me, if you have ears that hear me, if you have a heart that loves me, if you have hands that tempt me, yes It has feet that look for me; that my pleasure does not taste if it is not by my side, neither with women nor men speak, nor in bed can you sleep, nor can you eat at the table.
You must accompany the prayer of the cigarette with 3 our fathers and one hail respectively, but remember that at the moment of praying the prayer you must be projecting what you want so much and that is to be with that loved one, block any negative thought energy that comes to you now that can interfere with the success and effectiveness of prayer.
Prayer with the cigarette to despair, tame and dominate
That person you love is finding it difficult to have her by your side and that their paths cross forever and that they only have eyes for you and nothing else for you, don’t worry, below we will describe a prayer for; tame, tie and dominate that person you want so much to have by your side.
Cigarette smoke is a generator of a very powerful energy so through it you can request the favor that you long for, and through the spiritual contact that you can achieve you will see how you are granted what you want so much and that person will come to your side faster than a rooster sings and totally, meek and dominated at your mercy, to love and respect you as you want so much, then the prayer:
In the name of God I invoke you, spirit of dominion, restless spirit, spirit of despair, spirit of Don Juan de la Conquista, spirit of love, spirit of Don Juan de los Caminos, spirit of San Juan Miner, spirit of San Juan de la Calle, spirit of the 4 winds, paths and places, spirit of Enchantment, spirit of San Marcos de León, spirit of Santa Martha and Santa Elena of Jerusalem, spirit of San Salvador de Horta, spirit of Santa Inés del Monte Perdido, spirit of Santa María de la Cabeza, all beneficial spirits.
I conjure each and every one of you through the smoke of this cigar, to request your help to master the five senses of (say your name), your thoughts, your judgment, your living spirit and your will.
I especially offer this Spell to the Holy Guardian Angel for the day he was born for the holy day he was baptized and for the day he is to die. What I am conjuring (cigar or tobacco) is the living spirit, body, mind, sexual member, head, feet and hands, thought, judgment and will of (repeat his name).
Grant me spirits of the domain that (say their name one more time) cannot be, nor live in peace (a) that I cannot eat, sleep, drink, or walk without thinking of me (say your name with great confidence) until he comes to my feet, surrendered to love, interest and desire to see me, desperate to have me, attracted by my sex, offering me his, eager, repentant ) and humble, flattering me with kisses and caresses, crawling at my feet, pleading and meek, being his owner for me and for me (say your name again).
With two I see you, with three I bind you, I drink your blood and I break your heart, Christ be worth me and give me peace. Come (say his name one more time) dominated in body, thought and will, you can no longer look at anyone but me, your love and affection are only for me, my presence is attractive to you, my gaze suggest, my voice dominates you, my eyes blind you and my will is yours.
So be it, so be it, and so it will be… Amen, amen
Prayer to cigarette for money
With the permission of Almighty God and the good will of the saints, earthly and heavenly spirits, I offer the fumes of this cigarette to the spirit of chance and good luck, so that with the help and influence of Mother María Lionza, I can get my life to change for the better and become abundance, wealth and happiness.
The Sun has three thousand rays and the Moon has three thousand rays, that by three thousand rays my misfortune and misfortune burst, and that each particle of that explosion becomes gold dust, thus transmuting the bad into good, poverty into wealth, and misfortune into happiness.
I (say your name) offer the smoke from this cigar to my Queen and Lady, my Mother and Protector, the Great María Lionza, who is by my side and always protects me, changing sorrows into joys, pains into energy, avoiding the misfortunes of their children, and filling our lives with health, love and prosperity.
María Lionza, you who are so powerful, grant me to get out of poverty, and that my assets are enough to help my brothers in need.
Spell with the cigarette to call you desperately
Next, we are going to observe a powerful spell so that that person that you want so much called you desperately, begging and imploring you to enter your life and stay there forever or in which case that deserves it so that he calls you imploring forgiveness for having failed you:
The materials to use
- Cigars of the brand that is of your preference
- Lighter or matches
- A pen
- 1 spoon of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of coffee
- A dish
- 1 white candle
Step by Step
To start with the spell you are going to take the cigarette and the pen and with great care not to damage or break the cigarette you are going to write the name of the person you want to call you, be careful only the name of the person is not necessary to include the last name or full name, with your first name is more than enough.
When you already have the name written on the cigarette, you are going to proceed to light it and you are going to smoke it so that all the ashes fall completely on the plate that you already have ready for it, you will smoke it until you consume the cigar in its entirety.
When you are smoking the cigarette in your mind you are going to repeat with great confidence and fervor the following words you are going to call me every day, you will not have peace of mind until you hear my voice and once you hear it you will die of love for me eternally.
