Do you know what God’s promises are for the Christian woman? Discover them here
God’s promises to the Christian woman are full of love, mercy, understanding and recognition. God knows of our sacrifices as a woman and in each of his promises he rewards us, he is faithful and we must trust that he will fulfill what he promised.
What are God’s promises for the Christian woman?
Women have always occupied a prominent place in God’s plans, women have always been included in his plans to achieve his purposes and that is why, through his word we can recognize a significant number of promises addressed to devout women .
In all the divine plan there is the intervention of a woman, God having the power to simply leave his son on earth to preach his word and give his example, he relied on a woman to conceive his only son.
One of the first promises made by God is to sustain her at all times. God knows our important role in the world, he knows that it depends a lot on us that his path continues to be walked by his servants, by good children, that is why he promises to accompany us and sustain us in difficult times.
He invites us not to feel afraid when he takes our hand, because it is he who helps us, we can find this beautiful promise in Isaiah 41:13. It is enough to continue, to fill us with courage and strength and continue with our beautiful mission.
Knowing that we are fighters, that we are always dealing with difficult situations, that many times we work outside the home, when we get home we continue working to care for our loved ones and also as Christian women we attend to our duties and services with the church, another of the God’s promises to the Christian woman is to give us rest.
He beautifully acknowledges that we can wear ourselves out and offers us rest in him. She will provide us with the necessary rest, even more so if we feel overwhelmed. In the book of Matthew 11:28 God speaks clearly that anyone who is tired can approach him.
A promise of God for Christian women is to listen to us, how many times have we felt that we are alone that nobody listens to us, that we speak with the wind. We have felt this way simply because we forgot that God promised to listen to us always.
Whenever we feel the need to speak, we must remember God’s promise to Christian women, he will be waiting for us to listen to us, he will be attentive to our cries, to our requests. We must recognize that there is a permanently open channel to communicate with him, never again feel that they have no one to talk to. In the book of Psalm 18:6 is this beautiful promise: “When you cry, you moan, He will hear you and answer you”
We cannot believe that we cannot achieve something in this life, everything that we desire from the heart and is good and under His purposes, can be achieved because one of God’s promises to the Christian woman is that everything is possible. (See also: How many books does the new testament of the bible have )
With this powerful promise there are no problems without a solution, all you have to do is believe, have faith that everything that is within the purposes of the Lord will be possible, your requests will be heard, in addition to everything to confirm his promise we must know that in Christ his only son we can all.
We can read this promise in Matthew 9:23, it ratifies us that if we believe everything will be possible and the chances that this promise will be fulfilled are enormous because they are implicit in our faith.
God promises us permanent help when we need it, how can we feel unprotected if God the Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth, promised to help us. Psalm 121:1-2 expresses it, we cannot feel helpless in difficult situations, because one of God’s promises to Christian women is to help us in times of difficulty.
Isaiah 54:6-8 reminds us of his permanent presence, makes us a call that we cannot forget, when we feel alone, sad it is because we have forgotten him. Whenever you feel abandoned, you must remember that God’s love is present, that you must approach him to hear him and understand that you are not alone.
Even knowing that his mercy was forgotten, he will forget it and give you the comfort you need, because of God’s promises to the Christian woman is that we never feel alone, because he will always be present.
There are many promises of God for Christian women, his infinite love is revealed in each one of them, we can see that he cares for us, listens to us, helps us, provides for us and promises us that everything is possible. We just have to stay within his purposes and we will be blessed because he keeps his promises.
God’s love is infinite
Who else can promise the forgiveness of sins, for God to fulfill his promise we must only have faith, we must only accept Jesus as our Savior. He promises us that the Holy Spirit will guide us along the way and when our end comes, we will be by his side and live eternal life without suffering.
Men can lie but God always keeps his promises, he will always fulfill and we must trust that it will be so. His love for us is infinite because in his promises he helps us and accompanies us on this journey, but we also have promises for when we are no longer on this earthly plane.
We should not worry because God has promised to provide us abundantly and meet our needs. He loves us because he granted us the presence of the Holy Spirit to be able to bring love to every corner of the world.
We must remain faithful and not fall into temptations, evil will always lurk and we must stay on the path of good, only then can we have the promised prize, the crown of life for resisting and not giving up.
Earthly life is not easy, he never told us that, just by seeing the life of Jesus we recognize that it is full of sacrifices but in Christ we always find peace and this is a sign of infinite love from God the Father, who strengthens us keep going.
Qualities of a Christian woman
A Christian woman is a blessed woman because she is cared for and protected by God’s promises for Christian women. They live guided by the purpose of God, according to the will of God the Father Almighty.
A Christian woman organizes herself to always have time to serve the Lord, she herself is a blessing to others, she guides her family to a safe port, she recognizes the neighbor who needs her help. God declares us as valuable women, much more than precious stones, than jewels, Proverb 31:10. (See also: Miracle Prayer for Bible Studies )
Courage comes from within your dedicated, loving heart, respectful of God’s word. His value is demonstrated through exemplary behavior, because he blesses with his actions, with his words.
A Christian woman is trustworthy because she is an honest, loving, loyal woman. She doesn’t need more than she has because she trusts that God is in control of everything. She is a source of good, for all those she cares for and loves.
A Christian woman is industrious and it is her pleasure to do so, she keeps busy, there is no time for idleness. A Christian woman of this time, she is devoted to work outside her house, in her house and in the service of God, she studies the word and prepares herself to always evangelize. She is a female provider for her home.
Who doubts that a Christian woman knows how to manage assets, always manages the prosperity of her home, of her enterprises, is capable of doing several things at the same time so that she never lacks, neither love, nor shelter, nor shelter nor food . She is not capable of wasting anything, she does not leave anything to chance, she is wise so that she always yields what she has, she will make the most of everything she obtains, she is a multiplier of benefits.
She never stops reaching out her hand to those in need because a Christian woman is generous, always when she has little is when she gives the most, that is the way to show generosity, she knows that God will never abandon her, that he always listens to her and responds to her. She is an exemplary woman, her words are consistent with her actions, she always shows her good heart, regardless of the circumstances. She always lives under God’s will and his commandments.
The Christian woman is full of wisdom, she builds her home, she loves her husband and her children, she is a woman who always builds to bless her family. She is able to recognize that she is the central axis of her home, she is the calm breeze or the hurricane and she wisely always chooses the first option.
The Christian woman is beautiful, she understands that beauty flows from her heart, if she harbors love, kindness, obedience and blessing, it is not possible that the Christian woman is not beautiful in the eyes of God.
As time passes and we grow older, we become educators of the younger ones, always pleasing God first as a daughter, then as a wife, as a mother and as a friend. Sharing what they have learned in the way of the Lord glorifies them.