After completely smoking the cigarette and all the ash rests on the plate, you will proceed to place it on the ash; the spoonful of sugar and the spoonful of coffee we will mix everything very well, once you have everything very well mixed you are going to throw this to the wind. And you will see that faster than a rooster sings that person will call you desperately.
Once the spell had its effect, you will proceed to light the white candle and looking at the sky, you will be grateful for the favors received and because the desired person is by your side.
Spell with the cigarette to make him come back
With this spell that you will see below, that loved one will not only return to your side and will not leave anymore, but you will see how that person (man or woman) arrives repentant at your feet, begging for a new opportunity and asking for your forgiveness in all ways. possible, to be by your side again and this time forever until death do them part:
The materials to use
- Two cigarettes of the brand of your choice
- A photograph of the person you want to return to your side
- Lighter or match
- 1 red candle
- 1 needle
- A red ink pen
Step by Step
The first thing you should do to start the spell is take the red candle and the needle respectively, and on the candle you are going to write with the needle from top to bottom the full name of that person you want to return to your life.
Then you are going to proceed by taking the cigars and in one of them you are going to write the name of the person you want to return, and in the other cigar respectively you are going to write your name both with red ink.
Then you are going to light the candle, and once the two cigars are with their respective names, you are going to light them and smoke them both at the same time with your left hand. While the candle is burning you are going to cross yourself three times with your right hand and continue to smoke.
After the candle is completely consumed and you have already smoked the two cigarettes, you are going to say the following sentence clearly and loudly: You will return to me, you will regret all the suffering you made me go through, you will return and now you will not be able to leave for no other reason, you will return and now if you are going to make an excellent couple, you will return and you will only have eyes for me, you will only go out with me, you will only love me.
When the candle is already consumed and you have finished with the prayer, you are going to take the photograph and with the pen you are going to place the names of both behind it, and you are going to keep it inside your pillow. Once the spell takes effect, you will proceed to throw the photograph into the sea and thank heaven for the favor received.
Spell with the cigarette to make him think of me
Este hechizo es muy sencillo pero muy potente y efectivo, verás como al realizarlo esa persona solo pensará en ti, es estar a tu lado, en amarte y procurarte siempre. Tu serás lo único que estará en su mente tu y su amor para siempre:
Materiales a utilizar
- Un cigarrillo de la marca de tu preferencia
- Miel
- Encendedor o fósforo
- Una fotografía tuya
Paso a Paso
Lo primero que debes hacer para comenzar con este hechizo es tomar el cigarro y bañarlo con la miel, lo debes colocar al sol para que se seque, cunado este ya se encuentre seco completamente lo vas a proceder a encender y fumar el cigarro mientras y recitar la siguiente petición:
En el nombre de la señal del amor que te piso haz de dar.
Alma de los cuatro vientos te pido que (decir el nombre de la persona que deseas piense en ti) sueñe conmigo todas las noches, que en sus pensamientos solo este yo y nada más que yo, que por los siete espíritus y las siete ánimas cambie totalmente su deseo y solo pueda desearme a mí.
Espíritus ustedes que andan por todo el mundo recorriendo, calles y montes cuando entren a sus pensamientos (decir el nombre de la persona que deseas piense en ti), pongan mi imagen en su pensamiento que solo sea yo en lo que siempre piense día y noche, y que no pueda estar sin mí gracias a este hechizo y de esta forma me busqué desesperadamente.
Luego que el cigarro se consumió completamente vas a tomar las cenizas, las vas colocar sobre la foto y la doblas en cuatro partes, la guardarás en tu cartera para siempre. Recuerda nunca botar esa fotografía ya que es el hechizo para que esa persona solo piense en ti.
Hechizo con cigarro para enamorar
Materiales a utilizar
- Un cigarro
- Un lapicero de tinta roja
- Un poco de azúcar
- Encendedor o fósforo
Paso a Paso
Para comenzar con hechizo lo primero que se debe hacer es tomar el cigarro y con lapicero de tinta roja se va escribir a lo largo del cigarro de principio a fin el nombre de la persona que se desea enamorar.
Luego que el nombre este bien escrito en el cigarro se procede a encenderlo pensado siempre en esa persona que se quiere enamorar, con tus dedos vas a colocar un poco azúcar en el cigarro en la parte de donde se quema.
You are going to smoke your cigarette and in each puff you will say the following:
“Just as this cigarette is consumed, so (the name here) you will be consumed with love for me”
We have to do it 21 times in at least nine days. It only remains to wait for the person to reach you.
If this article prayer of the cigar, you have found interesting, do not forget to read the following that may also be to your total liking:
- The prayer for a pure cigar to recover a love
- Prayers of the holy death for an effective mooring
- Garbage Souls , Prayer for Lost Things
- Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel to recover love